Time Nick Message 06:50 reiveune hello 07:38 MichaelaSieberBIB[m] good morning koha :) 07:48 cait good morning #koha 08:13 krimsonkharne[m] good morning #koha :) 08:37 magnuse \o/ 08:48 * cait waves 09:55 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 09:56 * cait waves 11:04 tcohen hola #koha o/ 12:19 cait hola all 12:20 cait hola tcohen ... it's onyl after lunch and I am already a bit confused today 12:25 magnuse eat less confusing food for lunch? 12:28 cait not sure if the cheese sandwich can really be blamed here :) 12:29 magnuse :-) 13:47 aw-bib[m] while it's well after lunch I am also a bit confused. currently, we have several temporary locations in our system. to set them I just check them out to certain patrons. e.g. there is a pseudo-patron that just sets temporary location to the new items shelf and another who sets this to exhibition. in 23.11 I see UpdateItemLocationOnCheckout that sounds similar, but I don't see a patron somewhere. 13:48 aw-bib[m] * while it's well after lunch I am also a bit confused. currently, we have several temporary locations in our system. to set them I just check items out to certain patrons. e.g. there is a pseudo-patron that just sets temporary location to the new items shelf and another who sets this to exhibition. in 23.11 I see UpdateItemLocationOnCheckout that sounds similar, but I don't see a patron somewhere. 13:48 cait not with a patron, you can use the batch edit feature 13:48 cait that woudl be the usual wa y - you can scan everything into an input field and then udate the locaton to whatever 13:50 aw-bib[m] ok. so I am on the wrong track. thanks :) 13:52 aw-bib[m] and I would overwrite the shelving location? iow there is no concept like "temporarily at ..." (that came in handy, as we just use to return the items to give them their permanent location back.) 13:56 cait hm at the moment I guess so, there is a temporary feature, but it only applies to PROC and CART (In processing and on the cart for re-shelving) 13:58 aw-bib[m] I saw those guys and also noticed that it seems possible to auto-juggle locations, but I admit, it is confusingly complex, especially as not for loan also mixes in. till now we just use temporary locations (876__|l) to model all this. 13:58 aw-bib[m] (auto-juggle during checkin that is.) 14:01 cait sorry, afk for a while 14:19 caroline Joubu, around? 14:24 Joubu caroline: yes 14:24 caroline is you later message still valid? To ping you when I'm around? 14:24 caroline *your 14:24 Joubu no idea! 14:25 Joubu I think I've asked aude_c[m] 14:25 caroline ok no problem! 14:33 krimsonkharne[m] aw-bib: the koha global system preference UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin might help? 14:33 krimsonkharne[m] don't know if you've seen it already 14:34 tcohen @later tell marcelr are you gonna do the 409 change on bug 36066? 14:34 huginn` tcohen: The operation succeeded. 14:34 aw-bib[m] I saw this, but it seems to overwrite the permanent location unless the location is either PROC or CART. iow with this I loose where the item should end up once it returns from its tour. 14:34 krimsonkharne[m] ah, gotcha 14:35 krimsonkharne[m] sorry, misunderstood the question :) 14:36 aw-bib[m] that's actually easy as it seems that koha lives on quite different concepts here. 14:37 aw-bib[m] still learning my way around. 14:42 tcohen cait: what is the decided process for bugs like 36193? 14:59 cait bug 36193 14:59 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36193 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , CSRF - Code review missed 14:59 cait we have been discussing this on Friday 14:59 cait kidclamp: ? 15:01 kidclamp it's up to you cait - can either just be pushed, or you can ask review - if straightforward I think they can just go 15:01 kidclamp and then obsolete them 15:01 kidclamp or however you want to mark them 15:06 Joubu bug 36234 15:06 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36234 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Language prefs cannot be modified 15:06 tcohen what does that mean Joubu ? 15:07 cait I'd love some sort of review 15:07 cait even if we don't do 2 15:08 Joubu sorry, nothing related to the discussion, just found and fixed a bad bug. 15:08 cait Joubu: I was just about to file that - my coworker just ran into it 15:08 Joubu for languages or other prefs? 15:08 cait Joubu++ 15:08 cait he was tring to test a patch that required translations - so just that one 15:09 Joubu great, we found a tester then :) 15:16 lukeg hi 15:22 lukeg Hey Joubu: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36235 Does this seem at all related to Bug 36234? 15:22 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36234 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Language prefs cannot be modified 15:22 huginn` 04Bug 36235: critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , System preferences chopping everything after a semicolon. 15:26 cait kidclamp: that's the issue with these omnibus bugs - Joubu said they shoudl get some review from the team that worked on the patch - did you discuss that? 15:27 Joubu lukeg: I don't think so, but certainly caused by the same change 15:32 reiveune bye 15:32 kidclamp I'm happy to give them a once over, do you want official signing? 15:33 cait a signoff would help to see it 15:33 cait bettr than a comment would I think 15:56 Joubu lukeg: I have to run but I have attached a patch on your bug, it should fix it. Can you confirm please? 15:56 Joubu well, not a patch but a diff 16:13 lukeg i will look, thank you Joubu 16:25 kidclamp I signed cait, but added a followup, need tomas to confirm 16:35 cait shows review is nto a bad thing :) 17:10 tcohen thanks kidclamp 17:10 tcohen good catch 17:13 cait more_eyes++ 17:32 cait bye all 17:33 edveal Bye 20:09 caroline the csrf thing, is the result 403: Forbidden? 20:09 caroline I'm wondering if that is a "me" thing, that I didn't do something correctly or if it's the bug 20:43 caroline I closed down and restarted my ktd and I still get the same result. I added the case to the framapad at the bottom 20:43 caroline Should I also create a bug report on bugzilla? 20:46 aleisha morning 20:52 lukeg hi aleisha 21:59 dcook caroline: I'm not 100% sure of the correct procedure, although I think it's better to put it at the top, as the bottom is ones that are finished 22:01 caroline Thanks dcook, I moved it to the first Testing Reports section instead of the bottom one 22:01 caroline I think I will also comment on bug 36195 just to make sure they see it 22:01 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36195 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , CSRF - testing reports 22:02 dcook Thanks, Caroline :) 22:02 dcook Sounds good to me 22:02 dcook And thanks for your email :) 22:02 caroline :) 22:11 dcook Are you still online, caroline? 22:11 dcook I could look at that item search for you quickly.. 22:12 caroline I was just leaving 22:12 caroline but I'm here 22:12 dcook Ah no worries. I can always just reply on the bug. 22:12 dcook Just wondering if there's anything special to know about steps to reproduce 22:12 dcook Or if it's just go to item search, try it, get 403 22:12 caroline no I just did ktd up (with all the pulls beforehand) and then just go to Item search and Search 22:13 dcook Ok. I'll give it a whirl. 22:13 dcook Just doing my (slow) git fetch rn 22:13 caroline I did ktd down, and up again to make sure it wasn't something i did 22:15 caroline from the log message it seems to be the op/cud- thing 22:15 dcook Hmm looks like it's working for me.. 22:16 caroline don't know, then... :/ 22:16 dcook That page? 22:16 dcook Ack /cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/itemsearch.pl 22:17 caroline yes http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/itemsearch.pl 22:17 dcook I'll look really quick to see if someone has already fixed it between the times we've tried it.. 22:17 caroline https://snipboard.io/BxzWcg.jpg 22:17 dcook Ahhh 22:18 dcook Ok so that will be with the API call 22:18 dcook And I'm guessing someone has fixed it but that is helpful 22:19 caroline ok I admit I did not repull everything since this afternoon, so maybe that's it 22:19 dcook Hmm I'm not sure 22:20 caroline thanks for looking! talk soon 22:20 dcook I launched my ktd a little while ago so maybe I'll bring mine down and back up 22:20 dcook For sure :) 22:26 dcook caroline: Ah yep. After a "down" and an "up" now it's not working 22:27 dcook My plack.psgi was probably outdated 22:28 dcook Oh it's an interesting one..