Time Nick Message 22:38 Kolvir What are the recommended hardware requirements for koha? 15:21 Kolvir Where does it pull the printer profile from? The main label tool work. 15:20 Kolvir I can't get my Zebra label printer to work with the quick spine label. It prints part of a header and footer and no call number. I've confirmed there is a call number in the field in the database. 15:15 reiveune bye 15:12 Joubu mtj: I don't understand why we have ktd's issue #383 (Remove PO files from 23.05/trixie) that is pushed but #386 for master is still not merged.. 13:39 cait will be back in a moment 13:39 cait I could imagine that some of the bigger consortia would not want it to be just changed, so configurable might be the way to go for staff side too 13:38 cait emlam: I agree with that, i lean towards seaprate too 13:36 emlam (my instinct is that staff should either have a separate pref or the ability to override, so that libraries can allow staff discretion even if they don't want to allow patrons to do it freely) 13:33 emlam I guess the question then would be whether the staff interface and OPAC should have different behavior in that case 13:30 emlam that makes sense 13:28 cait then it could all behave consistently 13:28 cait I think ultimately we might need to make OPACAllowUserToChangeBranch for both (strike the OPAC)or have a separate one for staff 13:27 cait and if we make the "staff" route follow an opac preference, it might also create issues 13:27 tcohen[m] nope 13:27 cait we don't have a public route for that right? that would use OPACAllowUserToChangeBranch? 13:27 tcohen[m] I'm not following 13:26 cait or a msimatch in Koha gui 13:26 cait so we either have a mismatch in the routes 13:26 tcohen[m] exacatly 13:26 cait tcohen: we usually mimick with the non-public routes what is possible in the taff interface, don'twe? 13:25 cait 1) Why do we allow something in the OPAC that isn't allowed in the staff interface? 13:24 cait I tihnk we have 2 issues 13:24 cait hmm 13:24 cait oh i see - it changed since i looked last time 13:23 cait but I am checking sec 13:23 cait yes... that makes no sense 13:21 emlam I could certainly see making the API route syspref dependent too if not all libraries would want to enable it 13:19 emlam cait - it's dependent on a syspref, OPACAllowUserToChangeBranch 13:19 cait it's missing the info of library and date - but it does not allow me to change the pickup-location 13:18 cait [off] https://snipboard.io/Vaqg7Q.jpg 13:17 cait it's partially broken but it doesnt allow me, I'll show you a screenshot isec 13:17 cait I am looking at a 22.11.07 13:17 cait which version did you test on? 13:17 cait and I can't updat it in the OPAC 13:16 cait we could have just made it send an email or show in a report, but it's a moderated workflow now 13:16 cait just saying, ti seems to be something libraries are worried about in general 13:15 tcohen[m] maybe we need the same for pickup locations on in transit holds... 13:15 cait we just recently made a whole workflow/process for requesting cancellation of waiting ones 13:14 cait i think because staff doesn't want to send items back and forth 13:14 cait hm I'll check the OPAC now 13:11 tcohen[m] if it would break any workflow allowing it through the API 13:11 tcohen[m] and it feels correct, but I'm not sure why we don't allow it in staff, and as such 13:10 tcohen[m] emlam questions such limitation, given that we allow the change in the OPAC 13:09 cait throught he API 13:09 cait I think if we can't do it in staff, we shoul dnot allow to change pick-up location for in transit holds 13:08 cait oh no, i can't, was on the wrong record 13:08 cait I just tried in 22.11 and I have an in transit hold where I can change the pickup-location in staff? 13:08 cait hm ok, so waht's the question? 13:07 tcohen[m] khall 13:07 tcohen[m] been told you were great on the onsite traiining 13:06 cait :) 13:05 khall hi tcohen[m] ! 13:03 wahanui well, hi khall is my consciousness present in this realm? 13:03 tcohen[m] hi khall! 13:01 cait reading 13:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34024 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , REST API should not allow changing the pickup location on found holds 13:00 emlam agreed, I was thinking that too. cait, do you have a minute to take a look at bug 34024? 13:00 cait uhoh 12:58 tcohen[m] emlam we could ask cait about the in transit holds use case 12:57 emlam hi tcohen :) 12:57 tcohen[m] Hi cait, emlam 12:56 emlam hi cait! 12:55 cait hi emlam :) 12:25 * cait deduplicates 12:07 tcohen[m] Hey 12:07 cait2 hi tcohen 11:41 tcohen[m] hola 09:50 aude_c[m] Thanks for having a look! 09:39 aude_c[m] weird 09:33 Joubu interesting, I am not sure what they are doing but the merge request contains commit from a weblate bot 09:25 aude_c[m] Hello, would anyone here know a GitLab user going by vinz3g? Even if you don't, do you understand what they're trying to do with this merge request on the manual, please? https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/merge_requests/708 (caroline and I didn't, but we thought we'd check before closing the request!!) 09:02 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 06:36 reiveune hello