Time Nick Message 19:17 * cait1 waves 19:16 caroline as long as we have what is required by the project/plugin 19:15 oleonard Some of the entries include copyright information, and I think we should leave it out. A link to the project and the license should be enough 19:13 caroline I like! Simple and says what it needs to say 19:12 oleonard We could simplify the licenses tab a lot to avoid those translation issues. For example: https://snipboard.io/QitqwD.jpg 18:18 davidnind thta would be very annoying! 18:17 caroline davidnind, thanks! I couldn't find it in the archives so I sent it again. It's not the first time this happens, I'm not sure why it does 18:16 caroline cait1++ thanks! 18:01 davidnind caroline: only one email came through for the Kohacon24 update 17:47 davidnind inlibro++ 17:47 davidnind caroline++ 17:40 cait1 inlibro++ # doing a great job already! 17:28 cait1 caroline: updated the website link 17:03 oleonard You're welcome paulderscheid[m], I was in a rebasing mood 16:57 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33766 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Needs Signoff , Accessibility: Fix ambiguous form-field in opac-auth.tt 16:57 paulderscheid[m] Thanks for taking care of bug 33766 oleonard :) oleonard++ 15:30 reiveune bye 15:25 cait bye all 15:25 cait thx! 15:24 cait just in case i forget 15:24 caroline sure no prob! 15:24 cait can you remind me tomorrow maybe? 15:23 caroline if you could change it on the website, but it's really not urgent 15:23 caroline depends... I just wanted to let you know that we now have the kohacon website at the https://2024.kohacon.org/ domain 15:22 cait soemthing quick? 15:22 cait yes, but just packing up 15:22 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34869 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Failed QA , Convert OPACResultsSidebar system preference to HTML customization 15:22 oleonard Any QA around who could check my follow-up on Bug 34869? 15:17 caroline cait still around? 14:32 marcelr see you later 14:32 ashimema meeting time for me now.. be back in about an hour 14:32 ashimema by limiting the search scoping 14:32 ashimema that's where I'm a bit opaque at the minute.. it sort of hides some things.. but in a rather different way 14:31 ashimema indeed 14:30 marcelr ashimema: in the API we call search_limited if it is available (Plugin/Objects.pm: $result_set = $result_set->search_limited, if $result_set->can('search_limited');) 14:24 caroline not that I want to relaunch what seemed to be a controversial discussion lol 14:23 caroline I'm looking at the weblate interface and it seems easy to search by "location" (i.e. manual chapter) to translate only that one chapter and the strings seem to be in order of the chapter rather than alpahbetical https://snipboard.io/LQW84m.jpg 14:01 ashimema lol 14:00 * marcelr so glad to have entered the first reference to Peptidyl in our irc logs :) 13:59 marcelr sure lol 13:59 * ashimema was thinking of https://www.padi.com 13:57 marcelr Peptidyl arginine deiminase ? 13:55 ashimema 🙂 13:55 ashimema PADI1 13:55 marcelr could use a dive cert 13:54 marcelr ashimema will take a last dive in the wonderous world of api embedding :) 13:46 caroline Normally, 040$c contains your library's code. It's mostly useful if you share records, so that other libraries know who catalogued the record. You can remove the mandatory flag in Administration > MARC bibliographic framework > Default framework (or other) > MARC structure > 040 > Edit subfields > c > uncheck Mandatory > Save 13:46 caroline Someone asked me in private what is 040$c but when I answered, the nick doesn't exist anymore... so here is my answer for the logs, in case anyone searches for 040$c 13:40 ashimema right now we're missing a lot of validation because OpenAPI2/Swagger simply doesn't support it. 13:40 ashimema I feel like a lot will become more achievable with a switch to OpenAPI3+ 13:40 ashimema but I still think maybe we should go with what we've got and add next steps to the roadmap for the next cycle 13:40 ashimema and 404's on direct get where we might now want a redacted object instead 13:39 ashimema we do use some 'search_limited' stuff I think.. adding this stuff in does confuse that.. we're going to end up with searches that limit and embeds that don't.. I think? 13:26 oleonard Okay 13:25 Joubu otoh the upgrade should crash if the INSERT failed. But if later we add 'IGNORE' to the insert, it could be problematic (to confirm...) 13:24 Joubu The problem is that last_insert_id will retrieve the last inserted ID, but if the query before failed, you get a wrong one 13:23 Joubu oleonard: IIRC the best is the retrieve the ID. Apparently you have the 3 values for the primary key, so you could fetch it 13:20 oleonard Thanks Joubu 13:13 marcelr look at the code; there is a loop for fields and embeds 13:13 Joubu oleonard: If I understand correctly what you are looking for 13:13 marcelr i was testing it with libraries and it affects /libraries (also without embed) 13:12 Joubu oleonard: git grep last_insert_id 13:12 Joubu it does not affect /patrons/{patron_id} 13:11 Joubu marcelr: looks like it already works for embed only 13:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34894 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Convert OpacSuppressionMessage system preference to HTML customization 13:11 oleonard Bug 34894 13:10 Joubu oleonard: bug number? 13:08 oleonard If anyone knows an example to point me to...? 13:06 oleonard I'm not sure what is the correct way to get the insert id from the additional_contents insert for the additional_contents_localization insert 13:06 oleonard I could use advice on how to update my patches moving sysprefs to additional_contents 13:02 ashimema thanks 13:02 ashimema maybe just documenting it will help clarify in my own mind what's outstanding and if that outstanding is 'NOW' or 'Can wait, with commitment to follow up' 13:02 marcelr i will still think about it too and pqa after 13:02 ashimema I'll do that now.. I have an hour before me next meeting 13:02 ashimema we just implement it without 13:01 marcelr please add it 13:01 ashimema we don't really describe out behaviour at all yet 13:01 marcelr that would be helpful 13:01 ashimema for consumers 13:01 ashimema I am tempted to add some additional documentation into the top of the spec file.. to clarify 'public' vs 'accessible' as it were 13:00 ashimema agreed 13:00 marcelr i am inclined to pass qa now 13:00 marcelr i dont think that a hasty overhaul now will make us more happy 12:59 ashimema good guess 12:59 ashimema not quite 2 years.. but only a month off. 12:59 marcelr yeah we need to push a version now before friday 12:59 ashimema I'm just also aware this has held up other devs (or opened up security leaks in other bugs by not being here yet) for a couple of years already 12:58 ashimema mmm, though I totally get where you're coming from wanting to get it all done 12:58 marcelr and can be fine tuned later? 12:58 marcelr we make very limited use now of accessible/redact; so the current stand does not harm 12:57 ashimema i'm going on memory rather than having looked at the code again 12:57 ashimema maybe I'm wrong 12:57 ashimema mm.. I kinda feel like that's what we're actually doing already.. though not deliberately 12:56 marcelr and Joubu's remark about doing it on embeds only 12:56 marcelr we should not make life too much harder 12:56 ashimema mm 12:55 marcelr just a bit worried on developer issues with mismatches between our subs and the specs 12:55 marcelr there is perhaps more to do but perhaps on follow-up ? 12:55 ashimema think I need some guidance on next steps.. happy to work on them but I'm out of ideas 12:54 marcelr i would not like to change specs now 12:54 ashimema or do you feel there's still more to do 12:54 ashimema are you suggesting going through the specs and accepting 'Or null' and that would get us over the line? 12:54 marcelr yes i was just thinking the same actually :) 12:54 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29523 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, BLOCKED , Add a way to prevent embedding objects that should not be allowed 12:54 ashimema I'm not really sure what still needs doing on bug 29523 12:53 marcelr go ahead 12:53 marcelr yes 12:53 ashimema marcelr around? 12:34 aude_c[m] marie-luce++ 12:31 oleonard doc_team++ 12:31 davidnind I think it was your one that worked! 12:30 marie-luce thanks davidnind 12:30 davidnind marie-luce++ 12:30 huginn Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_10_25.2023-10-25-11.36.log.html 12:30 huginn Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_10_25.2023-10-25-11.36.txt 12:30 huginn Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_irc_meeting_2023_10_25.2023-10-25-11.36.html 12:30 huginn Meeting ended Wed Oct 25 12:30:29 2023 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 12:30 marie-luce #endmeeting 12:30 davidnind #endmeeting 12:28 marie-luce #info Next meeting: 29 Novembere 2023, 14 UTC 12:27 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roles_for_24.05 12:26 marie-luce #info Please add your names... 12:26 marie-luce #topic Documentation Team roles for 24.05 12:24 marie-luce #info At the moment, Pootle allows to search sections which is very useful. 12:22 marie-luce #info There are some concerns about losing the various chapters (aka files), since there are used to prioritize sections that need to be translated first. 12:16 marie-luce #info Joubu suggest to downsized by keeping only one file. 12:10 marie-luce #topic Migration to Weblate (Joubu) 12:10 marie-luce #idea Maybe, we could add a summary of new features in the manual. 12:06 marie-luce #info David ask for some feedbacks. Please add them in the bz32391. 12:03 huginn 04Bug 32391: enhancement, P1 - high, ---, david, ASSIGNED , [DOCS] Reorganise the manual contents 12:03 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32391 12:02 cait back 12:02 marie-luce #topic Re-organising the manual (David Nind) 12:02 marie-luce #info From 23.11, we will only maintain one manual 12:00 cait sorry afk for a few minutes 11:59 marie-luce #info Joubu would love to clean and ease the way the current manual is maintain in only one git branch. 11:58 kellym #info all older manuals are available on the Koha website under documentation. 11:53 marie-luce #idea Sophie is concerned about undocumented functionalities in the current version 11:51 marie-luce #info Joubu talked about the possibility to remove older versions (in every language) in the next month 11:48 huginn 04Bug 32391: enhancement, P1 - high, ---, david, ASSIGNED , [DOCS] Reorganise the manual contents 11:48 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32391 11:47 marie-luce #topic How to maintain only one manual 11:47 kellym #action use cypress to generate the code for 10 easy images - this code will be helpful to Joubu 11:46 marie-luce #info Caroline and Joubu are looking on how it can be done 11:46 marie-luce #info automated screenshots 11:45 marie-luce #topic What's been done so far 11:44 marie-luce #info Caroline mentioned that at this point we believe only 65% of all images can be automated 11:40 marie-luce #info the project of automated screenshot is still ongoing 11:39 tcohen[m] #info Tomas Cohen Arazi 11:38 marie-luce #topic Review of action points 11:37 aude_c[m] #info Caroline Cyr La Rose, inLibrom Canada 11:37 cait (slightly distracted, but here) :) 11:37 cait #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 11:37 huginn Current chairs: kellym marie-luce 11:37 marie-luce #chair kellym 11:36 huginn Current chairs: marie-luce 11:36 marie-luce #chair marie-luce 11:36 davidnind #info David Nind, New Zealand 11:36 marie-luce #info Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Montreal, Qc 11:36 SMeynieux[m] #info Sophie Meynieux, BibLibre 11:36 kellym #info Kelly McElligott, ByWater Solutions 11:36 krimsonkharne[m] #info Philip Orr, LMSCloud, Germany 11:36 marie-luce #topic Introductions 11:36 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_25_October_2023 11:36 Joubu #info Jonathan Druart 11:36 aude_c[m] #info Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK 11:36 huginn The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_irc_meeting_2023_10_25' 11:36 huginn Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 11:36 huginn Meeting started Wed Oct 25 11:36:16 2023 UTC. The chair is marie-luce. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:36 marie-luce #startmeeting Documentation IRC meeting 2023-10-25 11:36 ashimema juggling meetings as ever however 😜 11:36 ashimema #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe 11:35 krimsonkharne[m] #info Philip Orr, LMSCloud, Germany 11:35 Joubu #info Jonathan Druart 11:35 kellym #info Kelly McElligott, ByWater Solutions 11:35 marie-luce #info Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Montreal, Qc 11:34 marie-luce #topic Introductions 11:34 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_25_October_2023 11:34 marie-luce #chair marie-luce 11:34 marie-luce <#startmeeting Documentation IRC meeting 2023-10-25 11:33 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 11:33 marcelr @later tell tcohen[m] 31503 rebased 11:31 krimsonkharne[m] aude_c[m]: great, I can join after all then! I had the time wrong in my calendar 11:29 cait hm or maybe not... but working on it 11:29 cait hi all 11:29 cait :) 11:29 cait Joubu: fixed the icons 11:28 marie-luce Hi Koha 11:28 aude_c[m] Hello, we'll be starting the Koha Documentation meeting in a few minutes. We'll be using Jitsi Meet and taking some notes in here. See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_25_October_2023 for meeting link and full details 11:25 cait do you want to join our German speaking Koha users group? :) 11:24 marcelr guten tag cait 11:24 cait hi marcelr 11:24 marcelr o/ 11:20 cait it's nice to see the growig number of German users online here :) 11:20 krimsonkharne[m] aw-bib++ 11:19 aw-bib[m] :) 11:18 cait thx! 11:18 cait I hadn't opened it 11:18 aw-bib[m] https://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Professionell/Metadatendienste/Exportformate/MARC21/marc21FeldbeschreibungTiteldatenExcel20230306.zip?__blob=publicationFile&v=4 11:18 cait ah ok 11:18 aw-bib[m] there is an xls packed into a zip-file. 11:17 cait where did you see the machine readable one? 11:15 krimsonkharne[m] aw-bib[m]: that would make sense 11:14 krimsonkharne[m] :) 11:14 cait krimsonkharne++ btw :) 11:12 cait I could probably find out if needed 11:10 aw-bib[m] I wonder how kobv did it. I mean, I do not fully exclude that they had a very diligent librarian just hacking it down from the official dnb document, but maybe there is also some machine readable version at dnb. could be tath it's based on the xls sheet published by dnb at https://www.dnb.de/DE/Professionell/Metadatendienste/Exportformate/MARC21/marc21_node.html 11:07 cait I am not sure if that one is or if the work is just funded by their user group 11:06 krimsonkharne[m] cait: let's talk about it in our next koha-dach meeting, I'll put it on my agenda! 11:06 krimsonkharne[m] yeah, I see how it could lead to problems if the users don't know it's alma specific 11:04 cait I was also hesitating to put alma branded links in my koha ;) 11:03 cait krimsonkharne[m]: that's... not a half-bad idea :) 11:02 tcohen[m] morning #koha 10:56 krimsonkharne[m] maybe we should do a koha-dach MARC21 tag descriptions website at some point... :-) 10:56 krimsonkharne[m] also alma-dach doesn't have koha specific fields like 942$ 10:55 krimsonkharne[m] yeah https://www.alma-dach.org/alma-marc/bibliographic/{FIELD} works just fine in MarcFieldDocURL 10:55 krimsonkharne[m] you can just open https://www.alma-dach.org/alma-marc/bibliographic/{FIELD} 10:55 krimsonkharne[m] never mind 10:55 krimsonkharne[m] wait 10:53 krimsonkharne[m] so if you add the following to the syspref:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SJrFdaZHQeuzSdpPGvMpqfDY>) 10:52 krimsonkharne[m] and the alma-dach links use the field number twice in the url 10:52 krimsonkharne[m] hmm.. unfortunately it looks like you can only use a given placeholder once in the url in the pref MarcFieldDocURL 10:47 cait i'd add that to our docs 10:47 cait if you have the link structure figured out, maybe you can share how to set the pref 10:47 cait possibly :) 10:47 krimsonkharne[m] I'm sure we'll find out ;-) 10:46 cait I am not sure if there are any Alma specifics in it 10:46 krimsonkharne[m] cait++ 10:46 krimsonkharne[m] that's a great tip, thanks cait! 10:46 cait I think that's it 10:46 cait ah 10:46 krimsonkharne[m] https://www.alma-dach.org/alma-marc/bibliographic/001/001.html 10:46 krimsonkharne[m] got it maybe? 10:45 cait i'll check our wiki, maybe the link is hiding there :) 10:45 krimsonkharne[m] oh, good to know.. I'll take a look 10:45 cait but I didn't find it in a quick search earlier 10:45 cait that matches the LOC 10:44 cait krimsonkharne[m]: I think the kobv did something for the Alma libraries 10:41 asif anyone configured openssl on koha site i mean https who can help me koha 23.05 on ubuntu 22.04 10:36 oleonard Hi #koha 10:13 krimsonkharne[m] at least, I can't ;-) 10:13 krimsonkharne[m] <cait> "i usually prefer the English..." <- we tried configuring the link to use the DNB / German National Library MARC21 tag descriptions, it would have worked but unfortunately DNB has their tag descriptions in a PDF document, not on a website... so you can't really link to a specific tag in the PDF 10:11 krimsonkharne[m] back again.. 10:03 cait just git fetching, will start after lunch 10:02 cait then I can probably figure it out 10:02 cait isit because we have the older FA in 23.05? 10:01 cait I'll have a go 10:00 cait I was just hoping to finally get this rolling because it blocks use of ERM in 23.05 10:00 cait not usre if I know where there have been icons before 09:59 cait hm ok 09:59 Joubu "I've noticed some icons missing." 09:59 Joubu font awesome, the icons 09:59 cait yarn build? 09:59 cait FA? 09:59 Joubu you should know how to fix the FA problems 09:57 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33606 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Access to ERM requires parameters => 'manage_sysprefs' 09:57 cait Joubu: I am going to test bug 33606 - anything I should know? 09:55 magnuse davidnind++ 09:31 cait they also tend to be more current 09:16 aw-bib[m] dito. usually translations tend to add confusion. ;) 09:16 cait i usually prefer the English original :) 09:15 cait aw-bib[m]: the link is also configurable, I think there might be a german translation now that is similarly structured 09:15 aw-bib[m] indeed! I missed the ? as a link. perfect! :) 09:14 davidnind aw-bib: for MARC21, the ? next to each tag in the record editor goes to the Library of Congress information (unless you have changed the MarcFieldDocURL system preference) (for UNIMARC, the link to IFLA no longer works properly since they updated their website a few years ago) 09:08 davidnind Nikolay Gospodinov: If you know XSLT, you can customise - see the OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay system preference (I don't know anything about XSLT, so not much help I'm afraid) 08:59 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I want to ask, is it possible to change the interface view of normal view? 08:58 krimsonkharne[m] g2g now.. later all! 08:57 krimsonkharne[m] ISIL if you're cataloguing yourself and not importing data. 08:57 krimsonkharne[m] asif: no, you would enter the MARC code or name of the organization that transcribed the data. I'm no librarian nor an expert, so I don't know if the field is even strictly necessary. Our clients often have the ISIL of the library from which they got MARC data in 040$c - for instance if I imported data from the german national library, it already has their ISIL in 040$a. But I don't know if it's necessary to fill the field with your own 08:55 aw-bib[m] I was actually wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to have an uplink to LoC docs in the interface. the urls can be constructed like https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd%s.html replacing %s by the field tag (which I use for ages as a search shortcut in ff) 08:55 asif Krimsonkharne means LOC value will come here am i right? 08:53 krimsonkharne[m] LOC being one of the most important organs for MARC data, by the way.. at least MARC21.. always good to check their explanations asif 08:50 krimsonkharne[m] it'll be better after tomorrow. I'll follow the meeting notes :-) 08:49 krimsonkharne[m] lol 08:49 paulderscheid[m] krimsonkharne[m]: Welcome to the club krimsonkharne :D 08:48 krimsonkharne[m] afaik it's usually the ISIL of the transcribing organization, which if you're the library transcribing the record, then it would be you 08:48 krimsonkharne[m] "MARC code or the name of the organization that transcribed the record into machine-readable form. " 08:48 krimsonkharne[m] here for instance: https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd040.html 08:48 krimsonkharne[m] asif: you can always check out the LOC info about a MARC field using the question mark link next to the field 08:47 krimsonkharne[m] whoops lol 08:47 krimsonkharne[m] krimsonkharnesF43BIIowoNiL4p 08:46 krimsonkharne[m] grr.. won't be able to join the Documentation Meeting today, too many projects open at the same time.. 08:43 asif Help: Hi i am new koha 23.05 user i want to know when i enter record by clicking cataloging> Add MARC record please let me know about required field like 040$C Transcribing agency mandatory field what to write here or can i skip this field. 07:54 NikolayGospodinov[m] s/to/the/ 07:53 NikolayGospodinov[m] Ok, but is it possible to connect to link in the bibliographic record with my one reader 07:52 cait Koha only links to PDF files - how they are opened is outside of the application 07:52 cait itt comes from your system/browser addons 07:52 cait Koha doesn't include a reader for PDF files 07:45 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I want to ask how to change the reader for pdf files in Koha? 07:30 cait good morning all 07:19 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha 07:05 magnuse_ \o/ 06:37 reiveune hello