Time Nick Message 06:17 tuxayo hi #koha :) 06:18 tuxayo dcook around ? 06:20 tuxayo on bug 33898 comment 6 what's the problem you and Marcel pointed about using signals here? We can add more details in the ticket to hopefully unblock it. 06:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33898 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , background_jobs_worker.pl may leave defunct children processes for extended periods of time 07:15 cait domm[m]: reset_all should also work - it probably needs to copy the file into the right place, at least that's what happens with Zebra 07:16 cait puphaus[m]: we usually reindex for big updates, but we also often change/update index configuration at this point. you don't strictly need to, for small updates (bugfix releases) we usually don't 07:19 reiveune hello 07:23 marcelr o/ 07:24 cait brb 07:24 ashimema Morning 07:25 magnuse \o/ 07:25 magnuse choose your preferred dates for the next gbsd, please! https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/en/p/4939a0075ab483d3d337f955859f824f-633050 07:30 marcelr hi ashimema magnuse 07:41 magnuse hiya marcelr 07:41 magnuse mtj around? 07:58 marcelr @later tell khall please look at bug 33898 07:58 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded. 08:26 ashimema @later tell cait let me know if you continue to have issues applying bug 35248.. it works seamlessly for me 08:26 huginn` ashimema: The operation succeeded. 08:29 cait1 will resume pushing soon, but some otehr stuff to deal with in the morning hours 08:34 cait1 fridolin++ 09:17 PedroAmorim[m] \o 09:34 mtj Hi Magnuse, about ish. 🥞 09:45 mtj You can msg me on signal, if needed... ❤️ 09:46 magnuse mtj: sorry, no stress! i just wanted to ask if you could add some more info on bug 33018, if you have the time for it. so we can get it moving 09:46 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33018 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtj, Needs Signoff , debian package tidy-up 09:57 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 10:01 cait1 morning paulderscheid[m] 10:01 paulderscheid[m] hi cait1 10:02 cait1 oh I am numbered again :( 10:27 * cait unnumbered 11:05 marcelr @later tell kidclamp could you have a look at the last patch on 35920 (still wip but feedback appreciated) 11:05 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded. 11:20 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:28 cait hola tcohen :) 13:21 Joubu @later tell tcohen can you QA 34755 please? 13:21 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 13:23 magnuse for bug 36137, how can i check if the holds queue was updated or not? feels like i should know, but it's friday afternoon... 13:23 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36137 normal, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Needs Signoff , update_totalissues.pl should always skip_holds_queue 13:24 magnuse @later tell mtj sorry, no stress! i just wanted to ask if you could add some more info on bug 33018, if you have the time for it. so we can get it moving 13:24 huginn` magnuse: The operation succeeded. 13:45 cait1 who wants to dig with me into Jenkins failiure? 13:47 cait U22 is failing, but it looks like itwas not a test, but something on the node? https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U22/754/console 13:53 Joubu 17:57:21 failed to register layer: write /kohadevbox/node_modules/acorn-node/lib/import-meta/index.js: no space left on device 13:53 Joubu Docker_4 - ask tcohen 13:53 cait aah, 13:53 cait can I find the owners of the nodes on the wiki or somewhere else? taiga? 13:54 Joubu https://jenkins.koha-community.org/computer/Docker%5F4/ 13:54 Joubu https://jenkins.koha-community.org/computer/ 13:55 Joubu I also wrote this page a couple of months ago, which contains the info: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Continuous_Integration#The_nodes 14:05 cait thanks! 14:09 ashimema cait.. can you get back to Pedro with info for bug 36182 😉 14:09 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36182 minor, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , Add booksellerid column to holdings table 14:14 cait Joubu is right that we shoud put i on top of the API patch I think - I can try to get to that on Monday 14:25 cait for the test plan 14:26 puphaus[m] <cait> "puphaus: we usually reindex..." <- Thank you! :) 14:27 cait you are welcome 14:33 cait @later tell tcohen - can you please check disc space on Docker_4? 14:33 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded. 15:08 Joubu @later tell tcohen do you have the cronjob setup on Docker_4? https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/task/245 15:08 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 16:03 reiveune bye 16:38 JasonGreene[m] having a user log in issue. I created a user and made it part of the "Board" just like my account and I can't log into the OPACPORT page. I use that ID and it says 16:38 JasonGreene[m] Error: You do not have permission to access this page. 16:38 JasonGreene[m] What am I missing? :-) 16:40 cait waht is the OPACPORT page? 16:40 cait do you have the OPAC set to be not public? 16:40 cait I don't think i have seen this message on the OPAC side ever, maybe you can share the link from /cgi... 16:44 JasonGreene[m] it is the Staff log in page I called it that because it is in /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf 16:46 cait hm ok, but should also be INTRAPORT i thnk? 16:46 JasonGreene[m] not sure on "do you have the OPAC set to be not public?" my account can log in on that page 16:46 cait ok, just the category is not enough to get access to the taff interface 16:46 cait you need to assign permissions as well 16:47 cait the lowest possible permission (and also required for login) is catalogue 16:48 cait you can make it so the OPAC can only be searched after login, usually you only need to login for account features (seeing checkouts, placing holds), but some like the search to be also tied to login 16:48 caroline JasonGreene[m], https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/patrons.html#patron-permissions 16:51 JasonGreene[m] caroline: "Set permissions " that is what I was missing... That did the trick. Thanks!!!! 16:51 caroline cait said it first, just to give credit where credit is due :) I only provided the link 16:52 caroline cait++ 16:53 JasonGreene[m] Correct. Thanks cait !!! 17:01 tcohen hola 17:02 tcohen Joubu: the cronjob is set. But worth checking as it is not *my* server 17:02 tcohen cait: I freed disk space first thing in the morning, I guess I should've let you know when I did it 17:16 cait tcohen: no problem - but it would have helped :) 17:16 cait thanks for taking care of it! 17:16 cait tcohen++ 17:16 cait working on pushing things 17:16 cait so we will see soon :) 17:44 tcohen cait: I always add to 'Jenkins interventions' when I act on the server/nodes 17:44 tcohen not this time :-P 17:56 cait is that on taiga? sorry, still learning to navigate 17:59 cait ... and another 14 bugs bite the dust... 19:43 JasonGreene[m] another one... trying to move Koha from one server to another one... followed this... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/QGFPxvQmUxmQKAEXqpXIGptJ>) 20:17 caroline JasonGreene[m], is koha_library your own instance name? 20:17 caroline or is it the one from the video? 20:25 JasonGreene[m] thanks, I'll take a look 20:26 JasonGreene[m] it is on my own system... both are ours 20:27 caroline The error message says it's the wrong instance name, that's why I was asking 20:29 JasonGreene[m] | koha_library | 20:29 JasonGreene[m] | koha_library-new 20:29 JasonGreene[m] might have got the wrong one