Time Nick Message 06:53 tuxayo Southpaw1496: https://koha-community.org/manual/23.05/en/html/administration.html#adding-a-patron-category 06:55 tuxayo IIUC, either you decide the duration of validity of a patron registration. Might be more used by a public library having new patrons all over the year 06:56 tuxayo Or set a date at which all the patron of that category expire. A school/university library might make all the student cards expire a bit after the next end of school year. No matter when they enrolled 06:58 tuxayo And there is no expiration in you library just put a very high number of months in the period. 06:59 tuxayo I think all that is for when you don't fill the expiry date when creating a patron account. 07:00 tuxayo I not sure what are the best practices of the cases I mentioned. That's just how I understand the documentation and interface. 07:02 tuxayo A good first contribution if you can could be to elaborate a bit more the installer's text :) Since when installing, you don't have the rest of Koha's interface of course to see how stuff looks. And can't as easily jump to the documentation. 07:02 tuxayo Feel free to as for guidance if you are interested ^^ 08:19 Southpaw1496[m] Here is a screenshot of the screen I'm seeing. [The documentation I found](https://koha-community.org/manual/20.11/en/html/administration.html#adding-a-patron-category) says that "Enrollment period (in months) should be filled in **if** you have a limited enrollment period for your patrons (eg. Student cards expire after 9 months), otherwise, you can choose a date when the cards will expire (until date)". 08:19 Southpaw1496[m] That implies that it is optional, which would make sense to me, but for some reason it is a mandatory field. 08:19 * Southpaw1496[m] uploaded an image: (408KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AYmkhQCxXcvXrJwtpYyvePzG/Screenshot%202024-02-11%20at%208.15.44%E2%80%AFam.png > 09:43 Southpaw1496[m] I have another question: I see there are lots of ways to import existing catalogues into Koha, but what about creating a new one of 09:48 Southpaw1496[m] * new one with a lot of, * of books? Adding them one by one seems tedious if you have hundreds of books to do. Is there perhaps a way to input a list of ISBNs into the "New from Z39.50/SRU" flow? 12:14 ashimema People tend to use specialised tools outside of Koha to start that. 12:15 ashimema Like marcedit.. from memory that'll take a list of isbns and z3959 targets and build a Marc file for you which you can then import in bulk