Time Nick Message 08:00 Zahid[m] Hi, i have a problem with sending email notifications regarding patrons 08:00 Zahid[m] on notice page for patron it says "Unhandled email failure, check the logs for further details" 08:00 Zahid[m] in which log file should i look 08:02 Zahid[m] i have configured smtp server and enable the notifications for patrons and patron category and on specfic patron 08:02 Zahid[m] i have not enable koha-plack on the server 08:03 Joubu watch the Koha logs with: tail -f /var/log/koha/*/*.log 08:03 Joubu you should enable koha-plack, there is no reason not to 08:04 Zahid[m] i have created new machine for koha in some other workplace. should this command gives me the the error ? 08:17 Joubu run the tail -f command in a shell, then try to send an email to a patron 08:18 Joubu the error should be logged in one of the Koha file and displayed in the shell 08:36 Joubu mtj, tuxayo: please, no more changes to jenkins config or job's config without Tomas or me agreed on it first. No more new jobs either. 09:05 Joubu tcohen[m]: bug 35428 - may be a candidate for 23.11 09:05 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35428 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , gulp po tasks do not clean temporary files 09:14 krimsonkharne[m] morning all 09:23 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] If anyone is looking for a Vue bug to signoff / QA to get some experience with the VueJS code then bug 32474 is a useful one that needs reviewing! 09:23 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32474 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Needs Signoff , Implement infinite scroll in vue-select 09:27 Joubu MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: are we stil waiting for this one?! 09:30 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Yep... 10:16 Joubu lukeg: see bug 32770 comment 16 10:16 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32770 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, RESOLVED FIXED, Patron search field groups no longer exist 10:16 Joubu @later tell lukeg see bug 32770 comment 16 10:16 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 10:17 * cait waves 10:23 magnuse \o/ 10:31 tcohen[m] morning #koha o/ 10:32 magnuse Β‘hola tcohen[m]! 10:32 Joubu @later tell lukeg and 33211 comment 8 10:32 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 10:37 Joubu and I don't know what I am the one who is dealing with 6 months old selenium failures in oldoldstable... 10:55 cait :( 11:02 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "Joubu" (28 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/31024 11:19 oleonard o/ 11:32 Joubu restarting weblate, sorry! 11:59 krimsonkharne[m] today I'm jumping from one meeting to the next... hope I'll be free in time for the doc meeting 12:11 tcohen[m] https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/admin/addons.html#statistics-generator 12:11 tcohen[m] ^^ Joubu 12:16 cait similar here withmeetings... what happend to a nice and quiet end of year? 12:20 krimsonkharne[m] yeah, no kidding cait 12:21 Annelisterman[m] maybe it starts in December? 12:33 paulderscheid[m] ashimema around? 12:48 cait one can only hope 13:22 tcohen[m] koha++ 13:22 tcohen[m] community++ 13:22 tcohen[m] Joubu++ 13:22 tcohen[m] I love to see a green jenkins 13:37 krimsonkharne[m] I can't make it to the meeting today... sorry aude_c and Doc Team :-( 13:38 aude_c[m] Oh :-( Thanks for lettings us know anyway! 13:38 aude_c[m] See you Friday for the workshop? 13:38 aude_c[m] (We're totally winging it, right? ;-) ) 13:38 krimsonkharne[m] yes definitely, I made sure to keep that timeslot free 13:39 krimsonkharne[m] yep :D 13:39 krimsonkharne[m] at least I can find time tomorrow to go through my notes for Friday again though 13:39 ashimema hi 13:39 cait hello 13:39 ashimema but also same... hoping from one meeting to the next.. it's painful aint it 13:40 ashimema got a little interlude at the minute 13:40 ashimema lol.. "just wing it" seems to be the way at the minute.. no time for actual planning 13:41 aude_c[m] Oh in this case it's partly on purpose! π 13:41 aude_c[m] And we're not wholly unprepared... We just chose not to have a structure. 13:41 aude_c[m] And we'll see how that works π 13:44 ashimema cool 13:44 ashimema better than me then.. preparing all my company meeting presentations on the train to the company meeting 13:52 cait you got internet on the train? :) 13:52 ashimema meeting was last week 13:52 ashimema and I wrote a lot of it offline π 13:52 ashimema ktd is awesome 13:52 cait true 13:52 ashimema i'm back home now.. just trying to catch up on support, admin and the rest of my backlog 13:53 ashimema oh.. and write up my notes from all those meetings to ensure I don't miss anything I was meant to do after them 13:56 aude_c[m] Warning: the Koha Documentation meeting will start in about 5min and we'll be using IRC for minutes. 13:56 aude_c[m] Everyone is welcome to join us! π https://wiki.koha-community.org/w/index.php?title=Documentation_meeting_29_November_2023 13:58 * oleonard bbl 14:02 caroline I will join in ~10 minutes, see you soon! 14:02 marie-luce #startmeeting Documentation IRC meeting 2023-11-29 14:02 huginn` Meeting started Wed Nov 29 14:02:31 2023 UTC. The chair is marie-luce. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02 huginn` Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02 huginn` The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_irc_meeting_2023_11_29' 14:02 marie-luce #chair marie-luce 14:02 huginn` Current chairs: marie-luce 14:02 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_29_November_2023 14:03 marie-luce #topic Introductions 14:03 kellym #info Kelly McElligott ByWater Solutions USA 14:03 marie-luce please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes 14:03 ashimema #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe 14:03 marie-luce #info Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Montreal, Qc 14:04 aude_c[m] #info Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK 14:04 marie-luce we are also online https://meet.jit.si/KohaDocumentationMeeting 14:06 aude_c[m] #info Lucy Vaux-Harvey, PTFS Europe, UK 14:07 aude_c[m] #info Rasa Satinskiene, PTFS Europe, UK 14:08 marie-luce #topic Review of action points 14:09 marie-luce #info Lucy and Aude to log a Documentation bug about expanding the Notices section 14:09 marie-luce #info this project is on ice for the moment. 14:10 marie-luce #topic plan online Documentation workshops 14:10 marie-luce #info Workshops are planned between 1 December and 24 January 14:11 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_Team_-_Drop-in_sessions 14:11 marie-luce #topic Project updates 14:12 marie-luce #topic maintaining one Koha manual 14:13 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34955 14:13 huginn` 04Bug 34955: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , One Koha manual (to rule them all) 14:15 marie-luce #info At the moment, Aude suggested to use a new URL for the manual like this one https://koha-community.org/manual/main/en/html/ 14:16 Joubu we don't need 'main' ;) 14:17 marie-luce #info There are some concerns about a new URL, since all documention are currently pointing to the URL mentioning "latest" https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/index.html 14:18 marie-luce please join us at https://meet.jit.si/KohaDocumentationMeeting 14:18 ashimema we happy just using '/latest' or just skipping version entirely in the url Joubu? 14:18 ashimema I'm happy to do this bit.. just been volunteered π 14:18 Joubu If we don't keep older versions, we just need https://koha-community.org/manual/:lang/:format 14:18 Joubu eg. https://koha-community.org/manual/en/html/ 14:19 ashimema makes sense to me 14:19 Joubu ha! 14:19 marie-luce #action Martin will discuss with Jonathan about the URL link 14:19 Joubu the old versions of Koha will point to the existing URLs 14:20 Joubu yes, let discuss that later ;) 14:20 ashimema yup.. unless we backport the change 14:20 Joubu we can still redirect 14:20 marie-luce #topic What's new page: what do we want? 14:20 ashimema but I kinda like the idea of the older version specific ones slowly dissapearing rather than just going going gone 14:21 marie-luce #info Aude and Caroline are working on a new manual section to promote news features 14:22 marie-luce #link https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/merge_requests/747 14:22 marie-luce #link https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/whatsnew.html 14:26 marie-luce #agreed We agreed that the list of new system preferences will be very useful to encourage users to read about them. 14:30 marie-luce #info At the moment, Caroline has copied text from the manual to add descriptions of new features. 14:32 marie-luce #idea Maybe, we could find a way to automate description texts in the "What's new" page. 14:33 marie-luce #info If it's new, it goes on this page. 14:36 marie-luce #info This page "What's new" is not indexed yet. It will be added on the home page. 14:36 marie-luce #link https://davidnind.gitlab.io/koha-docs-reorganise/ 14:38 marie-luce #topic How to format notes - aka rainbow 14:39 marie-luce #idea Caroline has suggested to format notes in green 14:39 marie-luce #link https://snipboard.io/lTtcdQ.jpg 14:40 marie-luce example of "Tip" format 14:40 marie-luce #link https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/circulationpreferences.html#sip2sortbinmapping 14:41 marie-luce "Attention" and "Note" examples 14:41 marie-luce #link https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/patronspreferences.html#tracklastpatronactivity 14:43 marie-luce #agreed We agreed that when something is removed or moved, we should use a "attention" note in orange 14:44 marie-luce #agreed We agreed to use the "green note" for the version. 14:44 marie-luce #action Caroline will add the CSS in the manual for the green note. 14:45 marie-luce #topic 4... free discussion about what's belong to the manual 14:46 marie-luce #info Aude is suggesting to change the manual structure. 14:46 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ReStructuredText_-_Tips_and_Tricks 14:49 marie-luce #action This point "What's belong to the manual" will be discussed in the next meeting. 14:50 marie-luce #info Next meeting: Wednesday 31 January 15:00 UTC 14:52 marie-luce #topic This friday, we will hosting a documentation meeting. Please, join us. 14:52 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_Team_-_Drop-in_sessions 14:52 marie-luce #endmeeting 14:52 huginn` Meeting ended Wed Nov 29 14:52:59 2023 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 14:52 huginn` Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_11_29.2023-11-29-14.02.html 14:52 huginn` Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_11_29.2023-11-29-14.02.txt 14:52 huginn` Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_11_29.2023-11-29-14.02.log.html 14:54 aude_c[m] marie-luce++ 14:54 aude_c[m] Thanks again for doing the minutes! 14:54 caroline marie-luce++ aude_c++ 14:55 marie-luce :) 14:55 ashimema just heading out on the school run now, but will be working a bit this evening so I'll get my actions done π 15:03 aude_c[m] ashimema++ 15:04 aude_c[m] And thanks Joubu for your comments on the Manual link! Sounds like we don't need "main" then π 15:13 Joubu https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/preservation.html 15:13 Joubu Amaury++ 15:18 marie-luce #endmeeting 15:20 oleonard_ Seeking opinions: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35145#c3 15:20 huginn` 04Bug 35145: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, emily-rose.francoeur, Needs Signoff , Add ability to order patron attributes 15:20 oleonard_ Comment 3 15:22 caroline I think that usually in Koha, things without a display order would be considered "0", so in first place (e.g. news, numbering patterns, etc) 15:24 oleonard I can see a librarian thinking, "I set this to 1, why isn't it in first place?" but I guess news has the same issue. 15:24 caroline yes, it's a bit annoying, as with january being 0 in numbering patterns 15:24 caroline (I,m neck deep in serials, does it show? :) ) 15:25 oleonard :D 15:26 aude_c[m] I think if it matches how the order / ranking works in other parts of Koha, it won't be a problem (and I quickly learnt that '0' gets to the top! π ) 15:26 Joubu I feel sleepy, but it feels too open 15:26 Joubu why not make the table sortable? 15:26 Joubu also a thing to take into account: attributes can be hidden to some libraries 15:27 oleonard Joubu: It's more about expectations for how it will be ordered when displayed to the user 15:27 oleonard Joubu: Making the table sortable will be a nice improvement but not required for the initial bug I think 15:27 aude_c[m] Why not make the fields available on the registration form drag and drop into the form in the order one wants? :P 15:28 aude_c[m] (Ok, I will leave now...) 15:28 caroline lol! 15:28 Joubu how ordered? from 1..N? 15:28 oleonard aude_c[m]: "This attribute of my self is the most important, it should go first!" 15:29 aude_c[m] Hehe 15:29 Joubu order by number asc (with number default to 0), and another order (the existing one) 15:29 Joubu so if 0 == 0 it does not move up and down depending on how rows get fetched 15:30 aude_c[m] that makes sense. Gives the option to change from how it currently works - or not 15:31 oleonard In the display, an empty value is first in the order, then 0, 1, ... 15:32 oleonard That does match news 15:32 Joubu we should force it to be a number 15:32 Joubu and rename "number"... 15:33 oleonard Joubu: We don't want to force the user to enter a value 15:33 Joubu then default to 0 when it's empty :) 15:33 oleonard I think that makes sense 15:35 oleonard ...but if we want to be consistent we should leave it as it is, since it matches news 15:35 oleonard Or change both 15:36 caroline serial numbering patterns also default to empty 15:37 caroline https://snipboard.io/7u5v6i.jpg 16:28 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Anyone seen this from ktd before?" (11 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/31051 16:43 reiveune bye 16:45 caroline Do y'all know what this "results loaded" line is? It only appears on one client opac (that we've found) https://snipboard.io/mHrQPn.jpg 16:46 caroline the others don't have it https://snipboard.io/DB3gEk.jpg 16:47 oleonard caroline: My guess is that it only appears when the number of results exceeds a certain number 16:48 caroline I thought so too, I have over 100,000 results on each though 16:49 oleonard I'm guessing the limit is higher, but the system caps the results at 100,000 in that case 16:49 oleonard (which if true, is a little confusing) 16:50 caroline the number is 10,000 16:51 oleonard ? 16:51 caroline it caps at 10,000 not 100,000 16:51 caroline unless that's not what you meant? 16:52 oleonard Oh you're right I misread 16:52 oleonard That makes even less sense. 16:53 caroline indeed 16:54 caroline on yours, I search "a" and get 417343 results without that weird 10,000 results line https://search.myacpl.org/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=a 17:45 oleonard I hope I'm not confused about how this feature works: Bug 35437 17:45 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35437 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , With CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost, only cancel holds when no other items are available 18:16 tuxayo @later tell Joubu CI: noted. Does manually starting a build also needs coordination? 18:16 huginn` tuxayo: The operation succeeded. 18:39 Squidy Hi.. When patrons try to reserve an item on OPAC, they receive the message: "This title cannot be requested". 18:40 Squidy I really don't know what is happening.. 18:40 Squidy Can you help me/ 18:40 Squidy ? 18:40 oleonard Squidy: Do you have a "Holds allowed" value set in your circulation rules? 18:42 oleonard Squidy: https://snipboard.io/hwbkW8.jpg 18:45 mtj hi Joubu, about now 18:47 Squidy oleonard: Yes, I do... Take a look https://snipboard.io/Wi5YM4.jpg 18:48 oleonard Does your rule apply to all item types and all patron categories? 18:48 oleonard And do your patrons and items all have valid categories/item types? 18:52 Squidy oleonard: Yes.. Patron category = All ......... Item type = All 18:56 Squidy oleonard: What's strange is the message in OPAC: This title cannot be requested. 18:56 Squidy It looks like the problem is with the item.. 18:56 oleonard Does the item have a valid item type? 19:04 Squidy oleonard: Yes.. https://snipboard.io/piwW4t.jpg 19:10 Squidy If I try to place hold in the staff interface, it works 19:16 oleonard Squidy: Do you have a value in the maxreserves system preference? 19:19 Squidy Yes... 10 19:20 tcohen[m] @seen aleisha 19:20 huginn` tcohen[m]: aleisha was last seen in #koha 6 days, 21 hours, 22 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <aleisha> :D 20:15 caroline Squidy, here's what I would check: item type of the item, category of the patron, the circulation rule for that itemtype/categorycode combination for the specific library and the rule for all the libraries, in the circulation rules page, at the bottom, there is a hold section, check that for the specific library and for all libraries 20:16 caroline I would also double check the item and the patron in the database to make sure the item type and category code are correct 20:16 caroline Sometimes things are displayed by default, but in the database it's not the correct code 20:44 Squidy caroline: I checked and the settings seems to be correct... 20:44 Squidy select itype from items where barcode='XXXXX' 20:44 Squidy It shows: itype: LIV 20:44 Squidy LIV is the item type code.. 20:44 Squidy In the Circulation Rule I verified and configured as you suggested. But it still does not work :-( 20:44 caroline weird... there must be something we're missing 20:45 caroline the patron is not expired and doesn't have fines? 20:46 Squidy No fines and does not expired... Too weird.. 20:50 caroline do you have more than one branch? 20:57 Squidy No.. Only one.. 20:59 caroline ok at least that simplifies things :) 21:13 caroline @later tell ashimema I clicked on the youtube icon at the bottom of this page and it gives a 404 error https://ptfs-europe.com/product_support/koha/ 21:13 huginn` caroline: The operation succeeded. 23:23 lukeg dcook_: you about? 23:49 jjlangel[m] I'm shopping for a web host for my website, which includes Koha. Is there a list somewhere in the documentation that tells me what to look for? Does anyone have any recommendations? 23:49 dcook_ lukeg: Ish! 23:49 dcook_ Are you still around? 23:50 dcook_ jjlangel[m] no not really. You can Google around a bit for things like this thread: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2020-December/055608.html 23:50 dcook_ Even though I'm involved with the conversations there... that's also 3 years old 23:51 dcook_ The actual resources used depends a lot on planned usage as well. 23:54 jjlangel[m] dcook_: Thanks -- that bit of text has been added to the wiki. I guess I was hoping for something a little more concrete ... although it looks like a lot of web hosting accounts offer 1G of RAM, so it rules a lot of them out. I'm running a single library with pretty low usage. 23:55 dcook_ So a "web host" tends to be pretty limited in what they offer. You'll need a virtual private server for Koha 23:55 dcook_ DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, Azure, etc 23:56 jjlangel[m] dcook_: Yes, the magic words "root access" seem to move there pretty quickly. But even in the vps world, there seem to be a lot of questions I still cant answer. 23:57 dcook_ That's why people end up using support vendors I think ;) 23:58 dcook_ Digital Ocean's 4GB 2CPU 80GB SSD would probably be fine 23:58 dcook_ If you pay on demand, you can always tweak things later 23:59 jjlangel[m] Yes...I don't have that kind of budget 23:59 jjlangel[m] For a support vendor. I'll have to go look at Digital Ocean... 23:59 dcook_ DigitalOcean is just an example. i've never used them myself.