Time Nick Message 08:37 wajasu i've been working on koha-testing-docker. i wanted to be able to ktd up, and then ctrl-c then ktd up so i worked on trying to get the files/run.sh more idempotent. so one can restart. 08:38 wajasu i might have fixed a couple of places, and though the first ktd up pulls the transator files about 2.7Gb, the restart is quicker. 08:40 wajasu i wondered if we want the database to be left in place, on the subsequent ktd up runs. OR should it reset-all (i.e. drop the db, and repopluate) 08:43 wajasu we could try doing the git clone of the translation po stuff as part of the Dockerfile build image for koha/koha-testing:master then in the run.sh it could just git pull the differences 08:45 wajasu that way whoever builds that base image for koha/koha-testing:master would do that every few months or year. then that would be int the docker cache. 08:45 wajasu that way we would only need to get the changes with git pull 08:45 wajasu just an idea 08:45 wajasu to speed up ktd 08:47 wajasu that whole ktd is a work of art. i guess it's used for CD/CI builds too. 17:40 wajasu hurray! i got my tweaked ktd docker-compose-light.yml starting, stopping, starting on my podman machine as rootless. 17:54 wajasu well, docker pause koha_koha_1 and docker unpause koha_koha_1 works. not that we need that :0 20:34 tuxayo wajasu: hi :) 20:34 tuxayo ยซi wanted to be able to ktd up, and then ctrl-c then ktd up so i worked on trying to get the files/run.sh more idempotent. so one can restart.ยป 20:34 tuxayo I'm running `ktd up ; kd` so when I ctrl-c, it autocleans and I can restart without additional step. 20:35 tuxayo > i might have fixed a couple of places 20:35 tuxayo Work on KTD is very welcome :D 20:55 tuxayo wajasu: about persistence there this: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/410 20:55 tuxayo > i wondered if we want the database to be left in place, on the subsequent ktd up runs. OR should it reset-all (i.e. drop the db, and repopluate) 20:55 tuxayo It might be a historical bias due to the CI usage. If persistence works well, it could be a default and people would just reset_all if needed 20:56 tuxayo But maybe it's hard to account for the changes in the KTD that need a reset to get to a working state. I don't know how often that would break 20:57 tuxayo And how subtlety it would break. 20:57 tuxayo > we could try doing the git clone of the translation po stuff as part of the Dockerfile build image for koha/koha-testing:master then in the run.sh it could just git pull the differences 20:57 tuxayo The big downside is even larger images when updating 20:57 tuxayo It's already a lot 20:58 tuxayo The current solution has it persisting so it's great 20:58 tuxayo it: translations 21:00 tuxayo instead of downloading the translation history once on first start, it would be downloaded on every image update. Even though download via git and via docker images isn't comparable, there is one done repeatedly so that takes over any difference 21:02 tuxayo > that way whoever builds that base image for koha/koha-testing:master would do that every few months or year. then that would be int the docker cache. 21:02 tuxayo It needs much more frequent updates due to changes in perl dependencies. 21:02 tuxayo And changes in KTD itself. The image build is done automatically on a GitLab CI/CD worker. 21:03 tuxayo > that way we would only need to get the changes with git pull 21:03 tuxayo > to speed up ktd 21:03 tuxayo I'm not sure I get how that would speed up KTD, the first run you mean? To avoid downloading via git clone the whole translation history? And have it in the image which would be faster to DL. 21:04 wajasu yes download at first. then just changes afterward 21:04 wajasu the docker will keep a layer of the original clone. 21:05 tuxayo A lot is discarded on each image update 21:05 tuxayo Maybe the images could be done in a different way 21:06 wajasu how often does koha/koha_testing get rebuilt? monthly 21:07 tuxayo More often 21:07 tuxayo In the past it was each time there was a commit on main/master on Koha code, to be sure to have the perl deps 21:07 tuxayo Now it's smarter 21:07 tuxayo https://hub.docker.com/layers/koha/koha-testing/master-focal/images/sha256-8e64605abc1c69a9a0704fb506874b70f4fb5f07987fbc0e411a1a43221d7366?context=explore 21:07 wajasu well, i can build it once in 15min and use my local one all day. work bugs, etc. 21:08 tuxayo Every rebuild if the base Debian or Ubuntu is updated that invalidate all the layers bellow, so 100% 21:09 wajasu i am going to try multi-sage builds 21:10 tuxayo At least the image is rebuilt every KTD change on main/master to account for the changes in KTD itself 21:10 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/commits/master/?ref_type=HEADS 21:10 tuxayo At least in depency change in Koha's cpanfile 21:10 tuxayo https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/commits/branch/master/cpanfile 21:12 wajasu maybe a FROM scratch RUN git clone ...koha. then next stage is FROM debian:bullseye so i can keep the koha repo and switch OSes with same koha repo with cloning 21:12 tuxayo And maybe when our packing manager update perl dependencies in Koha deb repository. 21:12 tuxayo In the end, I think here is the overall build history https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/pipelines 21:13 wajasu i also got docker compose watch working so any change in the host koha that i clone from gets synced into the container one-way 21:13 tuxayo > i am going to try multi-sage builds 21:13 tuxayo Is that a way to avoid throwing away layers when the OS is updated for example? 21:13 wajasu i haven't been araound for a year so i have to get up to dat onthe yarn gulp js stuff. 21:14 tuxayo > maybe a FROM scratch RUN git clone ...koha 21:14 tuxayo If it's about Koha's code, it still needs to be cloned manually before starting KTD the 1st time. 21:15 wajasu does the current KTD watch and somehow rebuild the yarn or js stuff if new packages are added on the fly without a docker down/up? 21:15 tuxayo > does the current KTD watch and somehow rebuild the yarn or js stuff 21:15 tuxayo Not, that isn't in the images IIUC, it's done on start and on reset_all 21:16 wajasu ok. 21:16 tuxayo That would require to download like 1G every time there is a commit touching SCSS and typescript pushed on master 21:17 wajasu because that docker watch has an action: rebuild that can rebuild the yarn stuff without user intervention, just like the sync 21:17 tuxayo > i also got docker compose watch working so any change in the host koha that i clone from gets synced into the container one-way 21:17 tuxayo What is the host Koha? 21:17 tuxayo The repo of the code? 21:18 tuxayo Isn't your Koha code mounted as a volume in your KTD, so always in sync 21:18 wajasu yes the manual koha git pull. 21:18 tuxayo *? 21:19 wajasu my Dockerfile is COPY --chown=1000:1000 ./koha /kohadevbox/koha (4G) 21:20 wajasu the koha git repo is colocated relative to my Dockerfile and docker-compose-light.yml 21:20 wajasu i've been baby stepping this stuff 21:21 tuxayo Is that for some sort of production/preproduction? 21:21 tuxayo How do you work on the code if it's not differently synced? Like needed to restart KTD on each change. Maybe i'm totally missunderstanding 21:21 wajasu i couldn't use docker watch without an initial copy into the container 21:21 tuxayo the workflow here 21:21 tuxayo *differently => directly 21:21 tuxayo typo-- 21:22 wajasu i added watch support the the compose file. https://docs.docker.com/compose/file-watch/ 21:22 wajasu it came out in october2023 21:24 tuxayo Ok, so you indeed do dev work on that setup. 21:24 tuxayo So each time you make a change there is some big process to have it deployed, right? That's why the startup time is even more critical for you. 21:24 wajasu is added the watch lines to the existing docker-compose-light.yml and using my koha pre-copied into the koha-testing image, it 21:25 wajasu yes i can do dev work from the host OS, and it shows up on the fly in the container. 21:26 tuxayo on the fly after something like a rebuild and a restart of the container, is that how it works? 21:26 wajasu the goal is to be able to change tt or javascript/packages, and see results on the fly. 21:27 wajasu i am trying to get it so i don't have to stop/start the container. i just code, and then refresh the browser. 21:29 wajasu it seems to work now where i can build my local koha-testing image, then i can work onthe files/run.sh and not have to wait to pull the translations pos. 21:29 wajasu that saves time. 21:29 tuxayo > i am trying to get it so i don't have to stop/start the container. i just code, and then refresh the browser. 21:29 tuxayo The default KTD workflow allows that almost, just need to setup a watch for yarn. 21:29 tuxayo Otherwise the default workflow is just to code, run `yarn build` or `yarn build --view opac` and refresh the browser. 21:31 wajasu yes! if we add those yarn statements to a docker watch section action, it would happen on each change i think. 21:33 tuxayo Why is there a need to have the code not mounted on a volume? Because that's what require rebuilding image or a least a light version and there restarting it. 21:33 tuxayo * light version of a rebuild and there 21:33 tuxayo *and then 21:34 tuxayo Now having the code mounted from the host to the container implies a much heavier process to manage code changes. 21:35 tuxayo *Not having 21:35 tuxayo Sorry for the typos >_< 21:35 wajasu i originally was trying to run on podman with a rootless container. no root. but the chown -R that happens in a docker volume whether directly or indirectly runs for way over 40 mins if it ever completes. 21:36 wajasu so i move to my docker machine, an found out about docker compose watch. 21:36 wajasu podman doesn't have watch, i think. 21:37 tuxayo > i originally was trying to run on podman 21:37 tuxayo cool 21:37 tuxayo If it's a drop-in replacement for Docker, isn't that a bug with the volumes? 21:37 wajasu docker doesn't do rootless 21:38 wajasu with this setup, today, i actually ran the ktd rootless (no root) 21:38 wajasu there were two places in the files/run.sh that complained about not having root 21:39 wajasu hostname kohadevbox was one 21:39 wajasu apachectl enable was another 21:39 tuxayo Because it seems it really messes things up to have the volumes not working and having to circumvent that case of volumes being really really fitting for that. (code that one changes directly) 21:39 tuxayo > i actually ran the ktd rootless (no root) 21:39 tuxayo nice 21:39 wajasu but maybe we could configure the koha dev user with sudo and allow those 21:40 tuxayo Isn't there still a bug that prevents you from using volumes? That doesn't look like something inherently incompatible with a rootless setup 21:40 tuxayo worst case, a network mount 21:41 tuxayo to circumvent the volume issue 21:41 wajasu the curent volume is a bind mount. 21:41 wajasu i am goinf to try a standalone or compose created mount 21:41 wajasu just for the koha git repo 21:42 wajasu then we could configure the koha_db to mount it and populate itself upon restart. 21:43 wajasu if that was useful 21:43 tuxayo > the curent volume is a bind mount. 21:43 tuxayo Isn't it this? โโ 21:43 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/blob/master/docker-compose.yml?ref_type=heads#L36 21:44 tuxayo > i am goinf to try a standalone or compose created mount 21:44 tuxayo hope it works :) 21:45 tuxayo > then we could configure the koha_db to mount it and populate itself upon restart. 21:45 tuxayo Maybe there is interesting stuff for you in the place that use the USE_EXISTING_DB_FLAG , that's the current way to do persistence. 21:45 tuxayo *places 21:47 wajasu I think that SYNC_REPO is the colocated koha directory, i may be wrong 21:48 tuxayo > use the USE_EXISTING_DB_FLAG 21:48 tuxayo wait, that's the new thing introduced my the pending merge request for persistence, so you would find it in main/master 21:49 tuxayo > I think that SYNC_REPO is the colocated koha directory, i may be wrong 21:49 tuxayo Yes, so it's a volume, not a bind mount, I don't know if that changes something with rootless usage. 21:50 wajasu i was debugging the files/run.sh and since i was trying to run it multiple times, not just on container rebuilds, the function append_if_absent or such might have been broke. so i fixed it. so I dont get multiple apache listner lines, and /etc/hosts entries 21:51 wajasu i strted just doing docker build . with the dists/bullseye/Dockerfile, thenmoved on to the compose-light file. 21:53 wajasu if the compose SYNC_REPO is a directory, its bind mount. if its a named_volume its a docker manaed volume. i believe 21:53 wajasu i just got back into this stuff a couple of days ago. 21:54 wajasu i was also experimenting with tmpfs volume, but gave up. i think i know what i did wrong. 21:55 wajasu but if i could pull into memory based volumes, i might speed up things rebuilding. my new box has 64G RAM 22:00 wajasu now i also copied the .env into /kohadevbox/dotenv in the Dockerfile and have this available if running scripts. 22:01 wajasu i just tried switching USER 0 and USER 1000 in the Dockerfile so that files are chown'ed accordingly in the image. that kept me from doing that for the translations git pull. 22:02 wajasu that recursive chown in the run.sh is slow if doing so in a docker volume for some reason. 22:02 wajasu of course our koha git repo is huge. 22:04 wajasu i was playing with bullseye-slim and it saved 100MB in the testing image. it just pulled more when the apt-get packages ran. 22:05 wajasu perl:5.38.2-bullseye was an option to lock down the exact version of perl outside of the OS version. it might be work looking into. 22:07 tuxayo > if the compose SYNC_REPO is a directory, its bind mount. if its a named_volume its a docker manaed volume. i believe 22:07 tuxayo ah, ok, inspection confirmed it's a bind mount 22:09 tuxayo > if its a named_volume its a docker manaed volume. 22:09 tuxayo Would trying that way (named volumes) have more changed to get you to a seamless workflow that having rebuilt the images just to get code changes. 22:10 tuxayo *chances 22:11 wajasu having a named volume is more portable i think. it would get mounted the same way. 22:11 tuxayo Still a bind mount? 22:11 wajasu then we just git pull against it all day 22:12 wajasu https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55366386/difference-between-docker-volume-type-bind-vs-volume 22:13 wajasu the volume with grow over time, plus we can mount is and its sharable across containers. 22:14 wajasu we could make the koha_db mount it readonly and execute the sql to populate. 22:14 wajasu i might be able to stop/rm and rebuild the koha_db while keeping the other containers up. 22:15 wajasu if the koha database reconnect logic is on place, we would be fine. 22:15 wajasu then we could switch out postgres on the fly. 22:16 tuxayo > https://blog.christophersmart.com/2021/01/31/volumes-and-rootless-podman/ 22:16 tuxayo thanks 22:17 tuxayo oops, mixed the links 22:17 wajasu i don;t know how the CD/CI pipelne is setup, but if ots using docker and we can share docker cache layers across different OS builds, it would be less resource intesnse 22:17 tuxayo > https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55366386/difference-between-docker-volume-type-bind-vs-volume 22:17 tuxayo thanks 22:17 wajasu you will see there are tmpfs memory based volumes too. 22:18 wajasu i wonder if i can build all in memory and speed up things 22:18 wajasu of course git push to a repo. 22:19 wajasu but if the CD/CI had lots of RAM it might prevent alot of DISK IO 22:19 tuxayo > i wonder if i can build all in memory and speed up things 22:19 tuxayo Maybe there is still hope to avoid having to rebuild a lot of stuff on code change: 22:19 tuxayo https://blog.christophersmart.com/2021/01/31/volumes-and-rootless-podman/ 22:19 tuxayo https://www.tutorialworks.com/podman-rootless-volumes/ 22:19 tuxayo I don't know enough about container to know if that fits your case. 22:20 wajasu docker has "include" so docker fragments could be included and "export" so test coverage reports could be exported to disk 22:21 wajasu the ktd scripts are awesome, and still the way to go for most folks. 22:22 tuxayo But there must be a way for podman rootless users to have their app code being immediately available. I still can't believe one must rebuild the container for that. 22:22 wajasu it would be nice to provide an koha cloud-int package, so folks could just run in linode or other cloud providers, 22:23 wajasu podman containers are one thing. VM's are another. 22:23 wajasu podman does run rootful as well. 22:23 tuxayo Is that how everyone uses it? 22:24 wajasu i can develop lightweight container services, running as a regular user in the container. 22:24 tuxayo And that rootless is doomed no be able to just share code between host and container? 22:25 wajasu when i need to map the the host, with a bind mount, the user inthe container is a different process id fromthe regular user on the host. 22:25 wajasu so root can read/write anywhere so that works 22:26 tuxayo If on the host, we chmod 777 the koha code, wouldn't it work? 22:27 wajasu i hit the problem where the koha git repo bind mounted was user 101000 and the host was uid 1000. the ktd would try to write the po files or other files and have permission problems 22:28 wajasu i could 777 the koha code, but podman is strict, the processes inthe container are not root(0) or the host user(1000), they get automatically assigned from a range. 22:29 tuxayo > they get automatically assigned from a range 22:29 tuxayo Wouldn't that still work with 777? 22:31 wajasu so when the files/run.sh is run at koha_koha1 container start, it may try to write to the koha git repo ( a host uid, coud be root, cold be joe), but the uid in the container is kohadev(101000) and the host OS and linux kernel cgroups wont let you write to a shard filesystem. otherwise the the container would be able to write file as root, and that would be bad 22:37 wajasu i used to buikld everything from scratch years ago, pulling allthe perl packages was a nightmare. i had a script do it, but slooow. 22:37 tuxayo > and the host OS and linux kernel cgroups wont let you write to a shard filesystem 22:37 tuxayo Ho really T_T 22:37 wajasu thank goodnes for koha-common 22:37 tuxayo ^^ 22:38 tuxayo > Ho really T_T 22:38 tuxayo I though at worse having a umask at 000 would do with the issue for when the container needs to create files in the koha code. 22:38 wajasu i think if we can get koha to run in a container rootless, more people will develop with it in the future. 22:38 wajasu plus with my podman, we kould make kubernetes pods. :) 22:39 tuxayo > i think if we can get koha to run in a container rootless, more people will develop with it in the future. 22:39 tuxayo What barrier to development would that remove? 22:39 wajasu it would be nice if ktd had two databases supporting two branches. centerville, and fairfield, then we could debug interlibrary loans and such 22:40 wajasu just like having elasticsearch, we could startup the "other branch" 22:40 tuxayo If any change to code needs an image rebuild **that** will be a barrier to developement. 22:40 tuxayo On my 2012 PC, restart_all takes 30 seconds, I can't imagine if I have to rebuild images. ๐ 22:41 wajasu tcohen or whoever would rebuild the koha testing image 22:42 wajasu but i would expect could only be done monthly, for testers. 22:44 wajasu i didn't mention that if we put a git pull/fetch in the run.sh, just the new changes will be pulled into the container volume. 22:44 wajasu for the koha repo 22:45 tuxayo > it would be nice if ktd had two databases supporting two branches. centerville, and fairfield, then we could debug interlibrary loans and such... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tnXgBIdtJUROpUMCtLUWIjyh>) 22:45 tuxayo - make it easy to run two KTD side by side 22:45 tuxayo - make it easy in KTD to spawn a second koha in the same container (the debian commands already do most of the work to have two instance, then some container command to expose more port should do it) 22:45 tuxayo > or whoever would rebuild the koha testing image 22:45 tuxayo rebuild the image for what? 22:45 wajasu so if the image is built in january, then you refresh that, and the daily/hourly git pulls will be minimal 22:46 wajasu the koha-testing image that is currently mentioned in docker-compose-light.yml 22:47 wajasu i guess its being pulled from docker.io or some koha-community resource 22:47 tuxayo > i didn't mention that if we put a git pull/fetch in the run.sh, just the new changes will be pulled into the container volume. 22:47 tuxayo > for the koha repo 22:47 tuxayo You mean having the whole Koha code in the image? ๐ฑ 22:48 wajasu yes. i have the whole koha code in the image now in my setup 22:48 tuxayo How would local branches persist if the Koha code on the host? 22:49 tuxayo *is not on the host 22:49 wajasu the docker compose can rebuild a local koha git repo. but either way the image has the 4G koha repo in the volume. the translations inthe image too (2.7G) 22:49 tuxayo > yes. i have the whole koha code in the image now in my setup 22:49 tuxayo not really because it's copied from your host , it depend on having it on the host the rebuilding it 22:50 wajasu yes, i have the option to rebuild locally, so i can work on it. 22:51 wajasu but if this gets into the mainline, the one that people pull down from docker.io or such would start out that way. 22:51 wajasu then git pulls from master would be small 22:52 tuxayo > the docker compose can rebuild a local koha git repo. but either way the image has the 4G koha repo in the volume. the translations inthe image too (2.7G) 22:52 tuxayo Isn't that way too large to have full koha code and i18n git in the images? 22:52 tuxayo So better having none of that in the images. 22:52 wajasu my koha testing image is 9G 22:53 wajasu either you pull it down once, and docker caches it. OR youe keep pulling the 2.7G translation files on every ktd down/up cycle. 22:54 wajasu right now the the run.sh will pull just the changes for the po files. 22:54 tuxayo Which is fine 22:54 wajasu but you just mentioned earlier that there are many po changes 22:55 wajasu maybe its the nature of the web translation software. 22:55 wajasu i assumed that an occasional file hear or there. 22:56 tuxayo At worse, let's make disableable the auto update of the .po files for people that start ktd a lot and prefers to manually pull the i18n from time to time 22:56 wajasu but there is a SKIP_L10N or such that could be turned on to skip that now. I was going to get that into the run.sh container environment 22:57 wajasu but we might need to put a commandline ENV parameter withthe ktd up to skip pulling down. 22:57 tuxayo > my koha testing image is 9G 22:57 tuxayo I think that will literally take me 20 min to update the images with that size. And when trying stuff between multiple Debian or ubuntu version to troubleshoot a bug or try something on 23.11, 23.05, 22.11 etc, that will be big hiderance 22:58 wajasu we don't want that. 22:59 wajasu i suppose the cached 23.11, ... versions would get cached in the docker cache and subsequent builds when you switch would be quick. 23:00 tuxayo > maybe its the nature of the web translation software. 23:00 tuxayo At least that's of approach of weblate, make on commit for each translation session of a given contributor 23:00 tuxayo To ensure attribution and traceability I think. 23:01 wajasu i'm going to explore the resources needed to sustain all those builds versions. 23:01 wajasu if you guys are using jenkins, and its building what we see in the dashboard, that wold be a goog test. 23:02 wajasu when the make commit happens, does it rebuild all the po's or just the ones that changed? 23:02 tuxayo > but there is a SKIP_L10N or such that could be turned on to skip that now. I was going to get that into the run.sh container environment 23:02 tuxayo Great, so no need to include l10n or koha code in the image, then? 23:02 wajasu i haven't used the weblate, so ... 23:02 tuxayo > but we might need to put a commandline ENV parameter withthe ktd up to skip pulling down. 23:02 tuxayo Isn't that SKIP_L10N ? .env and ENV are shared 23:03 wajasu the compose file uses the .env 23:03 tuxayo and ENV 23:03 wajasu the Dockerfile doesn't 23:03 wajasu i believe 23:03 tuxayo ah maybe 23:04 wajasu i put a COPY of the .env in the Dockerfile at /kohadevbox/dotenv and then is sourced it at the top of the run.sh 23:05 wajasu i was going to put the skip var intheh .envbut now i realize that the run.sh wont get .env changes 23:05 tuxayo > i suppose the cached 23.11, ... versions would get cached in the docker cache and subsequent builds when you switch would be quick. 23:05 tuxayo There still would be a need to download, right? Even if not building locally. If I would need to build a 9G that more than 20 min I would need T_T 23:05 wajasu so the Dockerfile idea is no good 23:06 wajasu i haven;t checked. 23:06 wajasu i am about to change the base image. to say bullseye-slim, and see. 23:07 wajasu will it reuse the latter cached layers, or? wait 23:07 tuxayo almost sure not 23:07 tuxayo Because the base OS is first, so it can't keep the rest IIUC 23:09 tuxayo Unless some special stuff would be done. But we surely don't do that. At the time when every commit to master would rebuild an image, even if I had yesterday's images, all layers would be downloaded 23:11 wajasu i believe you are right, but i have an idea 23:11 tuxayo :D 23:11 tuxayo > i'm going to explore the resources needed to sustain all those builds versions. 23:11 tuxayo If you aim for having stuff uptreamed to ktd, then try emailing the koha-devel about your ideas. There are a few people that use a lot docker and might have good ideas to help you. 23:13 wajasu if i put the koho repo and translations before the OS, then maybe we can replace the OS, and keep those big pulls, then after latter, git pull/fetch the new changes 23:13 tuxayo And also podman chats and forums maybe, there are likely people that solved similar problems as you face without having even larger images or having to rebuild the image to have the changes deployed 23:13 wajasu that way we resue the first two repo layers 23:14 tuxayo Ah that might work 23:14 tuxayo How do local branches work in such a setup? 23:15 tuxayo If I have my branch with a WIP how does it fare with KTD having the repo in the image? 23:16 wajasu ok. you are correct. the latter layers are not using any CACHED layers. 23:16 wajasu i expect the git brnach change command would work fine. i haven't tried it yet. 23:17 tuxayo Where would it be stored and persisted? 23:17 tuxayo If there isn't anymore the repo on the host 23:17 wajasu if i have docker compose watch, it would see the git branch change (i hope) and sync the files. now we would be working another bug or feature. 23:18 tuxayo Where would the git repo for the code be? 23:18 tuxayo Only in the container? 23:19 wajasu the compose watch rule woould automatically rebuild the yarn stuff, and the translations would stay the same as they would be gitignored 23:19 wajasu i haven't got there yet. 23:19 wajasu my bullseye-slim is building. lets see if it works. 23:20 wajasu after that i'll try moving the repos to the front of the Docker 23:20 tuxayo ok, hopefully there isn't the need to download twice the koha code ^^ Once on the host and one in the images 23:20 tuxayo > i think if we can get koha to run in a container rootless, more people will develop with it in the future. 23:20 tuxayo What was the idea behind that again? I don't think I heard of that being an barrier to contribution. 23:22 wajasu well, i am in archlinux, and i am not sure podman can be installed with docker (coexist) i just built this new dev box 23:23 wajasu people run docker in podman containers, but i need speed. 23:25 wajasu well, bullseye-slim worked. the STAFF client is up. 23:25 wajasu now i will explore putting the repos in front. 23:30 wajasu i figure tuxayo is koha's AI that I've been talking too 23:31 tuxayo koha's AI ?? 23:32 tuxayo > well, i am in archlinux, and i am not sure podman can be installed with docker (coexist) i just built this new dev box 23:32 tuxayo There isn't a sign of that https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Podman 23:32 tuxayo (of that being an issue) 23:33 tuxayo > well, bullseye-slim worked. the STAFF client is up. 23:33 tuxayo nice 23:33 wajasu great. i'll put docker in as well if possible. 23:37 wajasu i need to take a break. before i try to change the layer order, or use multi stage. i need to read up. 23:37 wajasu grabbing dinner. 23:37 wajasu i might be back in tonight, but maybe not. 23:38 tuxayo good luck with your wizardry ^^