Time Nick Message 05:49 asif hello, Hello anyone can guide me on how to bring book physical location in OPAC and how to change the material type as book not as text thank you for your reply in advance 06:03 reiveune hello 06:05 asif hi anyone can help me please 07:02 Zahid[m] Hi, Morning 07:04 Zahid[m] can anyone guide the process of fines in koha 22.11 version.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SbCStERGrPZenYgRRCFATGfr>) 07:43 MartinWitjens[m] Help, in Dutch we have names like: Martin van der Berg. Berg is the surname, Martin is the firstname. How can I add a field for 'van der' in Koha? 08:05 paulderscheid[m] Isn't it common practice in RDA that the 'van der' is part of the last name? 08:08 ashimema Maybe wait for marcelr to appear, he's likely dealt with this before. 08:08 ashimema Marcel is based in Amsterdam I believe Martin Witjens: 09:29 cait good morning #koha 09:37 Zahid[m] our library wants to implement fines in koha 22.11,... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/GCRjEhkCSZGvfRGrkzUbipZM>) 09:37 puphaus[m] Good Morning togehter :) 09:38 puphaus[m] s/togehter/together/ 10:07 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha 10:12 krimsonkharne[m] Zahid: do you mean overdue fines? currently I don't think it's possible to declare different fine amounts depending on overdue periods in the circulation rules 10:12 krimsonkharne[m] though I'm no expert 10:14 krimsonkharne[m] so you could set it up so that there's a grace period of 30 days before the first fine is charged and then charge 3 dollars/rupees daily after those 30 days are over, but you would be missing the first 1 dollar/rupee for the first 30 days 10:18 krimsonkharne[m] asif: In Koha, the shelving location is often found in MARC field 952$c - Shelving Location. You can define shelving locations in the authorized value "LOC". Not sure if that's exactly what you mean but hope it helps! 10:21 cait krimsonkharne++ :) 10:21 oleonard Hi #koha 10:21 cait and hi all 10:24 krimsonkharne[m] yay karma :) 11:04 oleonard cait++ 11:04 oleonard Thanks for the QA :) 11:21 tcohen[m] hola #koha o/ 11:21 tcohen[m] no laters, is that good? haha 11:23 cait oleonard: you are welcome 11:31 Zahid[m] <krimsonkharne[m]> "so you could set it up so that..." <- yes i am talking about overdue fines. can it be possible for overdue charge 1 dollar for 30 days then after 30 days it charges 3 dollars daily? if i forget the first 1 dollar charge can it be possible? 11:32 Zahid[m] how it can work? 11:43 Zahid[m] if i spin my question 11:43 Zahid[m] can it be possible that koha does not calculate the overdue fine for first 30 days 11:43 Zahid[m] then after 30 days it calculate the charges 3 dollars daily? 11:48 krimsonkharne[m] Zahid: Yes, that's possible! In that case you can set it up in the circulation rules (Administration -> Circulation and Fine Rules) using the field "Fine/suspension grace period". Then you would have a grace period of 30 days. And then 3 dollars as the amount and fine charging interval would be 1 day (if your unit field is set to "Days"). 11:50 krimsonkharne[m] For more information: https://koha-community.org/manual//23.05/en/html/administration.html#circulation-and-fines-rules 11:54 Zahid[m] so i add 30 days in Fine/suspension grace period box in circulation and fines rules page it does not calculate after 30 days it will be calculating fines daily 11:55 Zahid[m] will it work? 11:56 Zahid[m] <krimsonkharne[m]> "For more information: https://..." <- i shall read the documentation first then if i have question i shall ask you 12:29 krimsonkharne[m] OK! 13:57 tcohen[m] Everytime I wake up there's 40 more things in PQA 13:57 cait sorry not sorry ;) 13:57 tcohen[m] people, take a day off please 13:57 tcohen[m] haha 13:58 cait I would love to... 13:58 tcohen[m] More seriously, it is great to see that work. I hope I can manage the workload at good pace 13:59 cait there should be a lot of easy ones there - at least if you trust me, Caroline and oleonard-away ;) 13:59 cait a lot of those shoudl be GUI and the MARC update ones caroline did 13:59 cait caroline++ 14:00 tcohen[m] yeah 14:00 tcohen[m] #koha has anyone been able to reproduce the selenium patron search failure locally? if so, please share some details 14:00 cait i haven't tried - which bug is it? 14:00 tcohen[m] https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2673/ 14:01 cait ah hm, but I need to reset to get selenium :( maybe not right now 14:28 ashimema did we very recently change something in our flatpickr 14:28 cait we made dates editable int he OPAC 14:28 cait is the one that I can think of 14:28 cait what are you seeing? 14:29 cait oh and there was something about 23:59 when entering dates manually 14:29 ashimema ha.. that might be it 14:29 ashimema I just rebased bookings and now it's hugely broken 14:29 ashimema more than I've ever seen it break before 14:29 cait oh 14:30 oleonard :( 14:30 cait bug 34939 14:30 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34939 normal, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Pushed to stable , When manually entering dates in flatPickr the hour and minute get set to 00:00 not 23:59 14:30 cait the change itself is not big 14:31 ashimema my tries reverting that to see if it's the culprit 14:32 ashimema yup 14:32 ashimema that's the culprit 14:32 ashimema thanks cait 14:32 ashimema now I can try to work out how the feck it does it 14:40 ashimema yikes 14:40 ashimema it doesn't just effect pickers with time elements 14:40 ashimema it affect ALL pickers 14:40 ashimema so all dates will now be 23:59 14:40 ashimema also.. I actually want 00:00 as my start for a full day 14:41 ashimema and 23:59 for the end of a full day 14:41 ashimema doh 14:43 cait ok, sorry for that one :( that is on me 14:43 cait but maybe caught it early at least 14:43 ashimema no worrie 14:43 ashimema it's a hidden one 14:43 ashimema we also hook on 00:00:00:00 for 'minDate' too 14:43 cait can we make it dependent on a class or so? 14:44 ashimema just trying to work that out 14:44 cait then we could mar the ones that deal with due dates 14:44 ashimema it's going to be really hard to come up with a test plan 14:48 ashimema Joubu around? 14:50 tcohen[m] hola ashimema 14:50 ashimema hi tochen 14:53 cait maybe we should revert for now 14:55 cait oleonard: I removed the Coce placeholder string, did you see? I didn#t find it used and it looked like you had also wanted to remove it. Was there a reason you didn#t in the end? 14:56 oleonard No idea XD 15:02 cait oleonard: that doesn't help my self doubts ) 15:03 oleonard Luckily I have great confidence in you 15:03 cait can someone point me to where you can define alias for an index name with elastic? 15:05 cait oh, QueryBuilder? 15:05 cait I was hoping for a yaml file 15:34 cait bye 17:48 paulderscheid[m] Ahem, do we not normalise phone numbers before writing them to the db in koha? O.O 18:06 ashimema not that I know of 18:11 davidnind paulderscheid: some work was started on this with Bug 23817 - Normalize phone number when searching patrons, the initial focus was on entering the numbers in the UI 18:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23817 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Failed QA , Normalize phone number when searching patrons 18:13 paulderscheid[m] Thanks davidnind 19:53 cait oleonard-away: is it me or is the paid transactions filter also broken in staff? :( 19:59 davidnind cait: can confirm that it is broken for me as well (added some manual charges, paid a couple of them, 'Filter paid transactions' doesn't do anything) 20:00 cait i have the ifx 20:00 cait i put it on bug 35015 too 20:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35015 major, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Passed QA , Regression: Charges table no longer filters out paid transactions 20:02 davidnind cait++ 20:12 cait it helped to see MatthewBlenkinsop fix :) it was the same issue 21:48 cait tcohen: follow-up on bug 34300 is ready 21:48 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34300 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wainuiwitikapark, Pushed to master , Add link to place a hold on ordered items in baskets