Time Nick Message 06:10 * dcook looks around and runs away 06:11 dcook @later tell Joubu Let me know what you think about my comment re: 36094#c17 and I'll look at it tomorrow 06:11 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded. 07:29 reiveune hello 07:29 Joubu dcook: maybe too early for me, but why not simply reject if not a POST? answered on the bug. 08:01 krimsonkharne[m] morning all 08:01 Joubu @later tell dcook maybe too early for me, but why not simply reject if not a POST? answered on the bug. 08:01 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:01 Joubu @later tell dcook patch moved to 35955 (and adjusted the branch) 08:01 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:02 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 08:14 dolf cait: What did you mean when you said "I think there is a better error hiding in your logs"? Also, you asked whether I changed XSLT files or settings. The answer is, no, this is a clean Koha install, with a restore from a backup. In the backup file, some of the XSLT settings are blank instead of "default". Changing them to "default" seems to make no difference. Here is a screenshot of my findings while experimenting on VirtualBox on my 08:14 dolf local machine: https://ibb.co/3rNtw1B 08:28 dolf I found a smoking gun: If I set OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay to "default", they are not shown correctly. However, if I change it to "/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl", it works! But as far as I can see, that is the proper default path on Debian. Is this a known bug? 08:28 dolf This is on 21.11 08:38 dolf The same goes for OPACXSLTResultsDisplay. "default" does not work, but "/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl" works well. 08:42 cait 21.11 is quite old already again, I haven't heard about a bug like this 08:42 cait are you using translations? UNIMARC or MARC21? 08:43 cait sometimes translations break the XSLT files, for example if is used 08:46 ashimema Fun 08:58 Joubu @later tell marcelr can you have a look at the pad and search for "opac-password-recovery" please. 08:58 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:00 dolf 21.11 is quite old, yes, and that's why I'm trying to upgrade. But I have to upgrade bit by bit and do a bunch of tests with each step. That's why I'm going 21.05 → 21.11 first. 09:00 dolf I'm not sure what you mean by translations. We use Koha in English. 09:01 dolf marcflavour is (and has always been) set to MARC21 09:01 cait I am out of ideas then 09:01 cait if you use the standard XSLT they should work 09:02 cait a wild guess woudl be that it could be something in framework configuration and visibility settings - I think they didn't take effect for a while and when they did it broke some setups. 09:02 cait die you change frameworks in any way? 09:03 dolf Everything in frameworks is also visible. We checked it here: https://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2024-01-04#i_2529646 09:03 dolf In which version were the XSLT files completely removed? (Or am I mistaken in thinking they were?) 09:04 cait no, they were not removed 09:04 dolf Also see https://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2024-01-04#i_2529700 :) 09:04 cait we removed the non-XSLT views .) 09:04 dolf Ah, got it. 09:04 dolf I remembered it upside-down 09:04 cait all good 09:04 cait I have never had that happen unless we broke the XSLT 09:05 cait (we do have changed ones) 09:05 cait and then usually you have an XSLT error in the logs somewhere 09:05 cait as they work when you put the full path, could it be something about the installation? permissions/paths? how did you install? 09:06 dolf Clean debian, then added the apt repo, then `apt install koha-common mariadb-server`. Basically I followed these instructions to the letter, except I did `koha-restore` and `koha-upgrade-schema` instead of `koha-create`: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 09:07 dolf I am willing to give SSH access to any of my test VMs if that will help debug this. 09:09 ashimema Is it an upgrade? Ie, is the restore coming from an older version? 09:10 ashimema Read up ashimema, he's already answered that 09:10 ashimema Sorry 09:10 ashimema Will read the full discussion now before commenting again 09:11 dolf ashimema: My screenshot here summarized most of what I have tried :) https://ibb.co/3rNtw1B 09:12 ashimema hmm 09:12 ashimema weird 09:12 Joubu define "not working", if you get a 500 then get the proper error from the koha log files: `tail -f /var/log/koha/*/*.log` and hit the page 09:13 dolf Joubu: Sorry, I have defined "not working" in great detail multiple times now. Please give me a moment, and I will type it all out again. 09:13 ashimema >I found a smoking gun: If I set OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay to "default", they are not shown correctly. However, if I change it to "/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl", it works! But as far as I can see, that is the proper default path on Debian. Is this a known bug? 09:14 dolf This line summarizes my "not working" well: https://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2024-01-04#i_2529700 "the bit where the output of the XSLt woudl be is completely missing from the page source" 09:14 ashimema that leads me to think there's some weird syspref caching catching you out. 09:14 dolf I did not know that sysprefs were cached! :) How can I clear that cache? 09:15 Joubu flush_memcached 09:16 dolf Joubu: command not found 09:16 dolf (as root on the debian VM running Koha, via SSH) 09:17 Joubu do we really need to clear the cache when the xslt prefs are updated from the UI? 09:17 Joubu dolf: restart memcached, apache2 then koha-common 09:18 dolf `systemctl restart memcached && systemctl restart apache2 && systemctl restart koha-common` done. Hard refresh in browser. No difference. 09:20 cait Joubu: usually it just works, I change them around quite a bit 09:21 cait dolf: sorry for delayed replies and heading into a meeting soo now 09:21 Joubu dolf: you are running an old version of Koha, it's hard to tell if you are not chasing a bug that is fixed now 09:21 dolf Yes, if I use file paths, the effect is instant. 09:22 Joubu if you want to debug what's happening you could add a warn statement in.. 09:22 Joubu C4/XSLT.pm sub get_xsl_filename 09:22 Joubu warn $xslfilename; before the return statement 09:22 dolf Joubu: That's a great idea. I don't really know perl, but I'll try that. 09:22 Joubu you will know which file is used 09:23 dolf Otherwise I'll continue with my workaround, i.e. setting the absolute paths instead of "default". 09:23 dolf I just need to know the proper path for OPACXSLTListsDisplay. I already have the correct one for OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay and OPACXSLTResultsDisplay 09:24 Joubu you need to restart reload plack when you modify perl modules: kill -SIGHUP $(cat /var/run/koha/${KOHA_INSTANCE}/plack.pid) 09:31 dolf Got it. It gives "/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl" instead of "/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl". So it looks like "theme" is set to "prog" instead of "bootstrap". However, in my system preferences, opacthemes is set to "bootstrap" (the only option). 09:33 Joubu force the value on the UI if you can 09:33 Joubu maybe it's not "bootstrap" in DB and the UI is tricking you 09:35 dolf `select value from systempreferences where variable='opacthemes';` tells me it is "prog_rsc" in the database!! :O 09:35 dolf What does "force the value on the UI" mean? 09:36 Joubu just save, but it won't work I think 09:36 dolf Is it safe to simply update the value using SQL? 09:36 Joubu update the value in DB and restart everything again (sysprefs are cached as well) 09:36 Joubu yes it's safe 09:36 Joubu It seems that there is a fallback value for the templates, not the XSLT 09:38 dolf update systempreferences set value = "bootstrap" where variable = "opacthemes"; 09:38 dolf systemctl restart memcached && systemctl restart apache2 && systemctl restart koha-common 09:38 dolf Everything is working again :D :D :D 09:39 dolf Thanks Joubu and ashimema and cait and anyone else I might forget now who helped me. 09:40 Joubu you can report on bugzilla ;) 09:40 Joubu it's a bug, we should fallback for XSLT as well. And also add a warning on the about page about incorrect value in this pref. 09:41 dolf You mean an incorrect value in the opacthemes pref? (I think the value I had in there was a holdover from a custom theme that was last used more than 12 years ago, and has since been removed from the production VM) 09:42 Joubu yes 09:42 dolf OK, will do. 09:58 dolf https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36172 09:58 huginn` 04Bug 36172: minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Warn about incorrect values in the opacthemes system preference 10:20 paulderscheid[m] The only good thing about C4::Members::Messaging is that it's only three subs. 10:22 Joubu 4 10:22 Joubu :D 10:22 paulderscheid[m] True 10:22 paulderscheid[m] Overlooked the last one, thought it was just docs. 11:00 tcohen hola #koha 11:42 paulderscheid[m] Just to be sure: virtualshelves ≈ Lists ? 11:43 PedroAmorim[m] yes paulderscheid 11:43 paulderscheid[m] Thanks Pedro Amorim :D 11:44 PedroAmorim[m] just another case of Koha schema naming shenanigans =D 11:44 paulderscheid[m] Nothing surprises me anymore ˆˆ 11:57 oleonard We're just lucky they weren't originally named CyberShelves 12:03 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Terminology ;) 12:05 paulderscheid[m] CyberShelves gives me PTSD (german politics loves to use this nonsensical term for things regarding IT security). 12:06 paulderscheid[m] The only 'cyber' I accept are cybernetic organisms :D 12:15 cait I once saw an US job ad for a Cybrairan... 12:15 cait Cybrarian 12:15 paulderscheid[m] Hopefully long ago :D 12:15 cait it's been a while 12:17 cait did we finish CSRF now? ;) 12:17 cait i have been in a meeting all morning... 12:28 ashimema no 12:46 oleonard But we've made tons of progress 12:46 oleonard Friday I finished my list of testing-all-the-things and logged or fixed things I found 12:46 oleonard I'm sure I missed some things of course 13:26 domm[m] How / when is an order suggestion converted / linked to a biblio? 13:27 domm[m] The docs talk about an "order" button in the suggestion-list, but I don 13:27 domm[m] * I don't see this option there 13:31 Joubu domm[m]: On the acquisition basket view: click "Add to basket" button > "From a suggestion" 13:31 Joubu is that what you are looking for? 13:31 Joubu https://snipboard.io/6B9hbR.jpg 13:31 domm[m] probably :-) 13:33 tcohen Joubu++ 13:37 domm[m] Joubu: yes, that was what i was looking for, thx 14:34 JasonGreene[m] morning... I just go in and looked at that job,... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CKMguORORSSOCqyJGcFrcMCw>) 14:35 JasonGreene[m] then I went to "Manage imported batch" and can see each one is "Staged"... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/zGoHItxFpKuzuvJOSIsgnwyI>) 14:36 caroline if it's "Staged", you can click the Import this batch into the catalog button 14:36 caroline that job says Status: Failed, maybe it was one with the wrong subfields? 14:37 JasonGreene[m] Then when I click "Import this batch into the catalog" 14:37 JasonGreene[m] I get "The job has been enqueued!" 14:37 Joubu have a look at the koha log file 14:37 caroline ok, now it just needs to do it 14:38 JasonGreene[m] from a command line or in the web pages 14:38 Joubu command line 14:38 Joubu The error might also be hidden in the DB in background_jobs.data 14:39 JasonGreene[m] what is its location so I can cat or more it 14:40 JasonGreene[m] in DB... ouch, I'm not a DB admin 14:40 Joubu /var/log/koha/*/worker-*.log 14:40 JasonGreene[m] thanks 14:41 Joubu select data from background_jobs where id=4; 14:44 JasonGreene[m] worker-error.log was yesterday 14:44 JasonGreene[m] opac-error.log is today 14:44 JasonGreene[m] wait 14:44 JasonGreene[m] worker-output.log today 14:45 JasonGreene[m] cat worker-error.log 14:45 JasonGreene[m] 20240226 16:50:34 library-new-koha-worker: client (pid 10925) killed by signal 15, stopping 14:46 JasonGreene[m] cat worker-output.log... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WnvtLMcShVfJKslluLTeLOaZ>) 14:47 JasonGreene[m] My idea last night was toi 14:48 JasonGreene[m] s/toi/to rebuild the server this morning and restart koha after the install and see if we get the same ability to import like we got last night after a restart/ 14:49 JasonGreene[m] BRB - going to fill coffee cup. 14:50 Joubu you are trying to import items that have homebranch code not defined in Koha 14:55 JasonGreene[m] I'm using the "installed branches" 14:56 JasonGreene[m] branch = library ?? right ?? 14:56 caroline yes 14:56 JasonGreene[m] FRL = Franklin and TPL = Troy 14:57 JasonGreene[m] I change the names to Flora and Tracy ... same codes 14:57 caroline makes sense 14:58 JasonGreene[m] keep digging on this one or build a fresh server ? 14:58 JasonGreene[m] :-) 14:59 Joubu Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`koha_library-new`.`items`, CONSTRAINT `items_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`homebranch`) REFERENCES `branches` (`branchcode`) ON UPDATE CASCADE 15:00 Joubu this error means that you are trying to insert a row into the "items" table with the value for column "homebranch" not in branches.branchcode 15:00 JasonGreene[m] What does that tell you ? 15:00 Joubu your worker-output.log 15:01 JasonGreene[m] FOREIGN KEY (homebranch) REFERENCES branches 15:03 JasonGreene[m] maybe add a new branch and change the code in the csv and import it again? 15:06 JasonGreene[m] this is the top of the mrc that worked after a koha restart 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =LDR 00249nam a2200109Ia 4500 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =008 240226s9999||||xx||||||||||||||||und|| 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =082 \$a082$a 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =100 \$a100$a 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =245 \0$a245$a 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =650 \$a650$a 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =942 \$c942$c 15:06 JasonGreene[m] =952 \$b952$b$a952$a$y952$y $2952$2 $o952$o$p952$p 15:07 caroline The branchcode in that record in $b and $a, those are probably the ones bugging 15:08 caroline You'll need to remove that record from the file I think. It looks like it made a record out of your csv headers 15:18 JasonGreene[m] so remove both or just b 15:19 caroline remove the whole record, itemtype (952$y, 942$c) will also give an error 15:22 JasonGreene[m] so I understand ... remove all 952$ a b c y 2 ... o and p are dewey and old book code 15:22 caroline yes, and 942$c 15:24 JasonGreene[m] ok, so all 952 and 942... where will the input put the data which branch? 15:24 caroline don't remove the data from all the records. Just that one that you put in the chat 15:25 caroline branch FRL or TRL is fine, but branch 952$a and 952$b don't exist 15:26 JasonGreene[m] oh..... that was the top part of the mrc... and I forgot to remove that turd 15:26 JasonGreene[m] Thanks 15:26 caroline ok phew! 15:29 JasonGreene[m] got a green bar with 15:29 JasonGreene[m] 100% Finished 15:29 caroline OMG! 15:34 JasonGreene[m] ... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/gtPDHONKZkNlLljQYnHUFTqh>) 15:34 caroline OMG!! 15:34 JasonGreene[m] Flora-2-27-24-1-online-help-edit-mrc.mrc Bibliographic Imported 02/27/2024 09:28 3723 3723 (Create label batch) 15:35 caroline does a search return results? 15:35 JasonGreene[m] Just did a search on "Thomas" Author and got 41 results 15:35 caroline OMG!!! 15:36 caroline (I will keep adding exclamation marks) 15:36 JasonGreene[m] you all are the best! thank you so much for your perfect help 15:36 caroline it took a while, but you got there! 15:39 JasonGreene[m] yes... now I need to input the other branch's data and it is 14K books :-) 15:39 caroline I hope you took notes lol 15:40 JasonGreene[m] oh yea 15:45 Joubu JasonGreene[m]: please open a bug report, we need to provide useful info when the import fails 15:50 JasonGreene[m] ok, where do we open them? 15:50 caroline you'll need to create an account on here https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ 15:50 JasonGreene[m] thanks 15:51 Joubu wait 15:51 Joubu we have one already - bug 21272 15:51 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21272 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, hammat.wele, Failed QA , MARC import should warn about mis-matched branch and item-type fields in 952 during staged import 15:53 caroline On the wiki, how do we mark a page as obsolete/needs review? 15:53 caroline This needs to be marked https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Bugzilla 15:55 caroline Ok I found an example 15:57 JasonGreene[m] since there is already one bug "21272" I won't make another one 🙂 16:09 reiveune bye 16:28 cait ping mtj 18:34 tcohen bye everyone 19:32 mtj Hi cait.. About now 21:13 JasonGreene[m] ok, after some editing of the second input csv, with 14k books, and following yesterday's help, I was able to get it into Koha. 21:13 JasonGreene[m] Thanks again for your help! 21:22 caroline yay! JasonGreene++ 22:24 * dcook looks at the scrollback