Time Nick Message 22:21 jalway I'm out for now as well, hope you get it figured out! 22:19 jalway Found one that goes through the steps, but I'm not sure that you're having issues with using it or if something's wrong with some of your records or what. xD 22:18 jalway Uh, not really. Here's a video, though: https://youtu.be/0fJpIqYVMLs?t=568 22:14 Mimir909 I never got super into IRC to know if/how anything like that works 22:13 Mimir909 These more in-depth guidances are really helping me get my mind around all this for work. 22:13 Mimir909 Hmmmmmm. i don't fully understand this and will have to leave shortly if I'm going to make it to the gym on time to keep my date with my SO. Is it possible to message directly and arrange for later contact? 22:11 jalway When you're staging the records. 22:11 jalway Mimir909, If you just want to upload the records into the catalog. 22:11 Mimir909 Just having the catalog in any form will save me a lot of immediate agony in what I'm doing, and polishing it to a proper library setup can wait a little while 22:10 jalway Mimir909, You just need to tell the import to not look for item records, I think. 22:10 jalway Mimir909, In our library, we typically use a 6 digit number padded with zeros, if necessary. 22:10 Mimir909 That's in the works - For now I guess I need to determine how to tell Koha '1 of this exists' so the import works 22:09 jalway Mimir909, I highly suggest that you come up with a barcode system that you would like to use. 22:09 Mimir909 I can do formulas in Excel pretty okay. 22:09 Mimir909 I know enough to understand lines of data and a script if I'm reading it, but haven't coded much 22:08 Mimir909 I mean, the items without ISBNs are few enough to be manually corrected later 22:08 jalway Mimir909, Are you proficient in any computer languages or actually able to do things like create scripts to manipulate lines of data? 22:07 jalway I.E. The same way you did the ISBN data gathering. 22:07 jalway Mimir909, You could do a new search by title using MARCEdit, but that would be error prone. 22:06 Mimir909 (many do not have ISBNs, that's a whole other issue) 22:06 Mimir909 For each copy, the ISBN or entry is just duplicated 22:06 jalway Mimir909, How did you record how many of X book that you have? 22:06 Mimir909 So this initial inventory was done by hand by me 22:05 Mimir909 They have unique identifiers but the catalog they existed in is totally wrecked and no barcodes either. Just labels. 22:05 jalway Mimir909, That's actually kind of good. 22:05 Mimir909 Not yet - We were using a different software which had a bespoke nonsense number system 22:05 jalway *physical 22:05 jalway As in phsyical labels on the books. 22:05 jalway Mimir909, Yeah, that is cool. Do the books that you have on the shelf have barcodes and/or call numbers associated with them? 22:04 Mimir909 The staged record showed no errors and has records for all the items, but they are not showing in the actual catalog and importing them fails 22:04 Mimir909 Well, what i've done here is take my spreadsheet of ISBNS and converted them to TXT for the z39 client, then looked them all up in a batch, then exported a marc file from that 22:03 jalway Mimir909, How did you record multiple copies of an item in your spreadsheet? 22:02 jalway You can click Manage Staged Records and there's a boat load of them? 22:02 jalway They staged properly, though? 22:02 jalway Mimir909, Just wondering, if that's causing your issue. Or perhaps you chose the incorrect encoding? 22:01 Mimir909 I used its z39 client to make the records then just output them as a marc. So it can probably also set items 22:01 jalway Mimir909, Yeah, so all you got were the bibliographic records. You have no item fields. 22:01 Mimir909 The MARC file was prepared with MarcEdit, if that helps 22:00 jalway Mimir909, You can export items with your marc record. In our old system it was a specific MARC field. In Koha, I think it's a bit more complicated, but you can get the items exported in a specific MARC field. Koha's MARC item field is 952, I believe. 21:59 Mimir909 Ooooooh, like one field that says "this many of this exist", or...? 21:58 jalway Unless you added items to your records, you won't have items. Just the records. 21:58 Mimir909 Or shall I look at the file directly and check? 21:58 Mimir909 When I installed Koha, it set a bunch of defaults for items, if that's what you mean 21:57 jalway Did you check for item record data? I'm assuming you've not setup items? 21:53 Mimir909 the staging seems successful because it has 5000 ish records, but it fails when importing them to catalog 21:53 jalway Mimir909, That should be correct, then. 21:53 Mimir909 It says it's a 'MARC binary' file 21:53 jalway Mimir909, Koha will only understand the standard marc format. 21:52 jalway Mimir909, Are you using the compiled marc format or Marc Edit's broken apart, but human readable format? 21:51 Mimir909 Ah, I see the problem - The job keeps failing 21:37 Mimir909 It's a working marc file too, it's all there (as much as could be gotten) and the records will do me fine for now. How do I go about adding them into the catalog of my defined library? 21:31 Mimir909 I did a batch ISBN lookup with Marc Edit, downloaded the results as a Marc, staged it for import and I now finally have a catalog 21:31 Mimir909 Holy cow it's working 19:28 davidnind Mimir9090: Many organisations block non-standard ports/traffic from accessing the internet, such as those used by Z39.50 - for example, one of the Library of Congress servers is at lx2.loc.gov:210 19:21 Mimir9090 Presumably it's because this is mostly textbooks 19:21 Mimir9090 Currently using MarcEdit to search my ISBNs - it's working, but most of them have a match on 1 out of 6 servers which makes me think I need to track down a couple more specialized servers to sure up my records 19:18 Mimir9090 I asked a technician who said I may need to do port forwarding 19:18 Mimir9090 I do wonder if there's a firewall in the way 19:05 dolf In principle: If you have a DNS setting or routing or any kind of network setup which causes a request for http://foo.example.com to end up at the IP on which your Apache2 is running, it will look for a VirtualHost with a ServerName of foo.example.com and try to serve that. 19:03 dolf name from the URL in the browser to decide which website to serve, so that you can serve more than one website from the same machine through the same port (port 80 by default). Do some reading on how VirtualHost works in Apache2. Also make sure port 80 is open in the firewall, if there is a firewall. I hope this helps. 19:03 dolf Mimir9000: Koha does not do anything special with regards to networking. It uses Apache2 as a web server. If you follow the guide at https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian you will see that it asks you to modify some variables in /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf . This is used to generate /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/foo.conf when you create a new Koha instance called 'foo'. Inside that are two VirtualHosts. A VirtualHost uses the domain 18:09 Mimir9090 I think one thing I severely misunderstand is how networking for Koha works - I can't even log in on the local network from a different PC than the server is running on, let alone access the OPAC externally 17:04 dolf Now I just can't get the search results working. The OPAC search always gives me 0 results. I already did "koha-rebuils-zebra --full instance" (but this is done at the end of koha-restore anyway) and I did "koha-indexer --start rsc". Search results are still empty. I can access the individual books by biblio number in the URL without problems. 17:03 dolf I managed to restore from backup at last. I had to modify the .sql.gz file and add CREATE DATABASE ... and USE ... statements, OR modify koha-restore to create the database before importing the sql file and to set the database name on the command line when importing the sql file. 16:14 jalway khall, Apparently the dateenrolled that we're supplying isn't in the expected format. xD 16:14 jalway khall, That wasn't the issue, but it did prompt a phone call. We're on the right track, I believe. 15:14 reiveune bye 15:13 khall hasn't been accepted for that user 15:13 khall it could be failing because the public key hasn' 15:13 khall jalway give that a try 15:12 jalway khall, I've definitely not done that. 15:12 jalway khall, I've run the test and it shows a successful test? 15:12 khall it has to be done from koha-shell 15:12 khall jalway Also, a big question: Have you become the koha-user and manually connected to the SFTP server? That will accept the key and verify you can connect to it 15:12 jalway khall, Pretty sure that's working. Was given a log showing that X num had been processed, but all entries were "invalid". 15:10 khall jalway do you have the nightly plugin cronjob enabled? You can run that manually for testing as well 15:09 jalway khall, For whatever reason we're still unable to actually get it to work. :-( 15:09 jalway khall, Do you have any documentation on how to use the Patron Importer? 15:09 khall np! 15:09 jalway khall, Cool, thanks. :-) 15:06 khall jalway fixed! 14:59 lukeg hi 14:50 khall jalway did you push it to a github repo? 14:49 jalway khall, I forked the repository, edited the line in question, and pushed it. 14:27 dolf There would be, but I was assuming that it's upgradable using the same script that runs after you do "apt upgrade". I'm installing 21.05 now, to try and restore to that. 14:25 jalway Not sure, if there were changes to the database structure between 21.x and 22.x 14:24 jalway There's a bug for 17.x / 16.x, but that's when the biblio_metadata table was introduced. 14:23 jalway That's entirely possible. 14:22 dolf Is restoring a backup from 21.* on 23.* unsupported, maybe? 14:21 dolf No. There are no instances on this machine. I just installed Ubuntu a few minutes ago. 14:21 jalway *an 14:20 jalway You're not trying to overwrite and instance, right? 14:20 dolf In that issue, the problem was that the database name was hardcoded into the sql dump. But it looks like my sql dumps (which come from koha-run-backups on version 21.something) already omit the "CREATE DATABASE" and "USE DATABASE" statements, so it should work? (My message above was confusing – I thought the database name should be in the sql dump, but I see that it's derived from the filename in the koha-restore script) 14:16 jalway Ah. XD 14:16 dolf I'm Rudolf Byker 14:16 dolf wait... I commented on that issue in 2019 hahaha 14:15 dolf Yes, I just installed Ubuntu 22 (I could test with Debian also, but it's very very similar) on a fresh test VM, then followed https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian exactly. I have Koha 23.05.02-1 with zero instances, and trying to restore one instance from a .sql.gz and a .tar.gz file. 14:14 huginn 04Bug 15664: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , koha-restore: Allow database dump to be restored to another Koha instance 14:14 jalway dolf, Hmm..., maybe you're running into this: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15664 ? 14:13 jalway dolf, You're using the newest version of Koha? 14:11 jalway dolf, That is definitely the best place to be at in that situation. xD 14:11 dolf Directed at anyone that would listen :) Yes, I'm testing a backup on a test VM at the moment. No success in restoring thus far. 14:10 jalway dolf, Assuming that was directed at me, I have no idea. I hope you're testing your backup and not just hoping that your untested backup will save you. 14:08 dolf Another question (please tell me if I'm being annoying): I'm trying to use koha-restore on a backup that was made with koha-run-backups (automatically). But I'm getting an erro "No database selected", as if the backup was made with "koha-dump --without-db-name". Is there a way to specify the name on the command line? Or is it a bug in koha-restore or in koha-run-backups? 14:07 jalway https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-patrons-importer/issues/1 14:02 jalway I can do that from the web interface, yes? 14:02 khall jalway can you file an issue on the github page for that and link it here? 14:02 jalway dolf, Plack is likely baked into Koha. 14:02 jalway dolf, I would highly suspect that it's not. 14:01 dolf jalway: Thanks, I read that, but it's a bit over my head. I was hoping for a simple explanation of what it does for Koha, and whether it's optional or not. 14:01 jalway khall, Are you Kyle Hall? I found a minor error in the Patron Importer plugin. 14:00 jalway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plack_(software) 13:52 dolf What is plack? I can't find any docs on what it does or why I need it. I only see how to install it, here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#Setup_plack 13:31 aude_c[m] Emoji test for @ebg 😅 13:16 dolf hahaha 13:13 * ashimema thinks he just scared oleonard away. 13:12 dolf The indexer daemon should do that eventually, I guess. 13:12 dolf I also ran the commands from https://koha-community.org/manual/23.05/en/html/faq.html#reset-the-zebra-index but I can't see a difference. Not sure if I'm supposed to run another command to re-index stuff after that? 13:11 dolf davidind: previous msg is for you too :) 13:11 dolf oleonard: Do you mean here? https://github.com/Koha-Community/Koha/tree/master/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/xslt There is only one file, and it looks the same as my folder at /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/xslt 12:51 LibraryHU[m] can anyone help in getting accession register report from KOHA 12:50 ashimema hope your all still enjoying KohaCon 12:50 oleonard XD 12:50 ashimema time to get on with the hard work again.. haha 12:50 ashimema right.. I don't think I can put off bookings any longer.. I've got the QA queue moving again and thorough enjoyed the accessability workshop and future of koha talk this afternoon 12:50 ashimema cheers dude 12:50 oleonard Sure ashimema 12:49 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34275 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Signed Off , Add a button to easily toggle between advanced/basic cataloging editors 12:49 ashimema any chance of you casting your more artistic eye over Bug 34275 - Add a button to easily toggle between advanced/basic cataloging editors oleonard 12:04 dolf In my DB, the collation is utf8mb4_unicode_ci for all tables, except patron_consent which is latin1_swedish_ci for some reason. Would it be safe to convert patron_consent to utf8mb4_unicode_ci ? 11:55 dolf And the collation? 11:55 dolf What is the character set supposed to be in the Koha database for most or all tables? latin1? utfmb4? 10:31 dolf Nevermind, /etc/cron.daily/koha-common failing was an unrelated issue, which is sorted now. I appended a line to that script, and my line was failing. The rest of /etc/cron.daily/koha-common is running fine. 10:23 dolf Is the output of /etc/cron.daily/koha-common logged somewhere? 10:22 dolf Good idea! I'll ook into zebra reindexing and xslt file differences. I also noticed an e-mail saying "run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/koha-common exited with return code 1" so I have yet another thing to investigate. Hopefully all related. 10:20 davidnind dolf: not sure whether an upgrade would replace the XSLT files or leave what was there - I think the XSLT files are in koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt - maybe comparing them to what is in master to identify any differences 10:15 oleonard_ dolf: But I don't know how to diagnose and fix. You need someone who knows about Zebra configuration. 10:14 oleonard_ dolf: The ZOOM error is concerning, and presumably why you're having problem with searches 10:14 davidnind sorry, I've got to the limit of my limited expertise... 10:12 davidnind I'm not sure whether you would have to do a full reindex after an upgrade or not - hopefully someone on here can say whether this is what they would do or not 10:11 davidnind not something that makes sense to me either 8-( 10:09 dolf Here are the last few lines from my opac-error.log https://pastebin.com/RfgMgLkM I don't understand the messages, but I get them repeatedly. 10:09 davidnind mJS s/be JS 10:08 davidnind dolf: I just tried the mJS, and it works OK - so that isn't interferring 10:08 dolf Oh, I had some OPACUserCss too, from long ago, for elements that don't exist. I removed both OPACUserCss and OPACUserJs. Saved. CTRL+F5 on OPAC. No difference yet. 10:05 dolf This is the only custom JS in sight: https://pastebin.com/vACkhaFj 10:05 davidnind very frustrating! 10:03 dolf (I'm also getting 504 timeouts when doing Catalog searches, which did not happen before the upgrade. Probably unrelated, but I must look into that next) 10:03 dolf Cool. That is expected, since no staff member has touched the site since I upgraded it yesterday, and everything was displaying nicely before the upgrade. 10:02 davidnind dolf: that was what I was testing, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the MARC record 10:00 dolf With the help of oleonard above, I removed all custom CSS, and saw no difference. I think there is a tiny bit of JS which just redirects the front page to the advanced search page, but I can remove that and see if it helps. 09:59 dolf davidnind: Thanks, but I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that you verified that the problem is not with my MARC data? 09:59 davidnind do you have any custom JavaScript or CSS for the OPAC? 09:59 davidnind If I add the record to the cart, the title etc displays OK 09:58 davidnind dolf: I added the record you linked to to my testing environment, and it displayed as expected (your page was missing the HTML markup for displaying the normal view details) 09:09 oleonard_ Lunch time in Helsinki, devs please don't forget to eat :D 09:08 tcohen[m] so, SMTP configs, and then look for the sender email address in a bunch of places in that file, and replace it with something that works for your server 09:08 ashimema cool.. may need to wait for Jake to get home as he's the king of that particular castle here at the moment 😜 09:06 tcohen[m] and try 09:06 tcohen[m] you can always back it up 09:06 NadeemSohail[m] <ashimema> "is some documentation around..." <- Thank You very much sir, I am obliged you have share a wonderfull docomentations on my query. Stay blessed . 09:06 tcohen[m] with an SMTP config 09:06 tcohen[m] there's a configuration file in /srv/wiki 09:06 tcohen[m] please do 09:06 tcohen[m] sure 09:06 ashimema ptfs-e has their own email server too.. might be able to wangle using that if it helps? 09:05 tcohen[m] but it gets banned from time to time by major providers (google, microsoft, etc) 09:05 tcohen[m] s 09:05 tcohen[m] Theke's work 09:05 tcohen[m] we really need a reliable SMTP 09:04 ashimema I sort of have access.. but it's one of the places I don't have the knowledge.. I will get him to talk me through the fix some time so I can help when needed in the future. 09:04 davidnind Thanks! 09:04 aude_c[m] Thanks! We'll ask. 09:03 davidnind aude_c: if tcohen is around, could you ask him to have a look again? Unless ashimema has access... 09:02 davidnind aude_c: I was just going to suggest they try a password reset, but since that didn't work it must be something with the email again! (Their accounts are created https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/User_talk:Smeynieux and https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/User_talk:Lrault) 09:01 oleonard_ Nice, I'm really glad we have that option now 09:01 * ashimema is going through the coding guidelines and adding proper syntax highlighting to all the blocks missing it. 09:01 oleonard_ :D 09:00 ashimema wiki email is 'fun' 08:53 aude_c[m] davidnind I'm sorry to bother you again. Sophie and Laurence say they didn't receive any emails... They tried both in July and today to set up a new account on the Wiki and reset password, and nothing. Any ideas, please? 08:38 dolf I wonder whether this has anything to do with the "ALTER TABLE foo ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;" queries I ran yesterday (mentioned above in IRC). 08:36 dolf No difference after the reboot :( 08:33 dolf No, I have a `apt install koha-common` on Debian 12 (updated from Debian 10 yesterday) 08:33 oleonard_ dolf: Are you using Koha Testing Docker? 08:33 dolf OK, will do. I'll just reboot the VM, since it's a dedicated Koha VM. 08:33 oleonard_ dolf: I recall that testing XSLT customizations can be tedious because of that 08:32 oleonard_ dolf: I think you may need to restart some services but I'm not sure which 08:32 davidnind tcohen++ for fixing the Wiki account request email sending 08:31 dolf oleonard_: Thanks for the help. Where it says Enter "default" for the default stylesheet I entered "default". Where it says Empty. No XSLT will be applied (default) I left it empty. I clicked all of the "save" buttons. AuthorityXSLTResultsDisplay I left empty because it does not say what the default should be. I also searched for "stylesheet", found opaclayoutstylesheet had a value, and cleared it. No difference. Is there a cache I should clear? 08:31 davidnind aude_c: Sophie's was waiting from the 20th July! I'll also approve the one waiting for Gladys as well. 08:30 aude_c[m] Brilliant! 08:29 davidnind aude_c: looks like tcohen fixed things! Sophie's is waiting for approval, so I'll just approve it and she should get a temporary password. 08:28 aude_c[m] Thank you for your help David :) 08:28 * ashimema just poked Tomas, but sounds like it got fixed before I did 08:28 ashimema nice one 08:28 aude_c[m] davidnind++ 08:28 aude_c[m] davidnind: Åsa and Andrew just got an email! Sophie is going to request a new one 08:27 davidnind aude_c: I approved one for Andrew - it is supposed to send him an email with a temporary password - do you know if he has received it? 08:27 ashimema ashimema: is some documentation around saml2 08:26 ashimema ashimema: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Shibboleth_Configuration 08:26 ashimema ashimema: for Shibboleth/SAML2 there's examples in the koha-conf.xml too 08:25 ashimema NadeemSohail[m]: https://koha-community.org/manual/23.05/en/html/apis_protocols.html#ldap 08:24 dolf xlst should be xslt 08:24 oleonard_ Yes 08:24 dolf oleonard_: Most of the xlst settings are empty, but two of them are set to "default". Should they all be "default"? 08:24 ashimema s/aude_C/aude\_c/ 08:24 ashimema Thanks for adding that new page aude_C 08:23 NadeemSohail[m] <NadeemSohail[m]> "Dear Ashimema, Thank you for..." <- ashimema: how we can you LDAP/SAML2 along with it's autocreation options 08:23 davidnind aude_c: I am - there is a problem I think with email going out (I think tcohen was having a look at it) - I can see several waiting for approval. Do you know if they got a message to confirm their request? 08:22 oleonard_ dolf: Check system preferences for xslt-related prefs 08:21 dolf oleonard_: Not that I know of, but it's not impossible. This Koha instance was first installed back in 2011. 08:21 oleonard_ dolf: That problem is most often because of a broken XSLT stylesheet 08:20 oleonard_ dolf: Are you using a custom XSLT stylesheet? 08:20 aude_c[m] davidnind Still around? We're looking for help with getting new Wiki logins for people at kohacon please :D 08:17 NadeemSohail[m] <ashimema> "Nadeem Sohail: There are a few..." <- Dear Ashimema, Thank you for your reply 08:13 dolf After upgrading my Koha from 21.05.00-1 to 23.05.02-1 yesterday, my search results don't look right: https://library.refstudycentre.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?advsearch=1&idx=kw&q=commentary&weight_search=1&do=Search&sort_by=relevance The MARC data seems to be there, but the "normal view" is also empty https://library.refstudycentre.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=35948 . Yikes 08:13 aude_c[m] Workshop on accessibility statement - see new wiki page https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Accessibility_Statement 08:07 ashimema Nadeem Sohail: There are a few ways you can do this.. using a feed into Koha's CSV patron import tool, using the RESTful API's.. or perhaps even just using LDAP/SAML2 along with it's autocreation options. 08:01 aude_c[m] Lund University Opac accessibility statement https://www.ub.lu.se/accessibility-lubcat (Opac at https://lubcat.lub.lu.se/?language=en) 07:58 NadeemSohail[m] Hello !... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/uSNzZShDFcIfQvIbvkOzyWTg>) 07:56 oleonard_ That is supposed to prevent screen readers from trying to speak the icon 07:55 huginn 04Bug 25166: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, CLOSED FIXED, Add aria-hidden = "true" to Font Awesome icons in the OPAC 07:55 oleonard_ We do have a QA test for this one but only in the OPAC I think: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25166 07:48 aude_c[m] Matt mentioned siteimprove https://www.siteimprove.com/integrations/browser-extensions/ 07:47 ashimema Another accessibility extension I've had recommended is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/axe-devtools-web-accessib/lhdoppojpmngadmnindnejefpokejbdd 07:46 ashimema I believe we run the container for ES, so you should just need to change the system preference 07:46 ashimema They should ebegin 07:46 oleonard_ WAVE accessibility extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wave-accessibility-tool/ 07:42 ebegin Does sandboxes support ES ? 07:42 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 07:40 NadeemSohail[m] Hello... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WBqeBKgLGOzdLNbsoWCDszld>) 07:04 davidnind great stuff there for accessibility, lots to do .... 07:04 dcook_ I don't have anything to add at the moment but *waves* and *runs away from his desk* 07:04 ashimema and I'm sure other workshops will be doing their own. 07:04 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23003 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Accessibility improvements 07:04 ashimema We're working through bugs attached to Bug 23003 - Accessibility improvements 07:03 davidnind Happy to do any sign offs, just going to have some tea first 07:02 ashimema but from what I'm told it doesn't look like any of the workshops are setup for streaming at the moment. 07:02 ashimema I'm doing mine over zoom right now 07:01 ashimema I don't think so 07:01 davidnind I'm assuming no live streams today and tomorrow for KohaCon 8-( 06:41 dcook_ \o 06:34 oleonard_ o/ 05:49 reiveune hello 02:30 huginn edveal: The operation succeeded. 02:30 edveal Either way I hope to see you there! 02:30 edveal @later tell bag Any chance that BWS might be able to provide me any assistance to me for attending Kohacon24 in Montreal. As soon as the dates are set Janet and I are going to be making plans to attend. The problem is that the city of McKinney wont pay for anything out of the country so it will be completely out of pocket. I know this is a bit forward but you can't say yes if I don't ask. LOL I would be glad to work on a formal presentation if that helps. 02:21 edveal Ok, I am leaning Element on my phone and at work but not liking it. Now that I am back on an IRC program proper, is there a way to link them so I don't have two nicks? 01:42 dcook_ edveal[m] Can't wait for Montreal! 01:42 dcook_ <3 01:39 edveal[m] So for those in Helsinki, I hope you are enjoying the conference. I think have the perl group and our Koha community together is a great thing. I am waiting for Montreal dates so I can book my travel. 01:02 Penggu adios! 00:58 huginn 04Bug 34548: major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Upgrade failed on conversion of publishercode from varchar to text on biblioitems and deletedbiblioitems due to existing indexes 00:58 Penggu https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34548 00:24 dcook__ Yeah it would be an old old index 00:22 Penggu there are no entries in db_revs that create the index. so it must've come from way back... 00:21 Penggu we're now on, according to the UI. The offending upgrade script was 230501003.pl. 00:20 dcook__ Thanks :) 00:20 dcook__ What version were you upgrading to? 00:20 Penggu i'll see if i still have some material to make the bug report useful 00:20 Penggu after the mysql client library downgrade, it progressed through some steps, but then hung on those index issues. 00:20 dcook__ Hmm could you raise a ticket with that information on Bugzilla? That would be good to share 00:19 Penggu creating an error 00:18 dcook__ With the conversion, was the problem that it was slow or was it creating an error? 00:18 dcook__ Penggu: No worries! 00:17 Penggu dcook__: Had to delete a couple of publishercode indexes on biblioitems and deletedbiblioitems because the upgrade script was trying to convert the column to text from varchar(255). Finally finished the upgrade! Thanks for your help!