Time Nick Message 06:34 Zahid[m] <cait> "Zahid: you need to put the..." <- is there any short way to exactly search from 260 $c tag in koha ? 06:36 Zahid[m] we are not adding year in 008 tag right now 06:38 Zahid[m] and i have imported 140000 records from koha 2.2.9 to koha 22.11. 06:53 Belal My kohs is not calculating fine 06:53 Belal Is anybody here to help me 06:53 Belal :? 06:54 Belal my Koha version: 06:54 Belal anybody here? 06:55 Belal hlw 07:07 ahmad hi 07:07 ahmad anybody here 07:12 ahmad hi 07:12 ahmad hlw 07:54 Zahid[m] Belal: for basic setting for calculating fines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxr6QZ8NnqA 08:07 ahmad it not working 08:08 ahmad I hve configured properly but it is not working 08:10 ahmad hlw 08:10 ahmad anybody here 08:25 ahmad hlw 08:25 ahmad anybody here 08:27 Zahid[m] try to calculate by running script, may be it will work http://kohageek.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-run-fines-script-manually.html 08:28 Zahid[m] i am not an expert but it is a suggestion 08:30 Zahid[m] koha experts will tell you, also see your logs, it might get help from it. where something is wrong or some settings are not configure properly. 09:47 ahmad I did above 09:47 ahmad but not working 09:47 wahanui i guess not working is very boring but I'm making myself not do work (well I was until today) 17:16 MarliaJuzo[m] Computational needs 17:16 MarliaJuzo[m] (infrastructure) for deploying Koha software? 20:28 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: I think it's a bit difficult to suggest something without some context from your particular case first ;-) otherwise we can only make assumptions about your specifics... 20:29 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: generally speaking, however, there are some existing online resources on the subject of infrastructure computational needs for deploying Koha which you may find useful: 20:29 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: there's a Wiki page with software recommendations for deployment depending on which version you will choose: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/System_requirements_and_recommendations 20:29 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: on the hardware front, some guidelines can be found here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#Before_you_begin 20:29 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: there was also a discussion on the main mailing list on the subject of resource requirements: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2020-December/055588.html 20:29 aroussos MarliaJuzo[m]: the last message in the above thread points to https://tree.taiga.io/project/joubu-koha-rm-1711/us/132?kanban-status=1174603 which includes some real world examples of how some people have sized up their systems 20:54 davidnind aroussos++