Time Nick Message 21:16 cait1 labelled string freeze 21:16 cait1 i think maybe we do want ot send another mail 21:15 caroline ah ok, I don't remember seeing it in the email, but it is very possible I didn't read the whole thing, being absent 3 days last week made my inbox grow a bit too much for me to manage, and I may have glanced through a bunch without registering too much 21:14 cait1 it started with the move to weblate mail 21:14 cait1 but i think maybe we did not communicate it correctly? 21:14 cait1 yes we are 21:14 caroline are we in string freeze? I wasn't sure 21:10 cait1 I sitll got over 500... entries in messages alone 21:09 ashimema Lol 21:04 cait1 oleonard: right now... i kinda hate us for changing the titles and breadcrumbs, but i guess it will pass when I finally get to the end of this po file :) 20:42 paulderscheid[m] But I suspect postman must have something similar. 20:42 paulderscheid[m] oleanard-away if you don't mind somthing different you can try the rapid api app. It has a dedicated auth section per project. 18:36 fridolin yellow 17:06 caroline but from the email subject, I'm thinking it's the former (check_url_quick script) 17:05 caroline https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/cron_jobs.html#run-report 17:04 caroline otherwise, it might be a custom sql report they made and had it be sent by email 17:03 aroberts18[m] Ohhhh that would make sense. It was kind of strange because the attachment was blank, so I got SO CONFUSED. 16:59 caroline https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/cron_jobs.html#check-url-quick 16:57 caroline it might say if the url is broken or not 16:57 caroline aroberts18[m], it's probably ascript they set up to check the urls in the bibliographic records 16:56 aroberts18[m] I have a question and I'm hoping someone on here would know anything. Our tech services librarian left back in July and I have been trying to fill in on the KOHA side. Last week I received an email from KOHA that said "Check URL Report" and then had an HTML attachment with it. Does anyone know what you're supposed to do about that? 16:54 cait hi aroberts18[m] 16:53 aroberts18[m] Hello! 16:39 ashimema mkdir /kohadevbox/koha/misc/translator/po/fr_FR: Permission denied at /kohadevbox/koha/misc/translator/LangInstaller.pm line 454. 16:39 ashimema when trying to install a language 16:39 ashimema may have found a bug in the ktd languages stuff 16:37 ashimema Joubu still around? 16:27 ashimema from memory you give it the key and then it'll automatically do the oauth stuff for you to get a token 16:26 ashimema but since my last re-install I've not actually got postman installed right now 16:25 ashimema I've done it in the past 16:13 cait I haven't tried that out yet 16:12 oleonard-away Anyone here know about configuring Postman with API key credentials instead of Basic Auth? 16:05 reiveune bye 14:59 caroline https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/circulation.html#circulating-bundles 14:59 cait I tested it for QA 14:59 cait there is more about it, check the manual heh :) 14:59 caroline it's a really cool functionality! 14:59 oleonard Got it, thanks cait! 14:58 cait on return it asks you to check for completeness etc. 14:58 cait so thebundle item is your box 14:58 cait then you can link multiple items to that bundle and only check that one thing out 14:58 cait you create a set record and an item on it (and activate the bundles in prefs) 14:57 cait bundles 14:57 oleonard What functionality am I looking for if I want to circulate, like, a box containing multiple items? 14:43 magnuse caroline++ 14:42 magnuse caroline: ooh, i just might be able to remember that :-) 14:42 * oleonard sings, 'Where's your HEAD at, where's your HEAD at...' 14:38 caroline This is how I remember: git bz apply 12345, the number is right after apply, so git bz attach 12345 HEAD, the number is right after attach 14:37 magnuse i can *never* remember if HEAD goes before or after the bug number... 13:36 cait ... the --where parameter that is 13:35 cait domm[m]for the bug comment: I am a bit of a consistency freak :) but after looking it up I think ti would really fit well with the others :) 13:00 ashimema I actually typo'd that only yesterday myself 13:00 ashimema lol 13:00 domm[m] sorr 12:59 domm[m] ah, yes, says so in the docs 12:59 magnuse_ domm[m]: isn't it HEAD instead of master? 12:55 domm[m] so I get an old/different patch (35174) instead of mine. any hints on what I should do? 12:55 domm[m] $ git bz attach 35345 master... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/PJwGHGFFWqvDqZVwfstMBoeb>) 12:55 domm[m] I try to submit a patch via git bz, but get this: 12:40 schnydszch What do i look for? Thanks! 12:40 schnydszch C4::SIP::Trapper::PRINT /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Trapper.pm (34) 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:39:28] [2025] [WARN] [undef]@[undef]: raw transport Timed Out! at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/SIPServer.pm line 162. 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:39:19] [2148] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: raw_transport: timeout is 60 C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:39:19] [2148] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: Configuration::find_service: Trying C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:39:19] [2148] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: Configuration::find_service: Trying *:6001/tcp C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:39:19] [2148] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: Configuration::find_service: Trying 6001/tcp C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:40 schnydszch C4::SIP::Trapper::PRINT /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Trapper.pm (34) 12:40 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:38:37] [1907] [WARN] [undef]@[undef]: raw transport Timed Out! at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/SIPServer.pm line 162. 12:39 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:38:28] [2025] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: raw_transport: timeout is 60 C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:39 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:38:28] [2025] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: Configuration::find_service: Trying C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:39 schnydszch [2023/11/16 20:38:28] [2025] [DEBUG] [undef]@[undef]: Configuration::find_service: Trying *:6001/tcp C4::SIP::Sip::siplog /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/SIP/Sip.pm (220) 12:39 schnydszch Log is: 12:39 schnydszch Connection closed by foreign host. 12:39 schnydszch Escape character is '^]'. 12:39 schnydszch Connected to 12:39 schnydszch version is 21.11. testing telnet 192.x.x.x 6001, i am getting: Trying 12:38 schnydszch Hi all! I am trying to configure sip2 12:34 oleonard 'git grep label-bib-search' returns only that template 12:34 oleonard It looks to me like the template labels/label-bib-search.tt is obsolete. Can anyone confirm? 11:56 ashimema morning oleonard 11:17 oleonard Hi all 10:48 Joubu seems good now 10:48 Joubu ok, I am silly, my release-tools rebase didn't work and I hadn't noticed 10:40 Joubu ashimema: maybe? 10:39 cait yes, we overlapped 10:39 Joubu what I pasted 10:39 Joubu exactly 10:39 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_maintenance ? 10:38 Joubu and ~/tmp/releases is empty... 10:38 Joubu koha-release does not accept a "branch" option 10:38 Joubu https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_maintenance#Roll_the_release 10:38 Joubu I need to know which instructinos you are following to build the tarball 10:38 cait wahanui is offline 10:37 Joubu rmaint? 10:37 Joubu rmaints? 10:36 Joubu ashimema: release-tools has a "readme" branch, sounds wrong 10:34 Joubu done 10:32 mtj Joubu: yes please 10:31 Joubu mtj: do you want me to push your follow-up 35174? 10:26 Joubu 0. apt show koha-l10n should show it installed 10:26 Joubu 4. Use the translated version of the UI 10:26 Joubu 3. Enable it in the syspref 10:26 Joubu 2. koha-translate install a language 10:25 Joubu 1. go to the about page, system admin => no warning about missing po files 10:24 mtj what am i testing specifically? :) 10:24 Joubu are you able to test? or have you tested already? 10:23 mtj ive pushed other l10n pkgs to other branches in koha-staging repo 10:22 Joubu you have pushed koha-l10n to exp, that's it? 10:22 Joubu this is all done already 10:21 mtj ok, nice idea 10:21 Joubu and the .po files installed by the debian package are actually removed from the image, to reduce its size (~500MB) before we publish it 10:20 Joubu mtj: actually ktd will not use koha-l10n, we are cloning the koha-l10n git in misc/translator/po 10:17 mtj hmm.. shall we get ktd images using koha-l10n packages? 10:10 Joubu yes, what's not working? 10:09 mtj shall we get master workflow working with .po files, before pushing to other branches 10:08 mtj hi ashimema, Joubu 09:59 Joubu mtj: I have pushed to master the removal of the .po files. If everythink looks correct on your side I can push to the stable branches 09:58 ashimema hi mtj 09:33 mtj hey folks 09:05 cait exciting 09:04 Joubu everything looks good so far. Don't forget to pull new ktd images if you are using master 09:00 cait yes yes yes... :P 08:33 Joubu "if you read this, hit ctrl+w" :D 08:32 Joubu "just ignore" 08:31 * cait stays out of it 08:31 cait just saw your note about the ignore... it's confusing! 08:30 cait ah ok 08:29 Joubu it will be backported 08:29 Joubu just ignore :D 08:29 Joubu no 08:29 cait that shoudl keep the Rmaints away :) 08:28 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35174 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Remove .po files from the codebase 08:28 cait Joubu: shoudl we set bug 35174 to RESOLVED FIXED? 08:27 ashimema It would be so nice to slim it down still 08:27 ashimema I switched the ktd instructions yesterday to default to '--single-branch master' as the last three people I tried to get setup couldn't get past the initial Koha clone step 08:25 ashimema Pass.. I've not had my coffee yet 08:24 ashimema More could we use it as the catalyst to continue and do that indeed drop 08:24 Joubu how that? 08:23 ashimema I wonder if the master -> main switch might help us there if people do shallow clones 08:23 Joubu so expect everything to explode today 08:23 cait we got you 08:23 cait good morning 08:23 * cait waves 08:23 Joubu s/remove the git index size/reduce the git index size/ 08:22 ashimema But this is a start 😉 08:22 Joubu but at least the index will stop growing 08:22 Joubu here we are "just" removing them 08:22 ashimema Indeed 08:22 Joubu the idea 10 years ago was to remove them from the git history to remove the git index size 08:21 ashimema Joubu++ 08:21 ashimema 10 years in the making... Nice one Joubu 08:04 Joubu bye bye .po files \o/ 07:25 Joubu no it's not. 07:23 Joubu using the REST API, I don't think it's possible 07:23 Joubu but you need the imagenumber 07:23 Joubu /cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/image.pl?imagenumber=xxx 07:20 ammarspv[m] I am using local Cover Image upload on the biblio records. Can I fetch the CoverImage URL from the API ? I don't seem to be able to get it under no fields 07:20 ammarspv[m] Hi, 07:18 ashimema Morning 07:15 magnuse_ \o/ 06:49 reiveune hello