Time Nick Message 16:29 thd Plugin to test Discourse with real user data but blocking email being sent to users from the test system https://github.com/merefield/discourse-isolation . 16:24 * thd has been doing repairs at my place on and off the past few days and working all night. /ME needs sleep :) 16:23 thd It would be great to add some better user default settings for each user created from the mailing list. Loïc Dachary API use is for Discourse admin settings but it would be nice if mailing list members had a mailing list compatible configuration created to start. Setting all the options for proper mailing list compatibility is not obvious as an admin or a user. 16:19 thd Most of the Discourse API is undocumented. Civilized Discourse Construction Kit does not really do documentation. 16:18 thd Loïc Dachary uses undocumented Discourse API calls for configuration. 16:17 paulderscheid[m] That's great to hear! Looking forward to it :) 16:17 thd I have made some extensive research into all aspects of Discourse and will post the various aspects in pieces for the bug soon. 16:16 thd ... etc. under Setup in the README. 16:15 paulderscheid[m] Thanks, i will look into it soon 16:15 thd git clone --recurse-submodules https://lab.enough.community/dachary/rezo-import 16:12 thd pauldersheid[m] https://lab.enough.community/dachary/rezo-import/ . git clone needs an extra parameter for that repository to include components. 16:07 thd Discourse mbox archive import only imports users who posted to the previous mailing list and then only as "staging" users not real users with permissions to do something useful. Loïc Dachary's Mailman 2 to Discourse import scripts create real users. 16:04 thd pauldersheid[m] Did you find the Loïc Dachary's Mailman 2 to Discourse import scripts? They need some updating for Discourse changes in the past year or to and changing of some hardcoded values but they are much better than merely using the Discourse mbox import. 15:46 paulderscheid[m] yeah 14:07 thd pauldersheid[m] Are you present? 13:47 cait ah, got the wrong time link... 13:44 cait i read it like 3 times 13:44 cait magnuse:: gah. 13:38 magnuse *error 13:38 magnuse "$ sudo ./debian/build-git-snapshot" gives "dpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no upstream tarball found at ../koha_22.11.12.kbase.orig.tar.{bz2,gz,lzma,xz}" so different errir 13:34 tcohen so this doesn't seem like a koha-dpkg-docker error, but on the tooling we have 13:34 tcohen I guess you will get the same 13:34 magnuse cait: the "time" link in the email about the dev meeting is for "Wednesday, 13 December 2023" 13:34 tcohen magnuse: if you run the build-git-stanpshot script the old way 13:33 magnuse cait: bleurgh, i had some other uncommitted changes. when i took away those i get the same error again. so it looks like npm etc stuff didn't help after all... 13:10 cait paul_p++ 13:10 huginn` cait: I have not seen paul_poulain. 13:10 cait @seen paul_poulain 13:04 cait if it worked, the package will be much smaller thaqn beofre (because no po files) 13:03 cait yay! 13:03 magnuse i think so! 13:00 cait so.. it helped a little? 12:59 magnuse and now i notice https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker says "Example of directories that must be removed permanently or backed up elsewhere ... koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css/maps/" 12:57 magnuse that did remove the long list of css and po files 12:51 magnuse but pbuilder is involved there too, so i am testing it now 12:40 cait but we ar using the old pbuilder process, not the koha-dpkg-docker one 12:38 magnuse ah, interesting 12:38 cait It's this bit: Check npm/gulp/nodejs package versions 12:37 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Building_Debian_Packages_-_The_Easy_Way 12:37 cait po files etc. worked after we fixed that 12:37 magnuse sounds like it could be related 12:36 cait and the fix from the "easy" page worked - you need to makre sure to use the correct yarn etc. versions 12:36 cait magnuse: not sure if that is your issue, but when we did our last packages we had issues with CSS files 12:34 magnuse https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker/-/issues/4 12:18 magnuse oops, scared him away... 12:11 tcohen khall: are you aware of this issue? did you solve it on your builds? 12:10 tcohen because that's not a koha-dpkg-docker error, but from the build process itself 12:10 tcohen I wonder what is mtj doing 12:09 tcohen it mmakes sense 12:09 tcohen ah 12:09 magnuse tcohen: but it looks like local changes are made in the process, generating .css files and also something with the .po files? 12:08 tcohen magnuse: local changes need to be commited 12:08 cait All ASCII characters are encoded using one octet in the ASCII encoding and the Unicode UTF-8 encoding, thus a character is equivalent in length to an octet when an element's values are restricted to ASCII. 12:08 magnuse s/:// 12:08 tcohen looking 12:08 magnuse tcohen: 12:08 tcohen magnuse 12:07 cait octets = characters here? 12:07 magnuse :-) 12:07 cait one more, but yes 12:07 magnuse ah, one off 12:07 cait yah 12:07 magnuse something to do with a field at the start that can only hold 4 digits 12:07 cait Record length (character positions 00-04), contains a five-character ASCII numeric string equal to the length of the entire record, including itself and the record terminator. The five-character numeric string is right justified and unused positions contain zeroes (zero fill). The maximum length of a record is 99999 octets. 12:07 magnuse cait: 9999 chars or bytes or something? 12:06 cait can someone remind me of the max size of a MARC (not XML) record? 12:05 magnuse https://paste.koha-community.org/33965 12:05 magnuse "dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit" but where should "dpkg-source --commit" go? 12:05 magnuse trying to figure out how to use koha-dpkg-docker. guess i'm a bit confused about what happens where... currently stuck at some problem with local changes to .css and .po files. should it work? anyone got a hint? tcohen? 12:03 magnuse happy new year! 11:57 cait hola and happy new year! :) 11:57 tcohen happy new year! 11:57 tcohen Hola 11:57 cait I was hoping fora nother quiet week, but I think it's not going to happen 11:56 * oleonard has just a bit of email to get through today ;) 11:55 cait happy new year oleonard :) 11:35 oleonard Hi #koha, Happy New Year 09:56 cait but it changes with every reload, so... :) 09:56 cait that sounds very much like me yes 09:44 ashimema >i can not not plan! i am german! 09:44 * ashimema wonders if todays quote is cait 09:43 ashimema doesn't get a great deal of love 09:43 ashimema but I'd also rather like it to be bootstap updated and a few other things first 09:42 ashimema wouldn't mind some more seasonal themes for the dashboard though 09:42 ashimema it was rather christmassy 09:42 cait wasn#t it a winter theme? :) 09:38 ashimema it was nice seeing you 09:38 ashimema bye bye xmas theme 09:20 cait thx magnuse :) 09:17 magnuse cait: o/`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 09:15 magnuse happy new year! 09:14 cait hm wahanui bot still missing 09:14 ashimema happy new year 🙂 09:14 cait confetti! :) 09:09 aude_c[m] Happy new year! 09:07 paulderscheid[m] From me as well, good morning #koha 08:48 Annelisterman[m] Happy new year! :) 08:46 cait good morning and a happy new year everyone :) 08:29 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 08:29 puphaus[m] Good Morning everyone :) 08:19 cait good morning #koha 07:58 magnuse davidnind++ 595 signoffs in 2023 is just amazing! 07:10 ashimema Morning 07:01 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha!