Time Nick Message 06:22 magnuse \o/ 06:40 Joubu caroline: about how-to, what is the problem you get with the translation script exactly? 07:03 Joubu fridolin: I don't recreate the patrons_search failure on 23.05, do you? 07:04 Joubu fridolin: Secondary question, why is 23.05_D11 failing since Sep 8th? Health of Jenkins should drive the pushes... 07:35 Joubu mtj: around? 07:41 Joubu mtj: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/issues/77 07:45 Joubu cait: 26350 I don't think it's resolved. The "Generate discharge" link is there since the first iteration of this feature. 07:46 mtj hi Joubu, bb10 07:56 mtj back.. 07:56 mtj Joubu: i like your idea 08:05 Joubu thx for the confirmation! 08:10 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 08:16 magnuse \o 08:17 mtj hi team 08:17 mtj Joubu: re: failing trixie builds, i will try to fix in 30... 08:18 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/pipelines/1011040421 08:19 mtj trixie wants to install gconf, but pkg has been depreciated 08:19 mtj https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gconf 08:20 mtj hopefully selenium will still work without it...🤞🏻 08:20 mtj hi PedroAmorim[m], magnuse 🍕 08:21 magnuse kia ora mtj 08:22 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/ 08:28 Joubu @later tell we need 34911 ASAP 08:28 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:29 cait Joubu: but what else do they want then? you can already generate a discharge for the user...? 08:31 Joubu I don't remember, did you see comment 8? Hard to switch context for me now. 08:54 magnuse Joubu: did you forget to tell @later who you want to send the "later" to? 08:55 Joubu yes! :D 08:55 Joubu @later tell tcohen we need 34911 ASAP 08:55 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:55 Joubu thanks, magnuse 08:55 magnuse :-) 09:02 TripathiDP[m] I am getting this error in Koha Version 22.11 while issuing the books and also returning the books... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ISBVipGRyFRPnsGOvrdRJsql>) 09:36 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] follow-up on 27634 to fix the selenium test failure 09:36 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 10:05 nikkom Hi koha :) I have changed logo in the intranet page previously. Now the library wanted me to cgange the size of the logo. When I look from inspect element (I am using firefox) I see that this change can be done from staff-global.css and I need to change height of logo from 80%; to 90%. What I want to ask is: How can I make this change? May I change css file directly? Or is there another way? 10:05 nikkom Note: To ghane logo I have used IntranetUserJS system parameter 10:14 paulderscheid[m] You can just target that element from IntranetUserCSS nikkom 10:19 nikkom I opened IntranetUserCSS and it is empty. How can I give the command? Could you please give me an example? 10:20 nikkom I'm not sure about the syntax 10:23 Joubu nikkom: use plain CSS 10:24 oleonard nikkom: If you've already found the right selector in the inspector you can right-click to copy the whole rule and paste it into IntranetUserCSS, then modify it as needed 10:36 nikkom Ohh I did it. Dear paulderscheid[m], joubu and oleonard thanks a lot you all 11:56 tcohen[m] hola #koha o/ 12:04 cait hola tcohen :) 12:31 ashimema still around oleonard? 12:31 oleonard Yep 12:31 ashimema any thoughts on how difficult it might be to swap in the latest datatables? 12:31 ashimema I'm getting told there's some vulnerability with out version 12:32 oleonard Usually it's not too difficult if I remember correctly 12:32 ashimema I was hoping you'd say that 🙂 12:33 cait "usually"? ;) 12:34 oleonard Well I'm not going to say "always" !! 12:35 aw-bib[m] may I ask what the table chekcout_renewals tracks? are these the seen renewals for an item identified by checkout_id == issue_id where the time stamp refers to the timestamp of renewal? 12:36 ashimema all renewals 12:36 cait whenever an item is renewed, it creates an entry in that table 12:36 ashimema i believe type is recorded in the table 12:36 cait but I am usre you could get away without filling it 12:36 cait because we had to keep it backwards compatible and it all still works ok if you just have the renewals count in the issues table 12:36 cait the only caveat is that you can't see the 'renewal history' in the GUI 12:36 aw-bib[m] it seems I can get away without, I just try to understand it's relation to issues and issues_old. 12:37 ashimema the code is written to not worry too much if the table isn't populated.. because clearly before the feature existed it would be empty 12:37 cait exactly 12:37 cait if you want to migrate it, I thin the link is the issue_id 12:37 aw-bib[m] ah perfect. :) cause my old system only tracks number of renewals but not the dates. if I have to populate it I'd need to do some math. 12:38 cait we'll claim it's a thought through feature that they are optional :) 12:38 aw-bib[m] 👍️ :) 12:38 cait hi khall! 12:38 wahanui hi khall is probably my consciousness present in this realm? 12:38 khall hi cait! 12:39 oleonard ashimema: Already I see styling issues :/ 12:39 magnuse hi khall! 12:39 wahanui hi khall is probably my consciousness present in this realm? 12:40 ashimema ho.. did you just give it a try. 12:41 oleonard Yes 12:41 ashimema looks like jQuery validate is also flagged 12:41 ashimema keeping up with libraries is hard 12:41 ashimema thanks for taking a look 12:47 aw-bib[m] If I do populate the issues and old_issues with our entire loan history (basically, I understand that this is like replaying the history), should I still set 952__|l |m |n |q |r |s in the bibrecords I migrate? 12:50 aw-bib[m] (refering to total checkouts, renewals, holds, due date etc.) 12:50 oleonard ashimema: Have you filed a bug for the DT upgrade? I can work on it 12:51 ashimema not yet 12:51 ashimema [off] was contemplating whether it should be in security or not 12:52 ashimema I'll add one now 12:56 ashimema bug 34913 12:56 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34913 is not accessible. 13:03 oleonard Ugh, so many CSS changes :( 13:04 ashimema ☹️ 13:16 oleonard It's okay ashimema CSS changes are where I'm a viking 13:22 caroline Joubu, the error is when I run gulp po:update --lang fr-CA https://snipboard.io/u5WPFj.jpg 13:23 caroline if i remove how-to.pl and how-to.tt. the gulp po:update command doesn't return any error 13:23 ashimema 😄 13:24 kidclamp oleonard: are you in the camp that thinks Ralph dreams he is a viking, or that he is so good at sleeping he is like a viking of sleep? 13:24 Joubu caroline: can you create a bug? and cc me please 13:24 ashimema 😂 13:25 oleonard kidclamp: Viking of sleep is how I always thought of it 13:25 oleonard Never even considered the other way! 13:25 kidclamp I agree, apparently the writers themselves are divided on how it was meant 13:33 caroline Joubu, done! 13:35 ashimema someone did work on NCIP some time didn't they? 13:35 ashimema or did I imagine that 13:35 ashimema magnuse was that you? ^ 13:36 magnuse hm, maybe if you are thinking like 9 years ago? 13:36 ashimema probably 13:36 wahanui i heard probably was too hard. 13:36 ashimema so gues it would have been NCIP1, not NCIP2? 13:37 ashimema did it get anywhere? 13:37 magnuse i do think bywater have done some work 13:37 cait aw-bib[m]: you might be better off - Koha pull information from different places in different spots 13:37 cait aw-bib[m]: I haven't checked every subfields, but assume these are totals for renewals checkouts etc.? 13:37 magnuse ashimema: https://github.com/bywatersolutions/ncip-server 13:37 cait you'll also want to set the one that is items.onloan with the due date if something is checked out 13:37 aw-bib[m] right. I was wondering if it is adding stuff up. 13:38 ashimema aha, thanks magnuse 13:38 magnuse ashimema: not sure if it was 1 or 2, it was a norwegian profile of ncip. i got norwegian ill based on ncip to like 90%, but i think oslo public library had something they used for a number of years in prouction 13:38 cait I am not sure if there are any scripts to auto-populate 13:39 cait caroline: you might have to file the how-to in the ktd issue tracker 13:40 caroline OK i wasn't sure if it was a koha thing or a ktd thing 13:41 aw-bib[m] cait: I set almost everything I have including the due date. (`|q`) I was just wondering if it confuses koha if it get's this information once during bibliographic upload and then by filling the `issues` / `old_issues`. and once I tried to understand what's going on I stumbled upon `checkouts_renewals` and also the `action_logs` that hold certain circulation stuff. 13:41 ashimema cheers 13:41 ashimema we're looking at exlibris rapido (which is RapidILL with more bolted on.. but it basically all looks like NCIP2 behind the scenes) 13:42 ashimema as yet another ILL backend.. we have far too many over here.. it ain't half confusing. 13:42 ashimema and many of our customers like to have lots of them all running in parallel 13:43 cait aw-bib[m]: i think you can ignore the action_logs here - you won't see the tranactions in the log viewer 13:43 cait but the circ history i think is built using issues or statistics 13:43 magnuse ashimema: sounds like fun! 13:43 * magnuse wanders off to make pasta with mushrooms 13:44 ashimema sounds tasty, enjoy 13:44 aw-bib[m] cait: `statistics` is something that gets populated automatically? 13:45 aw-bib[m] it seems that I need to fill this as well. 14:04 cait pretty much nothing gets automatically populated if you use SQL 14:04 cait but usually it would 14:05 cait I think our API is not complete yet when it comes to checkins/checkouts... for the future that might be interesting 14:06 cait aw-bib[m]: histories are often left out in migreations 14:06 cait I think we have only done it in one project so far 14:06 cait always worth checking if the data is really used for something 14:07 cait specials and academics often don't really use them that much (as compared to public libraries that will weed a lot more) 14:12 aw-bib[m] an API for ci/co/re would indeed solve this "don't forget ...". (that's why I was pondering koc and indeed also issuing sip sequences.) 14:13 aw-bib[m] > specials and academics often don't really use them that much 14:13 aw-bib[m] well I am not that much a fan of all this counting myself, but if I can migrate the stuff I'd prefer not to loose it. especially as "after aleph" we have some pretty good data accumulated. 14:21 * oleonard runs to magnuse's house 15:11 oleonard ashimema: Put "Usually it's not too difficult" on my tombstone 15:35 ashimema hugs 15:37 Shane-NP[m] Can I change the name order appearance in OPAC? 15:37 Shane-NP[m] its sur, middle, first, I would like first, middle, sur 15:48 oleonard Shane-NP[m]: That's not a configuration option, so you can't do it without modifying the source 16:06 cait1 oleonard: is that the logical sequence? 16:07 cait1 it looks like the patron form in staff has it: surname first name middle 16:07 cait1 ah ok, opac is the same 16:12 caroline ugh, why are holds so complicated? 16:13 caroline I'm trying a configuration and the place hold button appears on the results list but not on the biblio details page... (I want to to be holdable and it works if I click on the button in the results list) 16:27 kidclamp results calculation is a guess 16:27 kidclamp it's not the full calculation, for speed 16:28 caroline So basically what you're saying is that my configuration is wrong since the details page is the "real" calculation? 16:29 kidclamp that was true once upon a time, trying to verify 16:30 caroline its a very particular need (why do libraries insist on making everything so complicated??) where the central library is the only one that allows holds, from patrons from any other library 16:31 caroline I used the "Holds policy by item type" rules for each library to forbid holds except for the central library 16:32 caroline (based on the item's library) 16:39 kidclamp Yeah, Koha::Items->filter_by_for_hold - "Return the items of the set that are *potentially* holdable." 16:40 kidclamp but this sounds like a bug if you can successfuly place hold from results and not from details 16:41 kidclamp I would file and include your setup 16:41 caroline filing right now :) 17:01 Shane-NP[m] so...I would need to do a git pull, modify the code, suggest a patch and see if it is approved type thing if I want to an option under admin menu? 17:05 emlam Shane-NP[m] Are you talking about changing the order in which the input fields display? If so, I believe you could do that with JQuery in OPACUserJS 17:08 Shane-NP[m] Yeah, All our labels are printed First Last Middle, and in OPAC its Last (Surname) Middle First 17:08 Shane-NP[m] I will take a look thanks 17:45 oleonard Looks like the DataTables "clear filter" button on patron search results is broken? 17:54 Shane-NP[m] Where does the OPACJS text get appeneded or created at in the source? I am not finding my code 17:55 emlam It's a system preference in the Administration module 17:56 oleonard Shane-NP[m]: If you're talking about where it is when you view source on your page, it should be at the very bottom 17:56 Shane-NP[m] yeah source let me check I was using chrome and looking at all the .js files 17:58 Shane-NP[m] I just put this in there to see if I can view it in the log... console.log(stringArray); // ["my", " ", "car", " ", "is", " ", "red"] not finding it 18:08 Shane-NP[m] ill have to mess with it later, I have lived with it this long...why change now :P I think the issue is I include middle names this time around 18:09 Shane-NP[m] I used to omit them, but we have 2 patrons with same first and last ...so middle was needed to help sort who is who 18:09 Shane-NP[m] Anyway, thank you for the help. I will play with JQuery more when I have time. 18:12 caroline Middle name is also pretty recent in Koha, maybe that's why you didn't have them before 18:54 emlam anyone remember the syspref that controls whether the returns table shows all scanned items, or only items that were previously checked out? I can't seem to find it 18:56 caroline emlam, probably ShowAllCheckins 18:57 emlam yup, that's the one. Thanks, caroline! 19:49 davidnind oleonard: can confirm, clear filter button for patrons not working for me in master 21:45 mtj TripathiDP[m]: it looks like you have a database problem, is it running? 23:29 tuxayo Does anyone know a ressource for testing EDI/EDIFACT stuff? For example I want to do «Find or create an item invoiced via an EDI INVOICE message» 23:29 tuxayo look at git log for test plans mentioning EDIFACT or EDI didn't help. 23:30 tuxayo Same with https://koha-community.org/manual//23.05/en/html/acquisitions.html#edi-process