Time Nick Message 05:52 Joubu caroline: Yes AutoApprovePatronProfileSettings is missing in sysprefs.sql, it's a bug. You can report and link with 20057 06:24 reiveune hello 06:24 wahanui hello, reiveune 06:54 Adarsh Hello guys, 06:54 wahanui Hello guys, is there any option to import batch serials subscriptions into Koha? 06:56 Adarsh I am using koha-deocker repo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker for deploying koha at kubernetes cluster. And getting some errors in pod logs which are as follows: 06:56 Adarsh k logs swkohadocker-6cdcbbdbf5-zkrws 2023-10-03T11:40:46,538141744+00:00 Initialising koha instance koha-ilms Stopping Apache httpd web server: apache2. Error: Invalid instance name koha-ilms: failed! 2023-10-03 11:40:46,749 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message. 20 06:57 Adarsh 2023-10-03 11:40:46,749 WARN No file matches via include "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf" 2023-10-03 11:40:46,752 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized 2023-10-03 11:40:46,752 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking 2023-10-03 11:40:46,752 INFO supervisord started with pid 31 06:57 Adarsh Does someone can help? 07:01 Adarsh Hello! 07:09 Joubu Adarsh: I don't think koha-docker is ready for production deployement 07:14 Adarsh How I can deploy koha at kubernetes? 07:16 Adarsh @Joubu So, what will be suitable for production? 07:16 huginn Adarsh: I've exhausted my database of quotes 07:22 Joubu The recommended way to install Koha is using the debian packages 07:23 Joubu tcohen[m] will be able to give you the current status of koha-docker, however this time is not ideal for his timezone, he usual pops up later in the day 08:21 Adarsh ok, I'll be waiting 08:44 Joubu https://snipboard.io/9WTMby.jpg - is this "Cancel hold" link supposed to be that big? 09:26 nikkom Hi koha :) I want to ask something. You know, in OPAC side, when we search for a material we meet "Not what you expected? Check for suggestions". In that page the link on the "suggestions" word is broken. Does anyone meet such problem? 09:27 nikkom How can I correct that link? 09:34 Joubu nikkom: check the JS console 09:35 Joubu If you have JS enabled in the browser you should not see that link, it is supposed to be replaced with something else 10:34 oleonard wahanui: forget Hello guys, 10:34 wahanui oleonard: I forgot hello guys, 10:34 oleonard Hello guys :D 10:40 magnuse \o/ 11:11 * cait2 waves 12:28 puphaus[m] Hello together i wanted to upgrade an instance to the most recent version and got the following error:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SoOWYDEmvClETMTHpgYOuhZY>) 12:28 puphaus[m] Could somebody help me with that?😅 12:28 cait1 hi :) 12:29 cait1 that one is on m 12:29 cait1 e 12:29 cait1 you go to administration > circulation rules 12:29 cait1 sec 12:30 cait1 so for all-all-all 12:30 cait1 you look at the all libraries page 12:30 cait1 all itemtypes - all categories rule 12:30 cait1 overduefinescap is "Maximale Mahngebühr" 12:30 cait1 edit the rule and save it 12:31 cait1 it should then clear up the wrong value 12:31 cait1 if you want to see it in the database, give me a moment for the SQL 12:31 puphaus[m] Ah thank you! :) 12:31 puphaus[m] it was a display bug 12:31 cait1 the problem is we actually started storing 0,00 (with the comma) 12:31 cait1 and then things failed behind the scenes 12:31 puphaus[m] i opened it in chromium and now it changed :) 12:32 puphaus[m] thank you katrin! :) 12:32 cait1 sure :) 12:32 cait1 I tried to make it a good update message, but It could be better I guess 12:32 cait when you have updated those 2 rules and restart the update it should just continue ok 12:33 cait @later tell dcook only rean into the issue once so far and also was not able to reproduce, hope it stays a unique accident :) 12:33 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 12:37 cait puphaus[m]: hope things go ok now from there! 12:57 puphaus[m] <cait> "puphaus: hope things go ok now..." <- yes :) thank you!! it took some time but its perfectly working right now :) 12:58 cait ok, that's good :) 12:58 puphaus[m] I just got one warning:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/fEeOgSpbnGiCorBeibPPUqki>) 12:59 puphaus[m] But i assume that isnt so bad :D it seems that it is used for the translation 13:12 cait it's strange, because it looks correctly translated 13:12 cait or I am just not seeing it right now, seems to belong to the French trasnlation 13:13 caroline I'll look on pootle 13:14 cait I just did... I just don't undertand it 13:14 cait could you double check? 13:14 caroline looks like there is an extra s? 13:15 cait the Gemran translation did the same as the French one, not sure why it woudl complain about one but not the other 13:15 cait (Aktuell: %0$s - %1$s) 13:15 caroline in the message, it's written %s0$s in french 13:15 cait ooh 13:15 caroline We're so used to typing %s the person probably didn't even realize 13:16 cait but not in the message puphaus[m] posted? 13:16 cait or maybe the IRC client changed it 13:16 caroline yes in that message 13:16 cait shows like that for me: msgstr: "(Actuel : %s0$s - %1$s)" 13:16 caroline yes 13:16 cait ah right 13:16 caroline and the english one is msgid: "(Current: %0$s - %1$s)" 13:17 cait can you fix? 13:17 caroline no %s 13:17 cait I am just blind... 13:17 cait not trusting myself there right now :) 13:17 caroline I'm looking for it... the pootle search is not the best :) 13:18 caroline ok fr-CA seems OK, i'll check fr-FR 13:18 caroline found it! corrected! 13:19 cait thx! :) 13:19 cait puphaus[m]: you might want to fix it locally and do another run with koha-translate --update fr-FR 13:20 cait the transaltion scripts can die on bad constructs and then sometimes they don't finish/copy all the files 13:20 caroline pleasure! 13:20 cait Koha usually falls back to English for the missing pages, but still not grat 13:20 cait not great 13:23 cait caroline: hope it's ok I added you to some bugs where I thought another librarian opinion would be good :) 13:23 cait I am working through the old bugs as a side project 13:23 caroline yep no problem! 13:23 cait cool :) 13:25 cait bye all! 13:31 puphaus[m] <cait> "puphaus: you might want to fix..." <- Thank you i'll do that :) 13:51 magnuse translating "Yes, checkin (Y)". the "Y" should be kept as is, because it refers to a keyboard shortcut that is not translated, right? 13:55 puphaus[m] <cait> "puphaus: you might want to fix..." <- Thank you i'll do that :) 14:31 Joubu @later tell MatthewBlenkinsop[m] please confirm you got my PM 14:31 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 14:46 aude_c[m] Joubu for info: Matt's on holiday for the end of the week 14:47 Joubu thanks for the info! 15:07 reiveune bye 16:47 kivilahtio We are having a meeting with PedroAmorim[m] regarding ISO18626. If others are interested in joining us on 'Friday the 6th, 15:00 UTC+0' please PM me for the meet.jit.si-link. 16:47 kivilahtio Related RFC: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ISO18626_RFC