Time Nick Message 07:04 reiveune hello 07:36 fridolin hellow 07:38 magnuse \o/ 08:06 ashimema \o 08:32 cait good morning #koha 08:40 Joubu cait: opened bug 36012 08:40 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36012 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, NEW , ERM/Agreements_spec.ts is failing if run too slow (?) 08:41 Joubu and rescheduling another Koha_Master run 09:19 PedroAmorim[m] good morning 10:26 puphaus[m] Hello together :) 11:50 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 11:51 oleonard o/ 11:51 paulderscheid[m] hi oleonard 12:37 cait Joubu: thx! stuck in meetings, heading into another at 2 but hopefully around after 12:54 ashimema next meetings? 13:00 ashimema is there not a dev meeting today? 13:06 Joubu Sorry, I am not (really) around right now. 13:07 ashimema seems no-one is around 13:07 ashimema so I'm going to get back to more pressing things myself too 13:09 thd cait: Are you still in one of your other meetings? ;) 14:16 tcohen hola! 14:16 tcohen I've just got internet back, all morning on battery with the laptop, but no internet 14:16 tcohen what did I miss?? 14:17 fridolin1 Koha is in Java now 14:19 magnuse lulz 14:19 caroline lol! 14:23 ashimema I thought it was Rust? 14:24 magnuse truth is, we couldn't agree, so everyone is rewriting in their favourite language 14:25 * magnuse is waiting for the bash version 14:25 ashimema hey.. that's easy.. lets re-write it in Perl then? 14:25 * ashimema still likes perl.. though wouldn't mind dragging us to a more modern version 14:25 magnuse nah, perl is dead, it has to be blockchain! 14:26 magnuse and ai generated code 14:27 oleonard Great, ai rewrote Koha and now it's racist. :( 14:27 magnuse ouch 14:29 Joubu (blablabla) Given these factors, it's challenging to provide an exact timeframe for rewriting Koha in Rust. However, such a project would likely take at least several months to a few years to complete, depending on the specific circumstances and resources available. 14:34 magnuse that is ai's estimate? sounds great! 14:46 caroline Who uses preservation right now? who was the sponsor? Was it BULAC? I think it would be interesting to have a presentation on this new module at Kohacon (*wink wink*) 14:47 caroline Newsletter is sent btw! :) But if you're not subscribed, the latest news are also on the website https://2024.kohacon.org/news/ 14:48 Joubu caroline: yes, BULAC. Contact Amaury, you will find his email address on the bug 14:48 caroline thanks Joubu! 14:49 caroline Is severine still at bulac? 14:49 Joubu nope 15:08 cait back now, little later than expected 15:10 cait oh no, I forgot to add the dev meeting to my agenda :( 15:10 cait thd: I am sorry, I missed the meeting 15:48 ashimema everyone did cait 15:48 ashimema I joined, waited 10 minutes, then gave up 15:49 ashimema where is Severine now? I remember someone telling me but don't remember the answer 15:49 ashimema I miss her 15:50 caroline I miss her too! 15:50 cait Biblibre I thought 16:06 matts Severine is now at BibLibre, yes! 16:06 ashimema excellent 16:08 paulderscheid[m] Instead of rewriting koha in another language we should rewrite perl :D 16:12 reiveune bye 17:03 blawlor[m] Anybody here that could help me learn how to install a plugin from the ktd shell? 17:06 blawlor[m] I have set environment variable PLUGIN_REPO and can see the folder is mounted in ktd in /kohadevbox/koha_plugin 17:07 cait there is a script you can run 17:08 blawlor[m] I did run perl install_plugins.pl 17:09 blawlor[m] it said All plugins successfully re-initialised 17:15 cait that doesn't sound bad - but ti did not work? 17:15 cait oh 17:15 cait did you change the directory in koha-conf.xml? <plugins> 17:15 cait will need the path of your koha_plugin 17:15 paulderscheid[m] Discourse honestly still uses ruby on rails and O.O ember.js in the frontend. A living dinosaur :D 17:18 blawlor[m] cait: this line was commented out in koha-conf.xml so I un commented it <pluginsdir>/kohadevbox/koha_plugin</pluginsdir> 17:18 cait yep 17:18 cait restart_all maybe 17:18 cait to make it work 17:19 blawlor[m] maybe does it need the full path to the plugin? 17:20 blawlor[m] maybe that's the path to the parent folder? 17:20 paulderscheid[m] Do you run ktd w/ the --plugin flag? 17:21 blawlor[m] thought so, I'll try again 17:21 cait is koha_plugin directly your plugin or is the plugin directory inside (hope that makes sense) 17:22 blawlor[m] I think that maybe my issue, I created a folder and cloned the plugin repo inside, so it's not the full path 17:25 cait i think it does expect that there are multiple plugins inside in their own directories 17:25 davidnind blawlor: assuming that you have tried these instructions (from the KTD repository) https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/wikis/Developing-plugins 17:25 cait I have some difficulty explaining that well 17:26 blawlor[m] so I think in kohaconf I need <pluginsdir>/kohadevbox/koha_plugin/my-koha-plugin</pluginsdir> 17:26 cait you shoudl not need to list individual plugins 17:26 cait i think 17:26 cait but try it out 17:26 paulderscheid[m] Nah, don't do that <pluginsdir>/kohadevbox/koha_plugin/my-koha-plugin</pluginsdir> 17:27 paulderscheid[m] Just leave it as /kohadevbox/koha_plugin 17:29 blawlor[m] but when I changed it to the full path it did install 17:30 JasonGreene[m] We made the "import" using MarcEdit and our old system has Dewey and the import column is 082$. How can I search Koha on Dewey numbers and what does Koha call it? 17:30 blawlor[m] with some errors but seems like I'm getting closer 17:34 paulderscheid[m] Docker compose mounts the $PLUGIN_DIR in the koha-koha-1 container (just read back, you are obviously aware of this), so your plugin 'my-koha-plugin' should just be in $PLUGIN_REPO/my-koha-plugin on your host. If the format is correct it should install w/o issues. 17:34 paulderscheid[m] That way you can have as many plugins in your $PLUGIN_REPO as you want. 17:34 paulderscheid[m] Sorry not $PLUGIN_DIR in the first sentence, I meant $PLUGIN_REPO 17:35 paulderscheid[m] What errors are you getting blawlor 17:35 paulderscheid[m] ? 17:37 cait paulderscheid[m] is a puglin expert, I'll leave you in his capable hands :) 17:37 cait also need to wrap up some things here quickly 17:38 paulderscheid[m] Haha, thanks for the flowers cait :( 17:38 paulderscheid[m] Sorry I meant: :) 17:38 cait all good, i know that typo 17:51 davidnind Jason Greene: I don't know enough to really help, but in the advanced search in the staff interface and OPAC it is the 'Call number' option - but that uses what is in the call number field for an item (952$o) rather than what is in the 082$a 17:52 JasonGreene[m] davidnind: Thanks, I'll take a look and see what we did 17:54 davidnind If you just want to search in the staff interface, then you can create a custom item search field for 082$a (Administration > Catalog > Item search fields) and then use the item search option in the staff interface from the toolbar at the top of the page (Search > Item search) 17:57 JasonGreene[m] I've lost me link, where did you see all the code number 082$a and 952$o ? 17:57 davidnind The item call number (952$o) is not automatically populated with what is in 082$a - so if you have the data in 082$a you may need to do a batch item modification (if that is possible) 18:02 blawlor[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "What errors are you getting..." <- Thanks paulderscheid: I just took a lunch break and am gonna give it a nother try from the beginning now 18:03 paulderscheid[m] That's good. 18:03 davidnind Not sure I understand the question - 952$o is what is recorded for items (any catalog record > add or edit item details), it only shows 'o' when you add or edit item data, but these are all recorded in 952. 18:04 davidnind blawlor: if the instructions don't work in the link I posted from the KTD wiki, let us know and we can get them updated 18:07 JasonGreene[m] The old Handy Library manager has its codes and I had to change its code to Koha to do the import. I've forgotten where I saw the Koha codes. Author was 700$a .... Title was 245$a 18:11 davidnind In MARC21 (I only know the basics), author is normally in 100 (for a single author or the main author), then additional authors are in 700, the title is 245$a 18:13 davidnind If you have a full call number in Dewey, then treat it like other item data (like the item barcode, etc) for your import 18:14 davidnind Please take what I say with a grain of salt, I've never done a Koha migration, or imported data from another system 8-) 18:17 JasonGreene[m] Our old system was written in the 90's and is "APOS" ... I'm starting to learn and think that we might have to start the transfer over again. We only have about 18K books yet we have 2 library in our school 18:18 JasonGreene[m] all said with a smile 18:21 blawlor[m] <davidnind> "blawlor: if the instructions don..." <- These instructions do work, but #4 seems to be that you add the full path of each individual plugin in koha-conf, which is slightly different than what Paul suggests that you can have just one folder there with multiple repos in it... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JKNMLfjeksbIzpaodcdGiXcG>) 18:22 blawlor[m] > <@davidnind:matrix.org> blawlor: if the instructions don't work in the link I posted from the KTD wiki, let us know and we can get them updated... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/aZbnzrpgCnsGjLcIiROBdMqG>) 18:22 davidnind Jason Greene: I think that most support companies that help with migration normally have several iterative rounds of testing the import of data in a testing environment, until they get it "good enough". I think it can be harder when you are not familiar with how Koha works or the tools for importing or modifying the data. 18:23 paulderscheid[m] Hi blawlor, the docs are right and I am wrong :D 18:23 davidnind Jason Greene: Sometimes it can take a lot of perseverance (and frustration) when you are doing it yourself! 18:24 paulderscheid[m] I forgot that I do things a little bit different w/ my plugin-tools. 18:25 paulderscheid[m] This is the right file /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml, maybe we should add a link to another wiki page. 18:25 paulderscheid[m] The way you had was almost right. 18:25 blawlor[m] it would seem to be a qol improvement not to have to edit koha-conf everytime that you test a plugin 18:26 paulderscheid[m] But instead of using <pluginsdir>/kohadevbox/koha/my-shiny-plugin</pluginsdir> 18:26 paulderscheid[m] you should just point $PLUGIN_REPO to your plugin dir. 18:26 paulderscheid[m] meaning $PLUGIN_REPO=/path/to/my-shiny-plugin 18:26 davidnind Jason Greene: Have you seen this "Newbie guide"? (It does need an update. I think you are more than a 'newbie' though!) https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Newbie_guide 18:27 paulderscheid[m] I think tcohen had a reason for this, but I can't remember it. 18:27 paulderscheid[m] blawlor 18:30 blawlor[m] paulderscheid[m]: > <@paulderscheid:matrix.org> But instead of using <pluginsdir>/kohadevbox/koha/my-shiny-plugin</pluginsdir>... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/wHgLVXqQdsvZqlFJOIUyCnMm>) 18:30 JasonGreene[m] perseverance is my style... I suggested Koha 5 years ago and the non-IT people went done a different road and paid for old stuff... now we are heading towards the smooth new road and have to make the transfer and "re-learn" the system 18:30 JasonGreene[m] I'll look at the newbie guide 18:31 davidnind Jason Greene++ 18:31 blawlor[m] blawlor[m]: I guess that's a little easier to deal with because it's outside of the container 18:31 paulderscheid[m] You can just do PLUGIN_REPO=<PATH> ktd --plugin up -d 18:31 paulderscheid[m] I think that's how tcohen does it 18:32 JasonGreene[m] Anyone in Kansas City? :-) 18:33 paulderscheid[m] Otherwise you can also use this if you want, it's however very wip. 18:35 paulderscheid[m] https://github.com/LMSCloudPaulD/ktd-plugin-tools 18:35 paulderscheid[m] And the docs are super outdated. I think the --help option is a better reference. 18:37 paulderscheid[m] Or you can do this docker cp <YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR> koha-koha-1:/var/lib/koha/kohadev/plugins && docker exec koha-koha-1 /kohadevbox/koha/misc/devel/install_plugins.pl && docker exec koha-koha-1 bash -c 'koha-plack --restart kohadev' 18:38 paulderscheid[m] I need to give that project some love, I am using it for my plugins but as I am the only user rn I rarely update the README 18:40 JasonGreene[m] another question. We've added 18K items.... without searching, is there a way to see ALL of them and scroll through them? 18:42 oleonard You could put together an SQL report for that JasonGreene[m] 18:42 oleonard There might be one already written: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library 18:44 paulderscheid[m] Yes, select * from biblio :D 18:45 davidnind Jason Greene: George Williams works for NEKLS (Northeast Kansas Library System) in Lawrence, Kansas (is pretty active with Koha-US and their special interest groups) https://koha-us.org/special-interest-groups/ 18:45 JasonGreene[m] sorry ask again, I made one library and need to make a second one and transfer some books. 18:46 JasonGreene[m] I made the second one ... now the "transfer" action 18:46 davidnind Jason Greene: There is also the item search (from the toolbar at the top of the staff interface: Search > Item search) - if you don't enter anything you can a list of all items 18:47 JasonGreene[m] ok, Ill try that 18:50 davidnind once you have the barcodes for the items you want to move, you can use the batch item modification tool (Cataloging > Batch editing > Batch item modification) to update the home library and current library information (you can also do that from the item search results as well) 18:59 davidnind blawlor: thanks for the feedback (and paulderscheid) - I'll provide some updates so the wiki page can be updated 20:51 paulderscheid[m] Hi from gomuks (just testing) 21:23 cait what is a gomuks? 21:27 paulderscheid[m] a terminal matrix client 21:27 davidnind https://github.com/tulir/gomuks 21:41 ashimema Lol