Time Nick Message 00:00 mtj hi Joubu, ping me some time to fix broken banner on https://download.koha-community.org 00:01 mtj #hashtag small-wins 🎖 06:10 Joubu mtj: around now 07:18 ES[m] <caroline_catlady> "I was going to say, in the..." <- Hi Caroline, I will give a try. Good morning. 07:28 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I have a question. Do Koha have an option for lists that are made in the Lists model to be exported to csv? 08:01 cait yes 08:01 cait you can use CSV profiles to extend the list of download optoins with CSV 08:03 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: go to toold > CSV profiles and create one with type "MARC" 08:29 ES[m] <cait> "I am realyl not sure, check..." <- With single quotes the lines are breaking Ex in one line and copynumber in another line. 08:30 mtj hi #koha 08:33 mtj hi Joubu, do you know anyone that has privs to update html on https://download.koha-community.org 08:35 mtj ..or anyone else? 08:36 mtj perhaps tuxayo, ashimema or tcohen[m] too? 08:37 Joubu mtj: what do you want to do? 08:39 mtj hi Joubu, i think we remove the broken horizontal dropdown menu on the top of the page, as it cant be easily fixed 08:40 mtj it would look sometime like this, after fixing... http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/ 08:40 Joubu the green block? 08:40 mtj yeah 08:41 Joubu like that? 08:41 mtj yeah, pretty good :) 08:43 mtj .featured-title { font-size: 40px; } 08:43 mtj #featured { padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } 08:45 mtj Joubu: ^^ perhaps add a little inline css, #chefs_kiss 👨🍳 08:47 mtj . 08:47 mtj <style type="text/css" media="screen"> 08:47 mtj .featured-title { font-size: 40px; } 08:47 mtj #featured { padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } 08:47 mtj </style> 09:12 Joubu mtj: I think I've done what you requested, is that working for you? 09:15 mtj #featured { padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } 09:15 mtj hi Joubu, i think thats missing? ^ 09:16 mtj also, you can remove .featured-title rule (oops) 09:17 mtj looks great Joubu, thanxx 09:43 ibnsina[m] hello 09:44 ibnsina[m] any help with error 500 when check in or check out 09:44 ibnsina[m] thanks 09:46 Joubu error 500 means that there is a meaning error in the Koha log file 09:47 ibnsina[m] the logs file in /var/log/koha are empty 09:47 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (26KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/coDtemYBVCfjLfQHozABiAHK/image.png > 09:47 ibnsina[m] Joubu: here is what i got 09:48 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (5KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/yTJUYDfWneMqUNRNNfRUlDMd/image.png > 09:48 ibnsina[m] Joubu: as you can see all log files 0 kb 09:51 mtj hi ibnsina[m], what koha version? 09:51 mtj when did you start to get the error? 09:52 ibnsina[m] Koha 22.11.10 09:52 mtj do you get the error on all check-in/check-out? or just some items? 09:52 ibnsina[m] mtj: first installtion so its not happend after update or sothing 09:52 ibnsina[m] mtj: all items 09:53 mtj try creating an item manually, then checkout/in 09:53 mtj rather than importing items 09:54 ibnsina[m] mtj: ill check now 09:54 mtj ibnsina[m]: did you install with debian packages? 09:54 mtj did you install any perl modules using cpan? 09:55 mtj did you follow this install guide -> https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 09:56 ibnsina[m] mtj: same thing the recored is on database and the use account but the error apperd no success message 09:56 ibnsina[m] mtj: yes 09:57 ibnsina[m] after check/in or out the error 500 appers and when you get back to the account che check out/in is there 09:58 mtj are you running plack? 09:58 ibnsina[m] i dont know what is that im new 09:59 mtj https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#Setup_plack 10:00 ibnsina[m] done 10:00 ibnsina[m] enabled 10:01 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (34KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BEnlJAWFQyqFItyRwFDRnZul/image.png > 10:01 ibnsina[m] what next ? 10:01 wahanui i guess next is Koha bibliography in Zotero 10:02 mtj ibnsina[m]: try checkout 10:02 ibnsina[m] same 10:02 mtj $ sudo tail -f /var/log/koha/library/*.log 10:03 mtj look at your log files 10:03 ibnsina[m] - - [17/Oct/2023:10:01:16 +0000] "POST /intranet/admin/preferences.pl HTTP/1.1" 200 89380 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CvecFroiaeQnxEwdVBVerdHn>) 10:04 mtj look at your log files 10:04 mtj hmm 10:04 mtj $ sudo tail -f /var/log/koha/library/*error*.log 10:05 ibnsina[m] ==> /var/log/koha/library/api-error.log <==... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EfVJebwQDfbLrDiwfAXvufqI>) 10:10 Joubu ibnsina[m]: check the syspref EmailFieldPrimary 10:10 Joubu but it should not be empty 10:10 Joubu select value from systempreferences where variable="EmailFieldPrimary"; 10:11 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (4KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CMjeJmqYPEzdNfqFHeSsDNof/image.png > 10:12 Joubu in 22.11.10 it's "AutoEmailPrimaryAddress" 10:13 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/zCnDeHaxHiVPJAFcjTfriOUC/image.png > 10:13 Joubu yes, the UI is not showing you correctly the value that is in DB 10:14 Joubu if you have access to the MariaDB CLI, can you run the select query I pasted previously? 10:14 ibnsina[m] how can i upgrade to 23 10:14 Joubu select value from systempreferences where variable="AutoEmailPrimaryAddress"; 10:14 mtj ibnsina[m]: perhaps fix the problem, before upgrade 10:15 ibnsina[m] mtj: iv tried to upgrade to 23 10:15 ibnsina[m] koha-common is already the newest version (22.11.10-2). 10:15 mtj ibnsina[m]: i think fix the problem, before upgrade to 23 10:16 Joubu upgrade won't fix your problem 10:16 ibnsina[m] mtj: how to use perhaps 10:16 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (12KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ktfaNyZjUMQsMOglUmdktpkR/image.png > 10:18 Joubu ibnsina[m]: are you a developeR? 10:19 ibnsina[m] yes 10:19 ibnsina[m] but its first time im using koha 10:20 Joubu select value from systempreferences where variable="AutoEmailPrimaryAddress"; 10:20 * ibnsina[m] uploaded an image: (9KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/xpUqQtATEZKjLHhuAkvBvkuR/image.png > 10:20 Joubu EmailFieldPrimary does not exist in your version, I don't understand why it returns something 10:21 Joubu AutoEmailPrimaryAddress should exist, and be "OFF" 10:21 ibnsina[m] is there any tutorial for upgrade to 23 10:21 ibnsina[m] command line update is not working 10:21 Joubu I am providing you support, why are not you listening? 10:22 ibnsina[m] im with you man 10:22 ibnsina[m] just tell me what to do 10:22 mtj ibnsina[m]: upgrade won't fix your problem 10:22 Joubu I don't know what do you, I am trying to understand 10:22 Joubu you did something wrong, or you found a bug 10:23 Joubu it's like you have upgraded the database but stick with an old version of the coed 10:23 mtj ^^ 10:24 mtj ibnsina[m]: have you loaded a koha 23 database, into a koha 22 system? 10:24 Joubu on the UI you can select whichever value you like for AutoEmailPrimaryAddress 10:24 Joubu and it will set it in DB 10:25 Joubu it should fix your problem 10:25 Joubu but something wrong happened at some point with your install 10:25 ibnsina[m] Joubu: yes 10:25 ibnsina[m] mtj: no 10:26 ibnsina[m] ibnsina[m]: i moved the db from 21 to 22 10:28 mtj ibnsina[m]: if you want to upgrade later... https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#Upgrading_Koha_to_a_major_version 10:30 ibnsina[m] lets fix the problem i faced then ill try to upgrade 10:30 ibnsina[m] and thanks for your time all 10:32 ibnsina[m] maybe the problem because i i moved the db from 21 to 22 10:44 tcohen[m] Hola #koha o/ 10:45 oleonard Hi tcohen 10:46 mtj Me off to bed 😴🍕 10:47 ibnsina[m] lol 10:48 ibnsina[m] thanks mtj for your help <3 10:48 mtj Ciao tcohen oleopard 🐆 10:48 oleonard Sweet dreams mtj :) 10:48 mtj No probs ibnsina[m] 👍 10:50 nadeemjehan[m] Respected all, i need some help, The issue is that when I tried to view the details of a searched record in the KOHA OPAC, I received an error message that says, "Sorry, the requested page is not available. Error 500." 10:51 nadeemjehan[m] Respected all, i need some help, The issue is that when I tried to view the details of a searched record in the KOHA OPAC, I received an error message that says, "Sorry, the requested page is not available. Error 500." i am using KOHA 23.5 version 10:51 paulderscheid[m] Hi #koha, would someone be so kind to explain the __mess__ages in koha to me? 10:52 paulderscheid[m] Can everything related to them be retrieved from the Koha namespace or do I still need to use the C4 modules? 10:53 oleonard nadeemjehan[m]: That kind of error will have specific information in Koha's error logs which can help debug the problem, but you need access to the server 10:55 nadeemjehan[m] where i find the error log in server dear? 10:55 nadeemjehan[m] oleonard: where i find the error log on server, i have access to server 10:55 paulderscheid[m] `cat /var/log/koha/<INSTANCE>/plack-opac-error.log` 10:56 nadeemjehan[m] ok thanks let me check 10:57 ibnsina[m] any other help for error 500 when check in check out ? 10:57 paulderscheid[m] same file 10:57 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: not everything is moved to Koha:: 10:58 Joubu what is in C4 need to be accessed from C4 10:59 Joubu sometimes you can see Koha:: methods calling directly a C4 sub, this is a shortcut for the REST API 10:59 Joubu but the code must ultimately be completely moved to Koha:: 11:01 paulderscheid[m] Hi joubu, could you give me some quick hints?... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BtwCNWhKjToPRnROlataYrjD>) 11:01 tcohen[m] Messaging preferences have Koha::* classes 11:01 paulderscheid[m] Really? 11:01 wahanui Really is out of date on how our jenkins workflow all fits together these days 11:02 paulderscheid[m] Great! 11:02 nadeemjehan[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "`cat /var/log/koha/<INSTANCE>/..." <- i did not found even a single line in the plack-opac-error.log 11:03 paulderscheid[m] you can also do a quick `cat /var/log/koha/<INSTANCE>/*` and search through everything nadeem.jehan 11:03 oleonard wahanui: forget Really 11:03 wahanui oleonard: I forgot really 11:05 davewood hey :) .. I'd like to change this line (https://github.com/Koha-Community/Koha/blob/master/cpanfile#L99) to "requires 'Search::Elasticsearch', '< 8.00';" because ES7 doesn work with Search::ES 8_0 11:12 nadeemjehan[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "you can also do a quick `cat /..." <- ok 11:17 cait oh - what did I miss? *scrollsback* 11:22 cait paulderscheid[m]: they area a recent addition 11:22 cait only in master maybe 11:23 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, just saw. 11:23 paulderscheid[m] So I guess C4::Members::Messaging it is then. 11:24 paulderscheid[m] Your thoughts cait, am I missing something based on my description? 11:30 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: you should have all you need in Koha 11:31 ibnsina[m] mtj: its fixed by upgrade to 23 lol 11:32 paulderscheid[m] Where can I find the transport preferences for the message types in the Koha namespace joubu? ^22.11 11:32 paulderscheid[m] I hope I even understand it right. 11:34 Joubu Koha::Patron::MessagePreference 11:34 Joubu I think 11:35 Joubu or Koha::Patron::MessagePreference::Transport::Preference 11:36 cait paulsorry, which description? 11:36 cait paulderscheid[m]: sorry, which description? 11:36 marcelr o/ 11:37 cait the message preferences tables are a little...bit much, but I might be able to dig some info from when I deciphered them out 11:38 cait ah... the long for my client matrix link - foudn it 11:38 cait paulderscheid[m]: pass - I have only had a look at the tables with SQL so far, never with Koha, but it sounds like there would be examples for those in Koha 11:40 paulderscheid[m] No worries cait, I'm also a little confused. It's one of the more complex systems in koha I guess. 11:40 Joubu looks like the new classes reflect the structure of the DB 11:40 Joubu would have been nice to clean it in the Koha objects 11:40 Joubu to make them easier to manipulate 11:40 paulderscheid[m] But is this a new addition in ^23? 11:41 Joubu bug 17499 11:41 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17499 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, RESOLVED FIXED, Koha objects for messaging preferences 11:41 Joubu 23.11 11:41 Joubu pushed 5 days ago 11:42 paulderscheid[m] Ah, that's a problem for me, how likely is this to be backported to 22.11? 11:42 marcelr hmm 11:42 marcelr resolved 11:43 marcelr i think that it still needs a follow-up 11:43 marcelr bug 18595 11:43 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18595 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Needs Signoff , Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace 11:43 paulderscheid[m] Good to know. 11:43 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: should not be backported 11:44 paulderscheid[m] Ok, so if I need to retrieve and update message preferences I still need to use C4::Members::Messaging in 22.11, right? 11:44 marcelr no other way 11:44 paulderscheid[m] Sorry, preferences and message transport preferences. 11:45 paulderscheid[m] No problem, I just wanted to be sure and therefore ask people that understand the matter :D 11:45 marcelr hey PQA is just 1 under SO 11:45 marcelr 72/73 11:46 marcelr but i am sure that tomas will do some incredible things about that :) 11:47 paulderscheid[m] Thanks to evyerone! 11:48 oleonard Is there some kind of magic I have to do to get the "default_sort_order" setting added to a table configuration? 11:48 oleonard Is the change just in columns_settings.yml or do I need to change something elsewhere too? 11:48 oleonard Joubu maybe you know? ^^ 11:49 Joubu How is interesting in testing weblate during the next couple of weeks? I will need quick SO+QA on some QA patches, confirm that the plan is good, test the new interface, etc. 11:49 Joubu marcelr, cait? 11:49 Joubu oleonard: it needs to be in the yml IIRC 11:50 marcelr Joubu: i dont know weblate at all 11:50 marcelr i tend to keep far from translating :) 11:51 tuxayo @later tell mtj anyone that can log into that server so all RMaints at least can edit /var/www/download.koha-community.org/include/ 11:51 huginn tuxayo: The operation succeeded. 11:51 Joubu marcelr: can I count on you for the Koha part maybe? 11:51 Joubu you started already, that's why I ping you ;) 11:51 marcelr sure can always try 11:51 Joubu ok thanks 11:55 Joubu for those who wants to track the progress of the migration, you can watch the dedicated wiki page https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Translation_server_migration_weblate 11:55 ashimema Joubu++ 11:56 marcelr Joubu++ 11:57 marcelr does one of you still have interest in 33537 btw ? 12:03 Joubu marcelr: yes, but cannot right now 12:04 Joubu marcelr: don't you want to try to move it to Vue? 12:04 Joubu IMO that would make more sense 12:04 marcelr if I only had time, I certainly would have done so 12:04 marcelr but this was a nice exercise too 12:04 marcelr i will do it later if you dont beat me 12:05 Joubu yes, but then it's confusing... Should people start writing new code using JS? 12:05 Joubu I won't beat you for sure :D 12:05 Joubu but I will be happy to help 12:05 marcelr well vue is JS too 12:05 marcelr this is ready to push; people asked for a web config 12:06 marcelr i actually was content with koha-conf approach 12:06 Joubu yes but nothing is reusable 12:06 marcelr just like the rest of Koha ? 12:07 Joubu bad reason 12:07 marcelr well i dont think this should block whats there now 12:08 marcelr its better than the old perl way 12:08 Joubu I have worked on it on Friday 12:08 Joubu tried to make the Vue stuffs (fetch) reusable from outside Vue apps 12:08 Joubu but failed 12:08 Joubu I still think it's the correct way 12:08 Joubu so I will have another tried 12:08 Joubu I won't block 33537 12:18 cait sorry was afk, reading back again 12:19 cait Joubu: I am pretty busy currently, so not sure, also travelling twice in the next 2 weeks 12:19 cait what is the goal, to start 23.11 with it or could we move it a bit into the release? 12:19 cait 24.05 that is 12:20 Joubu 23.11 12:21 Joubu no worries, I will find other people, or will do the testing myself 12:21 cait if you have the weblate back up, I can try to find a few hours? 12:22 ashimema has aude_c taken a look? 12:22 ashimema I'm sure she'd be keen 12:22 Joubu yes, I will ask aude_c[m] and caroline_catlady 12:23 ashimema I'm sure I can persuade her boss she can spare some time for it 😜 12:23 aude_c[m] lol 12:23 ashimema hehe 12:23 aude_c[m] But yes, happy to help! 12:26 cait1 we are getting a new elevator for the building... I swear they are drilling right into my head 12:29 davewood regarding my message from about an hour ago. this command downgrades/fixes the perl Elasticsearch client ... cpanm Search::Elasticsearch~"< 8.00" 12:31 tcohen[m] davewood: it would be great if you could file that bug you mentioned and we move forward with the discussion about the library 12:31 tcohen[m] The library itself is abandoned as far as I can tell 12:31 tcohen[m] or it was, not sure now 12:43 davewood tcohen[m]: filed a bug, thanks for the feedback 12:47 Joubu ashimema: 34800 - did you see my comment? did you understand how it has been generated? 12:48 cait1 bug 34800 12:48 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34800 minor, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Passed QA , Update contributor openhub links 12:48 ashimema I didn't see the comment.. but I agree it would be nice to know how it was generated 12:49 ashimema I have a feeling it was all manual 12:49 marcelr ashimema++ 12:49 ashimema I've added a further comment 12:50 Joubu cait1: 35056 - I still don't understand where you see that 12:52 cait1 bug 35056 12:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35056 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Can't search for library or patron category using search field on top of patron search table 12:52 cait1 ah 12:52 cait1 it's not that hard really: the single search field that belongs to the datatable 12:52 cait1 right above the column filters 12:52 cait1 that applies to all columns 12:53 cait1 sorry if I sound grumpy... I blame the noise 12:56 marcelr grumpy? no 12:58 Joubu cait1: the global search then? 12:58 Joubu https://snipboard.io/M2Lgtx.jpg 13:01 caroline Joubu were you talking about testing weblate earlier? 13:02 cait1 yep 13:02 cait1 Joubu: yes 13:03 cait1 another question... is there another wy then dump/load to keep the database nowadays if you need to restart ktd? 13:04 Joubu caroline: yes 13:04 caroline anything special you want me to do? I'm reading the wiki page rn 13:04 ashimema Joubu asked for help testing the persistency patches cait1 13:04 ashimema but I've not found a moment to play with them since they were first submitted 13:05 ashimema at the time I think I thought they were pretty good.. but I vaguely remember us getting stuck for some reason. 13:05 Joubu cait1: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/179 13:05 cait1 i should have known 13:05 cait1 I am super interested, but not sure I can test them right now :( 13:05 cait1 it's like the one thing I am not fond of with ktd 13:05 Joubu I am not interested but I wrote a patch 13:06 cait1 because you want me happy? :) 13:06 Joubu stuck for 8 months, because it's not perfect enough :D 13:07 cait1 the old problem I guess? 13:32 oleonard-away ashimema: I hope you saw that I added a backported patch to Bug 34624 13:32 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34624 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to master , Many header search forms lack for attribute for label 13:33 ashimema oh, nice 13:33 ashimema thanks dude! 13:34 oleonard 👍🏻 13:36 magnuse oleonard++ 13:38 caroline Anyone know how to translate html tags? https://snipboard.io/2FbzHC.jpg 13:39 caroline Right now, they show in the interface rather than being "used" (?) I guess https://snipboard.io/0tkPH3.jpg 13:40 cait1 I leave them in and click on the warn 13:40 oleonard The HTML should be removed, it's invalid 13:40 cait1 it gets deactivated then 13:40 cait1 oleonard: why invalid? 13:41 cait1 hm it probably shoudl be a link ot the pref instead? 13:41 oleonard Because it's inside a <select> 13:42 cait1 ooh 13:42 caroline So I write a bug? 13:43 Joubu aren't they escaped? 13:43 Joubu <em>SysPref</em> should be in a TT variable, and not appear in the translation string 13:45 oleonard The HTML isn't rendered... I don't know why it should be there: https://snipboard.io/6HsxQd.jpg 13:45 caroline oh I didn't even think to check in english! 13:47 Joubu oleonard: indeed! 13:48 caroline I created bug 35078 13:48 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35078 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , HTML tag in system preference is not rendered 14:02 caroline oleonard++ thanks, I'll test it now :) 14:49 reiveune bye 15:01 marcelr anyone willing to test bug 32305 15:01 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32305 major, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Background worker doesn't check jobs receive from rabbitmq are in 'new' state 15:01 marcelr thx ! 15:24 cait1 bye :) 15:31 paulderscheid[m] mtj++ 15:34 oleonard Looks like we don't log information about patron merges other than saying the discarded record was deleted... 15:34 oleonard It would be nice to be able to look up which record was merged with 15:35 oleonard From the logs it just looks like a patron was simply deleted 15:44 * oleonard finds Bug 22632 15:44 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22632 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, axel.amghar, Patch doesn't apply , Add logging of merged patrons 17:01 tuxayo Hi :) I finally got to updating the signoff tutorial that is in the sandboxes page after the experience of several patch testing sessions. If someone would like to proofread it from the point of view of someone without or very little testing experience, here it is : https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes#Step_by_step 17:02 tuxayo Most change are summarized in the history: https://wiki.koha-community.org/w/index.php?title=Sandboxes&action=history 17:02 tuxayo I forgot to comment when adding this sub section: "Finding the up to date test plan in a bug" 17:03 tuxayo I'll ask people that came to former testing sessions if they feel confident enough alone just by reading this. 17:04 tuxayo (the step by step guide) 17:21 davidnind tuxayo++ 18:34 tcohen[m] @later tell mtj can you please build 21.11.24-1? 18:34 huginn tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded. 19:03 davidnind tcohen: would you like me to set up the next development meeting agenda etc for this week, 12:00 UTC? 19:05 kidclamp oleonard++ 19:19 tcohen[m] oh, thanks 19:19 tcohen[m] davidnind: yes please 19:19 tcohen[m] I need to leave now 19:19 tcohen[m] could you send a reminder? 19:20 tcohen[m] and let me know if you prefer beers or wine for when we meet in person again 19:26 magnuse davidnind: thanks for testing bug 26170! i'm not sure i understand this: "2. Maybe add a hint for the protected file? "Prevents deleting a patron." 19:26 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26170 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Failed QA , Add protected status for patrons 19:26 magnuse "protected file" doesn't ring a bell for me? 19:27 magnuse davidnind++ 19:27 davidnind magnus: my mistake, I meant adding a hint under the "Protected" label on the patron edit form. 19:28 magnuse ah, gotcha, yes that would make sense 19:28 magnuse i'll have to leave that for later though. but i'll fix the "More > Delete" option as fast as i can 19:29 magnuse and thanks again for testing! 19:29 * magnuse wanders of to catch some zzz 19:32 davidnind no problem! 19:32 emlam anyone know how to avoid the database error on the Hold Ratios page? bug 30188 says it's related to strict mode, but doesn't give an explanation beyond that 19:32 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30188 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Hold ratios report is broken 19:33 emlam I'm running into it on KTD while trying to qa something else, but I'm confused how I've never encountered it before when the bug report's been out there for over a year 19:38 kidclamp in the file /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml these is a setting <strict_sql_modes>0</strict_sql_modes> 19:39 kidclamp set to 1 though 19:39 davidnind emalm: it's an SQL thing (I don't really understand it either). In KTD you can turn struct mode off in /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml - set <strict_sql_modes>1</strict_sql_modes> to 0 (is at the end of the files) 19:39 kidclamp that breaks that report 19:39 emlam thanks! 19:45 davidnind kidclamp++ 20:41 mtj hi tcohen[m] 20:41 mtj about still 21:20 mtj ..we should add a ./t test to make sure that koha's version in Koha.pm and ./installer/data/mysql/db_revs/*.pl match 21:21 mtj tcohen[m]: koha-common_21.11.24 pkg pushed 🍪🍪🍪