Time Nick Message 07:18 marcelr o/ 07:18 gk_ KOHA 23.11 version on Debian 11, upon checkout "An Error has occurred-Errot 500" 07:28 Joubu gk_: what's the error? Check the Koha log files 07:35 reiveune hello 08:26 mtj Hi folks 08:26 mtj Hie Cait.. I'm about now 👋 08:27 mtj Sorry I missed you yesterday 08:40 cait good morning #koha 08:40 cait mtj: we should be ready for the packages 08:40 cait I checked the branches and they appear complete 08:45 cait we have several open unit test buts marked RM_priority - please test these :) 08:46 marcelr easy signoff bug 35969 08:46 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35969 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , opac-sendbasket: Improve error message, remove some logging 08:50 Joubu please postpone all easy/trivial/cosmetic works 08:51 Joubu I am going to mark as blocked everything new that will conflict with CSRF fix 08:51 cait Joubu: if you could take care of that this woudl be good 08:51 cait what shoudl I watch for? anything forms? 08:51 Joubu anything everywhere 08:51 cait how far are you guys with CSRF? 08:51 cait if you need me to stop pushing, we need to talk :) 08:52 Joubu we should actually block everything and people should focus on it 08:52 marcelr Joubu: blocking every patch does not sound good 08:52 Joubu yes it is 08:52 cait It comes a bit out of the blue right now 08:52 Joubu it's a nightmare to fix and rebase 08:52 marcelr for an In discussion patch 08:52 Joubu it's not in discussion 08:52 Joubu go see the remote branch 08:52 marcelr few secs ago 08:53 marcelr it was 08:53 Joubu it is, but it's not reflecting its state 08:53 Joubu adjusting 08:53 cait that's why I said we need to talk - communication 08:53 marcelr i know that several people promised to work on it, so i let them do what they promised 08:53 cait my plan this morning was to push the regressions.t and see if I can get jenkins green and the small bug fixes 08:54 ashimema resgressions.t is fine to push 08:54 ashimema that's one of the few that won't affect I believe 08:54 ashimema pretty much anything that touches a controller or template does affect it 08:54 ashimema and people are busting a gut working on that bug.. but it's huge and laborious 08:55 Joubu marcelr: I've adjusted the status and added a comment 08:55 Joubu marcelr: we cannot be too many, you are welcome 08:56 Joubu It's 110 commits on top of master so far 08:57 marcelr did you block other patches too ? 08:57 Joubu not yet :D 08:57 marcelr ok thats bad 08:57 Joubu what is bad? 08:57 marcelr you make it personal 08:57 Joubu ok 08:57 marcelr i dont like that 08:57 Joubu see you later 08:58 cait the problem is, we don't see your work, you need to communicate 08:58 cait at elast with me 08:58 Joubu lol 08:58 cait tell me :) 08:58 Joubu there are comments on the bug 08:59 marcelr it would be helpful to know who is doing what and when, and see that on the bug 09:00 cait yep - I was slightly aware of ongoing work, but not of the extend 09:00 Joubu marcelr: read the comments! 09:00 Joubu if there are too many comments people don't read because things get lost 09:01 marcelr https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/security/src/branch/bug_34478 09:01 marcelr 404 09:02 Joubu there are very few comments marked "important" 09:02 Joubu one is 09:02 Joubu I have pushed a remote branch to our security repo (rebased and with new commits). 09:02 Joubu https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/security/src/branch/bug_34478 09:02 Joubu (If you need access let me know) 09:02 marcelr yes ^^ 09:03 Joubu login then 09:03 Joubu because you should be able to have access to the security repo, you are in the security group on gitea 09:04 marcelr lol 09:07 mtj Hi cait. Many thanks.. Will build pkgs now 🙆 09:40 cait running around a bit in the office this morning, but will read back in between 09:59 cait kidclamp: ping 10:05 cait kidclamp: RM ping 10:23 paulderscheid[m] cait still around? 10:24 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha btw 10:25 cait kind of, still between 2 things 10:25 cait can it wait like 10 minutes? 10:25 paulderscheid[m] Yes 10:40 cait paulderscheid[m]: now is your chance :) 10:41 paulderscheid[m] Do you have a recommendation where I can lookup all the possible formats in 260$c 10:41 paulderscheid[m] ? 10:41 paulderscheid[m] date of publication 10:41 cait what do you mean with format? 10:41 cait @marc 260$c 10:41 huginn` cait: unknown tag 260$c 10:41 cait @marc 260 10:41 huginn` cait: Information relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a work. (Repeatable) [a,b,c,e,f,g,3,6,8] 10:42 cait is c the year? 10:42 paulderscheid[m] Huh, that's cool :D 10:42 paulderscheid[m] yeah 10:42 cait @marc 260c 10:42 huginn` cait: unknown tag 260c 10:42 cait hm there was a way, but I forgot :) 10:42 cait anyway, you can't 10:42 cait It's "wie in der Vorlage" 10:43 cait if you want a normalized date, you need to check 008, pos 7-10 10:43 Joubu @marc 260 c 10:43 huginn` Joubu: Date of publication, distribution, etc. May contain multiple dates (e.g., dates of publication and copyright). (Repeatable) 10:43 cait you's probably encounter copyright symbols, [] and similar there 10:43 paulderscheid[m] Ah, yeah 10:43 cait it's also repeatable 10:43 cait and RDA records will use 264 10:43 paulderscheid[m] There were some rules if I remember my cataloguing class correctly 10:43 cait instead of 260 10:43 paulderscheid[m] Thanks 10:44 cait I believe Koha has code for gussing 10:44 cait I remember marcelr working on something related 10:44 paulderscheid[m] marcelr? 10:44 paulderscheid[m] still around? 10:44 cait marcelr: do you remember? I think it related to work on the koha to MARC mappings 10:45 marcelr gussing? 10:45 cait https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19098 10:45 huginn` 04Bug 19098: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Additional logic for 260/RDA 264 fields 10:45 cait well... extracting a year from bad data :) 10:45 marcelr yeah i vaguely remember 10:45 marcelr not sure now where it ended 10:46 cait digging in Bugzilla sec 10:46 marcelr probably needs a bugzilla dive , yes 10:46 marcelr paulderscheid[m]: just put some patches on 19098 :) 10:47 cait Bug 11046 - Better handling of uncertain years for publicationyear/copyrightdate 10:47 paulderscheid[m] Cool stuff 10:47 paulderscheid[m] Thank you 10:48 cait I think that last one is a good candidate 10:49 paulderscheid[m] Thank you marcelr++ cait++ 10:50 paulderscheid[m] I knew there was no perfect solution. Just wanted to create structured data if I can match certain patterns. 10:58 paulderscheid[m] I have one other question. Is there a way to access the indicator fields w/ MARC::Record/MARC::Field? 10:58 paulderscheid[m] For fields above '010'. 10:58 paulderscheid[m] Or do I just have to dereference the objects? 11:07 ashimema MARC::Field->indicator(indno) 11:08 ashimema ho.. above 010 11:10 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, for example in 100$a you have the indicator 1 denoting whether a name is a 0 => Surname, 1 => Forname or 3 => Family name, 11:10 paulderscheid[m] But I read through the perldoc of MARC::Record and I guess there's just no method for that. 11:11 ashimema control fields don't have indicators as such 11:11 paulderscheid[m] Thought there might be a trick I'm not aware of. 11:11 ashimema hang on.. I misread again 11:11 ashimema you mean above 010.. i.e. NOT controlfields 11:11 ashimema so yeah.. ->indicator(indno) 11:13 paulderscheid[m] Huh? Is that not documented or am I blind? 11:13 ashimema so in your above example.. if you have a MARC::Field for a 100.. then you can use `my $indicator0 = $field100->indicator(1);` 11:13 paulderscheid[m] But it works. Thanks ashimema. 11:13 ashimema https://metacpan.org/pod/MARC::Field#indicator(indno) 11:13 paulderscheid[m] Ah it's in field :D 11:13 paulderscheid[m] ashimema++ 11:14 ashimema those libraries are nice once you wrap your head around them 😜 11:14 ashimema but they do take a little wrapping 11:15 paulderscheid[m] That's on me, honestly. 11:15 paulderscheid[m] I should have parused ˆˆ 11:16 paulderscheid[m] *perused 11:40 oleonard o/ 11:51 paulderscheid[m] \o 12:13 magnuse o/ 12:32 tcohen morning 12:32 tcohen o/ 12:32 marcelr back o/ 12:47 * kidclamp waves 12:48 kidclamp cait: RM ping seems important :-) 12:49 cait aah there he is 12:49 cait kidclamp: pm 12:53 tcohen oh secret talks :P 12:55 cait not fun ones maybe ;) 13:23 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I have a question. What settings do I need to make so that the Koha search engine can search more accurately and filter more accurate results? 13:25 cait that's a very very broad question 13:26 cait what is the issue that you see? too many results? 13:26 cait are you using zebra? 13:29 NikolayGospodinov[m] I'm using zebra and too many results are showing 13:30 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: Can you make a guess at why you have too many results? 13:31 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: Matching parts the record you don't want it to? Search being to "fuzzy" ? (matching variations of words) 13:33 NikolayGospodinov[m] For example, when i search in Authorities for specific title I get a lot of results that are not related to my search 13:33 NikolayGospodinov[m] I don't know the reason 13:42 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: Have you done a full Zebra reindex? 13:42 NikolayGospodinov[m] Yes 13:43 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: I think you'll have to try to identify ways in which Zebra is making mistakes before you'll be able to find out how to tune Zebra to work better. 13:43 NikolayGospodinov[m] oleonard: How do I do that! 13:44 oleonard Examine a record which you think shouldn't have been included in search results to see if there are instances or variations of the words you searched with 13:45 NikolayGospodinov[m] aha. Okey 13:46 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Category:Zebra 13:47 NikolayGospodinov[m] I tried searching for a personal name "Elin Pelin", but all sorts of other names like "Anje" appear in the results 14:08 marcelr kidclamp are you updating the pad ? i see entries already done 14:09 marcelr we are working in the saem section 14:09 marcelr same 14:09 kidclamp I am updating 14:09 kidclamp Trying not to overlap 14:10 marcelr we did 14:10 marcelr shall i jump a bit lower ? 14:11 kidclamp I'm at the bottom working up 14:11 marcelr ok than it was just already done.. 14:11 kidclamp yeah, there may be some that were fixed on other pads 14:13 oleonard How best to report a problem when testing 34478? 14:20 oleonard Or maybe the question is, how to know which pages are ready for testing? 14:20 oleonard marcelr? kidclamp? ^^ 14:21 kidclamp the various pads tell you what we have done oleonard - I don't think it can be tested really until done 14:22 kidclamp I am not sure how we plan to handle SO/QA - I think Joubu is reviewing all our patches and (I have assumed) we are all testing as we make changes 14:22 kidclamp I expect (many) followups once we push 14:25 oleonard Okay. So no way to contribute through testing at this time? 14:37 magnuse__ bug 34478 14:37 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34478 is not accessible. 14:40 kidclamp oleonard: correct -not testing time...yet 14:40 kidclamp magnuse__: ping Joubu for access 14:40 oleonard kidclamp 👍🏻 14:45 magnuse__ kidclamp: i have access, just didn't realize it was a security bug :-) 14:52 cait Joubu: success, regression.t is not failing, but now it's running the cypress tests (and failing) ;) 14:54 Joubu cait: the one I fixed 2 days ago? 14:54 Joubu it's SO IIRC 14:54 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: did you limit your search to the main heading? default I think is to search the whole record 14:54 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: look at the marc record and search for elin there - maybe it references it or has another name form that matches 14:55 cait Joubu: that one exactly 14:55 NikolayGospodinov[m] is to the main hading 14:55 cait Joubu: so we know where to head next - I can push test file changes, right? 14:56 Joubu well you are RM you decide 14:56 cait that's mean 14:56 Joubu yes push 14:56 cait I'd like to push them, the only changes are .ts 14:56 cait I just checked 14:57 cait I guess that shoudl not interfere? 14:57 Joubu it won't 14:57 cait cool, so I'll do that now and maybe we will get to green, who know, stranger things have happened 15:07 Joubu kidclamp, ashimema, tcohen: I am totally stuck on bug 33568. I've tried to explain what's going on in the following commit message 15:07 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view 15:07 Joubu https://gitlab.com/joubu/Koha/-/commit/8c090058230d349c5cac7c03e82e5cacf03b5834 15:08 Joubu and.. do we really (really?) want this LPAD ordering? 15:08 Joubu I think cait told me yes already when I tried to remove it some months ago 15:11 cait LDAP ordering? 15:13 Joubu LPAD 15:13 Joubu left pad on copynumber 15:13 Joubu \"LPAD( me.copynumber, 8, '0' )", 15:14 Joubu just tell me we don't need it please. I lost 4 hours in my day but at least it's fixed! 15:18 cait I have no idea what you are talking about, but sure! ;) 15:19 cait left pad I think woudl only make sense if we can't sort numerical, but I think datatables can do that nicely anyway? 15:19 kidclamp the reason would be that copynumber 10 would sort before copynumber 8 without this, correct? 15:19 cait I think it depends, I believe if you only have numerical values... does datatables not sort correctly? 15:19 cait I thouht it did some kind of data detection 15:20 kidclamp Yeah, I say remove it and we build a copynumber_sort column in the future if needed 15:20 Joubu bug 3521 explains it 15:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3521 trivial, P3, ---, koha.sekjal, CLOSED FIXED, Items table in catalogue/detail.pl and cataloguing/additem.pl is sorted nonsensically 15:20 Joubu now 15:20 cait 3.8.2 15:20 Joubu the idea is to display the items depending on this sort 15:20 kidclamp the performance issue for sites with many copies is bigger than sorting issues imho 15:21 Joubu when sort on library name, enumchron, then this copynumber stuff and finally date 15:21 cait I tink sorting by copynumber shoudl not be solved more elegantly 15:21 Joubu hum? 15:21 cait well in the gui 15:21 kidclamp drop the LPAD I say :-) 15:21 cait if it#s about detail pages, the detail pages sort differently already anyway 15:21 Joubu ok! 15:21 cait not even sure if that sequence is kept now 15:21 Joubu don't tell me twice, should have asked before! 15:22 cait if we need to let Joubu remove something to make Joubu happy... we can do that :D 15:22 cait kidclamp: how is my patch set? 15:23 cait I expect you to finish before I leave next week ;) 15:23 kidclamp the CSRF? We're going - I tasked Lucas and Khall to focus on this too 15:23 cait good job 15:27 cait hm I see something strange 15:27 cait my master branch tells me it's not up to date with master... but I am the only one changing master 15:34 cait I figured it out I think... 15:45 cait yep 16:04 reiveune bye