Time Nick Message 23:31 dcook Looks like I missed all the fun while I was sleeping 20:58 caroline good night! 20:58 h2h2 I saw that--I've seen JQuery and been exposed to a lot of it, but I've had some regex instruction so it's less foreign to me!:) Have to run, now--see y'all next time!! Bye! 20:52 caroline I'm not good enough with JQuery to do it though 20:51 caroline cait just commented that you can tweak it with JQuery... 20:51 h2h2 I also really want this bug to move along--I'd love to figure out how to use it in our setting, too!! 20:49 h2h2 Ah--thanks for mentioning that tool--it looks great!! And thank you, too, for letting me know that just copy/paste with the regex is OK--I'll try testing the bug tomorrow! FUN!!! 20:47 caroline It wasn't this tool, but something similar http://cutternumber.com/ 20:46 caroline Where I used to work we used Cutter-Sandborn and there was an online tool to "calculate" the Cutter, but like you said, it was done manually. If there was no author, it was the title I think 20:46 h2h2 Also, many libraries use an 099 field for local call number info--that might be a good field to use, if Kolvir wants to put in some free text info like this. 20:44 caroline yes, that's why I think the SIG is a great place to ask that kind of question 20:44 h2h2 But I'm sure libraries that actually do such a thing would have better ideas, insights, etc.! 20:43 caroline h2h2, just copy-paste the regex, no thinking required! :P 20:43 h2h2 Libraries that I know of that add something like the first three letters of the author's name just type it in at the end of the call number--humans do it because of titles that lack an author, adaptations, etc. 20:41 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28691 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, cnighswonger, NEW , Quick spine label should split the same way the label creator does / use splitting rules 20:41 h2h2 Oh! Sorry I missed Kolvir!! Thank you for mentioning the Cataloging SIG--I hope Kolvir comes! I also got CCd on Bug 28691--I'd love to try to test that, but am not sure about the regex, etc.--I'll take a look at it tomorrow. 20:24 caroline good luck! 20:24 Kolvir thank you for the help, I have to run out of town, I'll try and get on in the morning and as about the printer. I'm UTC-5. 20:23 caroline Hopefully, it will help move it along... 20:22 Kolvir thanks for posting that to bugzilla. 20:22 caroline there is a lot of information scattered a bit everywhere 20:21 Kolvir Thank you. So much in my head at the moment, forgot about the other groups and lists. 20:21 caroline Usually they have really good ideas and insights 20:21 caroline Cataloging special interest group here https://koha-us.org/calendar/ 20:20 caroline Kolvir, there is a group meeting for cataloguing things on Thursday (headed by h2h2), you could ask there 20:19 caroline h2h2 is my reference for cataloging :) 20:19 Kolvir I'm a volunteer at a church library, not a librarian, and MARC was completely new for me. 20:19 caroline h2h2 around? 20:18 Kolvir is it a bad idea to create some 9xx field for the author's first 3? 20:18 caroline On my system, it opens the regular browser printer window thing 20:17 caroline hm... I've never thought about adding the letters automatically... I know you can add an entire field, but I'm not sure you can add part of a field 20:17 Kolvir ok, thanks for the help. As I've said before, the Koha community is great. 20:17 Kolvir Do you know where the spine label pulls the printer info from? from the built in label tool? 20:16 caroline it's a bit late now, but maybe check back tomorrow morning (if you're in north/south america), usually we have a lot of people from europe around, maybe one of them will be able to help 20:16 Kolvir Separate question? Is there a way to add the first three letters of the author's last name to the call number, or concatenate it from the author field and add a new MARC field for it? Or a suggestion on the best way to handle it? I am getting MARC data from open sources and am running it through some programs and could do it that way, but wondered what the best practice is. Add it to the call number, or create a new field for it. 20:13 caroline cait around? maybe you've seen this problem before? 20:11 Kolvir me too 20:11 caroline ok... :/ It's good, but I was kind of hoping it was not there lol 20:10 Kolvir it has the call number from in the report 20:09 caroline lol! I'm not sure how to access the db from the terminal in a "normal' installation... mine has a bunch of aliases, which makes my life easier but it means I can't really help on that front 20:08 Kolvir I'm the admin, Lord help us, but the system isn't in production yet, still cataloging. 20:07 caroline You can use reports if you don't have access to the database. Reports > Create from SQL 20:06 Kolvir in Koha or from the terminal 20:06 Kolvir where can I run sql commands at on it? 20:05 caroline and your item has something in itemcallnumber? you can check in the database (select itemcallnumber from items where barcode = ''; ) or using reports 20:04 Kolvir yep. <itemcallnumber> 20:04 caroline It should by default, but you never know... 20:04 caroline Check the system preference SpineLabelFormat to make sure it contains itemcallnumber 20:03 Kolvir not that I am aware of. are there settings I can check? 20:03 Kolvir 23.05.01 20:02 Kolvir saved it to a file and there isn't a call number at all. 20:02 caroline Also which version are you working on? 20:02 caroline did you deactivate the plugin and any css or js, just to make sure it's not hidden by something? 20:01 Kolvir footer 20:01 Kolvir In the print popup it looks like there is just part of a header and fotter, no call number 20:00 caroline You see it on the screen but it prints blank? 19:59 Kolvir I just get a blank. 19:59 caroline Not that I can find... what is not working? 19:55 Kolvir I can't figure out how to swetup the quick spine label to work with my label printer. Is there a guideline somewhere? 19:40 caroline It could be a temporary solution until bug28691 is fixed 19:39 caroline It's not ideal, but you can click on 'Edit this label' and manually add a line break before the period 19:35 Kolvir I'd love to have the quickspine work but it has been very difficult to get it formated for my label printer. 19:34 caroline You can contact bywater directly for help with the plugin, i'm sure they'll be happy to help... as for Koha itself, the splitting rules seem to only be used with the regular label creator. This can be used with a printer that prints one label at a time, but it's a lot of steps (create a batch, export the batch, etc.) 19:31 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28691 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, cnighswonger, NEW , Quick spine label should split the same way the label creator does / use splitting rules 19:31 caroline bug 28691 19:31 caroline I don't know the plugin, so I can't help with that... but I think there might be a bug with the quick label tool... 19:30 Kolvir I can print sucessfully from the plugin to it, but just not how I want. 19:26 Kolvir I've tried that, but am having a hard time getting it to work with my zebra printer. 19:26 caroline Kolvir, like this? https://snipboard.io/nioSze.jpg 19:22 caroline Kolvir, you are using the splitting rules in classification sources? 19:22 Kolvir I've seen a couple examples, but i'm getting something wrong. At bywater's site: https://bywatersolutions.com/education/using-the-label-plugin-in-koha-part-2 , the code near the end of the page doesn't work, and I don't have the knowledge to fix it. 19:19 Kolvir I am trying despertly to format spine labels. Ideally, with the quick spine label, but the label creator or bywater's plugin would be fine. What I need is the a call number like '235.51 Har' to print on three lines split like '235' '.51' 'Har'. I can not get the regex figured out and have been hacking at it all day. 17:28 KarinaEsterDiez[m] saludos a todos !!! 17:07 KarinaEsterDiez[m] hola! te escribo! muchas gracias y coordinamos. muy muy amable! 17:06 tcohen[m] O más tarde por acá que estoy en reunión 17:06 tcohen[m] Escribirme a tomascohen@theke.io y hacemos una llamada 17:05 tcohen[m] Puedo ayudarte 17:03 KarinaEsterDiez[m] consultar y no es un problema o error que lo haya encontrado en distintos foros sobre el tema. Muchas Gracias, desde ya por leerme! Karina desde Argentina. 17:03 KarinaEsterDiez[m] hola! como estan, me uni, para hacer una consulta. trabajo en Argentina en una dependecia del estado, biblioteca publica y no podemos buscar, ni por nro. de inventario, ni por autor ni materia ni nada. zebra no estaria funcionando. Yo solo soy una de las bibiotecarias no parametrice el koha que tenemos en nuestro espacio, pero quisieramos saber si alguna vez les paso algo similar y como pudieron resolverlo. Porque no tenemos a quien 15:33 h2h2 I think it could be adapted to other workflows, too. 15:33 h2h2 I'm well, thank you! How are you doing? It was fun testing the preservation module--it's way more complex than we would need, but I have enough of a pres workflow to understand it's awesomeness! I'm excited about it! 15:25 cait thx for testing the preservation module - big test plan and all 15:25 cait how are you doing? 15:24 h2h2 Hi cait!!:):) 15:24 cait hi h2h2 :) 15:21 h2h2 Hello! 15:15 reiveune bye 15:13 paulderscheid[m] And since I have more free time now I might finally be able to do it 15:13 paulderscheid[m] Not really, was too occupied w/ work but it's still on my list 14:38 tcohen[m] have you got somewhere with the cities Vue stuff? 14:30 paulderscheid[m] Thanks 14:28 tcohen[m] https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-gitify/-/blob/master/koha-gitify?ref_type=heads#L160-184 14:28 tcohen[m] it is done by this script 14:27 paulderscheid[m] Was suspecting that 14:27 paulderscheid[m] Thanks tcohen 14:27 tcohen[m] s 14:27 tcohen[m] paulderscheid: I just noticed your question, answer is ye 12:47 tcohen[m] but I already promised to work on CSRF heh 12:47 tcohen[m] I hope to submit today 12:43 cait I can't test today, but I'Ll try to do my best to comment and test tomorrow 12:43 cait thank you 12:42 tcohen[m] on the bright side, cait. I'm looking at the things you pointed yesterday 12:42 tcohen[m] heh 12:42 cait ... and I am stuck at an event related bug in JS... *sigh* 12:42 cait a series of non-ideal events 12:41 paulderscheid[m] Quick question, does the instance plack.psgi get populated from /etc/koha/plack.psgi when creating new instances? 12:36 tcohen[m] lucas expected to have better internet while on trip 12:36 cait I think it's not just the summer, we need more hands/minds/keyboards whatever 12:36 marcelr Koha never delays? 12:35 tcohen[m] is that the stable releases are delayed 12:35 Joubu [off] svc scripts and REST API are not reported yet 12:35 tcohen[m] one problem we have 12:35 marcelr we need to coordinate via the omnibus 12:35 cait and there are already some bugs for different modules it looks like 12:35 marcelr all eyes are on tcohen 12:35 cait to it... 12:34 cait so make sure you link to tit 12:34 tcohen[m] hopefully I do it right, and we can use it 12:34 marcelr tcohen[m]++ 12:34 cait we alsready said that we'd use the frmework one as omnibus 12:34 tcohen[m] I will work on one today 12:34 cait marcelr: that's why I said I'll wait for the first patches - so i can see how it's done 12:34 tcohen[m] t 12:34 tcohen[m] and works on i 12:34 tcohen[m] files a bug, 12:34 tcohen[m] picks a Koha module 12:34 tcohen[m] each of us runs the tests 12:34 Joubu opac is not that important 12:34 cait then circ... move from most used to the least used 12:33 tcohen[m] what if 12:33 cait maybe focus on opac first if that#s not done yet? 12:33 marcelr and certainly not for one special day 12:33 marcelr sure, but we could divide the work and then we do not wait for each other 12:33 Joubu we can fix the urgent ones, but it seems very hard to fix all csrf in Koha in August, during holidays, when not many of us are around 12:32 marcelr you will find examples of that in the scripts that already fixed some places 12:32 marcelr cait: you need to add a statement to generate token in the template (calling new method from Kyle) and you need to check the token in the controller script 12:28 cait I'd also feel better having it fixed because we might get in the focus more and more 12:28 cait I think ashimema also said they get a lot of pressure to fix it 12:27 marcelr we should just get this fixed for 23.11 12:27 tcohen[m] and fix it for good 12:27 tcohen[m] and then we started thinking there could be other places, and better resurrect that work 12:26 tcohen[m] I guess it is because someone found it could be use for remote code execution? 12:25 Joubu because we got 2 more reports 12:25 marcelr wake up call 12:25 marcelr due to the number of security reports 12:25 Joubu just wondering why it's more urgent now than before 12:24 tcohen[m] you are complaining 12:24 marcelr thats hard 12:24 Joubu yes, listen to me :D 12:24 marcelr we should have fixed this 4 years ago 12:24 Joubu so it was 4 years ago 12:24 marcelr this is really urgent Joubu 12:23 tcohen[m] and he's not around 12:23 Joubu This has started 4 years ago, not sure why it's now urgent... 12:23 marcelr he removed the token from Auth 12:23 marcelr too 12:23 marcelr but kyle made a change 12:23 cait right and i'd like to help and don't know how yet. great. 12:23 Joubu I won' have time for that in the next month 12:23 marcelr if tcohen doesnt know, i certainly dont 12:22 tcohen[m] right 12:22 cait ashimema is gone for 2 weeks 12:21 tcohen[m] maybe marcelr, Joubu, ashimema or dcook can enlight us? 12:21 tcohen[m] I don't know what to say cait 12:18 huginn 04Bug 30524: is not accessible. 12:18 tcohen[m] https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30524#c66 12:17 cait it sounded like you knew where the important comment was, I'll wait for the first patches to drop 12:16 tcohen[m] But if the people involved don't act I'm not sure there's something I can do 12:16 tcohen[m] I get it, cait 12:07 cait that's why I asked for someone to highlight the important bits at least 12:07 cait the problem is what is clear to you all, is not always to me, and finding the right comment in 66 is also not easy 12:06 cait I am sure there is a reason 12:06 cait it's not waht I meant 12:04 paulderscheid[m] For personal stuff mostly 12:04 paulderscheid[m] Hi tcohen, yeah got an Arch box lurking 11:44 tcohen[m] I think dcook explained it in a comment 11:43 tcohen[m] It is what it is 11:43 tcohen[m] Kyle had personal stuff to deal with and hasn't showed up this week 11:33 cait I was really hoping for the tutorial/notes- maybe someone could important the best to read comments? 11:32 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30524 is not accessible. 11:32 cait it looks like some bugs area already linked there: bug 30524 11:32 cait do we use the framework bug as the omnibus? 11:31 Joubu [off] there is also svc scripts and REST API (?) 11:31 tcohen[m] I'd say a bug per area 11:30 cait not sure how granular we should go, haven't seen the test yet 11:30 cait and maybe some easy to search for naming - witht he name of the files or so? 11:29 marcelr right 11:29 cait file, claim, patch 11:29 cait and file first, start working on it later 11:29 cait yeah an omnibus 11:29 cait bugzilla is not so great for managing lists etc. 11:29 marcelr we could put it on a security omnibus ? if not already there 11:28 cait what do you suggest? we can not put it on the wiki etc. can we? 11:28 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I also can't do today but could do some later in the week 11:28 cait always happy about deduplication 11:28 marcelr lets prevent duplication of work just like the scheduler bug; just wasted time 11:27 cait a tiny tutorial or 2 best practice for the cases you mentioned would be helpful 11:27 cait I am out for today, maybe I can make time tomorrow, for sure on Friday 11:26 marcelr or 11:26 marcelr module wise of whatever 11:26 cait to help 11:26 cait I was hoping for the docs 11:26 marcelr we could make some kind of division? 11:25 marcelr i wont tcohen 11:22 tcohen[m] dcook explained what needs to be done on the umbrella bug 11:22 tcohen[m] khall hasn't been able to write the small docs for that, but I think we can move forward regardless 11:21 tcohen[m] Is anyone available to work on CSRF bugs today? 11:20 tcohen[m] \o 11:20 marcelr o/ 11:05 tcohen[m] Are you on arch? 08:50 paulderscheid[m] Just tried it w/ VSCodium, definitely works 08:32 paulderscheid[m] On Arch there's even an AUR package (which you can theoretically also use) https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vscodium-bin-marketplace 08:31 paulderscheid[m] You can add all extensions by adding the marketplace AFAIK 08:31 paulderscheid[m] Joubu: https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/blob/master/DOCS.md#extensions-marketplace 08:30 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 08:14 cait good morning #koha 06:29 wahanui hola, reiveune 06:29 reiveune hello 06:25 Joubu https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/faq#_why-arent-the-remote-development-extensions-or-their-components-open-source 06:25 Joubu https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/1925 06:25 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: dev container's extension is not available in codium :-/ 05:37 PriyanshuSoni[m] <TriveniChandriki[m]> "> <@priyanshu10230:matrix.org..." <- Thanks you so much. Its working now. 05:09 TriveniChandriki[m] If u need any help on this. Let me know. U can give access 05:08 TriveniChandriki[m] Please check. 05:08 TriveniChandriki[m] <PriyanshuSoni[m]> "Good morning guys......" <- > <@priyanshu10230:matrix.org> Good morning guys...... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/DexbwswdJzmJDkyBxSZtZtVJ>) 04:56 PriyanshuSoni[m] I want to make this type of crousel in my OPAC version. Please help me with the step to follow and the necessary coding or plugin files. 04:56 PriyanshuSoni[m] http://symbiosis-koha.informindia.co.in/ 04:56 PriyanshuSoni[m] Good morning guys... 04:19 thomas63[m] hi there... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JhtNBWVacmnVwEtZHsHRlIEg>) 02:57 MichaelAngeloAquino[m] hi, seeking help re patron zip upload error on koha 22.11