Time Nick Message 21:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33117 normal, P5 - low, ---, Laura.escamilla, Pushed to oldstable , Patron checkout search not working if searching with second surname 21:53 fridolin tcohen Bug 33117 needs a fix in DBRev 21:21 * fridolin cooking 23.05.x with oignons 17:56 paulderscheid[m] I heard from a friend that it's suprisingly good 17:56 paulderscheid[m] That sucks 17:45 tcohen[m] but it is not enabled in the area yet, a year or so delay 17:45 tcohen[m] I payed upfront for Starlink actually, last year 17:36 paulderscheid[m] Don't want to exaggerate but I can't live without that speed anymore. 17:35 paulderscheid[m] That's good 17:35 tcohen[m] paulderscheid: I signed for the neighbouthood council so I can push the 'fiber' topic a bit :-D 15:49 paulderscheid[m] Hope y'all get fiber soon *fingers crossed 15:42 reiveune bye 15:40 tcohen[m] 6MB here :-) 15:19 paulderscheid[m] It's one of the few luxuries I really care about 15:18 paulderscheid[m] 1 Gigabit 15:16 Joubu lol your internet connection is way faster than mine! 15:15 paulderscheid[m] Works 15:15 paulderscheid[m] Thanks for fixing 15:05 paulderscheid[m] Thanks, time to get a coffee :D 15:04 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/pipelines/954858458 15:02 Joubu it's run within the container 15:01 Joubu ho, that's silly 14:59 Joubu tcohen[m]: ? 14:59 Joubu maybe run.sh is not aware of env vars, only what is in .env 14:57 Joubu I have not pulled, but the code works for me when I isolate it 14:56 Joubu https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/317 14:56 Joubu ls ${SYNC_REPO}/about.pl 14:55 paulderscheid[m] What happened? 14:55 Joubu oops 14:55 paulderscheid[m] I just pulled changes for ktd and koha and now I get that my SYNC_REPO is not a valid koha git repository even though my env contains the correct path (and about.pl is present). 14:35 Joubu that should not be hard to implement 14:35 Joubu you should be able to modify this "object type" when you select only one module 14:27 cait kidclamp++ 14:27 cait khall_: no kidclamp? saw his patch, but not on IRC 14:27 cait it woudl still be nice to make the ids easily searchable 14:26 cait but I like it 14:26 huginn 04Bug 25159: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Action logs should be stored in JSON ( and as a diff of the change ) 14:26 khall_ https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25159 14:26 cait it's a good start, but still hard for SQL queries 14:26 tcohen[m] there's a proposal from khall I think, for storing JSON diffs 14:26 cait it would also allow us to store itemnumber and biblionumber separately 14:26 cait object is not ideal - having separate columsn woudl have been a bit nicer 14:25 cait the logs are not as standardized as they should be I think 14:25 oleonard I can build a report for it, but it seems like a gap in the way we offer the information to the user. 14:16 cait it can be biblionumber, itemnumber, and I believe other types of ID 14:16 cait object is something different depending on the kind of log 14:16 cait oleonard: i think the object for holds is the reserve_id 14:10 Joubu it will only work for cataloguing 14:10 Joubu hum... forget that... 14:10 Joubu I would try the link from there maybe? 14:10 Joubu koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/biblio-view-menu.inc: <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/viewlog.pl?do_it=1&modules=CATALOGUING&action=MODIFY&object=[% biblio_object_id | url %]&object_type=biblio">Modification log</a> 14:09 Joubu however, I am seeing "object_type", that seems a trick for what you want 14:09 Joubu the object in this case is the item I guess 14:09 * oleonard wags his finger at kidclamp in disapproval 14:08 huginn cait: kidclamp was last seen in #koha 2 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <kidclamp> Thank you 14:08 cait @seen kidclamp 14:08 cait @seen kidclamp 13:57 oleonard Okay next question :) If I submit a biblionumber as the "object" in the log viewer shouldn't I get entries related to hold cancellation and creation? 13:55 Joubu only on the first table IIRC 13:52 oleonard Didn't Koha used to have a JS confirmation "Are you sure?" before overriding a hold policy limit? Or am I making that up? 12:34 mtj ..its basically a branch/image used for testing potentially risky changes, so we dont break our dev's env 12:32 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/392 12:32 mtj tcohen[m]: Joubu, ive created an ktd issue for exp 'branch', for you to review... 12:13 oleonard Hi #koha 12:00 PriyanshuSoni[m] Actually, we want like that only. We want our user to select a book from the library and send us request to check-out to them. 11:58 cait see the note below the field, it's actually supposed not to be sent to the library, but the note can be hidden as some libraries use it like that 11:57 cait you can send it to yourself or soem other person, that's the email it asks for 11:57 cait the cart doesn't sent to the library 11:57 cait that's the normal behavoiur 11:57 cait it asks you for the email address to sent to 11:56 PriyanshuSoni[m] no, the cart still asking for the e-mail address to be sent 11:53 cait a ream email address should be set 11:53 cait the localhost one won't work for sure 11:52 PriyanshuSoni[m] * will library's e-mail address, will 11:52 PriyanshuSoni[m] Right now, its root@localhost set in KohaAdminEmailAddress. So, if change it will library's address, will it work? 11:50 cait it he system preference 11:50 cait i think the cart is sent from the global one 11:49 PriyanshuSoni[m] cait: it will be the same e-mail address i am using in koha library? 11:48 cait you need to set KohaAdminEmailAddress system preference 11:38 PriyanshuSoni[m] * set automatic library's email address 11:37 PriyanshuSoni[m] how to set automatic email address in sending your cart in koha? 11:37 * PriyanshuSoni[m] uploaded an image: (24KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WdWAVDIVvkDdzfOUIpGpeRbF/Screenshot%20from%202023-08-03%2017-06-16.png > 11:34 mtj ..and if we use the 'debian-slim' base images, from docker 11:33 mtj i think if we drop the build-essentials pkg, we can reduce each docker image size by 400-ish mb 11:24 tcohen[m] we want more eyes to avoid undesired (say) pushes to docker hub breaking our dev envs haha 11:23 mtj yep, sounds good 11:21 tcohen[m] but let's review it before it is pushed properly 11:21 tcohen[m] mtj yeah 11:20 mtj ...i would like to use it to test some minimal pkgs, with build-essential pkgs removed 11:18 mtj Joubu, tcohen[m], could we have an 'exp' branch on ktd, to test experimental stuff? 11:18 mtj Joubu, tcohen[m], could we have an 'exp 11:17 mtj hi Joubu, re ktd's issue #383... i was curious about doing a small test with your change on 23.05/trixie :) 11:04 cait hola tcohen 11:03 tcohen[m] hola #koha o/ 11:03 * cait waves at khall 09:21 cait hi PedroAmorim[m] 09:21 cait ooh quiet 08:25 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 06:31 reiveune hello