Time Nick Message 23:55 tuxayo That should be the best way to start getting involved with minimal setup. Let me know if there are steps that are unclear so I can fix the doc and help directly also :) If you are unsure a ticket/bug can be tested on a sandbox, just ask here and dont hesitate to ping me also. My job is to test and QA submitted patches so helping other people is also part of it :D 23:55 tuxayo seanfish: hi :) the sandbox wikipage that you were linked to has a step by step section on testing patches: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes#Step_by_step 23:17 davidnind welcome! 23:15 seanfish[m] Thank you very much, David 23:15 seanfish[m] thanks will manage that into a reading space for me here and do more pondering 23:15 davidnind maybe some useful stuff from the recent koha-US conference (https://koha-us.org/events/conferences/2023-koha-us-annual-conference-portsmouth-nh/) and Kohacon23/PerlKohaCon2023, Helsinki, Finland (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa9kvrI3VLf7ZvLvJk9EtlnF2OVETvddm) 23:15 seanfish[m] cheers perhaps one too many times but I will definitely be milking this bit 23:15 seanfish[m] always grateful for everything is my motto 23:14 seanfish[m] set of rooms searchable under seanfish happening cheers aleisha for conversation starter and davidnind for guidance :) 23:13 seanfish[m] will come in on a wry joke :) 23:13 seanfish[m] otherwise I am here to play and will be relatively private past this sharing of my current state of being 23:13 seanfish[m] anyone managing fora for neurodivergents successfully managing hyperintelligent systems that would be some very key learning for me 23:12 seanfish[m] will look for discussion fora related to my things, will set rules in my spaces that swearing is ok 23:11 seanfish[m] not too triggerable myself which is a problem I'm learning to navigate 23:11 seanfish[m] happy not to trigger people 23:11 davidnind swearing isn't encouraged 8-) 23:09 seanfish[m] exploration space not advocacy might make that private for now 23:09 seanfish[m] i'll go to my room now anyone welcome to come hang out cheers 23:08 seanfish[m] A bit verbose as I unwind from all that :) 23:08 seanfish[m] Mastery* 23:08 seanfish[m] Master achieved 23:08 seanfish[m] I've done my 10000 hours on that one thank you 23:08 seanfish[m] better exercise than just controlling my temper, although that is always good exercise 23:08 seanfish[m] useful helpful relationships 23:07 seanfish[m] outlets 23:07 seanfish[m] so 23:07 seanfish[m] offering a massively underchargge consultancy project to the org of dunces to help them develop a cohort of useful leaders but they're just as likely to screw that up too 23:07 seanfish[m] can make anything work 23:07 seanfish[m] don't mind de-synchronised conversations 23:06 seanfish[m] need to buy my daughter things 23:06 davidnind IRC is most active in European/and US times (so about the opposite of NZ/Australia with some cross over 23:06 seanfish[m] I'm organising a pivot to consultancy but need an outlet until that's taken off and money happening 23:06 seanfish[m] if we are allowed to swear I'll say fucking dunces 23:06 seanfish[m] yeah well I got a day job with dunces 23:06 seanfish[m] been good but unsafe for decades, now some radical healing has left me both good and safe 23:06 davidnind everyone is generally reasonably helpful, bearing in mind whatever they are working in their real life... 23:05 seanfish[m] a gift 23:05 seanfish[m] Maybe a couple of decades to do it the right way so I'm as happy as can be 23:05 seanfish[m] well david I knew Chris a tiny bit and i think I've cracked it at the age of 53 23:05 davidnind I think the most memorable principle (from rangi - Chris Cormack) is to "not be a dick" 8-) 23:04 seanfish[m] including me 23:04 seanfish[m] which is everyone :) 23:04 seanfish[m] or people who need help 23:04 seanfish[m] theres a couple of rooms searchable under my name now not one's a help request not that worried about it just getting to play will help my wellbeing so yeah give me dumb ideas to fix or good ideas to improve or nice things to wreck horribly 23:03 seanfish[m] LOL I've already done it........... 23:03 seanfish[m] grateful to walk into a project where people get it 23:03 davidnind I'm not sure about creating a new room in Element (I use the Element web client to access the koha IRC channel), the IRC channel is logged at https://irc.koha-community.org/ 23:03 seanfish[m] mainly I'm demolished by working in an org that doesn't even understand that a project is not a bit of paper 23:02 seanfish[m] any rules to know beyond generally being a sensible and respectful person? 23:01 seanfish[m] Thanks davidnind 23:01 seanfish[m] Might play in my own space for now then join the sandbox when a few tools become apparent 23:00 seanfish[m] Cheers once again 23:00 seanfish[m] Will do that and see if other suggestions come 23:00 davidnind Alternatively, you can use the sandboxes (https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes) and pick some bugs off the dashboard - Needs Signoff under "Bug statuses" heading (https://dashboard.koha-community.org/) 23:00 seanfish[m] probably a personal room is my first thought 22:59 seanfish[m] Can someone please give quick help navigating Element when free? Just want shortcuts to develop personalised task tracking and managing methods in this space if availble. Thanks in advance 22:58 seanfish[m] my active phase is 2am-6am Brisbane time will incorporate it into that cycle 22:58 seanfish[m] Cool let me read ponder and think 22:58 seanfish[m] ❤️🚀 22:58 davidnind seanfish: many developers and testers use koha-testing-docker (KTD) for their development environment, so you may want to try and set that up https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker 22:58 seanfish[m] sooooo 22:58 seanfish[m] offering tech testing is a good way of signalling helpfulness without showing off and i have been an awful showoff in the past 22:56 seanfish[m] Will work out how to aleisha and that kind of stuff if some kind of conversational tracking is used as part of the documentation aspect of this project 22:56 seanfish[m] I've a pretty versatile skillset so it's easy enough to give people a chance to know I'm very willing to help rather than post a CV LOL 22:55 seanfish[m] hi aleisha, all good, just starting to explore ways I could help with the effort 22:53 aleisha thanks seanfish[m] but no need! we're a couple minor points behind for this library and it sounds like their problem will be solved by this fix that davidnind mentioned 22:53 davidnind thanks aleisha! 22:51 seanfish[m] can offer help in developing and testing user case assumptions if someone's working in that area 22:49 seanfish[m] will try to break it a bit if that's helpful 22:49 seanfish[m] aleisha if you want I'm happy to offer user testing link me an opac and I'll stick with front end testing as a way to understand how to help the environment for now 22:46 aleisha sadly not. the person who used to run the Academy is no longer at Catalyst and I haven't had any capacity to pick it back up in their absence. we've been toying with the idea of a Koha Academy as our project is so well set up for beginners, but haven't been able to flesh it out. i want to do an Academy next year but not sure what form it will take or when 22:07 davidnind as some others have asked (you may have already answered ) - Is there a Catalyst Academy next year? 22:05 aleisha woah how random. thats all good im happy to know the fix is there and i just missed it :) 22:03 davidnind No problem. I have some more extensive testing notes if you would like them. You also get different behavour if you use the back button (causes the issue) vs "Return to the last advanced search" link (where you get the right results). 21:58 aleisha awesome so itll be fixed by our next minor points. we've been a bit slower to deploy them this month, since the koha-l10n package broke our unattended upgrades process! no bother :) 21:57 aleisha yes davidnind that sounds like exactly the problem we had seen! thank you!! 21:44 davidnind note: it just doesn't seem to be Chrome as described, so also Firefox as well 21:43 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34857 critical, P5 - low, ---, andreas.jonsson, Pushed to oldstable , OPAC advanced search operator "not" is searching as "and" on chrome 21:43 davidnind bug 34857 21:43 davidnind aleisha: there is a bug for that as I tested it and it is now pushed (in the November releases) - bug34857 (maybe that is the one? It is when you go into the more options in advanced search, and the query reverts back to AND) 21:30 aleisha has anyone noticed the opac "or" search sometimes returning the same results as an "and" search? it's not happening all the time for us so a bit hard to track down but wondering if anyone has had the same experience? 21:30 aleisha hello 14:34 huginn` tcohen: The operation succeeded. 14:34 tcohen @later tell mtj some 23.11 KTD builds failed due to dependencies. I didn't have the time to check what needs to be adjusted (you probably already solved it for 23.05)