Time Nick Message 23:05 dpk One alternative is to write a fact gathering module and then only trigger a script based update if one of the facts does not match expected value. 23:04 dpk I have some Ansible scripts that check for wrong settings before modifying a server, but I could just set the value to the desired state and save some steps. Any feeling on the approach? 23:03 dpk EO: I am looking to add some ansible scripting to apply some or all of the systemic changes we need for the migration from 44.24 to 44.25. This includes fixing SNMP community address, NTP client, DHCP provide dns and ntp addresses, ip dns servers, and logging destination. 22:35 dcook . 21:34 caroline yours is probably from the same source there seems to have been a big change in patron searches everywhere 21:29 lukeg thanks caroline, I recreate that one also 21:22 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36251 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Patron search by letter broken in holds 21:22 caroline bug 36251 21:22 caroline (clicking on the last name letters, not letter as in notices) 21:22 caroline lukeg, I had a problem with the letters earlier today 21:20 lukeg anyone else experiencing patron searches not working in k-t-d? no errors, I am just not turning up any results 21:13 JasonGreene[m] W: GPG error: http://debian.koha-community.org/koha stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3C9356BBA2E41F10 21:13 JasonGreene[m] <aleisha> "sorry that's right it is old. we..." <- I follow the old way and the new way on that page and get the same thing 21:04 aleisha sorry that's right it is old. we have this documentation JasonGreene[m] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#The_apt-key_deprecation_warning 21:01 thd JasonGreene[m]: aleshia had given you the recently replaced method for managing apt repository keys in Debian based systems. The new method isolates key trust to the particular repository for which they were intended instead of trusted for everything as in the now old method. 20:49 JasonGreene[m] it also wanted an autoremove ...ran that and got the same... then ran this... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AEzByttQoBnEzoAmDWbRzyxY>) 20:33 JasonGreene[m] OK 20:33 JasonGreene[m] Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)). 20:33 JasonGreene[m] wget -q -O- https://debian.koha-community.org/koha/gpg.asc | sudo apt-key add - 20:19 aleisha sudo apt-get upgrade 20:19 aleisha sudo apt-get update 20:19 aleisha sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7F438280EF8D349F 20:19 aleisha sudo apt-get install dirmngr 20:19 aleisha wget -q -O- https://debian.koha-community.org/koha/gpg.asc | sudo apt-key add - 20:19 aleisha hey JasonGreene[m] try running these commands: 20:01 JasonGreene[m] and I clear out koha.list to refresh it and the "failed to fetch" still happens 20:01 JasonGreene[m] Failed to fetch http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/dists/stable/InRelease The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3C9356BBA2E41F10 20:01 JasonGreene[m] tech question. Why is it that every time I run "apt update" for koha I get this 17:11 thd and given consideration in any guide. 17:11 thd tcohen: Limitations with UFW in Docker could include unintended exposure of Docker0 and rules to block troublesome IP address sources from intentionally exposed ports possibly not being applied because the Docker rule for accessing the port has precedence. Docker also tries to take control with FirewallD by making the docker zone default but the zone priority issue can be fixed. Zone priority assignment in FirewallD should be documented more 17:08 thd tcohen: https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker seemed to be the most well considered approach to mitigating UFW and Docker. It was not as readily accessible to me earlier as the Docker documentation link given that I have already been testing FirewallD since discovering widely reported problems between UFW and Docker. 16:49 thd Thus the linking is still rather primitive but much better than bibliographic records without an aid to using some degree of authority control. 16:48 thd $2 seems as if it may be only used for display. I did not discover anything using $2 for thesaurus matching in linking. 16:46 thd The link is stored in $9 for Koha so as to avoid clobbering $0 but may have originally used $0 before we may have changed to $9 to avoid clobbering. 16:45 thd When authority records are already present, the linking function takes a match from a text query but does not attempt to use possible existing links to an official authority controlled database which may exist for recent or enhanced bibliographic records. 16:41 thd I had done some tracing of what is called by link_bibs_to_authorities.pl . The old build authority records functionality is still present and would take effect if your Koha preference is set appropriately to allow the primitive authority records to be built. 16:38 caroline It's in between the historical Haut-Canada (now Ontario) and Bas-Canada (now Quebec) so it makes sens that it was chosen as a compromise 16:37 caroline I think it's something like that. It still could have developped in a nice city, but it's really just a city where people go to work Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 and go back home in a neighbouring city. (I'm exaggerating, but at the same time, not ;) ) 16:35 thd Perhaps Ottawa follows the unfortunate US pattern of locating administrative functions in a location chosen as a compromise between major population centres and thus is not a major population centre itself. Hence, the US has Washington DC built on a swamp as a north south geographic compromise and similar compromises for the capital in many states. 16:24 reiveune (bye) 16:24 reiveune bue 16:21 caroline I thought Quebec city would be more interesting. Ottawa has nice museums, but the city itself is a bit ordinary imo. While Quebec city has nice museums AND the old city is very pretty and it has the citadel, etc. 16:20 thd I had wondered about that. I assumed that you might have been contemplating a long road trip on the way to Ottawa for the day. 16:19 caroline I was thinking of organizing a off-kohacon road trip either to Quebec city or Ottawa on one of the weekends surrounding the conference (either the one before or the one after) 16:17 caroline LAC has nothing in Montreal as far as I know 16:17 caroline but anyway, LAC is in Ottawa, so that is not the one I'm takling about. I'm talking about Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec which has a big central library in Montreal and a big archive center in Montreal as well 16:17 thd Library and Archives Canada had previously been one of the few world leading models for open records access for providing the authorities databases access via Z39.50. 16:15 caroline they should not be getting public subsidies if they do that 16:15 caroline I can't believe a national library has closed their Z39.50 server behind a paywall 16:14 caroline me too lol! 16:14 thd I would be interested in knowing why Library and Archives Canada sold out to OCLC. The AMICUS Z39.50 server was previously open to the world and allowed queries of the subject authority records database. 16:12 caroline afaik there hasn't been cultural activities or social activities online before, unless I'm mistaken? 16:10 caroline yes unfortunately, it will probably be an in-person visit only... I'll try to think of something interesting for remote participants... if anyone has ideas let me know! :) 16:08 thd Any national archives would be interesting to me but sadly I may not be likely to come in person. 16:06 caroline so it would probably be a separate activity 16:05 caroline those thinking of coming to kohacon, would you be interested in a visit of the national archives? We're not archivists, so I was wondering if it's interesting at all (I think it is, but I'm me). I'm already organizing a visit to the national library, but the archives are in another building elsewhere in the city 15:55 paulderscheid[m] Should work if the version is identical. 15:54 paulderscheid[m] Dump and load. 15:37 JasonGreene[m] I found this > https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/step-guide-migration-old-koha-database-new-dump-backup-khan 15:32 JasonGreene[m] I've built a 2nd server that should be a bit faster CPU. Is there an easy way to transfer the current Koha system to the new server? 15:03 lukeg hi 14:59 edveal Hello 14:50 tcohen in koha-dpkg-docker we are not being able to get the compiled assets get included on the final package 14:49 tcohen I'm not finding where `yarn build` is called, and then the generated assets handled 14:49 tcohen mtj: is your koha-build-pkg repo up to date? 14:16 thd on of use case problems. 14:16 thd Too much potentially good user contributed configuration examples and assistance with particular problems for FirewallD is on RedHat mailing list or forum archives requiring a RedHat service contract to access. Fedora is very public and people use Fedora often just to see what they can break but CentOS, RockyLinux, and RedHat Bugzilla do not compare with the abundance of use cases for UFW and other firewall management systems for open discussi 14:07 thd The commonly advised mitigation is to disable Docker management of the firewall but that also disables automatically created network bridges between containers and also between containers and the host system for exposing ports. 14:06 tcohen thanks for that 14:05 thd There is a section for FirewallD integration and the section at the end warning of trouble when using UFW meaning that UFW and Docker ignore one another in unhelpful ways which can cause routing problems. 14:03 thd tcohen: https://docs.docker.com/network/packet-filtering-firewalls/ 13:58 thd Finding link .. 13:58 asymar[m] hi I installed koha 22.11 on ubuntu using the package for Debian.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/aBvMxNGbAVCerGIvKPeoLKUA>) 13:58 thd In FirewallD, Docker creates a docker zone and provides docker-user filter in the docker zone for user rules to be taken account of by the automatic rules. More importantly, the docker zone is isolated from other FirewallD zones avoiding interference. Setting zone precedence is tricky and FirewallD puts ipset configurations in its own firewalld subdirectory in /etc/firewalld requiring firewalld specific commands to interface. 13:53 tcohen that's interesting, if you have a link please share 13:52 thd The problem specifically between Docker and UFW is that UFW goes up and then Docker clobbers some UFW created rules. 13:51 tcohen we should've used dbus instead of RabbitMQ :-P 13:51 tcohen dbus is part of systemD anyway 13:51 thd Another RedHat dependency. 13:50 thd Docker officially reports that it is designed in such a way as to automatically create iptables rules which interfere with UFW. 13:50 tcohen another d-bus dependency but looks interesting 13:50 tcohen FirewallD: nice 13:49 tcohen and I don't care what RedHat uses :-P 13:49 tcohen it uses iptables 13:49 tcohen on the servers 13:49 tcohen UFW 13:49 tcohen I think we set UFS 13:47 thd tcohen: What Firewall management system if any do you use with Docker? I have been testing FirewallD for supposed better isolation of Docker interference in firewall rules. I also note that RedHat has deprecated iptables in favour of nftables while Docker does not yet support nftables. 13:39 huginn` Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_6_march_2024.2024-03-06-13.00.log.html 13:39 huginn` Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_6_march_2024.2024-03-06-13.00.txt 13:39 huginn` Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_6_march_2024.2024-03-06-13.00.html 13:39 huginn` Meeting ended Wed Mar 6 13:39:56 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 13:39 cait #endmeeting 13:39 cait #info Next meeting: 20 March 2024, 12 UTC 13:36 cait #topic Set time of next meeting 13:33 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36246 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Have a centralized method for submitting a form via a link 13:33 tcohen #info Nick is working on bug 36246 13:32 huginn` 04Bug 36246: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Have a centralized method for submitting a form via a link 13:32 kidclamp https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36246 13:30 cait #info there are some questions about backporting fixes from the CSRF branch - currently not apart from an OIDC fix, please file a bug for discussion if you see others that should be 13:29 cait #topic Misc 13:29 cait #Topic Misc 13:26 cait #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#CSRF_protection 13:25 cait #info There has been an addition to coding guidelines for CSRF - please check and give feedback 13:25 cait #topic Review of coding guidelines 13:22 cait #topic Actions from last meeting 13:15 ashimema #info Marcel expressed concerns that roadmap projects will all be delayed due to the CSRF bug, Katrin believe projects should still succeed if people are interested in them. 13:11 cait #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Road_map_24.05 Roadmap projects 13:10 cait #topic Status of roadmap projects 13:10 kidclamp #info Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions 13:09 cait #info CSRF patches have been a priority, so less QA activity - queue is big, it might grow with the changes, please QA 13:09 tcohen #info Kyle and Tomas working on getting koha-dpkg-docker back to work 13:09 cait #topic Updates from the QA team 13:08 cait #info Thanks to everyone involved! 13:07 cait #info There will be a package update for 22.11 version 13:07 cait #info Security release have happened 13:06 cait #topic Update from the Release Maintainers 13:05 huginn` Current chairs: ashimema cait magnuse tcohen 13:05 cait #chair ashimema 13:05 ashimema #info RM was on 2 week vacation, the to do list has grown. CSRF bug has been pushed, lots to fix. 13:04 cait #topic Update from the Release Manager 13:04 cait #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_6_March_2024 today's agenda 13:04 ashimema #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_6_March_2024 13:04 cait #info no announcements for today 13:03 ashimema #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe 13:03 cait #topic Announcements 13:03 thd #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City 13:01 huginn` Current chairs: cait magnuse tcohen 13:01 cait #chair magnuse 13:01 huginn` Current chairs: cait tcohen 13:01 cait #chair tcohen 13:01 marcelr #info Marcel de Rooy, Rijksmuseum 13:01 magnuse #info Magnus Enger, Libriotech/imCode 13:01 paulderscheid[m] #info Paul Derscheid, LMSCloud GmbH, Germany 13:01 tcohen #info Tomas Cohen Arazi 13:01 cait #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 13:01 cait #topic Introductions 13:00 huginn` The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_6_march_2024' 13:00 huginn` Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00 huginn` Meeting started Wed Mar 6 13:00:49 2024 UTC. The chair is cait. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00 cait #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 6 March 2024 12:58 cait https://meet.jit.si/KohaDevelopmentMeeting 12:58 cait Meeting now! 12:52 asymar[m] hi I installed koha 22.11 on ubuntu using the package for Debian (https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian).... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SphfExyGqCXeCRriQYeoPbmz>) 12:50 cait Meeting in 10 minutes! 12:18 tcohen o/ 12:16 PedroAmorim[m] \o 12:08 marcelr tcohen: yes i did 12:08 marcelr o/ 12:00 cait hola tcohen 11:46 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:01 ashimema calendar.css how come it's only referenced on one page and not generally re-used for all the various places we use flatpickrs 11:00 ashimema hmm 10:37 fridolin hi 09:31 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 09:29 Null404 I'm looking for SQL report about all fines writeoff in 2022 and 2023 year on patrons 09:28 Null404 hello everyone 08:56 cait fridolin++ # thanks! 08:17 cait good morning #koha 06:40 reiveune hello