Time Nick Message 08:20 cait2 good morning all 08:23 cait2 selenium tests failing again :( 08:27 cait2 .... and passing locally 08:41 Chandra Hello sir 08:42 Chandra One of our esteemed client wants to purchase Koha for their library Management 08:43 Chandra can you please help in this 08:46 cait Koha is open source, as such it cannot be purchased - but you could contract someone to help you with setting it up, hosting it, etc. 08:46 ChandrajyotiSaikiaIMPRODUCTION Hello One of our esteemed client wants to purchase Koha for their library Management can you please help with this 08:47 cait Koha is open source, as such it cannot be purchased - but you could contract someone to help you with setting it up, hosting it, etc. 08:47 cait if you are looking for a service provider this list could be helpful: https://koha-community.org/support/paid-support/ 09:00 ashimema morning 09:01 cait1 good morning ashimema 09:01 aude_c[m] 'Morning ๐ 09:01 cait1 good morning aude_c[m] :) 09:02 aude_c[m] Multiple caits again today? :D 09:03 ashimema cait dissapeared again 09:03 cait network issues I think :( 09:03 ashimema I mostly read the code on that bug cait.. 09:03 ashimema and I think I tested according to your first comment 09:04 cait yeah, trying to understand David's comments on it 09:04 cait can't hide from a bug as RM really... 09:04 ashimema start by reading the test changes ๐ 09:04 ashimema that's where I did 09:04 cait but maybe you understand those better than I do :) 09:07 ashimema I will admit.. it's a complicated piece of code and testing 09:08 matts Hi! What is the correct way to execute update_dbix_class_files.pl on koha testing docker ? 09:08 cait dbic 09:08 cait just that :) 09:08 matts oh :) 09:09 cait ashimema: what I am trying to figure out is... are we risking anything for existing installations with this change? 09:09 matts Indeed, thanks cait : 09:10 cait like do we need to give people a heads up about changing their configuration? 09:10 ashimema good question 09:10 ashimema maybe ask in the bug 09:11 cait I was hoping to push it, but I think it's back to questions 09:29 cait matts: you are very welcome :) 10:35 matts Hey, I'm not sure about this one: should the new files and modified ones by update_dbix_class_files.pl be included when submitted a BZ or not? 10:38 cait you can include them as it makes it easier for people testing with sandboxes 10:38 cait but you put them in a separate patch with a "DO NOT PUSH" 10:39 matts Okay, thanks cait ! 10:43 cait I updated this a bit: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Database_updates 10:44 matts thanks 11:20 cait ashimema++ 11:25 fredericdem hello! I don't access to koha-community.org Wordpress. I anticipate to publish release announcement today or tomorrow. Do I have to ask directly access to Liz Rea? 11:37 cait yes please, last time I tried it didn't work because the email didn't get send out 11:38 cait I can add you, but it sends a verification email 11:38 cait do you want me to check if you still have an old account? 11:38 cait actually you have 2 :) 11:39 cait I'll PM you the info 11:43 ashimema it would be great to see bug 34479 moving forward.. I'm blocked here as the patch was written by Matt 11:43 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34479 major, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Signed Off , Clear saved patron search selections after certain actions 11:44 cait fredericdem: let me know if you got in? 11:50 cait if we can't make it work, maybe we can help with posting 12:07 tcohen hola #koha o/ 12:07 cait hola tcohen :) 12:20 cait how can I install swagger-cli locally for the xt/api.t test? 13:04 cait tcohen: ^ 13:17 cait now D11 is green again... 13:23 cait hm weblate is not saving things again :( 13:23 cait or only... one every minute 13:38 cait tcohen++ fixing the REST API (will push tomorrow) 13:42 Annelisterman[m] cait, weblate has been occasionally really slow today. And occasionally normal. 13:45 cait I hope we can get it always normal at some point 13:47 Annelisterman[m] let's hope so 14:38 lukeg hi 14:41 cait hi lukeg :) 14:56 matts I'm a little bit confused about the koha_object_class and koha_objects_class in the Koha/Schema/Result/* files. 14:56 matts Some of the files have them, some of the files don't. 14:57 ashimema it's about whether table names/schema classes/koha classes names match or not 14:58 matts Okay, so if I'm doing a development that requires them, should I add them manually to the generated files ? 14:58 ashimema yeah 14:59 ashimema as a new commit on top though 14:59 ashimema else they'll likely get lost on rebases 14:59 matts Okay. Or should I go the other way around ? ie: making them non-necessary. 15:00 ashimema if they're new tables.. try to make them non-necessary would be my bet 15:00 ashimema the idea is to try and make things more consistent going forward 15:00 ashimema but.. I've nearly always ended up battling whichever way I try on that front 15:01 matts That's encouraging :) 15:01 ashimema make the db more consistent with the koha objects and api and I get told off the db isn't consistent with itself 15:01 ashimema make the db consistent with itself and you hit the objects needing to be mapped all over the place which is also confusing as 15:01 ashimema it's hard 15:02 matts Hmm, okay. Thanks ashimema, I'll do some tests, but I'll might be back with some questions at some point :) 15:03 ashimema no worries 15:07 matts Oh, another question :) I've run my development through koha-qa.pl. Everything's green now, apart from those messages: 15:07 matts POD coverage was greater before, try perl -MPod::Coverage=PackageName -e666 15:07 ashimema if they're new classes you can safely ignore that.. 15:07 ashimema there's a bug in the POD detection for new clases 15:07 matts That answers my question, thanks! 15:10 matts So, it looks like the new OAI harvester for Koha is coming its way :) 15:10 ashimema nice 15:13 cait matts: is there a bug yet? and if it's for 24.05 please add it to the roadmap :) 15:13 matts cait, I'm currently creating the BZ :) On this page ? https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roadmap_for_Koha 15:14 aude_c[m] Woohoo! ๐ 15:14 cait not quite, look for 24.05 15:15 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Road_map_24.05 15:15 matts So this one then https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Road_map_24.05 ? 15:15 matts yes :) 15:16 matts Just in time for the deadline :) 15:16 aude_c[m] That's exactly what I was about to say :D 15:18 cait I am pondering what to do with the deadline - I was expecitng some things to show up there that haven't yet, but OAI I can check off my list now at least :) 15:18 ashimema anything in particular cait? 15:18 cait geosearch 15:18 ashimema there's already a lot on there and much of it without requisite sponsors already 15:19 cait bugzilla skin *hint* 15:19 aude_c[m] (Oh, I don't even remember I was added as project lead for cookies!?) 15:19 cait translatable AV 15:19 ashimema well.. we've done what we can there 15:19 ashimema it wasn't getting much interest 15:19 cait it just was bad timing with all the work right before release, I really love it 15:19 cait finally wrote my comment too 15:20 ashimema same for column width in bugzilla status column 15:20 ashimema I coded it, but need people to test 15:20 cait not sure how to test bugzilla really :( 15:21 ashimema it was submitted in July.. that's not close to release 15:21 ashimema the bz skinning Jake did 15:21 ashimema it needs rangi to tak interest in that one really 15:21 aude_c[m] Hey matts, fancy being a supporter on improvements to cookie consent and helping Martin out, please? ๐ (You're allowed to say no!!) 15:22 ashimema lol 15:22 ashimema the code is all written (and in live use at a few sites here now).. just needs a QA stamp on the tree 15:22 matts seems only fair that I can say no, given it's a development about consent :) 15:22 ashimema LOL 15:23 aude_c[m] ๐ 15:24 aude_c[m] We'll give you actual cookies... (if Martin has space in his bag for the next Hackfest) 15:24 aude_c[m] (Bribery is allowed, right?!) 15:24 matts Bribery is encouraged 15:24 ashimema haha 15:24 ashimema matts more of a beers man I would think ;O 15:25 matts You'd think right :) 15:26 matts Can you point the BZ ? 15:26 aude_c[m] Bug 34793 15:26 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34793 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aude.charillon, Signed Off , We should ship default 'CookieConsentPopup' data that describes our required cookies 15:26 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/showdependencygraph.cgi?id=34793 15:27 ashimema it's that little tree 15:27 ashimema it's a series of little bugs rather than one catch all.. in the hopes it made it easier to work through.. 15:27 ashimema it worked for testing.. wen't through super quick 15:28 ashimema but was right before release so didn't get any QA attention 15:28 matts It's already SO. Do you need another SO or something else ? 15:28 ashimema shame.. as the initial feature only hit in this release and this polishing actually makes the feature usable so really should have all hit in the same release โน๏ธ 15:28 aude_c[m] Next steps will be to have different text (and consent options) display for staff interface and Opac (because it's not always the same cookies on both) 15:28 ashimema but alas.. that happens a lot in koha 15:28 ashimema needs a QA stamp 15:29 matts Well, I'm not in the QA team (or am I ? :)) 15:30 ashimema seems not 15:31 ashimema are you around for this cycle? 15:31 ashimema I'm surprised you're not in QA for years.. it's not like you've not been in the Koha world for a while ๐ 15:33 matts lol, yeah, not at all :) 15:34 matts I applied to be topic expert on SIP and SSO, though. 15:35 ashimema indeed 15:35 ashimema good to have you 15:37 ashimema ooh.. i dropped through the rankings a lot this year.. I'm only 5th in this years top hitters โน๏ธ 15:37 ashimema still.. I suppose I've been busy on boarding the new team which is cool 15:38 ashimema 6th even.. 15:39 ashimema cait, you were a machine this year.. you kicked marcelr out 15:39 ashimema https://git.koha-community.org/stats/koha-master/authors.html 15:40 cait hm out? he is still before me :) 15:40 ashimema in this years top commiters 15:40 cait oh! 15:40 cait nice! 15:40 ashimema you jumped up two places pushing me to the back and marcelr out entirely from that list ๐ 15:41 ashimema congrats 15:41 cait it's been a bit since I made that list 15:41 cait KIT++ 15:42 ashimema ๐ 15:43 ashimema I best watch out.. I may well be off it next year 15:45 cait I ultimately have more free time for fun projects now, so you better watch out .) 15:46 ashimema I'm only going to have less and less I think 15:47 aude_c[m] I still have a rather small number of commits on the Manual https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/graphs/main?ref_type=heads 15:47 aude_c[m] Haha, I'm behind Katrin! 15:48 aude_c[m] Jonathan's is completely skewed by the way we inserted the new ERM features - but it makes him look good ๐ 16:01 matts Okay, the OAI harvested has been submitted: Bug 35659 16:01 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35659 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , OAI Harvester 16:02 matts and added to the roadmap for 24.05: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Road_map_24.05 16:04 matts dcook, if you're around, hello, this work is partly based on your implementation and ideas in Bugs 25905 and 10662 16:04 cait dcook: you might want to add yourself as supporter on the roadmap :) 16:04 ashimema I reckon we can add him as a supporter.. I'll bug him ๐ 16:05 matts I'm still not entirely sure I did everything by the book regarding the DBIC update, so let me know if there's something wrong. 16:31 cait1 tcohen++ # thanks for the debugging help :) 16:32 cait1 matts++ # being around :) 16:33 matts :) 16:33 matts thanks for your answers today! 16:53 tuxayo When I remove my screenshot-taking in the automated tests to cleanup the code before committing, it starts to fail randomly again! ๐คฌ 17:49 cait1 bye รคkoha 18:06 Guest12107 Help any one help me koha and UHF book anti threft gate integeration 19:08 davidnind Guest12017: ask your question and if someone who knows is around, they may be able to answer (it is quiet around here at the moment). Otherwise, may be ask on the general mailing list, as you will get a wider audience. 19:09 davidnind ^^ I don't know about SIP and stuff like that, so won't be much help...