Time Nick Message 07:32 magnuse \o/ 08:47 ashimema morning 09:03 cait good morning #koha and ashimema :) 09:20 krimsonkharne[m] morning all! 09:27 aude_c[m] 'Morning 09:29 * cait waves 12:49 tcohen hola #koha o/ 12:50 tcohen @later tell mtj did you get reports of this dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/koha-l10n_22.11.12-1_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/po/am-Ethi-installer-MARC21.po', which is also in package koha-common 22.11.11-1 12:50 huginn` tcohen: The operation succeeded. 12:56 cait hola tcohen! :) 12:57 tcohen hola cait! 12:59 tcohen back 12:59 tcohen that VPN was driving me nuts :-P 13:14 cait I have one of those too, but in the office today 13:23 cait tcohen: PM! :) 13:47 magnuse trying to figure out how to use koha-dpkg-docker. guess i'm a bit confused about what happens where... currently stuck at some problem with local changes to .css and .po files. anyone got a hint? 13:48 magnuse "dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit" but where should "dpkg-source --commit" go? 13:48 magnuse https://paste.koha-community.org/33965 13:53 cait sorry, no help with that one :( 14:01 magnuse no worries, cait :-) just throwing it out there 14:21 aude_c[m] krimsonkharne++ for work on automated screenshots 14:21 cait krimsonkharne++ :) 14:21 krimsonkharne[m] yay karma :) 14:22 aude_c[m] 😄 14:37 cait Hey all, please remember to update the roadmap https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Road_map_24.05 with links to Omnibus bugs and taiga cards etc. - and also put your names down! 14:38 cait Joubu, kidclamp, ashimema, ... ^ 14:50 cait tcohen: still around? 15:03 cait RM cait will be back on Tuesday next week :) 15:04 cait hope you all have a good start into the new year! 15:07 aude_c[m] Have a nice time off! 15:09 krimsonkharne[m] you too cait! 15:27 tcohen enjoy cait! 15:50 matts happy new year everyone! 15:59 aude_c[m] krimsonkharne still here? 15:59 aude_c[m] I feel like we could clarify lines 1216-17 on your merge request 16:54 krimsonkharne[m] yep 17:00 krimsonkharne[m] on it 17:01 krimsonkharne[m] aude_c: either your suggestion or my new suggestion both work for me, let's see what the others say 17:02 aude_c[m] Yours is great! 17:02 krimsonkharne[m] OK! 17:02 krimsonkharne[m] and have yourselves a happy new year everybody! :) 17:16 aude_c[m] I'm trying to wait until the actual start of the year to wish people a happy new year but you're all making it very hard :D 17:16 aude_c[m] Or maybe you just think I'm rude 😅 17:16 aude_c[m] Have a nice end of the year everyone!