Time Nick Message 07:39 krimsonkharne[m] morning all 07:48 magnuse__ \o/ 07:57 chimster[m] allo! 08:01 reiveune hello 08:04 chimster[m] how's it going koha-peeps? 08:37 fridolin hell 08:37 fridolin o 08:41 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 09:55 magnuse fridolin: that bad, eh? 10:19 RachelZ Hello 10:20 RachelZ Can someone please help me link me the page for the Koha releases so I can see how outdated my current release is? 10:23 RachelZ Maybe this will do https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Versioning 10:24 RachelZ but I still would like to know all of the releases ever done with dates 10:36 ashimema All releases ever... 10:36 ashimema I don't think we have a summary view of that anywhere. 10:37 ashimema Every release is tagged in git I suppose, so shouldn't be too hard to get 10:37 ashimema What version are you on.. I can tell you from that if it's easier 10:40 RachelZ ashimema: 10:41 ashimema So.. that was released - 2022-04-26 10:41 ashimema the final release of that series was 21.11.26 on 2023-12-01 10:42 ashimema for security reasons, you really aught to do the monthly upgrades 😉 10:42 ashimema they do not (should not) introduce and feature or workflow changes.. just bugfixes and security fixes 10:43 RachelZ noted! I just joined my team and was tasked with upgrading it. Is there a standard way to upgrade to the latest? 10:44 ashimema 21.11.x as a series is now 'end of life'.. the community no longer maintain it (you might find a vendor or two out there support it, but community doesn't) 10:44 ashimema how was it installed? 10:45 ashimema if you're using the debian packages, it should be trivial.. just let apt do it's thing 😜 10:45 RachelZ Im not even sure, the last developer scammed our team, and just abandoned us. I was able to get SSH access to the server though 10:45 ashimema https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 10:45 ashimema that page is worth a read 10:46 RachelZ I will check that page and check now if it was installed via apt 10:46 ashimema if you're taking over then probably your best bet is to take a backup and trial an upgrade on a test system first 10:46 RachelZ ashimema: noted, thank you 10:47 ashimema there are sometimes little bits of fun with the database updates that may need a bit of manual intervention to fix.. we give fairly clear error messages when those happen and you can ask in here for help when one pops up. 10:47 RachelZ ok great 10:47 ashimema we generally try to not do that.. but code is code.. it's inevitable that bugs creep through sometimes. 10:49 ashimema if it's not a package install.. I'd recommend switching to one (they're much easier to maintain assuming your not doing lots of code customisation).. to switch I'd take a backup of the database, install Koha on a new server using packages.. then drop your database in place and let the database upgrade script work it's magic. 10:59 RachelZ ii koha-common 21.11.05-1 all integrated (physical) library management system 11:00 RachelZ I ran 'dpkg-query -l' and saw that % 11:00 RachelZ ^* 11:41 chimster[m] is there any comprehensive free guide to cutomizing OPAC? 11:41 chimster[m] and a tutorial to install wordpress and koha together? 11:42 RachelZ whats the relation of wordpress with koha? 11:42 chimster[m] wordpress will be in the main domain 11:43 chimster[m] and subdomain library will be with koha 11:43 chimster[m] s/cutomizing/customizing/ 11:51 paulderscheid[m] Then there's no real connection between wp and koha. 11:52 paulderscheid[m] As long as you don't create one. 11:52 paulderscheid[m] I don't know whether this was already recommended to you chimster but have you looked at the manual already? 11:53 paulderscheid[m] https://koha-community.org/documentation/ 11:53 paulderscheid[m] Search for HTML Customizations. 12:00 chimster[m] the documentation is there. I am looking for any, if there are any extensive third party tutorials available 12:13 magnuse interesting: every other job in the background_jobs table with type = 'update_elastic_index' has status = finished, and the others are "new" :-0 12:59 magnuse anyone seen anythying like that before? ^ 13:00 magnuse stopping rabbitmq does not help in getting the "new" entries processed 13:01 Joubu is the worker working? 13:02 magnuse it says it is running 13:02 Joubu only one? :) 13:02 paulderscheid[m] Maybe search in hindi and auto translate chimster 13:02 paulderscheid[m] Otherwise I can give you some pointers. 13:03 magnuse huh, now "sudo koha-worker --queue elasic_index --status mykoha" said it was not running 13:04 magnuse it was running earlier, and starting it does not reduce the number of "new jobs 13:05 Joubu elastic vs elasic? 13:06 Joubu you are not supposed to use koha-worker for the elastic queue anywa 13:06 Joubu koha-es-indexer 13:06 magnuse gah! typo 13:07 magnuse koha-es-indexer is running too 13:07 Joubu then you need 2 koha-worker, one with --queue "default" and another one with "long_tasks" 13:07 magnuse this is 22.11.10-2 13:08 magnuse but "--queue elastic_index" should not be running? 13:09 Joubu bug 33108 13:09 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33108 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, CLOSED FIXED, We need a way to launch the ES indexer automatically 13:09 Joubu is in 13:09 Joubu 22.11.06 13:09 Joubu I don't think you should see koha-worker processing the elastic_index queue 13:12 magnuse problem is only *every other* job with type = update_elastic_index and queue = elastic_index is getting processed. the rest are stuck at 'new' 13:12 magnuse so something is working, but only every other time 13:13 Joubu do you see the 2 other workers? 13:13 Joubu default and long_tasks 13:13 Joubu no idea why bug 35819 is still not pushed and backported.. 13:13 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35819 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , "No job found" error for BatchUpdateBiblioHoldsQueue (race condition) 13:16 magnuse Joubu: yes, i see default and long_tasks 13:18 Joubu stop the rabbit and restart those 2 workers 13:18 Joubu note that the patches from 35819 should fix those problems... 13:23 magnuse rabbitmq was stopped, restarted default and long_tasks 13:24 magnuse restarted koha-es-indexer 13:24 magnuse ah, now all the old jobs are "started" at least 13:27 magnuse ...but they also seem to be stuck at started... 13:27 magnuse nah, now they are done 13:32 magnuse so the moral is, stop rabbit, stop elastic_index, restart default, long_tasks and koha-es-indexer, i think 13:32 Joubu which type was it? 13:32 Joubu the moral is: get 35819 into stables and we should not face this problem again ;) 13:36 magnuse Joubu: type? 13:36 magnuse not facing this problem again sounds like a good idea :-) 13:37 magnuse looks like the patches are stuck at some warnings about tidiness? 13:37 magnuse Joubu++ for being awesome! 13:40 Joubu tidiness is not a blocker here, they are waiting for push and backport. 13:40 magnuse ah, ok 13:40 Joubu type - you have a column background_jobs.type that tell you the type of job it is 13:40 Joubu what were your stuck ones? 13:40 Joubu all the same? which one? all differents? 13:42 Joubu update_holds_queue_for_biblios is known to be a buggy one 13:43 magnuse ah, it was only type = update_elastic_index 13:45 magnuse 9000+ jobs with type = update_elastic_index stuck at "new". now they are all "finished", but all the records that should have been indexed are not searchable, so i'll have to do a full reindex 13:46 Joubu ok, I thought you meant "update_elastic_index" were finished but others (!= update_elastic_index) were stucked 13:46 magnuse ah, no 13:47 Joubu koha-es-worker does not index one by one. That's why you saw them all "started" for a while, then all "finished" after a while. 13:47 Joubu (just fyi) 13:48 magnuse cool, thanks 13:50 magnuse ah, could they then also be shown as "finished", but the actual indexing has not been done yet? 13:50 magnuse looks like the records that were not searchable earlier are searchable now 13:52 magnuse i guess indexing 9000 records must take some time, when i think about it... 13:52 Joubu if a job is "finished" the record should be indexed 13:52 Joubu yes, I dont' remember if we are waiting for ES to finished the index 13:53 Joubu maybe we should build the info, send them to ES then mark as finished without waiting for ES to be done with its indexation job 13:53 Joubu s/should// 16:07 reiveune bye 16:14 Joubu dcook_: it will be hard with timezones...