Time Nick Message 05:48 LibraryHU[m] Hello, We have recently upgraded our Koha to 22.05. We have also integrated Proquest Syndetics Unbound into it. In the earlier version, we used to update our book carousal from News section in Koha tools. We contacted Proquest support and they have advised to work on a file available in this folder opac-tmpl/modules. We are unable to find this folder. Looking for your support 05:49 LibraryHU[m] * Koha tools. But now it is not working. We contacted 05:58 chimster[m] <LibraryHU[m]> "Hello, We have recently upgraded..." <- ```/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/``` : have you tried this path? 06:01 LibraryHU[m] chimster[m]: hi, actually our IT department is working on it and i think yes, we found this path but then were unable to locate this file opac-detail.tmpl 06:02 LibraryHU[m] * file opac-detail.tmpl, which proquest team asked us to look into 06:02 chimster[m] .tmpl or .tt? 06:03 chimster[m] it must be opac-detail.tt or opac-detail.pl 06:04 chimster[m] afaik there are no .tmpl files 06:08 LibraryHU[m] chimster[m]: okay let me inform my IT team member to look into it. Thanks for your help 08:18 fridolin hi 08:18 ashimema Morning 08:18 fridolin Hackfest at Marseille is annonced see ML :D 08:19 fridolin we have found an extra space 08:19 fridolin "what about the cheese lunch ? On Tuesday :D" whooooo 08:19 ashimema You shouldn't need to change the source code Library HU: 08:49 * cait waves 08:49 magnuse \o/ 08:49 cait fridolin: already registered :) 09:00 ammarspv[m] Hi, 09:00 ammarspv[m] In the item barcode, is there a way to enable duplicate item barcodes for the same biblio? 09:00 cait no, the item barcode is unique 09:00 cait you can't and shoudl not change that 09:00 cait what are you trying to do? 09:08 ammarspv[m] I want to use it for inventory management, and all items must be scanned with unified number that is not ISBN - which field do you suggest that I use? as it should be scannable, printed, and the same Identifier for all items 09:22 cait Koha can print barcode labels for you 09:22 cait with a unique sequential number 09:22 cait that's usually how it's done, items are labelled by the library with unique codes 09:23 cait if your items are not books or similar, you could maybe use the callnumber - it doesn't need to be unique and is used to identify where an item is located in the library usually 09:42 ammarspv[m] callnumber, in the "add new item" screen is equivalent of: o - Full call number - am I correct? 09:43 cait yes 09:43 ammarspv[m] Perfect - thanks a million Cait 09:44 cait if you want to use circulation, you'll still need a unique barcode - maybe let one be generated witht he AutoBarcode setting 09:44 cait it might be helpful later 10:04 ammarspv[m] Agreed 10:43 Annelisterman[m] Hi! Is there a list where I can check which library/branch is used when sending email messages? For example for hold pick up notices the pick up library is used. I already tried the manual and Wiki and didn't find anything. :) 10:47 aude_c[m] haha, I'm also going to look into that this week - one of our library teams asked about it 10:48 aude_c[m] It's easy for overdues because there is the OverdueNoticeFrom sys prefs 10:49 aude_c[m] But otherwise yes, we should definitely add this to the Manual once we have the answers 🙂 10:49 Annelisterman[m] Could it be that digests are sent from patron's home library and checkins/checkouts from the libarary the action was made? 10:50 Annelisterman[m] There are more messages than those of course 12:03 cait Annelisterman[m]: roughly speaking that's how i remember it 12:03 cait but there could be new configuration switches in some cases 12:04 cait we used to have a note for the DGST in the editor, but it went away, so something might have changed 12:40 cait Joubu: did you break master? 12:40 cait after my last push it still looked green'ish 12:41 cait tcohen: or is that realted to your Jenkins work? 12:42 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "Joubu: it seems we are good" (122 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/37722 12:47 cait ok, I am off for about 2 hours, be back later 12:49 tcohen cait: what do you mean master? 12:49 tcohen a specific jenkins task? 12:49 tcohen we've had some failures yesterday due to missing things on nodes 12:49 tcohen (bad cron) but once that got fixed I triggered all tasks again 12:50 tcohen my work from yesterday is only related to adding test pipelines for the security branches, so a separate thing 12:50 marcelr o/ 12:58 tcohen Koha_Master failure is about 00-testcritic.t 12:59 Joubu no, tcohen, not directly 13:00 Joubu koha_1 | error: object directory /srv/jenkins/workspace/Koha_Source/.git/objects does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates 13:00 Joubu koha_1 | error: Could not read 1ebad35682ff5aec52ce500f51a1f3f582cdffdc 13:00 Joubu koha_1 | Nothing to critique at t/00-testcritic.t line 18. 13:00 Joubu koha_1 | [10:32:11] t/00-testcritic.t ...................... 13:00 tcohen ah, docker_1 13:00 tcohen I lost access yesterday 13:00 tcohen it had issues 13:00 tcohen it seems it resurrected from the ashes 13:01 tcohen moving to ByWater's VPN to connect 13:01 tcohen might disconnect for a bit 13:03 Joubu this is not docker_1 13:13 tcohen docker_1: 13:13 tcohen jenkins@kcjenkins:/srv/jenkins/workspace/Koha_Source$ git fetch 13:13 tcohen fatal: unable to connect to git.koha-community.org: 13:13 tcohen git.koha-community.org[0:]: errno=Connection refused 13:36 tcohen jaked++ 13:36 tcohen ashimema++ 13:53 tcohen I've added a fail2ban rule for bots on the Gitea Nginx 14:40 marcelr hi tcohen: on bug 24430 you added biblio->active_orders which only looks at not cancelled, but what about complete lines ? 14:40 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24430 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, CLOSED FIXED, Remove C4::Biblio::CountBiblioInOrders 15:29 cait back 15:38 cait tcohen: i ws talking about this new fail earlier, it was not there yesterday:  t_00_testcritic_t.Test died too soon, even before plan. (61) 15:38 cait it turned all the master nodes yellow, before that it was only D10 15:39 Joubu he is away for a bit, IIRC it should be fixed now. 15:39 Joubu IIUC! 15:44 cait ok, hopefully! 15:44 cait kidclamp: around to report? :) 15:53 Joubu @later tell marcelr Bug 34478: Changes for admin/sru_modmapping (no token needed) 15:53 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 15:53 Joubu @later tell marcelr this is not correct, if we don't need a token we need a GET 15:53 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 15:54 Joubu @later tell marcelr run xt/find-missing-csrf.t 15:54 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 15:56 marcelr yeah i can set that form to get indeed 15:56 marcelr will do 15:56 marcelr it is twice 15:57 marcelr auth and bib 15:57 marcelr later #koha 16:56 reiveune bye 20:03 JasonGreene[m] We have one koha server however we have 2 different parts of our library... 2 different buildings 20:03 JasonGreene[m] should we have 2 branches? or ?? 20:04 JasonGreene[m] we have one library in Koha now and no branches 20:06 JasonGreene[m] or is there a different way ? 20:07 oleonard Two branches sounds logical to me JasonGreene[m] 20:07 caroline I would say it depends on your workflows... Branches are mostly used to indicate where items are located. If patrons can return items in a different branch and items need to be transfered to their home library, you need to use branches 20:09 caroline branches can also have different policies, so that can be useful too 20:12 JasonGreene[m] ours is where each book is located, checked out and return is the same but can be both... so I'll need to make 2 branches and edit each book to show that ?? 20:14 caroline It's hard to say definitively since I don't know your particular situation, but I would say 2 branches would probably be best. Just to make sure you can track where each item is. 20:16 JasonGreene[m] That makes sense .. I'm not seeing "branch" in koha 23.. is it different? 20:17 caroline It's called Library 20:17 caroline https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/administration.html#libraries 20:19 JasonGreene[m] ok, so each "library" is a library and not a "branch" ? 20:19 caroline it's the same. branch is the term in the database, library is the term in the interface 20:22 caroline I think Library is the more generic term. Koha is used by consortia, so their "branches" are not actually branches of the same library 20:22 JasonGreene[m] ok, If I understand, now that I've imported all of our books into "one" library, I'll have to create a second one and transfer the needed books into it? 20:22 caroline yes 20:26 JasonGreene[m] or remove them all and re-import them apart from each other.... I put two sheet into one sheet then imported it as one library 20:28 caroline also a possibility if you don't mind deleting everything. 20:28 caroline If your items have barcodes, you can use the batch edit tool to change the home and holding libraries 20:29 JasonGreene[m] Ok, how does the affect the Patrons 20:29 caroline having branches? or moving the items? 20:30 JasonGreene[m] both 20:31 caroline for patrons, they will have a home library, which is used I think for sending some notices (you can have different versions of notices per branch/library) 20:31 caroline Moving the items should not affect patrons, I don't think 20:31 JasonGreene[m] ok, 20:33 JasonGreene[m] rather than staring over, now I'm thinking of creating 2 more libs and then then, if possible, batch move books from the first lib to the correct lib we have about 14K books 20:37 JasonGreene[m] or just create a second lib and move the necessary items to it 20:38 caroline Would it not be easier to just move the items from one library? Unless it's because you wanted to change the branchcode too? 20:44 JasonGreene[m] I think it would be easier to just move them 22:11 caroline Some news! https://2024.kohacon.org/news/ Newsletter coming out probably tomorrow. We just have to set up the DKIM thing with mailchimp 22:22 davidnind Nice! 22:38 dcook_ caroline: Cool :) 22:38 dcook_ Wait I'll practice my French. Génial :)