Time Nick Message 06:36 PuzannRaee[m] hgi 06:36 PuzannRaee[m] hi 06:37 PuzannRaee[m] Does Koha support -- ebook uplaod and video upload 07:39 himmy201[m] hi i'm very new to koha and i just found this discussion room. Can I ask a question here? I need help about checking items out. 07:41 * himmy201[m] uploaded an image: (22KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/nZWTCMyMHSBocsqgpOHYIAVW/Screenshot%202023-12-24%20150552.png > 07:42 himmy201[m] after i check out the item for a user the details doesn't show. I'm wondering if I did something wrong or if it's actually a bug. 07:45 davidnind himmy201: it's quiet here at the moment, so you may not get an answer - but it is one of the places you can ask a question! 07:46 davidnind you may wish to use one of the demo installs to see if what you are doing works as expected 07:48 davidnind demo installations: https://koha-community.org/demo/ 07:50 davidnind normally, from the staff interface with the "Check out" selected you would enter a patron name, then you would go to the patron page and check out screen 07:51 himmy201[m] davidnind: thank you! i'll look into this 07:51 davidnind to check out the item, paste in the item barcode and click the "Check out button" - this is all you should need to do 07:52 himmy201[m] davidnind: Yes that's exactly what i did :') 07:53 himmy201[m] It seems like the item is checked out, but it's just that the details of the checked out item doesn't appear 07:56 davidnind does the check out show on the record page? it should show the status for each item for the normal view, and for the checkout history tab it should show as well 07:58 himmy201[m] yes! it appeared on the record page. both the normal view and checkout history. it just doesn't show on the patrons page. 08:00 davidnind that's a bit weird 8-) What version of Koha are you using? I haven't seen any bugs recently about an issue like that 08:00 davidnind the tab heading is showing (2) in brackets, so that means they have two items checked out 08:02 himmy201[m] davidnind: oh yes that's true! when i checked out the first item and it doesn't show, i tried to check out another item. both of the details doesn't show 08:02 himmy201[m] davidnind: i'm actually an LIS student and we're just learning on how to use koha. so this koha is provided by our faculty. 08:03 himmy201[m] the version is 23.11.00 08:04 davidnind I'm assuming you have done a hard refresh for the page (Shift + clicking the refresh button) or cleared your browser cache (or tried on another browser) 08:05 davidnind and that clicking between the details and checkout tabs doesn't fix it 08:06 davidnind great that you are learning Koha! Any library software has a lot to learn, unfortunately Koha is no different... 08:08 himmy201[m] davidnind: i've just done that :') it's still the same 08:11 davidnind I'm using "master" in my test environment, and 23.11.00 is the latest version - I will change to 23.11.00 and see if I have any issues (using the sample data), will take a few minutes 08:14 davidnind Are there any errors shown in the console if you use the web developer tools and reload the page? (In Firefox they are under the hamberger menu > More tools > Web Developer Tools) - sing out if you haven't used web developer tools before.... 08:21 * himmy201[m] uploaded an image: (88KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BgMlRtQHgUtizeBDzqHNZopv/image.png > 08:22 himmy201[m] seems like there are errors but i don't understand any of it... 08:26 davidnind I don't understand them either - they are about DataTables and jQuery, which are JavaScript libraries used extensively in Koha 08:28 davidnind I'm not seeing any errors like this when using the default 23.11.00 with the sample data - items are checked out OK and displayed as expected in the table 08:31 davidnind is there any custom JavaScript in the IntranetUserJS system preference (Administration > System preferences > search for IntranetUserJS) 08:32 davidnind did you install and configure Koha yourself, or was it provided to you already set up? 08:38 himmy201[m] it was provided to me and was already set up. I was just given the username and pass as a staff 08:40 * himmy201[m] uploaded an image: (25KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/OiFVCykitbRHLhhSRSfHHBqe/image.png > 08:40 himmy201[m] it shows this 08:41 davidnind if you click the edit link, is there anything in there? 08:41 davidnind sorry, I've run out of ideas 8-) At this stage I'd normally recommend clearing your browser cache, and restarting the services on the server (but this may not be possible for you) 08:43 davidnind normally, ad blockers in your browser shouldn't affect Koha running, so i don't think it is that 08:46 davidnind I think you may need to go back to those who provided it to you, they will know (hopefully) how they set things up and any customisations they have made 08:47 davidnind I'd be interested if you find out what the cause of the issue is 09:05 davidnind maybe also check if there are any errors on the about page tabs for Perl modules and System information 10:15 himmy201[m] <davidnind> "if you click the edit link, is..." <- it doesn't let me click for some reason. Like when i click nothing happens 10:16 himmy201[m] <davidnind> "I think you may need to go..." <- i think this is what should be done :') thank you so much for your help!