Time Nick Message 20:49 emlam how weird! 20:47 caroline Rencently, my browser decided to randomly change some characters to cyrillic ones, I googled but nobody seems to have the same problem lol! 20:47 emlam No problem! 20:46 caroline Thanks for confirming emlam! I always doubt myself if it's my browser or my computer that's acting up or something 20:46 caroline I'll write a bug report about it 20:45 caroline it's in the manage-marc-import.tt <span class="change-status">Changed. <a href="#" class="reset" id="reset_new_matcher_id">Reset</a></span> 20:45 emlam I do see it in 22.11, though. It says "Changed. Reset" (where reset is clickable) 20:44 emlam caroline - I just tried it in master, and I'm not seeing a "Changed" flag either 20:43 caroline I'm trying to see the gender of whatever is "Changed" to translate it correctly 20:42 caroline It's in the strings to translate but I can't make it appear for some reason... 20:42 caroline Can someone check something and tell me if i'm seeing things (or not seeing things in this case). In Cataloging > Manage staged records, if you change the matching rule, should there be a "Changed" flag next to it? It was there before (I checked in 22.05) but I don't see it in 23.05 or master 18:05 kidclamp it was just that I typoed the number in the commit message, easy fix 17:56 fridolin nope never seen 17:50 kidclamp heh, that;s a weird error for "Your commit message has the wrong number" 17:49 kidclamp Anyone know this error from git-bz? TypeError: memoryview: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' 17:23 fridolin yellow 15:11 reiveune bye 15:04 emlam lol yes please 15:03 cait d you want me to open the pm? 15:02 emlam oh, maybe. Let me try that again. I was actually trying to message you a qa team question :) 15:01 cait only see khall coming in and leaving a lot :) 15:00 cait or maybe my IRC client is suppressing them 15:00 cait I think the messages didn't show for us maybe 14:58 emlam ^ that was me. Clearly I misunderstood how the personal message command works 14:48 huginn cait: oleonard was last seen in #koha 4 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <oleonard> But after a sort1 or sort2 search fails, other previously-working searches fail too 14:48 cait @seen oleonard 13:54 tcohen[m] It needs to be a CSV inside the field 11:18 noor_ Hi pedroamorim, I have reached this page, trying to put information as suggested, but its not importing anything in this particular field 11:12 PedroAmorim[m] there's some documentation that may help 11:12 PedroAmorim[m] and search for "patron_attributes" in that page 11:12 PedroAmorim[m] Noor, check https://koha-community.org/manual/22.11/en/html/tools.html 11:07 NooruddinMerchant[m] hello, i am importing bulk patrons and would like to import additional attributes and identifiers, what should i put in CSV file 11:00 noor_ hello, i am importing bulk patrons and would like to import additional attributes and identifiers, what should i put in CSV file 10:18 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. If I may, I have a question about a sql report I made. I tried the sql query in phpMyAdmin and it works fine. When running the same query in Koha Reports it returns an error: Missing Select. The request contains WITH RECURSIVE. This is the query: https://paste.koha-community.org/24530 09:15 * cait waves at MatthewBlenkinsop[m] 09:15 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/ 08:46 * cait waves 08:42 PedroAmorim[m] \o 07:49 cait1 good morning #koha! 05:57 raghul hi 05:53 raghul anyone there 05:52 reiveune hello 05:51 raghul I am willing to contribute my work in koha community 05:51 wahanui hey, raghul 05:51 raghul HI