Time Nick Message 06:26 cait JasonGreene[m]: you can't store duplicate barcodes in Koha - the field is unique in the database. You could add a prefix, maybe something like https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-barcode-transformer could help, if it allows to use/add a prefix on scanning dependent on the homebranch of the item 06:40 * cait1 waves 06:53 cait @later tell ping marcelr 06:53 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded. 06:53 cait @later tell marcelr ping! 06:53 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded. 07:02 cait tcohen: hola 07:04 magnuse \o/ 07:04 magnuse oops, i forgot about the gbsd. but the poll says friday the 22nd, so a week from today 07:05 cait still enough time to advertise :) 07:05 cait Friday is community day, right? :) 07:08 marcelr o/ 07:09 marcelr cait? 07:09 cait hello sec 07:41 Joubu cait: I would not push 36277 without a proper review 07:42 cait hm, I had a look, ran tetsts and such 07:42 cait you think there is a risk of regression? 07:43 cait hm I need review on the crud patches too 07:43 cait because transfer limits advanced editor is broken in master (CSRF) 07:44 cait do you know if that is reported yet? 07:44 Joubu really? I've tried yesterday and it was working 07:44 Joubu what's broken? 07:44 cait QA for bug 36190 07:44 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36190 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , op param for stateful requests must start with 'cud-' 07:44 cait the advenced editor table is not coming up 07:44 cait let me check logs 07:44 cait the simple one looks ok 07:45 cait /cgi-bin/koha/admin/transfer_limits.pl 07:46 Joubu it's usint the REST API, and it's working for me 07:46 cait can you confirm? 07:46 cait interesting 07:46 cait let's see 07:46 Joubu you need to select something in the dropdown 07:46 Joubu " Select a collection: " 07:46 cait oh silly me 07:47 Joubu yes, it's blinking when the page loads, it's not really nice.. 07:47 cait you are right of course, but better me than a bug 07:47 marcelr Joubu: what is our workaround now for large posts without state change ? 07:48 marcelr note that changing to get is not always what you want either 07:48 marcelr get parameters end up in logfiles etc 07:49 marcelr would it be a fake cud- operation? 07:49 cait Joubu: i will remove the patches from my branch 07:49 marcelr op=cud-fake 07:49 Joubu cud-noop 07:49 marcelr no occurrences yet 07:49 marcelr but maybe one for inventory? 07:49 Joubu not yet 07:50 Joubu maybe one for patron search 07:51 cait i saw it on a bug from NIck I think 07:51 cait but not sure which one 08:04 cait marcelr++ 08:04 cait thanks, just what I needed :) 08:09 krimsonkharne[m] morning all 08:16 cait hi krimsonkharne[m] :) 08:20 krimsonkharne[m] morning cait :) 08:32 cait Do we have a patch for fixing CsRF in inventory yet? 08:32 cait ah, found it! 08:36 cait on last steps of first push for today 08:37 cait if we could get QA on bug 36277 too today, that woudl be great 08:37 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36277 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , t/db_dependent/api/v1/transfer_limits.t is failing 08:43 cait This was Jenkins, CSRF and bug fixes - heading into a meeting, keep them coming :) 09:47 ashimema i'm looking now 09:48 cait thanks! 09:48 cait Jenkins is still working things out, waiting for results before working on the next batch 10:06 cait mtj: around? 10:28 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 10:31 cait ok, Jenkins unhappy - but just the one test in the works already 10:32 marcelr hi paulderscheid[m] 10:32 paulderscheid[m] hi marcelr 10:49 paulderscheid[m] Could anyone tell me what this argument is used for? $no_block_due_date in C4::SIP::ILS 10:50 paulderscheid[m] (&checkout) 10:52 paulderscheid[m] And as a bonus, which one is the right documentation for SIP2 (I think it is SIP2, right)? 10:54 cait hm, I think I found a bug with ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF 10:55 marcelr i thought we fixed them all :) 10:56 marcelr PedroAmorim[m]++ 10:57 marcelr paulderscheid[m]: SIP2 (version 2) was published in 2006, are you working on SIP3 ? 10:58 ashimema LCF 10:59 cait paulderscheid[m]: do you need a link? 10:59 tcohen hola #koha o/ 10:59 cait paulderscheid[m]: the one from 3M is the one usually referred to I think 11:00 marcelr hola tcohen 11:00 marcelr i was just about to leave ;) 11:00 marcelr go to the playa 11:00 cait just for people interested (maybe noone): if you use "Write off all" you get an email per written off fine. if you use "write off selected" you get one nice summary email. 11:00 paulderscheid[m] Ok, thanks cait++ marcelr++ 11:01 cait marcelr: sounds fun :) thanks for the QA 11:01 marcelr no it is still a bit cold :) 11:01 ashimema yuk.. that's not very nice is it cait 11:01 marcelr ashimema: what is the LCF of MARC21 btw 11:01 ashimema wha... 11:02 ashimema LCF is Library Communications Framework.. and in theory it's the proposed replacement for SIP2 (i.e. it.s SIP3)... but it's just another blooming API to maintain in my opinion 11:03 ashimema we have a plugin for it now at ptfs-e.. still a work in progress but as none of the vendors actually support it yet it's a bit of a hard sell 11:03 ashimema (but it's in every tender we respond to and has been for many years so we kinda had to do it to be able to tick the box without outrighy lieing) 11:05 cait ashimema: not ideal I'd say - also lost track of it and just ran into it again, it looks like I had alredy found it once before: 32429 11:05 cait bug 32429 11:05 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32429 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , With "Write off all" UseEmailReceipts sends emails for each, with "Write off selected" a digest 11:05 paulderscheid[m] That sounds cool nonetheless ashimema 11:05 cait I upped severity a bit, it's confusing to the patrons with the remaining amounts 11:05 paulderscheid[m] Is it not worth the effort? 11:06 ashimema lcf you mean paulderscheid 11:06 ashimema it's hard.. why solve a solved problem again 😜 11:06 ashimema that's the key challange here.. SIP2 works and works well and has done for decades 11:07 paulderscheid[m] yes 11:07 ashimema whilst we all know it's flaws.. getting everyone to adopt an entirely new standard is hard 11:07 paulderscheid[m] from what i quickly skimmed through it sounds like it's more flexible 11:07 paulderscheid[m] That I understand. 11:08 paulderscheid[m] Will be a couple of decades 4 sure. 11:08 cait and there is also NCIP 11:08 ashimema it's scope it a bit wider.. but then.. we already also have svc/rest/unapi/ncip/etc etc etc 11:08 paulderscheid[m] The thing w/ standards is, there should be only one. 11:08 cait you know the xkcd comic about that one? 11:08 ashimema so yeah.. it's 'yet another one to support' from the Koha perspective.. and 'a non-issue' for most suppliers using SIP2 11:09 paulderscheid[m] Please share cait 11:09 ashimema it's already entering it's second decade soon I think 😜 11:09 cait I am not sure if LCF is actally widely supported yet by providers even, they seem quite happy with SIP2 or NCIP 11:09 paulderscheid[m] Haha, yeah change can be slow. 11:09 paulderscheid[m] Maybe not ALWAYS a bad thing. 11:09 cait https://m.xkcd.com/927/ 11:10 paulderscheid[m] Forgot about that one :D Thanks cait 11:10 cait afk for a little while, lunch and such, bbl 11:10 ashimema yup.. LCF has been in our queue for maybe 6 years.. and we just got to doing the basics of it here.. and have partners who in theory already NEED it.. but as soon as we said, right, we're done.. can we test against your endpoints to make sure we did it right.. they basically turned round and admitted their lie that nothing yet exists on their ends either 11:10 ashimema it's a pain 11:11 paulderscheid[m] What the ... 11:12 paulderscheid[m] (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 11:23 tcohen hola marcelr! 12:49 cait so... can I push it now? :) 12:49 cait (the tests patch discussed earlier) 12:49 cait but got to get through my last meeting of today first 13:45 magnuse anynoe familiar with bug 6796? am i right in thinking that is not intended to display the opening hours to the public? just for hourly loans and fines and such? 13:45 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6796 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Passed QA , Overnight checkouts taking into account opening and closing hours 13:53 cait I think it doesn't include a display for the OPAC yet 13:53 cait IIRC 13:54 cait ok, meeting done *puts on her RM cape* 13:57 Joubu take bug 36332 13:57 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36332 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , JS error on moremember 13:57 Joubu no idea since when it's there, but it can be bad 13:57 cait there are so many... 13:58 cait without QA? ;) 13:58 Joubu it's PQA now 14:03 cait I am on it, give m a moment :) 14:21 Joubu @later tell oleonard what's your opinion on bug 36333? 14:21 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 14:24 cait bug 36333 14:24 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36333 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Remove all empty lines from template's output 14:35 cait Joubu: got that one and the transfer limits 14:38 cait Joubu++ # bug clean-up 14:39 cait who else is curious if Jenkins will turn green? :) 14:40 tcohen \o 14:43 magnuse o/ 14:43 tcohen go jenkins, go 14:43 magnuse the poll has spoken, and there will be https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/2024-03-22_Global_bug_squashing_day 14:44 magnuse that page lists some volunteers. i will be sneaky and leave them there. if you want to add or remove names, please do so in the template: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Template:Globsquad 14:45 magnuse oops, this template should be edited: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Template:Globsqua 14:46 cait ah well, always the friendly guide, not sure I coudl shake that off :D 14:52 Joubu [off] lol? ProtectSuperlibrarianPrivileges is only used TT side? not enforced in the controller? want more sec bugs?? 14:53 Joubu ok, friday afternoon, it's in the controller! \o/ 14:53 cait I was tring to figure out how to tell you to remember to breathe :) 14:53 cait magnuse++ # organising GBSD 14:53 cait I better block my next Friday 15:05 domm[m] I've (finally) submitted a pull request to koha-testing-docker that documents how you can start Plack with hot-reload: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/492 15:10 cait oh exciting! 15:11 cait probably the wrong person to review, but I would not mind it working 15:11 cait :) 15:21 ashimema I reviewed.. and merged... 15:21 ashimema 😄 15:34 cait domm[m]++ 15:35 domm[m] ashimema: thanks! 15:40 cait nice Community Friday :) 15:40 cait ashimema++ too 16:01 reiveune bye 16:37 cait havve a nice weekend all! 17:32 JasonGreene[m] I made a change to koha-conf.xml to work with a plugin .... does koha have a restart or do I need to reboot the server? 17:43 JasonGreene[m] <cait> "Jason Greene: you can't store..." <- thanks... I looked at it and it seems to be for an older version of Koha... I don't see this page or option. 17:43 JasonGreene[m] "Once set up is complete you will need to alter your Use KohaPlugins system preference. On the Tools page you will see the Tools Plugins and on the Reports page you will see the Reports Plugins." 18:23 JasonGreene[m] We made the plugin change and restarted the system... still don't have any "add plugin" option am I missing something