Time Nick Message 21:10 KevinFurst[m] jalway: The incremental 1,2,3 was still giving me the e scientific notation but the year as you suggested works, so I'm going to leave it on that setting. 21:07 davidnind tcohen: Agenda for the next development created, and added to the calendar https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_Meeting_13_September_2023 20:45 jalway For reference: https://koha-community.org/manual//22.11/en/html/catalogingpreferences.html#autobarcode 20:45 jalway generated in the form <year>-0001, <year>-0002" may be good options to take to your Librarians. 20:45 jalway KevinFurst[m]: Assuming they don't care what the format is, "generated in the form <branchcode>yymm0001" or " 20:24 KevinFurst[m] Will do. 20:22 caroline_catlady In the mean time, you can use the label creator which works fine afaik 20:22 caroline_catlady as for the image generator, I think it was an external tool that was added into koha, so I don't know how much we can change it, but I would advise you write a bug report on bugzilla 20:21 KevinFurst[m] No worries, I'm going to try the incremental and see if that gives a better option for us. 20:21 caroline_catlady although I'm not exactly sure how you could do it without changing the old barcodes... sorry :( 20:20 caroline_catlady I understand 20:18 KevinFurst[m] Hmm. ok. This library has an odd mix. There seem to be alphanumeric for anything they use pre- Follett Destiny and then 34517x000xxx for anything during the follett years. My librarians are getting antsy to get new books on the shelves so I'll need to get it working soon. I don't think they care what the number is (ie its format) just that it autofills and is unique. 20:16 caroline_catlady A lot of my clients use incremental 1, 2, 3 with great success, the only hiccups are with new clients when we migrate their DB and they have weird long barcodes as above 20:15 KevinFurst[m] And presumably others are using that without issue? Maybe I'll try that. 20:14 KevinFurst[m] Ahh.. ok. I was wondering why there wasn't a field for starting value when switching to that. 20:14 caroline_catlady KevinFurst[m], I'm not sure how the incremental EAN 13 works, but the Incremental 1, 2, 3 one takes the largest barcode in the database and adds one. So If your barcodes are normally like 3000123456 and somewhere in your collection you have 3000000000123456, it will take that larger one as it's basis 20:09 KevinFurst[m] My other issue is unrelated and deals with the autogenerated barcode when adding an item. In my autobarode setting, I have EAN-Incremental 13 Barcode selected. When creating a new item for a record, the system does autofill the barcode field however the formatting however it shows up in scientific number format rather than just... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ZzZdKpuDWwPjYRdMasXrRZOB>) 20:04 KevinFurst[m] before? (The tool page works fine and it quickly generates the barcode image). 20:04 KevinFurst[m] When I run the barcode generator tool with code39 type, it doesn't generate the correct barcode. Our scanners wouldn't pickup the correct barcode and then when examining it closely with code 39 examples online and those on our older books, the format generated by the barcode tool in Koha is not code30. It doesn't have the same opening and closing bars that identifies it as code39. Are there any known issues with that or has it come up 18:54 davidnind same to you! 18:53 ashimema have a good day davidnind 18:53 ashimema βΉοΈ 18:53 ashimema heading off again now.. that's another tomorrow problem 18:53 ashimema I went to make dinner 18:53 ashimema all dead for me still 18:53 ashimema ah, no 18:53 davidnind KTD starting up 18:51 ashimema make what work 17:56 tcohen[m] did y'all make it work? 15:51 PedroAmorim[m] some intercepts were missing 15:51 PedroAmorim[m] that follow-up adds vendor aliases tests, but also fixes the currently failing tests on the master build 15:50 PedroAmorim[m] tcohen: I've pushed a follow-up to 33480 15:50 ashimema ? 15:48 oleonard tcohen++ 15:48 tcohen[m] running kids to school, will be back to debug in a frew 15:47 tcohen[m] ^^ Pedro Amorim, Joubu 15:47 tcohen[m] besides some -cough cough- new cypress tests 15:47 tcohen[m] Koha_Master* is running all images and green-y 15:46 tcohen[m] will need to fetch from scratch 15:46 tcohen[m] rebuilt by debian, then a ktd 15:46 tcohen[m] so if that underlying image is built 15:46 tcohen[m] when we rebuild the images, the latest Debian image is picked 15:46 ashimema can we control where that's pulled from.. I'm assuming there's a pool of those images as apposed to single one somewhere. 15:45 tcohen[m] which is weird 15:45 tcohen[m] the error means your KTD image is shipping an old cypress version 15:44 ashimema only difference for me is 'koha/koha-testing:master' instead of 'koha/koha-testing:master-bullseye' 15:43 ashimema same pretty much 15:40 oleonard tcohen: That's what it says before koha-koha-1 exits, right after the cypress error 15:40 ashimema 6 layers memcached, 8 layers db and 35 layer of koha take a while to dowload 15:39 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "docker ps --no-trunc" (4 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/25814 15:39 ashimema my runs it all up.. again 15:32 tcohen[m] Jenkins is running those images fine, so we need to dig a bit more 15:32 tcohen[m] Launch it, and run docker ps in parallel 15:32 tcohen[m] Yes 15:31 oleonard tcohen: What do you mean, when launching it? 15:30 tcohen[m] Show me a `docker ps` output when launching it 15:29 tcohen[m] What docker images are you pulling? 15:14 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Thats an error with the new cypress upgrade - check your package.json to see what version of cypress you have 15:09 ashimema magnuse around? 15:08 ashimema think he's been a tad busy since.. I've not heard back 15:07 ashimema I've since sent him the whole log of a fresh startup 15:07 ashimema that's the error I've thrown at tcohen a couple of times 15:07 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Relevant?" (8 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/25812 15:03 ashimema but when I said this this morning everyone told me I was imagining it π 15:02 ashimema sorry to hear your stuffed too oleonard 15:02 ashimema I'm not imagining it! 15:02 ashimema yes.! 15:02 oleonard Up-to-date ktd, pruned Docker, fresh pull... Still can't get it working 15:01 oleonard ktd failing for me today :( 13:39 Joubu I was checking the last dev meeting 13:38 Joubu I was not replying about your last request, tcohen[m]. 13:37 Joubu the script cannot guess when will be the next one ;) 13:37 Joubu the dev meeting never happened 13:36 tcohen[m] can you do that davidnind? 13:36 tcohen[m] I need to schedule a new dev meeting next wednesday 13:31 davidnind he he, I just woke up after falling asleep on the couch ... off to bed now 8-) 13:30 * cait is tempted to send davidnind back to bed... but so happy to see him too :) 13:29 davidnind tcohen: worked for me just now for the next General IRC Meeting 13:23 ashimema ooh, did I miss a meeting? 13:23 cait Joubu: ? 13:22 cait not me (yet) 13:22 cait to create the agenda? 13:22 tcohen[m] is anyone able to run the meetings script? 13:18 khall tcohen[m] I fully agree! 13:16 khall π 13:16 tcohen[m] khall: would you take a look at 34683 13:15 * ashimema sticks it in tmux in the background 13:00 tcohen[m] but yeah, I prefer the colors hehe 13:00 tcohen[m] I use ktd --logs 12:55 Joubu I like to have it open, in case a container crashes you have the logs 12:53 caroline_catlady so `ktd up -d` ? 12:53 caroline_catlady ooh that sounds evil, I love it 12:52 ashimema stick a -d on caroline_catlady and that will daemonize it instead of running it in the foreground 12:52 caroline_catlady can I close the terminal where I started ktd or I have to keep it always open? 12:47 tcohen[m] well, jenkins shows it works too 12:46 tcohen[m] I tried in both ARM64 and AMD64 arch successfully 12:46 tcohen[m] ashimema: it would help to see the error logs 12:39 caroline_catlady ok let me start my ktd, back in 15 ;) 12:38 Joubu with ktd - http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/how-to.pl 12:38 Joubu I told him to redirect newbies there, it should be the first thing for every new Koha dev 12:37 Joubu ask Γric 12:37 caroline_catlady koha-howto? is that a command? 12:36 Joubu caroline_catlady: koha-howto? 12:36 cait I think there are also some easy typo fixes available right now for patch writing, once they get there 12:35 caroline_catlady we have two new interns for this semester (their first day is today!) so send easy bugs to SO my way and I'll have them look at it probably early next week 12:33 caroline_catlady davidnind++ 12:32 cait davidnind++ noticed and it was fixed 12:32 cait only for the Koha main mailing list 12:32 cait they got into the archive, but were not sent for... i believe aout 2 weeks? 12:28 caroline_catlady I often hesitate to answer ML questions because I'm not 1000% sure of my answer 12:26 caroline_catlady what is/was the ML problem? 12:25 cait I just feel bad if people don't get a reply and we had quite a few stuck with the ML problem 12:24 caroline_catlady yes! 12:24 cait caroline_catlady: the ML spree? 12:24 cait1 that sounds really scary 12:23 caroline_catlady cait++ #having *all* the answers ;) 12:19 cait1 what is the error? 12:19 ashimema One for after lunch 12:19 ashimema Still failung 12:19 ashimema My git and my docker are both freshly pulled 12:19 Joubu yeah, you need origin/master + fresh ktd images 12:18 ashimema Ok 12:18 ashimema Grr 12:18 cait1 di you update your ktd repo too? 12:18 cait1 I also pulled yesterday - maybe a bit earlier than you did? 12:18 Joubu ashimema: I pulled this morning and it's working 12:08 ashimema it's fresh images that killed mine yesterday afternoon 12:08 ashimema hmm 12:00 cait I last tried yesterday, it worked ok then with fresh images 11:51 ashimema anyone else still having issue's getting ktd to come up todayt? 11:36 cait MatthewBlenkinsop++ 10:24 oleonard Hi #koha 09:08 cait and that can cause issues with Zebra 09:08 cait it's important because the field mappings are different for UNIMARC and MARC21 09:08 cait ok 09:01 NikolayGospodinov[m] * MARC21 09:01 NikolayGospodinov[m] MARC21? 08:51 cait are you using MARC21 or UNIMARC? 08:51 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: ^ 08:50 cait or they are missing the biblionumber in the correct fields (it's neede by Zebra to connect the record in your database with the one in the index) 08:50 cait maybe you have incorrect MARC in some records 08:12 NikolayGospodinov[m] s/migration_tools/migration\_tools/, s/rebuild_zebra/rebuild\_zebra/, s/69/691/ 07:56 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello, I have a question? When i finished importing the new database in Koha and i run: sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f k7000, I get the following error: error retrieving biblio 777, 778... at /usr/shate/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl line 69 07:49 cait so maybe the later as pointed by dcook is better 07:49 cait Adarsh: I can not tell you, but the purpose of koha-testing-docker is not production installations, but development 07:38 cait ashimema++ 07:36 Adarsh what should be good start point. https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker or https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker ? 07:26 * cait1 waves good morning 07:24 Joubu enjoy your evening, dcook_! 07:22 dcook_ Ciao ciao folks 07:22 dcook_ Need to go and cook for my lady though. No rest for the wicked. 07:21 dcook_ Hopefully I made some dents in some queues today... 07:21 dcook_ ashimema: Just burn it down and start over hehe 07:21 dcook_ Adarsh: If you want some inspiration you can look at https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker 07:21 dcook_ Adarsh: There's no instructions for that. You'd have to do a lot of that work yourself. 07:21 ashimema sooooo much bugmail to work through 07:21 dcook_ Need to leave the office now though O_O 07:21 ashimema I'm still on catch-up mode after vacation π 07:20 Adarsh Hello, I am eager to build and deploy Koha at Azure Kubernetes Cluster for which I'm looking for instructions. Please kindly share. 07:20 dcook_ I was planning on doing some other work the next 2 days, but maybe I can do some bugzilla tomorrow morning too... 07:20 ashimema lol 07:20 dcook_ :3 07:19 matts_ I love the smell of BZ in the morning :) 07:17 Joubu I love to see bz activities when I am waking up! 07:15 dcook_ I imagine I've overwhelmed everyone with Bugzilla reports and comments before they've even woken up heh