Time Nick Message 21:02 jalway *Me complaining about the Patron Importer tool.* 19:58 emlam Oh, interesting. Glad it's working! 19:57 caroline Well, it answers the question if it's possible to log in without a library! 19:57 jalway Ah, that's interesting. 19:56 Squidy I configured the library for my user and it worked 19:54 tcohen[m] What version is it? 19:53 emlam so the error sounds like the library object isn't defined 19:52 emlam that's a good question. I don't actually know much about installation...I just know how to search the code haha. And get_effective_marcorgcode doesn't take any inputs other than the library object that it's called from 19:46 caroline Is it possible to log in to Koha without libraries? 19:45 emlam Squidy, have you defined any libraries for your system yet? 19:44 tcohen[m] The error is not about the marcorgcode, but the object that should carry it 19:41 caroline Squidy, does your library have a marc org code in Administration > Library? I'm not sure if it's looking for the library you are logged in at or the library in your patron file 19:39 jalway Squidy, Did you enter your MARC Org Code in the 040? 19:38 jalway Squidy, You can try looking in the MARC Code List for Organizations to see, if your Library/Organization has a designation. Ours is TxKnSWAU. https://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/org-search.php 19:34 jalway caroline, Yeah, while I can code a little, write some scripts, and come up with some usable SQL Queries. It's not likely that I could take the DIY approach. It would take a very large time commitment from me to even think about it. Also, I find Perl to be horrific. Could just be that I never took a class dealing with it. 19:32 caroline If it's not critical for you, you can wait until someone else finds it annoying enough to fix it 19:31 caroline jalway, makes sense, they need to make money 19:30 jalway caroline, bug-zilla inquiry resulted in a ask the community, do-it-yourself, or we can provide a cost estimate from ByWater Solutions. Not likely that we'll be pursuing the latter option. 19:29 Squidy OSt 19:29 Squidy caroline: Fill in the MARC organization code OSt by default in new MARC21 records (leave blank to disable). This can be also set on libraries level. 19:28 caroline Squidy, not sure, but maybe check the MarcOrgCode system preference? Do you have a value in there? 19:27 Squidy Any idea? 19:27 Squidy AH01215: Can't call method "get_effective_marcorgcode" on an undefined value at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/cataloguing/value_builder/marc21_orgcode.pl line 31.: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/authorities/authorities.pl 19:27 Squidy The log shows the following message 19:26 Squidy Hi there.. I setup a new installation and I'm trying to create a new authority, but I'm receiving Error 500 18:37 caroline jalway, cool! thanks! 18:37 jalway caroline, Thanks again for that. I've entered a ticket with ByWater Solutions and added a comment on the bugzilla. 18:28 jalway I mean, you don't need the /library at the end, but I think that's some LibGuides mess. Possible to remove, maybe. But, it ain't broke. ;-) 18:27 jalway https://library.swau.edu/library 18:20 tcohen[m] what's your library jalway 18:13 caroline lol! 18:13 jalway Cool, I'll at least bug them about it. ;-) 18:13 tcohen[m] You should always let your provider know your needs, maybe they can help you with that bug, even if other people reported it 18:12 caroline I don't know how they work on enhancements, but if you can make it happen, that would be great! 18:12 jalway Hmm..., perhaps I'll link that bug to a ticket with ByWater Solutions as well. Since, we recently fully switched to Koha with Local Host support from ByWater. 18:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23861 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Add authorised value categories description option 18:11 caroline jalway, you can comment on bug 23861 18:11 jalway caroline, Thanks, should I add a bugzilla request? 18:10 caroline I was just looking at the bug for that yesterday... 18:10 caroline but there is no way to add user generated ones 18:10 caroline nope. The descriptions that are there are hardcoded 18:10 jalway caroline, So, even when I set it up, it just isn't an option? 18:10 caroline No, you just can't. It's not a matter of when 18:09 jalway I assume I just didn't set the description when I created the Authorized Value category. (Which I would have figured that I could have just edited afterwards.) 18:09 caroline hi jalway, there is no way currently to add a description to an authorised value category 18:08 jalway It would just be nice to edit the description of the Authorized Value category. 18:08 jalway I am using the custom Authorized Value category for use with a report: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Suggestion_Report_with_selection_by_Status 18:06 jalway I've setup a custom Authority Value category, but I don't seem to be able to edit the description of the category. 18:06 jalway I'm looking for someone who could answer a question regarding Authorized values. 17:36 h2h2 Hi! 17:19 fridolin yellow 16:21 cait tcohen++ mtj++ 15:04 reiveune bye 14:33 tcohen[m] Joubu: around? 14:31 cait splitter is rangi I think, splitter2 maybe Joubu 14:30 cait hm splitter orsplitter2? 14:28 tcohen[m] who runs the splitter? 13:16 tcohen[m] \o 13:14 caroline hi!! 13:14 caroline back with full access! :D 13:10 emlam o/ 13:05 tcohen[m] caroline: maybe DNS is not working, so established connections are still working 13:04 caroline It's ok, I'm not really asking for help :) We have people on it (dns thing?) It's just a bit confusing... Netti ei toimi!? 13:01 aw-bib[m] caroline: I fear I have no idea how to help you but at least I can confirm that I "hear" you loud and clear :) 13:00 Annelisterman[m] In Finland we have this meme/joke where girl tells in Facebook that "Netti ei toimi!" (network is not working) and others try to help and ask how is she using Facebook if network is not working? She gets furiated and tells that "Facebook works but "netti ei toimi!!!". 12:56 caroline my network icon has a ? on it, I don't have any new email (although that may be normal) and my work chat (desktop app) doesn't work either... Confused, but I won't spend mental resources on this :D I have local stuff I can work on, and I can chat with you folks :) 12:53 aw-bib[m] hm, sounds more like you have no web ; 12:53 caroline Weird... I have no internet, but IRC is working... good old technology! 12:52 aw-bib[m] hello :) 12:51 caroline hello? 11:55 tcohen[m] *should be* heh, I make mistakes sometimes 😛 11:02 tcohen[m] Everything is up to date 09:21 cait we are building our own packages - I see master is up to date now, what about the other branches? 05:52 wahanui salut, reiveune 05:52 reiveune hello 00:01 tcohen[m] we only miss making the fixed security reports published 00:00 tcohen[m] rmaints branches got the security ones merged already