Time Nick Message 01:18 mtj hi tcohen, can you get them to log a bug, re http-tiny? 01:18 mtj ..i had a look, and it seems ok to me 01:34 mtj hmm, seems the pkg is removed from deb11 01:34 mtj https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=962407 01:54 mtj ...but is included in 'perl' pkg, instead 01:56 mtj so, looks like everything should be ok, for all supported deb/ubuntu versions 02:44 saa how to correctly import date acquired date in 952$d 02:45 saa though we tried to import from excel to marc and then to koha after import the date does not get imported properly and it brings wrong date 02:46 saa can anyone suggest how to configure excel properly especially for date and then import data in marc and then to koha 07:05 marcelr o/ 07:06 ashimema Morning #koha 07:12 reiveune hello 07:14 marcelr hi ashimema reiveune 07:15 Joubu @later tell tuxayo did you have a look at my alternative patch on 35506? 07:15 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:16 Joubu hi marcelr, ashimema! 07:16 marcelr o/ 07:16 Joubu marcelr: seen sec bug? 07:17 Joubu you will love it, it's about auth :D 07:18 ashimema /me is grumpy about the security release.. we really must get better at this :-( 07:18 marcelr yeah, this did not look good 07:19 marcelr Joubu, yes I saw about AutoLocation 07:37 Joubu marcelr: fun on bug 35918 as well... 07:37 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35918 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Incorrect library used when AutoLocation configured using the same IP 07:38 marcelr hmm does not recommend using AutoLocation 07:39 Joubu not if you think it will protect you... 07:39 marcelr i would use iptables or nginx etc to do so 07:40 Joubu code from 2006.. 07:40 marcelr remove it ! 07:40 marcelr how many people use it ? is it on HEA? 07:42 Joubu 173 07:53 Joubu marcelr: patch coming, writing test 07:54 marcelr yes thats not very much :) 07:57 tuxayo Joubu: hi :) I've seen the notifications, I'll look in the details and try to test quickly. 07:58 marcelr 107 in PQA ?! 08:05 fridolin yellow 08:07 ashimema 108 08:08 ashimema 45 of which are marked as Bugs 08:08 ashimema cait is waiting on security release too 08:08 ashimema everything it backlogs 08:08 ashimema backlogged 08:08 ashimema even 08:08 ashimema 130 in the QA queue too 08:08 ashimema the numbers are upsetting right now 08:09 cait yeah, the plan is to unlock it a bit today 08:09 cait I might need help with a rebase for the one patch later on, but I think that's the smaller price 08:09 cait we agreed to open up the datatables bug, right? 08:09 ashimema yes 08:10 cait shoudl we do it immediately or do I just push and we do it later on? 08:10 ashimema done 08:10 cait ok, so I need to tidy ma branch a little, then will resume 08:12 tuxayo > waiting on security release too 08:12 tuxayo bug 35687 should be included, right? 08:12 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35687 blocker, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Passed QA , Upgrade to may fail 08:12 tuxayo > we agreed to open up the datatables bug, right? 08:12 tuxayo got my answer ^^ 08:12 cait we are ina bad in between state now 08:13 cait most branches are ready, some are not 08:13 Joubu @later tell khall ping 35353 :) 08:13 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:13 cait the older ones had trouble with backporting 08:13 Joubu @later tell kidclamp can you ping khall for 35353 for me please :) 08:13 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:16 ashimema Where is the 22.11 security branch.. it's not in the repos yet at all 08:18 cait I think not pushed because of the failing test 08:18 cait fredericd: around maybe? 08:19 Joubu tcohen: please have a look at bug 35353 comment 5. (related with 35247 and 35560) 08:19 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35353 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, In Discussion , Add API endpoint to fetch patron's previous holds 08:19 Joubu 3 different implemtation for the same thing, do not change koha... 08:19 Joubu @later tell tcohen please have a look at bug 35353 comment 5. (related with 35247 and 35560) 08:19 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:21 ashimema We could help if it was pushed 08:21 ashimema Whilst it's only on his pc it's hard for us to help 08:21 ashimema And very hard for those below to backport 08:27 ashimema cait++ 08:31 cait I guess great minds think alike ;) 08:33 marcelr great_minds++ 08:36 Joubu cait: did you see my reply about the failing tests? 08:36 Joubu tests are failing for months on this branch 08:37 cait I think they didn't know as they are trying to fill in 08:38 cait if someone took a look and verified it's not related to the backports it would probably help? 08:38 cait also... shoudl we not still fix them? 08:39 Joubu actually provided fixes to fix them... 08:39 Joubu 2 months ago 08:39 Joubu they didn't know? 08:39 Joubu jenkins? 08:40 Joubu I told them it is failing for months, and provided fix 2 months ago, not sure what else I can do... 08:40 Joubu and I am out of this now 08:40 cait the patches are ont hte bugs? 08:40 Joubu please read my last email 08:40 cait just found it 08:42 Joubu marcelr: bug 35817 comment 3... hum... did you read the diff? 08:42 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35817 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Failed QA , Wrong hint on patron's category when batch update patron 08:42 cait hm my ktd up with elastic takes unusually long today 08:43 cait hm ok - Elastic is just complainy 08:44 marcelr no Joubu, qa tools complained 09:18 ashimema we really need an api coding guideline around 'old' endpoints 09:18 ashimema I'm fed up of getting stuck in the same discussions each time 09:20 Joubu we have one, for checkouts. IMO we should implement the same (consistency) for holds. 09:21 Joubu that's my implementation. There are two others :D 09:21 Joubu we do not have a coding guideline, but an "old" endpoints 09:22 ashimema yes.. we should add a guidelines to match the existing implimentation 09:22 ashimema I'd still like to merge those tables and encourage Tomas to rebase that piece 09:22 ashimema for holds in particular 09:22 ashimema he did a nice job there and I don't know why it got stuck 09:43 cait Joubu: can you remind me where to find the meeting tempalte? 09:43 cait i want to fix the Jitsi 09:49 Joubu https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_Template 09:49 cait thank you 09:50 ashimema I alreadty did cait 09:50 cait ashimema++ 09:50 ashimema your irc is shit 09:50 cait yeah, I realized that now! :) 09:50 ashimema I PM'd you in three different places ☹️ 09:50 ashimema seems you didn't get any of them 09:50 cait i guess the others are the old matrix ones .( I was not aware they are still around 09:50 cait I don't see them 09:51 cait I have turned it off as it created more problems witht he double up than it was helping 09:51 ashimema I have hundreds of them 09:51 * ashimema is tired 09:51 cait same 09:51 cait been a long week 09:51 cait I have a meeting now, but I have the datatable patches ready to go - will put a bit on top and push later 09:54 Joubu I will stop writing patches for security bugs, so that we won't have to plan other security releases 09:54 cait I undertand where you are coming from, but I believe that might not be the ideal solution 09:57 marcelr Joubu: i know that feeling ;) 09:58 marcelr lets stop with enhancements too 09:58 davewood_ after a bulkimport.pl the background workers have issues. Koha version: (details: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/19653) 09:59 marcelr davewood_: there are no issues with background jobs :) 09:59 Joubu marcelr: I am all for bugfixes and refactoring only! 09:59 davewood_ marcelr: what do you mean? 09:59 Joubu davewood_: bug 35819 09:59 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35819 critical, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Failed QA , "No job found" error for BatchUpdateBiblioHoldsQueue (race condition) 10:00 marcelr davewood_: there are 10:00 marcelr too much 10:00 marcelr they will be solved in 31.05 10:00 Joubu davewood_: can you confirm what are the background_jobs.type values for the ones stuck in "new"? 10:00 marcelr sorry 10:01 Joubu 35819 is the only critical one 10:01 Joubu known 10:01 marcelr hmm 10:02 marcelr Joubu does your bonus plan include credits for FQA :) 10:03 ashimema I was pondering a response to that this morning 10:03 ashimema but it was too early and my brain hadn't full woken up 10:03 marcelr and now it is too late already lol 10:03 ashimema I'm not sure about it.. I think a lot of the issue isn't individuals.. it's companies and sponsors etc 10:03 Joubu marcelr: everything is possible ;) 10:04 ashimema I do think it's cool on a personal level though 🙂 10:04 marcelr i am thinking that we should not spend too much time on it? 10:04 ashimema agreed 10:04 marcelr we know that dashboard numbers dont tell the whole story 10:05 Joubu we were looking for a solution yesterday to highlight what was done better 10:05 marcelr yeah 10:05 davewood_ select type, count(*) from background_jobs where status='new' group by type; => update_elastic_index | 129311 10:06 marcelr awful 10:06 ashimema I tried to encourage more use of git trailers 10:06 davewood_ is there a workaround that i can apply manually? 10:07 marcelr look at that bug, but it is unfinished business 10:07 Joubu and a side-project with fun technologies, starting from scratch, with (let's dream) have a correct management (kanban, etc.) could help add motivation to some devs as well 10:07 Joubu anyway, I won't push for it, my time is too limited for now 10:07 davewood_ i did look into the bug, i mean something like restarting some service that reruns the jobs. 10:07 ashimema I think I'd rather see more public 'Badges' or something that both individuals or companies could use to highlight their staff's involvement (or individuals put on github for example to highlight their personal envolvement) 10:08 ashimema anywho.. I'm letting myself get distracted.. I looked into this sort of thing a while ago 10:08 Joubu davewood_: if it's just index, full reindex 10:08 davewood_ alright, thanks 10:08 davewood_ Joubu++ 10:09 Joubu ashimema: the number of * could be a 1k* badge for individual, or you could have "teams" as well, representing the companie 10:09 Joubu s 10:10 ashimema mm 10:11 marcelr maybe we should stop with supporting too much versions ? 10:11 ashimema LOL 10:11 ashimema I really argued against LTS 10:11 ashimema and was overruled 10:11 marcelr the current problems prove that you were right 10:11 marcelr you shoudl also receive credit for that 10:12 ashimema haha 10:12 marcelr ashimema++ 10:12 ashimema I wish I wasn't 😜 10:12 * ashimema steps away for a few minutes.. I can feel myself slipping towards being grumpy again and will divert by doing some more QA 10:13 marcelr great 10:13 Joubu be brave and use master 10:13 ashimema bug 34623 could be a fairly simple QA 10:13 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34623 is not accessible. 10:13 ashimema I couldn't find any issues in testing.. 10:13 * ashimema would love a rolling release of builds that happen whenever Jenkins is green 10:14 ashimema ptfs-e and bywater are both working towards tracking stable at the moment 10:14 ashimema so we're getting closer and closer to just going for it 10:15 Joubu jenkins for master and stables should be green, always. Hence my suggestion to have "wip" branches on which we would run the full test suite and the push to the branches would be done by CI only if green 10:15 ashimema I agree with that 10:15 marcelr sounds good 10:16 ashimema that's actually basically how our .ptfs branches work with Jenkins now 10:16 ashimema we trigger a package build on a successful test run 10:17 ashimema we have a .ptfs branch which is just a little ahead of current stable.. as we push we watch Jenkins.. if it passes great.. we autobuild our package, push it to our repositories and it gets installed on servers shortly after 10:17 ashimema if it fails, the package doesn't attempt to build at all.. we have to go fix it to pass tests before the build will happen 10:33 ashimema marcelr still around? 10:38 marcelr yeah just a but 10:38 marcelr bit 10:41 ashimema on bug 20065 you talk about plugins to maintain PID's in records 10:41 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20065 new feature, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Perennial or persistent identifier implementation 10:41 ashimema do you have an example anywhere? 10:41 ashimema is your one open? 10:42 marcelr yes i have them but the code is private 10:42 marcelr i could share with you surely 10:43 marcelr send me a pm a reminder 10:43 marcelr as 10:43 ashimema thanks 🙂 10:44 marcelr SO 117 and PQA 114 10:50 ashimema marcelr++ 10:52 marcelr ok now we are below PQA with SO 10:52 marcelr two trivials 10:54 marcelr for credits i suggest to multiply PQA * FQA :) 11:03 marcelr cu l8r 11:20 tcohen happy friday #koha o/ 11:23 oleonard Busy morning! 11:33 PedroAmorim[m] @marcelr++ 11:33 huginn` PedroAmorim[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 11:34 PedroAmorim[m] marcel++ 11:34 PedroAmorim[m] I'm trash at this =D 11:34 PedroAmorim[m] marcelr++ 11:34 tcohen PedroAmorim[m] 11:34 PedroAmorim[m] there we go 11:34 tcohen PedroAmorim[m]++ 12:24 cait tracking stable is fine if you have the resources for it 12:25 cait I think we can reduce the number of versions at elast by one, but I want to keep the LTS 12:25 cait the 3 RMaints version was voted against... 12:29 ashimema xslt is hard ☹️ 12:41 Joubu xslt is not for a Friday afternoon 12:44 aw-bib[m] > tracking stable is fine if you have the resources for it 12:44 aw-bib[m] even though I know well that developers hate this, working at some small library I can tell from quite a few other projects that tacking a stable version released twice a year is quite challenging. diplomatically avoiding terms with a tendency towards "impossible" ;) (we e.g. have _no_ library IT) however, I have not yet enough experience with the deb-updates wrt inner changes. the ones I explicitly tried were quite painless. 12:44 aw-bib[m] ym2ct 12:51 magnuse @quote get random 12:51 huginn` magnuse: Error: 'random' is not a valid id. 12:51 magnuse @quote random 12:51 huginn` magnuse: Quote #208: "<mtompset> Tonight... I tango with git." (added by jcamins at 03:01 PM, June 28, 2012) 12:51 magnuse @quote add Joubu> xslt is not for a Friday afternoon 12:51 huginn` magnuse: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 12:52 magnuse @quote add <Joubu> xslt is not for a Friday afternoon 12:52 huginn` magnuse: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 12:53 fridolin cait: hi, whooo blocker Bug 35687 i should wait for it to be in my next release right ? 12:53 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35687 blocker, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Passed QA , Upgrade to may fail 12:53 fridolin cait: any idea when it comes to master ? 12:53 magnuse @quote add "<Joubu> xslt is not for a Friday afternoon" 12:53 huginn` magnuse: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 12:53 * magnuse gives up 12:56 fridolin ashimema: what XSLT pb ? 12:57 ashimema it's not really a problem per say 12:57 ashimema it's just writing one from scratch is hard.. it's a labour 12:57 ashimema bug 30554 12:57 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30554 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Passed QA , Use XSLT in authority search cataloguing plugin 12:57 ashimema I was trying to produce a MARC21 template that matches the non-xslt view 12:58 fridolin ah sure 12:58 ashimema and whilst I got a fair bit through it.. there's loads more to go 12:58 ashimema Julian did that for UNIMARC on the dependency bug.. at least I think that's what his template does 12:58 ashimema not knowing UNIMARC I can't really comment 12:58 fridolin it creates a minimal display 12:58 ashimema the one on that bug does 12:59 ashimema mine enhances that a lot 12:59 fridolin that will be a good start for custom display ;) 12:59 ashimema but on bug 11083 he did a much more advanced template.. but unimarc only 12:59 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11083 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, RESOLVED FIXED, Authority search result display in staff interface should be XSLT driven 12:59 fridolin one day we may consider using a more friendly code, maybe JavaScript, everyboady knows it ;) 13:00 ashimema yeah 13:00 ashimema xslt is such a nightmare 13:00 ashimema marc is hard enough to understand.. but then trying to translate it using xslt for display is just.. yuk 13:00 fridolin indeed, even does not allow HTML5 tags 13:00 fridolin must be XHTML 13:00 * oleonard has heard of JavaScript 13:00 ashimema indeed 13:00 fridolin ^^ 13:01 fridolin some first websites uses to be done with HTML generated client-side with an XSLT :D 13:02 Joubu "it's fast" I think is why we keep it 13:02 NikolayGospodinov[m] I have a question. I will be replacing a current Koch database with another one. The name of the current database is koha_k7000 and the new one is koha_lib04. How to perform the substitution 13:02 fridolin but so poor in programming skils 13:03 fridolin not even a if else ^^ 13:05 cait fridolin: today 13:05 cait it's the plan, I had a meeting this morning, but back on RM duty now (after lunch and making fresh tea) 13:06 oleonard @quote add Joubu> xslt is not for a Friday afternoon 13:06 huginn` oleonard: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 13:07 cait XSLT is fun, I don't know what your issue is ;) 13:07 oleonard huginn` has very strict identification controls 13:07 huginn` oleonard: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 13:16 oleonard PedroAmorim[m] around? 13:16 PedroAmorim[m] hey 13:17 oleonard Hi Pedro, I was just looking at Bug 35908 13:17 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35908 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , There is no length limit for what's presented in datatables 13:17 oleonard I think there is a CSS alternative that would work well 13:18 oleonard Set a max-width on the <select>, and set text-overflow on the select to "ellipsis" 13:19 cait I like CSS 13:19 oleonard This method would have the advantage of allowing the full text in the expanded dropdown 13:20 Joubu oleonard: see also bug 34574, maybe you will find a nice solution as well ;) 13:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34574 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , Datatables dropdown filter column header is potentially too wide 13:20 cait aw-bib[m]: the problem is doing updates for 140 libraries that all use different features etc :) 13:20 Joubu oleonard: from commen t5 13:21 aw-bib[m] @cait I support your argument for longer release cycles. updating 1 library with no staff might be as tricky as your 140 ;) 13:21 huginn` aw-bib[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 13:21 PedroAmorim[m] oleonard: hey yeah thanks! I've tried a lot of different CSS solutions in bug 34574 without any fruitful success 13:22 Joubu oleonard: well, it's exactly what you are talking about! 13:22 oleonard yeah Joubu I hadn't seen that part 13:22 cait ok, glad we agree ;D 13:23 cait fridolin: i got the bug on my branch now, push will dfinitely happen 13:23 aw-bib[m] cait: we perfectly agree on this end. we tried once to track invenio stable. no chance. 13:24 cait I think there is use cases for everything... I undestand some need earlier access to specific features, but for most libraries they don't want a lot of updates/changes constantly 13:24 cait I know some of the bigger library systems have also cut back on releases 13:24 aw-bib[m] (one reason for koha, if you need an arguement, was the release cylce for invenio3 and the number of devops to track that.) 13:25 cait how often do they release? 13:25 fridolin great 13:25 PedroAmorim[m] Joubu: my last patch in bug 34574 is meant to be the end of it (from me anyway). I think adding the CSS class is the best most elegant way of providing an easy option to those who wish to address this through CSS 13:25 aw-bib[m] bascially, they try 4 a year and I think they support back 2 versions or so. 13:26 PedroAmorim[m] Joubu: Bug 35908 is the place where the "real" issue is to be discussed, imo anyway 13:26 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35908 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , There is no length limit for what's presented in datatables 13:26 aw-bib[m] and of course not packaing. 13:26 cait hm so that give snot much time for updating then, I see 13:27 aw-bib[m] i tried hard to exlain them. and failed. 13:28 aw-bib[m] koha is a bit easier as it's an apt install. so I am sort of confident that you don't run away ;) 13:36 paulderscheid[m] Quick question is biblio -> biblioitem always a one-to-one relationship> 13:36 paulderscheid[m] ? 13:37 oleonard Yes, unless you're using Koha 1.x :) 13:37 paulderscheid[m] Thanks oleonard 13:49 magnuse is there a way to tell what ip koha is seeing me as coming from when i use ktd on my local machine? 13:50 cait hm apache log? 13:50 Joubu docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' koha-koha-1 13:50 Joubu or you want the reverse 13:51 cait oleonard: should the "dot" be there? https://snipboard.io/MUGQXh.jpg 13:51 Joubu ip addr should show you docker0 with the IP 13:52 oleonard cait: It is intentional, as a divider, but obviously is inconsistent with the | divider above it 13:52 oleonard (not a change made by the patch) 13:53 cait yeah, I will still push the patch, I was just wondering 13:54 magnuse Joubu: thanks! 14:02 oleonard I remember the wild west days where multiple folks had privilege to push in CVS and we just PUSHED STUFF XD 14:03 Joubu ho yes, the sec bug from this morning.. :D 14:03 Joubu not that bad but still.. 14:04 magnuse Joubu: yeah, having a look. cait's tip about the logs worked better for the ip, though :-) 14:08 tcohen hey y'all, can we just merge reserves and old_reserves for good this cycle? 14:09 cait once you got the security releases out... you can do whatever you want - you get a free pass from me ;) 14:09 cait first big push incoming soon'ish 14:12 ashimema is it applying tcohen 14:12 ashimema I'm well and truly onboard with that one 14:13 cait 50 commits :D 14:13 caroline cait++ 14:14 cait caroline: let's see what we break first ;) 14:14 caroline eh, it's early still 14:15 cait for you :) 14:15 kidclamp bug 35518 - eyes please? 14:15 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35518 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Call to C4::Context->userenv happens before it's gets populated breaks code logic 14:16 Joubu everybody asking help :D 14:16 Joubu can I as well? 14:16 Joubu we actually need a swap market app 14:17 kidclamp :-) 14:17 cait swap review and dev stuff? 14:17 tcohen Anything 14:18 cait cookies? 14:20 tcohen Definitely 14:21 Joubu there is security bugs otherwise, with patches... 14:22 Joubu should just be highest priority for everybody but... well... 14:22 Joubu not for a Friday afternoon I guess 14:23 tcohen the AutoLocation one? 14:23 tcohen (s) 14:24 Joubu for example 14:25 cait fridolin: it's pushed 14:28 AbhinavJoshi[m] hello ! where can I get help and my issues resolved 14:28 caroline AbhinavJoshi[m], depends on the issues, but here or the mailing list are good starting points 14:29 caroline ask your question and if someone can answer, they will 14:29 AbhinavJoshi[m] Okayy Thank you ! 14:29 AbhinavJoshi[m] I created a MARC framework but after saving the framework adding bibliographic information the next page shows blank. While I have added 952tag in the file. 14:30 * AbhinavJoshi[m] posted a file: (7KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/qCGXwHkTrxLZIJSQMiLUfxOZ/customize%20frameworkkk.csv > 14:30 caroline are all the subfields for 952 in the tab "10"? 14:31 AbhinavJoshi[m] I don't think so 14:31 caroline well, 10 or "ignore" 14:31 Joubu kidclamp: 35518 - how do we catch other possible occurrences? 14:31 caroline you can run the framework test, it might give you a hint on what's wrong 14:33 caroline Ah, I think I see the problem. Make sure all the 952 subfields you need have "Editor" checked 14:34 caroline oh I see some are at 0, that should be visible 14:34 caroline I thought I saw they were all at hidden=5 14:35 AbhinavJoshi[m] yeah some are hidden at 5 14:35 caroline that should be ok I think 14:36 AbhinavJoshi[m] caroline: I'll check & test 14:36 kidclamp Joubu: I guess we need to check that 'userenv' never comes before get_templte or check_api_auth? or whatever routines we can use for auth 14:40 cait working on the next batch of bug fixes... 14:41 caroline AbhinavJoshi[m], I tried the framework, and I see the page to add items. I don't think the problem is with the framework 14:41 cait Joubu: jenkins hasn't started yet - is that to be expected? 14:42 Joubu gitlab needs to mirror 14:42 cait hm ok 14:43 AbhinavJoshi[m] caroline: owww 14:43 caroline are you able to add items with other frameworks? 14:44 AbhinavJoshi[m] I saw it too now 14:44 * AbhinavJoshi[m] uploaded an image: (301KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/NWIlXWkwhYcORWiFZCgllJeL/image.png > 14:44 caroline ha! yay! :) 14:49 AbhinavJoshi[m] caroline thank you so much 14:49 caroline AbhinavJoshi[m], you're very welcome, I love a good resolution :) 15:24 oleonard Oh yay! DataTables upgrade! 15:24 ashimema oooh.. 15:24 ashimema chatgpt does a half decent job on refactoring xslt 🙂 15:33 caroline I've found it's pretty good with code and composing texts. Dont ask for facts though ;) 15:34 caroline I asked it to explain the FindDuplicate function to me "in layman's terms" the other day, and it did a pretty good job of breaking it down and explaining it to me 15:35 Joubu only AI can explain FindDuplicate 15:35 caroline lol! 15:36 Joubu next time try with get_template_and_user 15:50 krimsonkharne[m] see if it can explain holds logic... 15:57 AbhinavJoshi[m] which MARC tags should I include for a customized framework for Books? 15:59 cait you always want LDR 15:59 cait never delete/hide that one 15:59 cait also 990 16:00 caroline 990? 16:00 cait biblionumber? 16:00 caroline 999 16:00 cait oh :) 16:00 cait you are right 16:00 cait but are we talking empty framework or just something where fields are hidden? 16:00 caroline ok I thought I was missing something lol 16:01 caroline 000, 008, 952 (items), 999 (hidden) are the minimum I think 16:01 caroline and title 245 of couerse 16:01 caroline *course 16:01 cait oh no 16:01 cait we got a failing test 16:01 cait all yellooow 16:01 cait hm or 9 16:02 * AbhinavJoshi[m] uploaded an image: (25KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tmJwrGysCJMOBIryPWrJihwD/image.png > 16:02 cait hm that's odd, I ran the qa tools on it: not ok - Test::Perl::Critic for "C4/Utils/DataTables/VirtualShelves.pm" 16:02 AbhinavJoshi[m] i have included these 16:02 caroline You'll probably have to add 999 like cait said 16:03 AbhinavJoshi[m] okkk 16:03 caroline and I don't know if it makes a difference 000 vs 0 or 20 vs 020 16:03 cait oleonard: still arond? 16:37 cait hm I ran a lot of the tests locally... but didn't see the datatables issues, I need to work on my process too 17:18 reiveune bye