Time Nick Message 05:19 Joubu @later tell cait ping me when you are around please 05:19 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 06:57 marcelr o/ 06:57 marcelr Joubu around? 06:58 Joubu yes 06:58 marcelr hi; about 29523 06:58 marcelr we are actually doing fields and strings but not embeds 06:58 ashimema really 06:58 marcelr so this report does not really cover its title 06:58 marcelr i like to pass a foundation but have my doubts 06:58 ashimema embeds are within a loop.. that's the whole idea of the patch 06:59 marcelr yeah but the embed loop is under your change 06:59 marcelr i asked Joubu now since I didnt see you yet :) 06:59 ashimema I just got to the keyboard 06:59 ashimema I can probably write a test to prove it 07:00 marcelr i tested on the api 07:00 ashimema though I'm currently writing tests for another persons patch to get it over the qa finish line 07:00 marcelr i did biblios/1/checkouts with embed patron 07:00 marcelr i get the patron for a user that should not see them 07:00 marcelr he gets a 403 on /patrons 07:01 ashimema do you get all the fields in that patron though? 07:01 marcelr yes 07:01 ashimema ack, 07:01 marcelr we need to change the embed loop too 07:01 marcelr which is under your code 07:01 ashimema I tested this on Joubu's branch 07:02 marcelr i am a bit hesitant do this on a qa follow-up ? 07:03 ashimema I'll take another look now 07:03 ashimema that's the entire idea of the patchset 07:03 marcelr look at calls to $self->_handle_to_api_child 07:03 marcelr in to_api 07:04 marcelr somewhere there we need to act 07:05 Joubu please submit a patch if you have one! 07:07 marcelr lol 07:08 marcelr added a comment 07:08 ashimema but _handle_to_api_child just calls to_api internally and passes the params 07:08 Joubu @later tell fridolin can you confirm you saw my comment on 34959? You should not release 34959 and 35024 this month 07:08 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:09 marcelr well, in this loop we are handling embeds 07:09 Joubu @later tell fridolin please read the email I sent to the release team ("RMaints") about that last ween 07:09 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:09 Joubu koha communication... 07:09 Joubu fridolin: ? 07:11 Joubu marcelr: weird, the use case you tried is very similar to what I am doing on 33568 07:12 ashimema doh.. I squashed my docs patch into the tests patch.. that wasn't deliberate 07:12 marcelr np 07:12 marcelr i am going to test it again to confirm 07:13 marcelr just curious if the cache tricks me 07:13 marcelr plack 07:14 marcelr good news ashimema i am scaring you for nothing 07:14 marcelr the recursion works, it must have been plack 07:15 ashimema phew 07:15 Joubu cait2: around? 07:15 ashimema I had no idea where to start with fixing that 😧 07:15 ashimema glad it works 07:15 Joubu or cait1 maybe? 07:15 marcelr i will remove your docs to a separate patch and pqa this morning 07:15 marcelr just leave it alone now 07:15 ashimema ok 07:16 Joubu \o/ 07:16 marcelr will put a few notes for later on it (i think we should not use unredact with public) 07:16 ashimema did you want me to add a test for the embed.. it's not a bad idea.. right now your right.. we only test the top level.. it would be a good idea to have the recursion tested 07:16 Joubu thx marcelr! 07:16 ashimema thanks 🙂 07:16 cait2 good morning #koha 07:16 marcelr hi cait2 07:17 cait2 @later tell fridolin don' forget "Needs documenting" :) 07:17 huginn cait2: The operation succeeded. 07:19 aw-bib[m] good morning :) could someone give me a pointer how koha stores user permissions? I thought that they go to the user_permissions table, but select * from user_permissoins; yields Empty set and now I am a bit confused. (and there is indeed not perl-function to set them?) 07:20 cait2 it#s a bit complicated (as you probably expected) 07:20 cait2 there is borrowers.flags 07:20 ashimema it's confusing 😜 07:20 cait2 that has a... bitmask? with the top level permissions 07:20 cait2 and than there is user_permissions for the sub_permissions 07:20 ashimema many a seasoned koha dev doesn't fully understand them 07:20 cait2 so if you just check "acquisitions" that shoudl only create a change in borrowers.flags 07:21 cait2 there are open bugs to revamp the system 07:21 * ashimema would just love to do away with the whole bitmasking stuff.. it's confusing as 07:21 Joubu it's base 2, not very complicated for whoever do a bit of programming ;) 07:21 ashimema elegant for when it was written.. but times have changed 07:22 cait2 it was interesting to figure out when I last did :) 07:22 ashimema yeah, whilst I agree there Joubu.. many people just don't learn that stuff in coding courses now 07:23 ashimema and in general.. the world has moved to clearer string based stuff in modern systems.. 07:23 ashimema having said that chmod and friends are still a thing 07:23 ashimema lol 07:23 ashimema I should really finish writing these tests 07:25 cait2 I believe the mix we have is the confusing bit 07:25 cait2 if we only had the bit mask or only the user_permissions... but both together is strange 07:26 aw-bib[m] cait2: / Joubu / ashimema thanks. so I need to check borrowers.flags if I don't have sub-permissions and only if I set sub-permissions we live in user_permissions. ok, then I think I can find my way through. and there is _no_ perl-function that I pass the mask to, I have to go SQL, right? 07:29 marcelr lets make flags a bit more difficult :) 07:29 marcelr with primes etc to cover the subperms or so 07:29 cait2 marcelr: you are a mean person at times :) 07:29 krimsonkharne[m] hey #koha 07:29 ashimema lol 07:29 cait2 aw-bib[m]: i never looked at how Koha does set them... but it has to somewhere I guess :) 08:31 Joubu aw-bib[m]: it's a bit shift, base 2. Look at the userflags table 08:32 Joubu aw-bib[m]: the "bit" is the value of the shift 08:32 aw-bib[m] thanks :) I'll dive into this :) 08:32 Joubu if you have (2, catalogue) and (11, acquisition) set for a given patron, borrowers.flags will be 2^2+2^11 08:33 Joubu =100000000100 08:33 Joubu if I counted correctly 09:50 aude_c[m] Joubu++ for work on Koha manual and translations 09:51 fatimah26[m] Hi, does anyone here used the advance editor in cataloging module? 09:55 aude_c[m] I have shown it but never actually used it to catalogue 😅 09:55 cait Joubu++ indeed! 10:22 oleonard o/ 10:54 oleonard Anyone awake who could have a look at this for me? https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34869#c12 10:54 huginn 04Bug 34869: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Failed QA , Convert OPACResultsSidebar system preference to HTML customization 10:55 oleonard Need some smart person advice so I can get a whole pile of patches moving 10:56 cait what do we make of noone rpelying to you yet? :) 10:57 Joubu oleonard: it does not apply, is it about bug-34869-move-opacresultssidebar-to-additional-contents.pl ? 10:57 Joubu + foreach my $lang ('default') { 10:57 Joubu you could remove the loop, and replace $lang with 'default' in the INSERT 11:08 paulderscheid[m] Hi #koha, is there any way I can pass an additional -f in the ktd wrapper? 11:11 paulderscheid[m] Ah got it I guess 11:11 paulderscheid[m] COMPOSE_OPTIONS="<ADDITTION>" 11:14 paulderscheid[m] Or not :D 11:16 krimsonkharne[m] maybe a typo? 11:16 krimsonkharne[m] "ADDITION" instead of "ADDITTION"? 11:17 paulderscheid[m] Nah, that's just a mistyped placeholder :D 11:18 krimsonkharne[m] oh well :D 11:34 oleonard paulderscheid[m]: What is the COMPOSE_OPTIONS thing supposed to allow? 11:45 paulderscheid[m] The COMPOSE_OPTIONS is a string in the ktd script where the included files, e.g. docker-compose-light.yml, docker-compose.plugin.yml and so on reside, based on the flags you pass a different result is used for the executed docker compose command. 11:47 paulderscheid[m] Ha thanks for the question oleonard! Of course my approach can't work, because COMPOSE_OPTIONS is explicitly set, overriding anything I set on the shell :D 11:47 oleonard Always good for my ignorance to be helpful XD 11:47 paulderscheid[m] Haha :D 12:18 tcohen[m] hola #koha o/ 12:21 marcelr hi tcohen[m] 12:25 tcohen[m] \o 12:46 magnuse it should be possible to have html in ODUE notices, right? overdue_notices.pl seems to say "The following terms were not matched and replaced" and then list all the html tags, e.g. div class="adress_odue" 12:47 krimsonkharne[m] @magnuse: is the "HTML message" check mark set in the ODUE notices? 12:47 huginn krimsonkharne[m]: I suck 12:48 krimsonkharne[m] happened to me once :) 12:48 magnuse krimsonkharne[m]: yes, sadly 12:48 krimsonkharne[m] ah 12:48 krimsonkharne[m] then I don't have any useful tips 12:50 magnuse :-) 13:05 emlam \o 13:08 ashimema morning emlam 13:08 ashimema I left you a QA to complete ;O 13:08 ashimema 😜 13:10 emlam Morning ashimema! I'm working on it right now :) 13:11 emlam thanks for signing off btw 13:22 ashimema awesome 13:22 ashimema no worries 13:22 ashimema I was mid QAing it when I spotted it wasn't actually signed off 🙂 13:22 ashimema it's a nice piece of work.. some good solid code tidying in there 13:22 ashimema along with a good feature improvement 13:25 emlam yeah, I'm really excited for it too :) 13:27 cait krimsonkharne[m]: did you see my pm yesterday? 13:27 cait magnuse: I am pretty sure we have HTML notices - what doesn#t work? 13:28 cait do you maybe have a doubled up << or >> somewhere that throes it off? 13:28 magnuse cait: i think i was just fooled by bug 35163 13:28 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35163 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , overdue_notices.pl wrongly reports "terms were not matched and replaced" 13:28 ashimema Joubu around still? 13:29 cait oh 13:29 cait we probably never run it with verbose :) 13:29 magnuse cait: yeah 13:29 ashimema where are we at with the datatables update.. I've lost track a bit again 13:35 Joubu ashimema: more or less 13:35 Joubu ashimema: it's ready for testing 13:35 Joubu (more or less around) 13:35 ashimema okies 13:35 ashimema I can take another look shortly 13:35 ashimema just reading bug 31074 again now 13:35 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31074 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, olivier.hubert, Failed QA , Cached plugin code is used in Koha even after changes to plugin (install/upgrade/uninstall) 13:36 ashimema I'd love to see that resolved 13:39 Joubu Remove the installation of plugins from the UI and it's resolved ;) 13:40 krimsonkharne[m] psd 13:41 krimsonkharne[m] darn this keyboard 13:41 krimsonkharne[m] cait: yeah, I saw it, replied already :) 13:50 caroline does the koha ill module integrate ncip? 13:51 caroline we've had like 3 clients ask us in the last week, I think the national library is looking to change their ill and are asking libraries about ncip 13:58 oleonard People have been asking about Koha and NCIP for (at least) 20 years 14:05 cait oh, didn't see your reply then! 14:05 cait not using element, so I am not receiving old messages 14:06 cait caroline: i think you'd integrate the NCIP in the backend 14:06 cait the ILL module itself doesn't implement a specific API or such, as every country's are so different 14:06 cait magnuse: does the backend for Norwegian ILL implement something NCIP? 14:07 krimsonkharne[m] ah.. I'll send it again 14:07 caroline there's nothing under here https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ILL_Module#NCIP, but the page seems to be out of date 14:09 _lukeg Morning Koha! 14:09 caroline hi _lukeg! 14:09 cait caroline: I was thinking of this here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ILL_backends 14:09 cait NNCIPP - Norwegian ILL, based on NCIP (in development) 14:22 ashimema rapido uses ncip behind the scenes 14:22 ashimema and that's a backend we're about to develop 14:23 ashimema koha's core doesn't do protocols at all really.. it's the backends that handle everything 14:28 caroline thanks ashimema! It's the conclusion I've come to. When they change, if the libraries are willing to pay, we'll develop a backend 14:29 ashimema beware there's a lot going on in ILL at the minute 14:29 ashimema including considerations around NCIP and ISO 14:42 ashimema there's actually a chat about it on Monday if your keen to be involved caroline? 14:42 ashimema or one of your devs 14:42 ashimema might be rather technical though 14:42 caroline What time? I could attend but we are not close to starting to work on it 14:48 ashimema my point is.. rather than us all working on it independently and against each other.. we should try to work together sharing the load/funding 14:49 ashimema it's 11am UK time 14:49 oleonard That doesn't sound right :D 14:49 caroline ooh, that's like 7am I think... I'll talk about it with blou 14:50 cait just keep it flexible... some of us don't use any NCIP... 14:50 cait :) 14:50 oleonard Oh I thought you were saying what time it is *now* XD 14:50 ashimema I added you an invite caroline.. just so you can definitely get the timezone stuff right as I get confused easily with timezones 😉 14:50 caroline thanks ashimema! 14:50 ashimema correct cait 14:50 ashimema we will keep it in the backend for protocols 14:51 ashimema but ILL does need a whole host of under the hood improvements were going to talk about 14:51 ashimema to help get things moving 14:51 oleonard Speaking of ILL... how do we feel about checking for an HTML customization instead of a preference to enable a feature? 14:51 oleonard I'm looking at ILLModuleCopyrightClearance right now 14:52 tcohen[m] +1 14:52 tcohen[m] we will finally be able to translate it 14:53 ashimema Pedro Amorim: ^ 14:53 tcohen[m] I think we should move it to the HTML contents, but keep an ON/OFF switch 14:53 ashimema he's done lots in that area lately 14:53 ashimema I'd love to move more to those contents blocks 14:53 oleonard ashimema: So create an ON/OFF preference (there isn't one) 14:53 tcohen[m] even though I feel like each backend should handle the need for the step, honestly 14:54 ashimema but Ill is a particular complex area in my head at the minute 😜 14:54 ashimema pass 14:54 Joubu or.. we make the syspref's contents translatable... 14:54 Joubu moving the HTML custom is just a workaround here 14:55 tcohen[m] I will insist that, as with CirculateILL which is all or nothing, those things should all be handled at the backend level 14:55 ashimema it's the DisclaimerByType that Pedro did lots on 14:55 ashimema but it's closely tied 14:55 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 14:55 tcohen[m] \o 14:56 tcohen[m] Now you need to say something really smart and clever, Pedro, all eyes on you 14:56 tcohen[m] nno pressure 14:56 ashimema lol 14:56 tcohen[m] :-P 14:57 PedroAmorim[m] I'm too busy finishing tests for 34587 so that you can push, no brain space for anything clever atm 14:57 cait I think the step might appear outside of the backends? but not sure (disclaimer that is) 14:57 ashimema I'm still baffled that we seem to be the only country where having multiple backends installed for ILL is a thing 14:57 cait you are unique! :) 14:57 ashimema disclaimer and copyright both appear outside backends 14:58 tcohen[m] if we put Koha2Koha in the core 14:58 tcohen[m] everyone using country-specific ILL would have two 14:58 tcohen[m] doesn't each ILL system have it's own usage terms and conditions? 14:58 oleonard Is there any practical reason we haven't put Koha2Koha in core? 14:59 PedroAmorim[m] whats wrong about ILLModuleCopyrightClearance and ILLModuleDisclaimerByType? =D 14:59 tcohen[m] lack of time 14:59 tcohen[m] oleonard: I planned to spend time on that this cycle, but here we are 14:59 ashimema I don't entirely agree with koha2koha in core.. 14:59 oleonard PedroAmorim[m]: I'm looking at how to convert ILLModuleCopyrightClearance to an HTML customization 14:59 PedroAmorim[m] other than the fact that everything should be a plugin hook and plugins handle the ILL workflow stages on their own ofc )D 14:59 caroline at least freeform in the core no? 15:00 tcohen[m] yeah 15:00 ashimema ish 15:00 PedroAmorim[m] oleonard: why? 15:00 ashimema this is all stuff we're wanting to discuss on Monday 15:00 cait i think it should also be able to turn it off in core 15:00 ashimema translation pedro 15:00 oleonard PedroAmorim[m]: Customization by language and library 15:00 cait it only makes sense if you ahve another Koha library to share with :) 15:00 ashimema ill backends -> plugins 15:01 ashimema koha2koha yes cait 15:01 PedroAmorim[m] ah interesting 15:02 ashimema it's one thing I don't like about out impliemntation ofr DisclaimeByType 15:02 ashimema it's not translatable 15:02 tcohen[m] We need an ILL configuration section 15:02 tcohen[m] where we can do things like allowing use of ILL per patron category, per backend, and things like that 15:03 PedroAmorim[m] DisclaimeByType is yaml, language is easily fit in there if that's a requirement 15:03 PedroAmorim[m] but an ILL configuration section is something we need yes 15:03 oleonard yaml is awful from the usability perspective 15:03 tcohen[m] Sysprefs is fine, but we need more fine grained control on things 15:04 ashimema indeed 15:04 tcohen[m] we need the configurations table :-P and a module specific configuration page 15:04 oleonard tcohen[m]: If there was ever a time for you to abuse your power... 15:04 ashimema we've been trying to move conf based ILL stuff into prefs 15:05 reiveune bye 15:05 ashimema but not really had the funding or interest from community to help them move 15:05 tcohen[m] oleonard: shoot, it is now or in a few years 15:06 Joubu Versions of the translated manual available - https://koha-community.org/documentation/ 15:06 Joubu welcome Portuguese, Slovak and Swedish 15:08 oleonard Okay, but let's talk about me again :D Is there a consensus that scripts should *not* check for an html customization like we would a preference? Keep it strictly preferences? 15:08 Joubu I don't think it's a good idea, oleonard 15:09 ashimema confused by the question 15:09 Joubu I guess you will want more arguments... :D 15:09 oleonard Joubu: Not me! :) 15:10 cait I am confused too 15:10 oleonard ashimema: the copyright clearance page doesn't appear unless ILLModuleCopyrightClearance is populated. 15:10 cait we do have some features that rely on existence of notices 15:10 ashimema correct 15:10 ashimema it's a step in the ILL workflow 15:10 oleonard If ILLModuleCopyrightClearance is an html_customiation, we would have to check for that instead. 15:10 cait is html customizations very different? 15:10 ashimema it's a function 15:11 PedroAmorim[m] <tcohen[m]> "where we can do things like..." <- see bug 18203 15:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18203 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , Add per borrower category restrictions on placing ILL requests in OPAC 15:11 ashimema I don't understand how you would replicate the workflow without checking it exists 15:11 oleonard ashimema: I can create a new preference to turn ILLModuleCopyrightClearance on or off. But we would want to include a default somehow and I'm not sure that's feasible 15:12 ashimema I'm still confused 15:12 cait so the templates would check either a pref or for existance of the html customization to determine if the feature is to be used 15:13 ashimema why not just check if said content is defined and show if it is, not if it's not 15:13 cait I think that's exactly what oleonard was asking 15:13 oleonard ashimema: That's what I'm asking! 15:13 cait see! 15:13 cait heh 15:14 aude_c[m] <Joubu> "Versions of the translated..." <- They look beautiful! :D 15:15 oleonard Only Joubu has voted. 15:16 ashimema Personally.. I wouldn't bother adding a further preference to turn it on/off.. just the presence of the block makes sense to me.. 15:16 ashimema especially given there's already effectively an 'on/off' built into content blocks as they require a publication date 15:16 ashimema (which I don't entirely agree with.. I think a simple on/off or draft/publish would make sense in many cases instead) 15:17 tcohen[m] <huginn> "Bug https://bugs.koha-community..." <- I hate it so much 15:17 oleonard :O 15:17 ashimema ? 15:18 tcohen[m] I hate that we keep changing our model for each business rule we need to add. 15:18 tcohen[m] A category is a category, rules for categories are different entities 15:18 ashimema ok 15:18 tcohen[m] Adding that column, and many more, is a shortcut 15:18 ashimema so you hate that it adds yet another field to the categories table 15:19 ashimema I get that.. but it was written years ago and there still isn't a normalised table off it to use yet 15:19 ashimema ok 15:20 tcohen[m] The 'configurations' table takes the best ideas from 'circulation_rules' to provide a framework for that 15:21 ashimema I can't find your configurations table bug now 15:23 ashimema I agree with you on the longer solution and getting such a table in place 15:23 ashimema it just annoys me that something written in 2017 is still stuck 15:26 * tcohen[m] uploaded an image: (147KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ylGKbGZmwGrZWXZRzJQOPzQP/Screenshot_20231026-122602_Gmail.jpg > 15:27 tcohen[m] Finishing the kids lunch before school. Sorry 15:28 ashimema lets re-open it.. that's why I couldn't find it 15:29 krimsonkharne[m] bye all! 15:34 tcohen[m] gotta drive the kids to school 15:34 tcohen[m] TTYL! 15:35 tcohen[m] ashimema: I'm not against adding those extra columns (but hidden from the API) and considering them technical debt to be dealth with, with commitment from authors to deal with it on the next cycle 15:36 ashimema haha.. don't be late on your school run dude 15:36 ashimema we can talk later 15:36 tcohen[m] And I'm obviously on board with it 15:36 ashimema lets talk next week after the freeze 😜 15:36 ashimema everything is uber busy again right now for all of us 15:37 ashimema but I do have some big questions and directions I want to advocate for next cycle 15:37 ashimema and this sort of architectural underpinning is super tied in with that. 15:37 oleonard ashimema: Sounds like a leader talking. A manager of sorts ;) 15:38 * ashimema spends 80%+ of his time 'managing' now instead of coding 15:39 ashimema and that's only likely to increase 15:53 oleonard Huh... famfamfam.com has been down since January according to Wayback Machine 15:54 cait oh 15:58 Joubu 18203 - why isn't it a subpermission? 16:00 cait bug 18203 16:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18203 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , Add per borrower category restrictions on placing ILL requests in OPAC 16:01 cait if I remember correctly that's for opac users 16:01 cait the ydon't have permissions 16:02 cait we discusse dit a bit on the bug as at first it also affected staff users 16:02 cait but the conflusion was that staff should be able to place ILL requests for users, we'd need to have categoris not able to place holds from the opac 16:02 Joubu they could have permissions, why not? 16:03 cait usually you'd have something like: our staff and the people working here, they can place ILL requests 16:03 cait but guests not 16:04 cait it's a category/group thing really 16:04 cait not an individual 16:04 cait and we don't assign patrons with permissions 16:04 cait it's not something that you'd want to have to assign individually for the OPAC side 16:04 caroline it'd be a hassle to assign opac users permissions... especially for larger libraries who have thousands of patrons 16:05 cait for a staff user "can place ILL requests for others" would make sense as a permission 16:05 cait but this is for limiting what you can do in the OPAC 16:17 Joubu don't we have "default permissions for a patron category"? 16:17 Joubu there is at east a script for that 16:18 Joubu I mean, the column in categories sounds wrong, especially if it's something that can be driven by a permission 16:18 caroline there is a plugin, but there is no way to assign permissions to all the patrons in a category, as far as I know, unless it's really new 16:20 caroline bug 18787 16:20 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18787 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Create permission profiles for staff users 16:22 cait Joubu: we have lots of features that can be limited by category, it's a very common thing 16:22 cait not sure how that is differnt from suggestions and other things? 16:22 cait caroline: there is no way 16:22 cait and permissions are for staff users 16:22 cait and you can't give a permission by default 16:23 cait we do password change by patron category, we do pasword reset by category.. there is no difference really to other on/off things in the OPAC 16:24 caroline I don't think the question is whether we already do it or not, but whether it's the best way to do it 16:26 oleonard Trying to track down a canonical link for our old jquery.insertatcaret.js plugin and the Google results always include us 16:28 cait yeah, but I think for this feature... by category makes a lot of sense 16:28 cait and we'd need a lot of othr features to make it usable for a permission (bulk changes, default profiels etc.) 16:29 Joubu bug 31184 16:29 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31184 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Add default permissions by patron category 16:29 cait yes, but for staff users 16:29 Joubu so we need that, problem solved :D 16:29 cait and i still think it's wrong 16:29 cait you want to have one staff category 16:29 cait not mulitple 16:29 cait I want a permission profile 16:29 cait a new thing, not wrapped into categories 16:29 cait i don#t want to maintain circulation rules for multiple categories that are all the same 16:29 cait just because i need them to have different permission profiels 16:30 cait usually all users of a group are treated equally for the library services 16:31 caroline Could it be a profile and the default permissions for a category is XYZ profile? 16:31 cait sure 16:31 ashimema Rbac 16:31 cait but then you coudl change the profiels on the users without changing their catgories 16:32 cait I still think i don't want this specific feature to be a permission 16:32 cait i want to be able to turn it on/off without having to change a load of patrons 16:33 caroline Is that what is blocking that feature? I thought we were just talking hypothetically 16:33 cait Joubu asked about that feature 16:34 ashimema We were 16:35 ashimema It's more that a lot of things get held up now by a lack of interest or a push back long after the development to have it done a totally different eay 16:35 ashimema I'm clocking out now. Have a good appropriate time of day everyone 16:35 cait well we have both complaints 16:35 ashimema Byw 16:36 cait we have complaints about lack of consistency, modern patterns etc. and than we have complaints about rewrites 16:36 cait I am not sure there is always a good answer 16:36 cait it's always about balancing 16:44 cait bye all 17:48 oleonard Is drag-and-drop of reordering Elasticsearch of mappings supposed to work even if Elasticsearch isn't enabled? 18:00 cait hm I believe there was some discussion on a bug about the drag and drop 18:00 cait but unrelated to the feature being off or on 18:01 oleonard I don't think I've ever been able to get it to work, but I also never have Elasticsearch working 18:05 cait I think there was a discussion about sorting and drag & drop and the effect or not it would have 18:05 cait but I am not sure either, we are not using Elastisearch yet 19:44 tcohen[m] cait: I agree we need to find a balance. I got my own work rejected for not having full UI tests with Cypress for a simple CRUD page, but then people complain we are concerned about the code quality of super big projects that might even have modules with no tests at all. That drains a lot of energy for the whole team 19:45 cait balance is hard, we will never get it right always, but we need to try 19:46 tcohen[m] Generally speaking, QA should fail more if possible and raise the bar. Companies struggling with rebases on really bad code shouldn't be a valid argument. Unless we consider those half finished features key for the project future and we all agree on 'doing it right ASAP' 19:47 cait I think if we manage to get the old stuff out of queues, like keep them movig, we'll hopefully have to deal with less of that at some point... but it's superhard 19:47 cait I am glad we got the numbers down some 19:48 tcohen[m] https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32607#c31 19:48 huginn 04Bug 32607: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, agustinmoyano, Needs Signoff , Add import sources CRUD 19:48 tcohen[m] I got asked UI tests for CRUD 19:49 tcohen[m] we cannot accept code with no tests in some places, and then require cypress tests on others 19:51 cait hm agreed 19:51 cait i need to learn about cypress tests 19:51 tcohen[m] And maybe some old devs in the queue deserve to die and get started over 19:51 cait they are similar to selenium? 19:52 tcohen[m] I barely wrote some, it seems testing it all wasn't possible, to Joubu is doing some research 19:52 tcohen[m] I believe my dev should've been PQA without cypress tests 19:53 cait sorry, I think I didn't see the comment on thatone 19:55 ashimema it's easy to miss things during QA when your already up against it with your own stuff 19:56 tcohen[m] Yeah, this things are not easy 19:56 ashimema [off] I'm aware of things I should have had failed for lack of tests at times too.. though I'm also keenly aware how hard they can be to write and often step in to write them for others when I fail their work for lack 19:56 ashimema It's hard 😞 19:57 ashimema We all need more time and support 19:57 tcohen[m] yeah, same 19:57 tcohen[m] I wrote a lot of tests this last cycle heh 19:57 tcohen[m] gotta leave 19:57 tcohen[m] ttyl! 19:57 ashimema Apologies, I was grumpy sounding this afternoon again I think.. another long day 19:57 tcohen[m] we are almost there with the release 19:57 ashimema Yeah 19:58 ashimema You've done great 20:02 cait tcohen++ :) 20:08 ashimema @later tell tcohen talking about lacking tests, I can add more tests for embedded redaction.. I realised during the final QA run by marcelr that more depth could be gone to in tests but held off changing further whilst he finished. Happy to spend an hour adding more tomorrow if you wish 20:08 huginn ashimema: The operation succeeded. 20:10 cait ashimema++