Time Nick Message 22:01 davidnind Tutorial for Google Analytics (from 2019): https://bywatersolutions.com/education/setting-up-google-analytics-with-koha 21:59 hkat_23[m] davidnind: Thank you for your responses! This is very helpful! 21:57 davidnind (for "you would put this in", I mean the codes required for the analytics software - normally some JavaScript) 21:56 davidnind hkat_23: You can use any web analytics software you would use for any website, such as Matomo Analytics (https://matomo.org/) or Google Analytics - there is nothing specific in Koha. I think for the OPAC, you would put this in opacuserjs system preference. You could even go very old school and use log analysis software is well with you web server log files. 18:57 hkat_23[m] Is there a way to track website usage statistics, such as how many people are using/visiting the local Koha instance and what areas of the website are used the most? 15:01 reiveune bye 10:06 cait1 sorry,first time I hear about openlightspeed s 09:59 milikansama[m] Hi, I'm looking for quick feedback. Is anyone aware of a Koha installation on a openlightspeed server? 08:39 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33759 minor, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Typo: Thankyou 08:39 cait1 bug 33759 08:39 cait1 ... 33759 it is 08:39 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33795 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , Holds Queue builder should do cheap checks before expensive checks 08:39 cait1 I am using bug 33795 as an example in my presentatio - a sign-off would be great 08:11 cait1 :) 08:08 aw-bib[m] cait1: ok, I changed the status. wrt QA: no problem I just wanted to make sure to contribute as much as I can here and that it's not overlooked by e.g. the simple missing of a status chagne ;) 08:02 cait1 https://dashboard.koha-community.org/ 08:02 cait1 it its, but I was hoping for a link wahnaui 08:02 wahanui i guess dashboard is looking lovely 08:02 cait1 dashboard? 08:02 cait1 If you do so, it will also count for the dashboard 08:01 cait1 aw-bib[m]: you still need to switch the status to Signed off :) 08:01 cait1 aw-bib[m]: i thnk it looks good, but I might not be the person to QA it, hope one of the others who is more knowledgeable about LDAP will have a look 07:42 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29930 normal, P5 - low, ---, janik.hilser, Needs Signoff , Auth with LDAP: Update tag leads to unwanted updates 07:42 aw-bib[m] cait1: as you had some personal interest in a signoff for bug 29930 _to close standing ldap issues_ maybe you want to check if I finally did it right (with a lot of help from all the nice people here :) 07:15 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha 07:09 PriyanshuSoni[m] good morning @cait. 07:00 cait1 good morning #koha 06:19 PriyanshuSoni[m] * is the storage limit of 06:14 PriyanshuSoni[m] hello, want to know what is the limit of koha storage on web and is there any way through which we can make our device as a storage for koha? 05:54 reiveune hello 01:09 ade anybody online rn? 01:06 AdrianPhilipLuna[m] hello. can someone help me here. i installed a fresh koha installation on a vps and i'm now trying to redirect everything to a domain. i was wondering how to accomplish that for both OPAC and Staff Interface.