Time Nick Message 07:21 magnuse \o/ 07:34 reiveune hello 07:45 magnuse the erm seems to talk about both "usage data provider" and "data provider". are those two different things or just two names for the same thing? 07:45 magnuse *erm module 08:18 fridolin yellouw 08:25 magnuse blue 08:25 magnuse what does YOP stand for in the ERM module? 08:37 krimsonkharne[m] good morning everybody 08:54 cait2 year of .. 08:54 cait2 I asked the same question before and it was obvious once I was told 08:55 cait2 now... hm year of publishing? 08:55 cait2 fridolin: magenta 09:09 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 09:18 PedroAmorim[m] \o 09:51 cait morning all 12:12 tcohen hola #koha o/ 12:14 cait hola tcohen 12:51 tcohen how's master going, cait ? 13:22 cait right now it should be green I hope 13:22 cait changing into my RM outfit soon :) 13:32 tcohen cait: I fixed a disk space issue in one jenkins node, and re-launched the failed runs (CPAN and MySQL 8) 13:33 tcohen CPAN is still running, MySQL 8 back to green 13:33 tcohen there's a selenium failure in the main one 13:33 cait I'll check 13:34 cait but we are still struggling with a random fail in at least one of the selenium tests 13:34 cait tuxayo might be happy to get some help there 13:44 cait It's bug 35506 13:44 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35506 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor, ASSIGNED , selenium/regressions.t is failing randomly 14:31 fridolin tcohen: great, I was about to ask about 23.11 D11 failings on disk space ;) 14:48 tcohen yeah, not sure why light runs always pick that node 14:48 tcohen checking the config 15:36 ashimema bug 35473 needs a QA, hint hint 15:36 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35473 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Core bookings and room reservations plugin tables clash 15:54 cait Joubu: can you check https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_maintenance#Coordinated_security_releases ? I think we need to make some changes for translations and tarballs 16:00 tcohen domm[m]: around? 16:11 reiveune bye 16:52 domm[m] tcohen: not really, I'm a tiny bit ill ATM (no Corona, though) 16:58 cait feel better soon 18:39 cait @later tell Joubu could you please run the meeting script for the next dev meeting? 18:39 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded. 18:54 cait bye #koha 18:55 tuxayo cait: bug 35506 seems about ready in my branch. The current works is to solidly enough back the claim about the nature of the issue and solidly show that the main proposed fix works. And demonstrate the utility of secondary fixes and on minor QoL change. 18:55 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35506 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor, ASSIGNED , selenium/regressions.t is failing randomly 18:55 tuxayo bye :) 21:42 tuxayo lol we have the editcatalogue general permission and the subpermission edit_catalogue 😅 21:43 tuxayo both labeled "Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)" 21:43 tuxayo historical-reasons++