Time Nick Message 23:28 mtj thanks for the loc.gov link bag 23:28 mtj hi team 23:26 bag for sure! 23:23 dcook I'm really looking forward to the poutine haha 23:23 dcook Apparently I only leave my island for Kohacons >_> 23:23 dcook My last overseas trip was Kohacon in Portland, so it's about time for me to get out there 23:22 bag I am planning on it :) 23:21 dcook I take it you are too? 23:21 dcook I sure am 23:21 bag You going to Montreal for KohaCon? 23:21 bag heya dcook 23:20 bag https://catalog.loc.gov/vwebv/search?searchArg=Where%27s+Waldo+Amazing+Journeys&searchCode=GKEY%5E*&searchType=1&limitTo=none&fromYear=&toYear=&limitTo=LOCA%3Dall&limitTo=PLAC%3Dall&limitTo=TYPE%3Dall&limitTo=LANG%3Dall&recCount=25 23:20 dcook Haven't seen you on here in a while, bag! 23:19 bag Maybe because it’s Where’s Waldo in the US? 23:15 wajasu i tried to find a koha childrens library, or a city library that has a budget 23:15 wajasu since it was publishedin sept 2023 i din't see in the library of congress 23:15 wajasu yea 23:14 mtj ...looks like its just an online shopping store 23:13 mtj wajasu: can i get a marc record for isbn 9781406391091, from that page? 23:10 wajasu https://www.biblio.com/book/wheres-wally-amazing-journeys-handford-martin/d/1571274204 23:04 mtj hey folks, does anyone knwo where i can find a marc record for isbn 9781406391091 22:57 wajasu plus enabling multiple db instances for multile branches to exist for the inter library loan testing. 22:56 wajasu and possibly see if a healthcheck could help to know when the db was ready. 22:55 wajasu maybe even doing a mariabackup after the first populate sql, and seeing if subsequent runs could just do a mariarestore. 22:54 wajasu then i was exploring being able to have the db be able to populate its database by running that code from the shared volume mount. 22:51 wajasu i switched to a volume that not bind mounted, so once that gets loaded withthe koha git repo and latter the trranslation pos, its good. 22:50 wajasu i did build the koha-common, i'e' pbuilder stuff. its so nice compared to years ago. so my apt-cacher-ng is saving repetitive remote downloads. 22:47 wajasu so as packages are pulled from debian repos, they might be able to be cached and resued across koha version builds. 22:46 wajasu i just added an apt-cacher-ng to my exploration environment here. 22:45 wajasu i was just exploring docker watch. but, i think the yarn/node/gulp files are "watched" by a script. not sure. 22:44 wajasu domm[m]: i was just exploring making things container friendly too. I set things up a few years ago when docker was new and it has got more new features. I just wanted to take advantage of cache layers since the koha git repo has grown, and translation po are big. 22:06 domm[m] wajasu: I'm also interested in making Koha more container-friendly and have quite some experience with Docker/podman etc. I'm not sure what your goals and background are (I've only seen a lot of messages by you here...), but I'd love to be of any help (though not in the next 10 hours, because it's bedtime here...) 20:19 wajasu oh 20:19 wajasu ls 19:04 tuxayo People usually use bind mount but not rootless then :( 19:04 tuxayo ↑ wajasu 19:03 tuxayo Nice, I wonder how to sync a host directory with a volume. That would make things way easier to use. 19:03 tuxayo > i'll probably have time late tonight or tomorrow to continue looking. 19:03 tuxayo > well, i switch the Docker from a bind mount, to a docker local named-volume. So that working with rootless podman. 17:03 cait pushing the new and old bug bugs in the queue - back for more tomorrow 16:39 reiveune bye 16:23 ashimema always hard to track back to the root cause 16:23 ashimema love remote code failures like that.. silly libraries. 16:19 ashimema lovense remote 16:17 cait I don't know then 16:12 Joubu not enough to make the test fails 16:11 cait only 3 16:11 cait hm not that many, sec 16:10 Joubu 10, 100, 1000? 16:10 Joubu how many are "some"? 16:10 cait thanks :) 16:10 Joubu I will have a look at it tomorrow 16:09 cait but how to find the bad one? 16:09 cait so you are probably right 16:09 cait test env 16:09 cait Joubu: I do have some genrated libraries showing up in my text env 16:07 Joubu that's why we get a timeout on transfer_limit (double loop on all the libraries of the system) and here with CSRF (same, timeout because we are fetching all the libraries from the UI) 16:06 Joubu cait: csrf.xt is passing for me locally. I think the transfer_limits.t failure and this one are related. My guess it that we have a test that creates a lot of libraries and does not cleanup 15:32 chimster[m] any ideas? 15:31 chimster[m] Hi, my admin at 8080 is available on koha fresh install but OPAC is going me 404 15:25 cait can we just fix it? ;) 15:24 Joubu did I? :D 15:23 cait Joubu: i mean tyou pushed these ;) 15:23 cait btw... has someone figured out yet how to replace [% <<aqorders.listprice>> | $Price %] (ACQORDER email) - I guess i need to ove the whole template to a proper for-each? 15:23 Joubu no reason not to 15:23 cait yeah, then I didn't run it lcoally 15:22 Joubu yes, it's Auth/csrf.ts 15:21 cait hm part of the CSRF push? 15:21 Joubu never been passing actually.. 15:21 cait if it's a new test i certainly ran it locally for pushing 15:20 cait at the moment I don't know 15:20 cait Joubu: good question - it might have been hidden behind the transfer_limits fail 15:16 Joubu has it been passing already or always failing? 14:09 cait it looks like it happens when it tries to delete a library... but I don't think I touched anything in this area 14:08 cait hm the CSRF fail on D11 - anyone an idea about it? 13:40 tcohen MatthewBlenkinsop[m]++ 12:14 cait looks like chris/rangi succeeded 12:14 huginn` cait: Quote #94: "<chris> the more i explain, the more ppl know, and the less i have to do in the future ... its purely selfish hehe" (added by kf at 08:45 AM, September 13, 2010) 12:14 cait @quote random 12:14 cait oleonard: yeah 12:04 oleonard Love those quotes I have no memory of saying 12:03 huginn` cait: Quote #183: "oleonard: bridget jones + vampires, the only remaining mashup left." (added by wizzyrea at 07:36 PM, January 25, 2012) 12:03 cait @quote random 11:53 cait hola tcohen 11:53 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:51 huginn` cait: Quote #92: "<schuster> Why even learn when there is a genius in the room..." (added by jwagner at 01:43 PM, August 27, 2010) 11:51 cait @quote random 10:54 * ashimema looks back at the cookie consent bar alignement and tries to remember what owen did to fix it.. or what I meant when I reported it 10:54 cait but maybe post the link on the bug? 10:54 cait I'll keep it in mind when I hit that one 10:53 ashimema that looks really mucky to me 10:52 cait hm 10:52 ashimema indeed 10:52 cait hm, I will have a look at that one when I get there, too early to make final decisions without proper review 10:52 ashimema that's how it looks with the patches applied 10:51 * ashimema uploaded an image: (161KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/jGlFoRothijLYzxyKzJnJXJD/image.png > 10:51 cait and it's not fair to ask people to add jQuery to all their installations 10:51 ashimema are you talking cookies or tools/cataloging now? 10:51 cait for our installations 10:51 cait I haven't reviewed it yet, but i'd also prefer no changes now in the GUI 10:51 ashimema ah yeah.. that one confused me a bit 10:51 cait hm 10:50 cait hah, I found it, but it's not one of yours, still about the cookie consent: Bug 34792 - CookieConsentBar content feels mis-aligned 10:50 ashimema anyways.. not going to let it get me down today 10:50 ashimema I think I'd prefer it were on a pref though.. :(.. having to manually add jQuery to hide it feels cringy and to me it sets a precident to say "Don't even try to improve the UX/UI... you'll have to bring the old one back anyway" 10:49 ashimema but it's gone PQA now so I kinda assume ByWater partners are still complaining about it 10:49 ashimema I was hoping so ☹️ 10:48 cait I think by now, people are probably used to it? 10:48 cait I am also not sure about it 10:48 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32731 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Passed QA , Option for cataloguing tools to also be shown in Tools Home 10:48 * ashimema still doesn't like bug 32731 ☹️ 10:47 cait I am looking for it too, one sec 10:44 ashimema just one from Marcel "Whole bunch of deps in PQA and SO too. Skipping for now." 10:44 ashimema I don't see any comments from Kyle 10:44 ashimema hmm 10:43 * ashimema goes digging 10:42 cait I had a lot of small conflicts/fixes in the batch this morning, that took a bit of time. I will try to push another batch in the afternoon 10:41 cait I think there was a question on one of them by Kyle who didn't know how to test - not sure if you have seen that one 10:40 ashimema okies 10:40 cait I believe they are either marked as enh or are in the QA queue still 10:40 cait ashimema: I am working through the list ont he dashboard 10:39 * ashimema also wants the two NQA one's.. but they're uninteresting to QA people with the queue stuck I feel 10:38 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35346 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Passed QA , 'Accept essential cookies' should always appear if CookieConsent is enabled 10:38 ashimema bug 35346 and friends 10:38 ashimema we're running them all in production everywhere as the feature doesn't make much sense without them 10:38 ashimema are the cookie consent fixes all on your radar cait.. in my opinion they should all have gone in with cookie consent in the first place, but alas they annoyingly managed to span the release date! 10:09 cait first pushes of the day are in... get them while they are fresh 09:51 cait fridolin++ # RMaint1 09:17 * cait panically waves to magnuse 09:14 * magnuse waves to cait 09:07 cait I don't want anyone to feel left out ... 09:04 paulderscheid[m] Haha, you can't help it, huh? :D 09:01 cait I'll get a sore arm if you keep this up! :) 09:01 * cait waves 08:58 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 08:46 * cait waves 08:40 ashimema morning 08:40 * cait waves again 08:35 krimsonkharne[m] morning all 08:31 * cait waves 08:28 puphaus[m] good morning :) 07:42 cait1 good morning #koha 07:26 magnuse next gbsd? 07:26 magnuse next gbsd is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/2024-03-22_Global_bug_squashing_day 07:25 magnuse \o/