Time Nick Message 00:48 tuxayo Hi :) I just created a sandbox at BibLibre and PTFS-E servers and for some reason it's at commit 24b22e61b1 commited on main/master on Nov 8 17:59:38 00:48 tuxayo GitHub mirror is up to date. Any idea of why they could be a bit late? 00:59 tuxayo GitLab mirror also up to date. ByWater sandbox also stuck in the past. 01:39 tuxayo I'll retest tomorrow and report it[1] if the issue still persist. 01:39 tuxayo [1] report which way? email to the 3 people managing the 3 sandbox servers? Ticket in the koha-sandboxes-docker repos? Ticket in bugzilla? 06:55 reiveune hello 07:11 marcelr o/ 08:00 Joubu fridolin...? 08:00 Joubu @later tell fridolin you should not keep pushing when jenkins is totally broken 08:00 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:13 Joubu @later tell tcohen "Bump node to v18" backported - 23.05 22.11 22.05 21.11 08:13 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:20 Joubu I don't have time to investigate more this morning, but I am getting a ktd failure when I start the container (master). It's resolved by removing node_modules (as usual) 08:21 Joubu ERROR in /kohadevbox/koha/cypress.config.ts 08:21 Joubu koha_1 | TS2322: Type '{ experimentalStudio: true; baseUrl: string; specPattern: string; supportFile: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<Omit<ResolvedConfigOptions, TestingType>>'. 08:21 Joubu koha_1 | Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'specPattern' does not exist in type 'Partial<Omit<ResolvedConfigOptions, TestingType>>'. 08:21 Joubu koha_1 | ts-loader-default_0c5a263502dc9404 08:24 magnuse_ \o/ 08:44 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] It broke some builds, and I noticed: "SCRIPT DEPRECATION WARNING" 08:45 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:45 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] https://github.com/nodesource/distributions "The installation scripts setup_XX.x are no longer supported and are not needed anymore, as the installation process is straightforward for any RPM and DEB distro." 08:45 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:47 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] https://github.com/nodesource/distributions#supported-versions - nightmare number 424 of the week... 08:47 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:51 marcelr just 424 this week? 08:52 Joubu at least, I stopped counting 08:56 cait this week has been something for sure 09:32 marcelr cait could you have another fresh look to 35298 ? 09:34 cait bug 35298 09:34 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35298 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Flatpickr makes focus handler in dateaccessioned plugin useless 09:34 cait not right now - I had trouble with my linux machine yesterday and it's now resolved (finally) but I need to catch up on some other stuff first 09:35 cait the test plan was not clear it shoudl work the same before and after :) 09:35 cait I'll try to get to it, but as a bug fix not changing strings I think we got a moment 09:44 marcelr ok cait, but note that this shouldnt take much time like x seconds? 09:44 marcelr we are removing code that is not called anymore 09:45 ashimema 🙂 09:51 cait marcelr: my ktd is not even running again 09:51 cait I'll get to it, but I have alist of string things too 09:52 marcelr np 09:52 marcelr i hear more people about ktd this morning 09:52 cait i know it#s quick, also happy if someone else is quicker 09:52 cait my problem was xrdp :( 10:04 aude_c[m] Joubu: manual merge request 748 https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/merge_requests/748 Is it ok to merge now? 10:21 paulderscheid[m] Thanks for backporting node v18! :D joubu++ 10:38 cait anyone an idea? 10:38 cait js works in the console 10:38 cait js in OpacUserJs doesn't work 10:38 cait no JS erros in the console 10:38 cait ... 10:38 cait I am confused. 10:39 cait the line that is working in the console is visible in the source code/saved to opacserjs correctly 10:40 cait ok, a later JS overwrote it - thx for listening :) 11:44 tcohen[m] hola 12:16 vfernandes hi #koha 13:01 tcohen[m] Joubu: what is needed from me regarding the string freeze actions? 13:02 tcohen[m] (besides the KTD problems I'm looking at) 14:06 caroline I'm back for real! ;) 14:08 aude_c[m] 👏 14:15 tcohen[m] ok, so that's it 14:15 tcohen[m] that's 23.11 plus fixes to come 14:15 tcohen[m] congrats y'all 14:15 ashimema 🙂 14:15 caroline_catlady tcohen++ 14:22 aude_c[m] tcohen++ 14:23 tcohen[m] community++ 14:23 tcohen[m] koha++ 14:30 cait tcohen++ :) 14:30 cait community++ 14:30 vfernandes there is a plan to adapt more Koha's modules to Vue.js? 14:32 cait at the moment it#s only used for new modules 14:34 cait oh no oleonard 14:35 cait vfernandes: people are still learning vue.js, at the moment we have not so many devs deeply familiar with it 14:36 vfernandes thanks cait 14:41 magnuse_ tcohen++ community++ 14:44 magnuse_ weird, the page that shows all subfields of 952 shows "Auth value:NOT_LOAN" for $7, but the page for editing the subfield shows nothing selected in the dropdown for "not for loan". The page for editing an item shows the right authorized value of the notforlan value in the table at the top, but nothing selected in the dropdown for the $7 subfield. anyone got a hunch what might cause that? 14:45 tcohen[m] SELECT CONCAT("MARKER",field,"MARKER") 14:45 tcohen[m] to make sure the data is correct? 14:45 magnuse_ koha 22.11.10, both for english and translated. tried restarting plack and memcached 14:46 cait magnuse_: I am not sure I am following your description 14:46 cait is the itemtype not for loan maybe? 14:50 magnuse_ cait: 952$7 = 2, but when editing the item, the description from the authorised value only shows in the table at the top of the page, not in the dropdown for editing $7 - it's like nothing is selected in the dropdown 14:50 cait oh hm 14:50 cait did you limit the value to specific libraries? 14:52 magnuse_ cait: no, it's "all libraries" 14:53 magnuse_ tcohen[m]: looks like there are no surprise spaces 14:53 cait but there are the correct entires in the pull down? 15:00 magnuse_ cait: yes, but none of them are selected, even if the item has items.notforloan=2 15:05 cait any interfering JS? 15:06 cait if you save it with 2 now, does it show correctly on next edit? 15:08 magnuse_ cait: you could be on the right track about the js! if i empty IntranetUserJS the value is shown in the dropdown! 15:09 magnuse_ must investigate more on monday 15:09 tcohen[m] can y'all test bug 35306? Thanks lukeg 15:09 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35306 critical, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Needs Signoff , Expired holds are not displayed correctly in staff interface 15:09 magnuse_ and thanks to everyone, y'all are awesome! 15:09 tcohen[m] I'd like to push it today 15:29 cait I'm blocked right now - maybe later? 15:34 tcohen[m] sure 15:45 tcohen[m] BBL 16:01 reiveune bye 16:06 tuxayo hm, all the sandboxes still are late on commits. They are on 4ef2694c39 committed Thu Nov 9 14:50:12 2023 and are missing the commit since 6hr ago 16:08 tuxayo So compared to yesterday, they got updates but are still one day late ^^" 16:16 tuxayo Issue reported: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-sandboxes-docker/-/issues/91 18:31 * cait waves 19:26 cait davidnind: still around? :) 19:26 cait you need to set to expired in the database 19:36 davidnind thanks cait - nothing was obvious to me, but I wasn't sure whether that was the case 19:36 davidnind would you like me to sign off as well, so you can QA? 19:53 davidnind I've added my sign-off 🙂 19:59 cait always :) 19:59 cait davidnind++ 20:01 davidnind cait++