Time Nick Message 03:10 chimster[m] Hmm 08:26 chimster[m] anyone knows how to disable rightnavbar on OPAC 11:20 cait caroline: be careful with red/green because of color blind, always should have another visual indicator too. 11:21 cait chimster[m]: if you are still around, we are active, but weekends are quiet 11:21 cait depending on your version you might find the navbar contents in tools > html customizations or in administration > system preferences > (search for nav) 11:22 chimster[m] oh hey! 11:22 chimster[m] so glad to see that the group is active 11:24 chimster[m] my version is 23.11 11:26 chimster[m] cait: I can't seem to find it :/ 11:33 cait 23.11 would be opac cutomisations 11:33 cait um html customizations 11:33 cait if it's not shown... it could be a rare update issue 11:33 cait chimster[m]: can you try and run an SQL report for me? 11:34 chimster[m] I can find html customizations 11:34 cait ok, do you see any entries there? 11:34 cait is your opac public? 11:34 chimster[m] it is 11:34 cait can I see? 11:35 cait it might make it easier to locate the content, when I know what we are looking at :) 12:01 cait bbl #koha 12:25 ashimema Active during the week, not so active at weekends 12:25 ashimema CSS and JavaScript give you a lot of options for customising and there's lots of resources out there to help with those. 12:43 chimster[m] I can't find any good resources 12:43 chimster[m] I mean extensive updated resources 16:35 ashimema weird.. i'm missing loads of messages that appear nicely on my phone 16:35 ashimema stupid matrix 16:36 chimster[m] huh 16:36 chimster[m] yeah matrix has these glitches 18:16 chimster[m] anyone can give me some feedback on my OPAC design?