Time Nick Message 06:54 fridolin yellow 07:12 magnuse \o/ 07:22 Joubu @later tell tcohen boludo 07:22 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:38 Joubu ashimema: around? 08:04 ashimema On the children run around right now, will be more available in an hour or so 08:07 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 08:08 paulderscheid[m] cait around? 08:13 paulderscheid[m] nvm cait :D 08:14 cait1 around now 08:14 cait1 sure? 08:18 Joubu fridolin: around? Able to push now? 08:26 fridolin Joubu: ah i test 08:27 fridolin Still : remote: Gitea: branch 23.11.x is protected from unverified commit 18962c1237f4f975d4322e1657e4a9cd95188106 08:28 fridolin ! [remote rejected] 23.11.x -> 23.11.x (pre-receive hook declined) 08:38 Joubu fridolin: I was wondering because you marked some bugs as pushed 08:56 cait @seen ashimema 08:56 huginn` cait: ashimema was last seen in #koha 52 minutes and 16 seconds ago: <ashimema> On the children run around right now, will be more available in an hour or so 08:56 Joubu fridolin: please try now 08:57 Joubu I removed the "require signed commits" option 09:02 ashimema Does frido not sign his commits then 09:03 ashimema Fair enough removing the requirement at git level though. I thought it was part of rmaint policy to crypto sign those commits though 09:04 cait the release maintenance page mentions GPG 09:04 cait but not sure we made a decision about it being mandatory or communicated that 09:04 ashimema I thought it did. 09:05 ashimema If frido is getting that unverified stuff it points to not gpg signing 09:05 cait we could talk about it tomorrow, I am just about to send out a meeting reminder email 09:05 ashimema I see. Okirs 09:05 ashimema Personally, I like it for auditability 09:05 ashimema But it doesn't hugely matter really 09:06 cait in another note.. anyone knows what's up with the debian/control section? https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_maintenance - all those bugs are closed 09:06 Joubu ashimema: we must advertise such changes 09:06 cait if you are buildng your own packages this might still be needed in the repo? 09:07 Joubu I am removing the settings for all stables, we don't want RMaints to all complain at the same time in a week when they will release 09:07 Joubu keeping it for master, but it needs to be added to the wiki page 09:08 ashimema I didn't think it was a change 09:08 ashimema But dropping it makes sense 09:08 Joubu will see if it fixes Frido's push 09:08 ashimema I actually only thought I'd enabled it for master 09:09 cait you can keep that one if you want - I am signing 09:11 cait my emai program keeps cutting off links when I set it to sent text only *grr* 09:11 cait I'll try sending an HTML email next time 09:12 fridolin yep pushed OK to 23.11.x 09:12 fridolin o/ cait 09:13 cait hi fridolin 09:34 aw-bib[m] hello! I'd have small question wrt the library specific `koha-conf.xml`. this file holds amongst others the configuration for ldap. in my setting it would be _convenient_ if I could flesh this out to a separate file. noting the usage of XInclude in other parts I wanted to use something like `<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="/etc/koha/sites/l00koha/ldap.xml">` however, once I do this koha doesn't feel well at all 09:34 aw-bib[m] (the opac loads forever, same as the intranet.) moving the incl. block right into the file and everything is fine. do I do something illegal here or any hints how to get this working? 09:38 cait I have never heard of anyone doing it like that 09:38 cait it probably depends on how we get the setting from the file... I'd day the loading forever will probably have lots of errors in yoru logs 09:39 cait do we have another inlcude in koha-conf.xml? 09:39 cait or do you refer to xml in general? 09:40 ashimema I think the other includes are part of the zebra and sru configs stuff 09:40 aw-bib[m] no there are some includes e.g. for the marc21-retrieval-info-bib-dom.xml 09:40 ashimema which is parsed by a different parser 09:40 aw-bib[m] aha! 09:40 aw-bib[m] then maybe the parser for the configs just don'd know about Xinclude. 09:40 Joubu surrounded by wrapper? 09:41 Joubu This seems related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57658313/how-can-i-parse-multiple-xml-files-into-one-dom-object-using-perl-xmllibxml 09:41 ashimema we use XML::LibXML to parse 09:42 ashimema but we also so some 'clever' munging to get it to output more like XML::Simple for backwards compatibility reasons 09:42 Joubu aw-bib[m]: I don't think it will work if you need this "wrapper" 09:42 aw-bib[m] ok, I'll check the hint by Joubu I'd not burn the midnight oil on it, as I said it just sounded pretty convenient. 09:44 cait ... excuse the amount of typos I am making today 09:46 cait oh interesting 09:47 cait i just noticed I have a change to contributors.yaml - ashimema: do you have a moment for questions? 09:47 cait I guess that my pre-push git hook started working after all :) 09:47 ashimema đ 09:48 krimsonkharne[m] hey #koha 09:48 ashimema https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/branch/master/Koha/Config.pm#L103 09:48 ashimema we don't call the process_xincludes function 09:49 cait hi krimsonkharne[m] 09:49 ashimema to no.. we don't support them 09:49 ashimema probably for security reasons? or just an oversight? 09:49 ashimema you could submit a bug for it.. it wouldn't be a terrible idea to split up that file.. it's getting rather large 09:49 ashimema sorry.. that was about xincludes 09:49 ashimema right.. back to cait 09:49 ashimema reading 09:50 cait I guessed, I sent you a pm, waiting patiently ;) 09:51 ashimema đ 09:55 cait btw, can we please have a sign-off/QA for bug 35504? :) 09:55 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35504 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Release team 24.05 09:55 cait would be nice to have in releases this month 09:55 ashimema david highlighted some follow-ups I need to do 09:55 ashimema I'll look at them next today 09:56 ashimema just need to finish up this meeting 09:56 cait thanks! 09:58 * fridolin go to the pillow, see u 10:02 cait We are building our own packages for 22.11, can someone help with that error maybe? 10:02 cait yarn css:build:prod && yarn js:build:prod 10:02 cait $ gulp build && gulp build --view opac 10:02 cait Error: Cannot find module 'stream/promises' 10:03 Joubu yes, update node version 10:04 cait can you detail a bit? 10:04 Joubu first try yarn install 10:05 cait I am trying to remember how this works for package building - it's been a while since I have done that 10:06 cait I believe we are using https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Building_Debian_Packages_-_The_Easy_Way 10:12 Joubu `node --version` , 10:12 Joubu ? 10:12 Joubu please confirm it says 18 10:15 cait can I do that on the branch they are building from? 10:17 Joubu on the wiki page, at step "Add latest stable npm/gulp/nodejs packages to pbuilder" 10:17 Joubu there is something wrong I think 10:17 Joubu wget -O- -q https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | bash - # will install node 18 10:17 Joubu BUT 10:17 Joubu apt-get -y install nodejs yarn # will install node from system 10:18 Joubu if you are using buster (following what has been done on the wiki), the node version will be, I think, 14 10:18 Joubu you need to confirm that (the node version) 10:18 Joubu and then we will see how to fix the problem (I guess removing nodejs from the apt install line) 10:19 cait I'll have to foward that because I am only partially following you 10:19 cait give me a moment and thanks for the help! 10:40 cait Joubu++ # multiple reasons :) 10:40 cait for the readers: we confirmed it was version 14 - trying to fix it now 10:47 cait Joubu++ # packages have been built 10:48 cait the solution was here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Building_Debian_Packages_-_The_Easy_Way - Add latest stable npm/gulp/nodejs packages to pbuilder ... 10:58 cait I am pondering removing the deprecation note on the page.... any opinions? 11:14 cait ashimema: I am confused d by bug 35265 - you wrote in comment 8 that ordering for facets still mattered, but I think the patch breaks it 11:14 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35265 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Passed QA , Remove drag and drop in Elasticsearch mappings 11:14 cait can you have a look? 11:19 ashimema working on team right now 11:19 ashimema then can take that one on 11:19 ashimema team wise.. 11:19 ashimema KTD Maintainer is a new role 11:19 ashimema one we want to add onto the team page in about? 11:20 ashimema or not? 11:21 cait i think add 11:22 ashimema yes boss 11:22 cait we all want ktd happy - so we shoudl show appreciation :) 11:22 ashimema wiki team vs wiki curator? 11:22 cait heh, be careful, i could get used to that :P 11:22 ashimema do we really need both? 11:22 cait i think have one 11:22 cait what do we have currently? 11:23 ashimema seems a bit haphazard 11:23 ashimema but neither get specific mentions on about 11:27 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:28 ashimema We have 'Wiki manager', 'Wiki curator' and 'Wiki team member' as roles 11:28 ashimema not really sure where those all came from but I'm not sure we really need them all separately listed 11:30 tcohen love you too, Joubu 11:30 tcohen :-P 11:31 tcohen hola ashimema 11:31 ashimema hi tcohen 11:35 cait ashimema: haphazard? 11:36 cait today I am not having a good RM run ... 11:36 ashimema gnore me 11:37 * ashimema is working on it 11:37 cait ashimema: I don't have a strong opinion about the roles, something pragmatic for now maybe 12:01 ashimema ktd maintainer 12:01 ashimema struggling for a more end user friendly name for this role 12:01 ashimema librarians should know at a glance what these roles do in my opinion 12:02 * ashimema also thinks 'Jenkins maintainer' isn't great.. we should rename that to 'Continuous integration maintainer' or something 12:02 ashimema rather than naming the tool we use 12:02 ashimema 'Developer tools maintainer' 12:03 ashimema maybe for the ktd one>? 12:03 ashimema but that's a much wider remit 12:03 ashimema really 12:12 ashimema good catch on bug 35265 cait 12:12 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35265 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Failed QA , Remove drag and drop in Elasticsearch mappings 12:12 ashimema I must have checked out a different branch again mid QA and thought I'd tested âšī¸ 12:12 ashimema well.. I did test.. but clearly on the wrong branch! 12:35 tcohen ok, I'm me 13:02 magnuse good! 13:07 cait1 excellent :) 13:16 tcohen Joubu the weblate status monitor is spamming us, do you know what is happening? 13:19 Joubu configure it 13:19 Joubu tcohen: you can remove the low alerts 13:19 tcohen I mean, there's a problem with weblate we can help with? 13:19 tcohen ok 13:20 Joubu no, I removed the swap file to free some disk space 13:20 Joubu back to 13G free now, but I need to create the 23.11 project 13:20 Joubu we will then see how much takes the project 13:20 Joubu and will eventually extend the disk 13:21 tcohen ok, thanks for the feedback 13:21 Joubu the alerts are fixed now 14:25 cait bye all 14:47 caroline rediscovered this by accident https://purrli.com/ much relax 14:52 ashimema that just confused the heck out of my cat 14:52 ashimema he's now running around the house looking for the intruder 14:52 caroline oh no! sorry!! 14:53 tcohen wow 14:53 aude_c[m] lol 14:54 ashimema hehe 14:54 ashimema he's settled down again now 14:54 Joubu caroline, davidnind, cait: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/490/diffs 14:55 Joubu @later tell cait https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/490/diffs 14:55 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 14:55 tcohen Joubu... 14:55 tcohen do you think we can move the translation files entirely out of the clone? 14:56 Joubu why? 14:56 Joubu to add more confusion? :D 14:57 Joubu I mean, *even* more 14:57 tcohen I feel like we should really mount it from the outside 14:57 tcohen you know what, I don't wanna go that rabbit hole today heh 14:57 tcohen NEVERMIND 14:58 Joubu outside what? 14:58 Joubu it's already outside the docker container 14:58 Joubu out of $SYNC_REPO? ie. not in misc/translator/po? 15:02 tcohen maybe we should add koha-l10n as a submodule in git... 15:02 Joubu we already had this discussion 15:03 Joubu we don't want that 15:03 Joubu when a submodule is modified you will need a new commit in Koha repo to tell "hey now we are requiring this commitid" 15:03 Joubu which means a lot of commits in git log only about that 15:03 tcohen are we tagging in koha-l10n 15:03 Joubu maybe we will need it, in the future, but I don't think we need it now 15:04 Joubu there is commit ids in koha-l10n, yes, every day (when the sync is done) 15:05 tcohen that's a workflow change compared to the 'old' way 15:05 tcohen not saying bad, just different 15:06 tcohen I like it 15:07 Joubu before we had the .po files retrieved from Pootle every 6 months, now it's every day 15:07 Joubu yes it's different :D 15:07 tcohen I think we should eventually tag or have more determinism 15:08 tcohen because if after tagging a release, the rmaints keep pushing... the strings might differ at packaging time (it gets delayed more than a day sometimes) 15:09 Joubu they the packages can be build using another commit id 15:09 Joubu git log --oneline | grep "Update from Koha" 15:16 tcohen that's nice, Joubu 15:16 tcohen I assume mtj's tools will be looking at those commit ids then 15:17 tcohen and maybe explode if they don't find it 15:32 krimsonkharne[m] cait around? 16:28 krimsonkharne[m] huginn question.. I sent a PM to huginn saying "help" a few days ago just to see the list of commands 16:29 krimsonkharne[m] and got the response "User is not online or does not exist. Message not sent." 16:29 tcohen huginn` 16:29 krimsonkharne[m] anybody else had the same problem?.. Is it because I'm using Element or is huginn just perma on vacation? 16:30 tcohen I never managed to get any '@later' with Element/Matrix 16:30 ashimema the irc bridge seems to have become less and less reliable of late âšī¸ 16:31 krimsonkharne[m] hm, that's unfortunate :( 16:31 krimsonkharne[m] tcohen are you still on Element or did you switch to something else? 16:32 tcohen I've just got back to plain IRC yesterday evening... 16:32 tcohen Matrix hurt my relationship with some people because of the lack of comms 16:32 tcohen he 16:32 tcohen I hate it forever 16:32 tcohen <3 16:32 krimsonkharne[m] sorry, I haven't really had much time for checking IRC myself, otherwise I would have seen you mentioning it already.. 16:32 krimsonkharne[m] oh, that's good to know 16:33 tcohen it's fine, I'm not even sure anyone got my complain-y emails about Matrix anyway LOL 16:33 tcohen *messages 16:34 krimsonkharne[m] yeah, I guess how would you know at that point.. lol 16:34 krimsonkharne[m] well might be time for me to change too 16:34 krimsonkharne[m] thanks :) 16:35 krimsonkharne[m] tcohen++ 16:35 tcohen the fact I'm interacting with you means the bridge is workinf 16:35 tcohen just unreliable, maybe 16:47 krimsonkharne[m] hmm, true 16:47 krimsonkharne[m] well anyway.. off for now.. good evening #koha :) 19:37 jheanellef[m] hola folks 19:37 jheanellef[m] can anyone shed some light on why zebra would stop working 19:39 jheanellef[m] here is the message we are getting "zebra seems to have stopped. is it started?' 19:39 jheanellef[m] koha-zebra --start/restart/stop scripts do not work anymore 19:40 jheanellef[m] extensive troubleshooting has given no results 19:59 caroline jheanellef, seems like no one has the answer, you can try sending an email to the mailing list, as it reaches more people 21:04 emlam oh my goodness I just saw the new winter theme on the community dashboard 21:04 emlam it's so cute!! 21:04 emlam (though...probably not great for accessibility =/ )