Time Nick Message 20:58 wahanui bidet, aleisha 20:58 aleisha hello 15:58 reiveune bye 15:00 huginn aw-bib[m]: downloading the Perl source 15:00 aw-bib[m] @cait in ldap I do not map card number in the first place. it's just the code that enforces it. iow in my koha-conf.xml cardnumber does not show up at all, still it get's set. this is different from category this shows up in my config and koha is pretty unhappy if it doesn't, so I have to set a default. 14:37 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 14:37 marcelr @later tell khall please look at bug 33964 comment15 14:36 cait not mappign cardnumber and making it not required in borrowermandatoryfields ? 14:35 cait aw-bib[m]: I keep wondering if the solution could not also be in configuration 14:27 Joubu It's the copy/paste issue between atomicupdate and kohastructure and other sql files... 14:27 cait at least I didn't QA it heh 14:26 Joubu tcohen: I fixed it, pushed 14:26 Joubu :D 14:26 Joubu impossible 14:25 cait didn't you write it? 14:23 Joubu who did write and PQA that? 14:22 Joubu + (11, 'issue_manage', 'Manage issues'), 14:22 Joubu should have ',' 14:22 Joubu + (11, 'issue_manage', 'Manage issues'); 14:22 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33105 new feature, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Add vendor issues 14:22 Joubu tcohen: "Bug 33105: DB changes" booooh 14:21 Joubu most of the time it will be under the koha user 14:20 Joubu it depends on the command 14:19 caroline when would I need root access? when the other one doesn't want to do what I tell it to? 14:19 Joubu caroline: `ktd --shell` for a koha user shell, or `ktd --root` for root access 14:18 aw-bib[m] cait: I just noticed the patch for 29930 adds users happily without any barcode if `replicate` is on. the fix for that is immediate though. (need this ktd get going. ;) 14:17 caroline I'm very new and very lost! 14:17 caroline ah yes thank you! 14:17 aw-bib[m] I think ktd --shell 14:16 caroline When something says to enter this command "inside ktd", where is that? What is the command to go inside ktd? 14:05 marcelr thx tcohen for 34316; it obscured other exceptions 14:02 aw-bib[m] added a "formal" note as requested. I wonder, if one should allow for other fields to be left untouched e.g. in my case the category seems the second killer as our ldap does not have any criterion to identify valid staff. I checked the mapping suggestion, but this would add several hundred mappings to PT or add an equal amount of roles similar to PT. (the only criterion I have would be a group-id :S 13:55 cait testing with a real LDAP setup is the most important here I'd say 13:55 cait I'd lean to promote it to a sign-off, I can take care of adding the SO line if you want 13:54 aw-bib[m] i'd love to help. 13:54 Joubu aw-bib[m]: you can still add a note on the bug saying it's working for you 13:54 cait aw-bib[m]: I am really keen on gettign some of those old LDAP patches moving (in case you didn't notice I have my qa manager hat on) 13:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29930 normal, P5 - low, ---, janik.hilser, Needs Signoff , Auth with LDAP: Update tag leads to unwanted updates 13:53 aw-bib[m] wrt docker: I perfectly agree. and I'd like to get it up and running. after some initial clash with docker for join2 we do quite a bit with it. in fact I have it running almost all the time for the j2 part. 13:53 aw-bib[m] cait: besides that I can not do a formal sign off (yet) I can confirm that the patch suggested in bug #29930 does leave the card number alone, indeed. 13:53 aw-bib[m] Joubu: as I said, our setup with kerberos/afs is not that common, using numeric ids tend to cause headache at some points. we just recently had something like that that was only solved by a local user on the system. (I'd need some root for that.) 13:52 Joubu tcohen: it's in /home 13:52 Joubu this is line 35 13:52 Joubu 35 open my $fh, '<', $koha_debian_dir . '/koha-common.install' or die "Cannnot open file $!"; 13:51 tcohen /home/you/something 13:51 cait it will come in handy I think for you later 13:51 cait but having a working dev env is really great 13:51 tcohen wants the fully qualified path 13:51 cait aw-bib[m]: it's good you had Joubu - i would have probably said, change the file in your test system and test it there for now (it's a one line change) and then we sign it off 13:51 tcohen docker doesn't like ~/something 13:51 Joubu "No such file or directory" vs permission. Sorry I missed that 13:50 cait i had weird errors that got fixed by that when first starting with docker heh 13:50 Joubu aw-bib[m]: the error is actually different 13:50 cait reboot? 13:50 Joubu hum... weird, tcohen any ideas? 13:43 aw-bib[m] in (almost) full glory:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WIzmQQocwzfMGkijTnuoRXjS>) 13:41 Joubu and `ktd up` still failing with the permission denied? 13:40 aw-bib[m] * ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JhTzpKgVKlnwVHthYhISnRwB>) 13:39 aw-bib[m] (4136) ~/src/koha> ls $SYNC_REPO/about.pl /home/arwagner/src/koha/koha/about.pl 13:39 aw-bib[m] ok confusion solved. I was in a wrong dir. `ls $SYNC_REPO/about.pl` => tada there it is. 13:38 Joubu so `ls $SYNC_REPO/about.pl` should return 0 13:38 Joubu `ls $SYNC_REPO` should display the Koha src, in which there is about.pl 13:37 Joubu did you notice I forgot a /? 13:37 aw-bib[m] I'll try to clone it again. 13:37 aw-bib[m] so you assume the git is not complete, right? 13:36 Joubu so it's not correct ;) 13:36 aw-bib[m] good point. no it doesn't. 13:34 Joubu it exists? 13:34 Joubu ls home/arwagner/src/koha/koha/about.pl 13:33 aw-bib[m] the double-koha is ok I grouped the sources into this folder. 13:33 aw-bib[m] I am confused:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/OyJqbqYyUoAtrIfRaUSoECvW>) 13:33 aw-bib[m] . 13:27 Joubu that's https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/317 - hmm could have bet we had fixed that one! 13:26 Joubu echo $SYNC_REPO should display a path to a git clone of the Koha repo 13:26 Joubu you have not exported SYNC_REPO correctly 13:26 Joubu aw-bib[m]: the error is misleading 13:24 aw-bib[m] Joubu: I fear I am a bit out of luck `Cannnot open file Permission denied at /kohadevbox/misc4dev/cp_debian_files.pl line 35.` keeps the container unhappy. it might be that I see some afs-/kerberos-issue here (at least this sometimes causes a lot of fun wrt uids gids etc.) 13:22 tcohen saw your message 13:22 tcohen hi marcelr 13:17 marcelr hi tcohen 13:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34319 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Upgrade Cypress 13:11 Joubu bug 34319 13:11 Joubu me too 13:10 tcohen I'm talking about 34319 13:10 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 13:10 Joubu just an upgrade, for cypress-studio (and ease testing of bug 34076) 13:10 Joubu nope, 34319 is not related 13:08 tcohen er: Cypress 13:08 tcohen Joubu: are you going to patch KTD:master? 13:07 Joubu keep all the other things as it 13:07 Joubu aw-bib[m]: just edit GIT_* vars so that you can use git inside ktd with the correct values (name, email, and bugzilla credential) 13:06 tcohen hola #koha o/ 13:06 aw-bib[m] ok understood. ktd up is running let's see. :) 13:06 Joubu aw-bib[m]: keep 'db', it's another docker container 13:05 oleonard Just fiddling with the icon! 13:05 Joubu oleonard: I thought you were adding something new! 12:59 aw-bib[m] s/DB_HOSTNAME/DB\_HOSTNAME/, s/_witih_/_witin_/ 12:57 aw-bib[m] Joubu: DB_HOSTNAME is used _witih_ the conainer (iow I leave it) or does it point to a valid host outside? (localhost or the like)? (in `.env`) 12:51 oleonard Joubu: It's a search of orders by basket rather than a basket search 12:44 Joubu aw-bib[m]: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/ - ktd is our dev env 12:43 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29930 normal, P5 - low, ---, janik.hilser, Needs Signoff , Auth with LDAP: Update tag leads to unwanted updates 12:43 aw-bib[m] cait: wrt bug 29930 I think this would solve part of the game. I read the signoff-part on the wiki, but this assumes I install koha from git which I did not (yet) do. a short pointer on how to proceed to help would be nice. (I do have a git checked out here, it's just not used for the install. the patch mentioned however sounds simple enogh to apply in to my installed version as is.) 12:42 Joubu 's' missing or need to be removed? 12:42 Joubu "Vendor search" vs "Order*s* search"? 12:42 Joubu https://snipboard.io/RYJynv.jpg - you could add "basket" and "invoice" next to "orders" 12:40 oleonard I don't understand either of those comments 12:39 cait I still think we should have the advanced search on the start page or at least in the navigation 12:39 Joubu why not new tabs? we have only 2 12:39 cait I like glow :) 12:38 oleonard What about a little glow? https://snipboard.io/FeSgos.jpg 12:29 Joubu I can easily imagine a generic 'biblionumber' coming from somewhere else 12:29 Joubu I don't recreate but the code is really confusing 12:28 marcelr i got biblionumber=0 or empty only 12:28 Joubu yes I am on master 12:28 Joubu hum it's not clear yet 12:28 marcelr which Koha version? master? 12:27 Joubu 814 [%- END -%] 12:27 Joubu 813 strQuery += "&" + "[% z3950_search_param.name |uri %]" + "=" + "[% z3950_search_param.value |uri %]"; 12:27 Joubu 812 [%- FOREACH z3950_search_param IN z3950_search_params -%] 12:27 Joubu because before we had: catalogue/results.tt 12:27 Joubu 631 $template->param (z3950_search_params => C4::Search::z3950_search_args($z3950par || $query_desc)); 12:26 Joubu is using strQuery 12:26 Joubu 394 function PopupZ3950() { 12:26 Joubu js/pages/results.js 12:25 Joubu marcelr: I get it I think 12:15 marcelr good plan 12:14 cait i might have some time tomorrow, but today I need to make sure I have time tomrorow 12:14 marcelr all bugs are evil 12:14 cait day of the evil bugs? 12:14 marcelr problem is how reproduce this 12:14 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22548 major, P2, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Z39.50/SRU search replaces existing biblios 12:14 marcelr any ideas about bug 22548 are welcome 12:11 Joubu I got yours at least! 12:10 Joubu perltidy's output can be imperfect sometimes 12:10 Joubu if it looks dirty, inconsistent and not tidy, it should be fixed 12:10 marcelr you certainly got that attention :) 12:10 Joubu well, it's a RM decision, but my goal was to bring attention on tidiness 12:10 marcelr yeah but read tomas' mail 12:09 Joubu it's a WARN :D 12:09 marcelr so we are going to reject everything? 12:09 Joubu you don't have to 12:09 marcelr yeah but tidy block stuff from qa is a game changer 12:09 Joubu silly in term of "don't bring anything useful to the git history" 12:08 Joubu I've always been in favor of amend the patch instead of "silly" new patch 12:08 marcelr i feel that our attention for tidy drives us away from the actual coding btw 12:08 marcelr maybe it helps 12:08 Joubu good :) 12:08 marcelr in PQA 12:08 marcelr already 12:08 marcelr i did on another report 12:08 Joubu because the mistake comes from there 12:08 Joubu also, you could fix skeleton.pl... 12:08 marcelr thats the result of some decision? 12:07 Joubu or we are going to have hundreds of those commits... 12:07 marcelr next time I will 12:07 Joubu marcelr: "Tidy dbrev" you should amened the original patch 12:06 marcelr i just hoped for a correction 12:06 marcelr ok 12:06 cait i think it makes the qa tools find wrong spelling 12:06 Joubu marcelr: I am talking about the output of the QA script you just pasted on 33379: SKIP spelling 12:06 marcelr Joubu: what did I spell wrong? 12:05 cait we shoudl have fixed that when severine reported it 12:05 marcelr lol 12:05 cait Joubu: I know :( it's something that fell off my radar and now I am grumpy with myself 12:05 Joubu so that you won't skip 'spelling' 12:05 Joubu marcelr: apt install codespell ;) 12:04 Joubu not a regression however... 2012 12:02 cait and now I am writing a reply to the library that lsot acq data :( 12:02 cait i just commented the same on the bug 12:02 cait yes, that shoudl be set null 12:02 Joubu they all have SET NULL, but this one... 12:02 Joubu CONSTRAINT `aqorders_subscriptionid` FOREIGN KEY (`subscriptionid`) REFERENCES `subscription` (`subscriptionid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE 11:58 cait if you just delete orders not wondering about their current status... 11:57 cait in our case much longer 11:57 cait acq data needs to be tracked for a year reliably at least 11:57 cait budgets of the current year useless? 11:57 marcelr clean system ? 11:55 cait what were we thinking? 11:55 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30451 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Delete a subscription deletes the linked order 11:55 * cait grumps at bug 30451 11:46 wahanui hello, ashimema 11:46 ashimema Hi 11:42 marcelr ashimema around? 11:40 marcelr o/ 11:11 oleonard o/ 10:03 marcelr i am not on ktd 10:02 marcelr could we put the right version in the git repo ? 10:00 Joubu so it's the version, and the default behaviour changed 09:59 marcelr i also checked with -pro=.perltidyrc and without, but thats the same 09:58 marcelr it was already fun, but this is more fun ! 09:58 marcelr hmm if we have two versions, we have fun 09:58 Joubu I was supposed to get back to that, but... postponned it 09:57 Joubu comment 34 09:57 huginn 04Bug 30002: minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , Add project-level perltidyrc 09:57 Joubu marcelr: about the versions - https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30002#c21 09:47 marcelr this one is ok now 09:47 marcelr will do that again on new report 09:46 Joubu compare perltidy versions 09:42 marcelr and tidy also likes more spaces before a # 09:41 marcelr thats the cause 09:41 marcelr to longer lines 09:41 marcelr it is about adding comments 09:41 marcelr no it is the right one 09:41 Joubu maybe one (the one from the host certainly) is not picking the rc file? 09:41 marcelr i am using perltidy with the koha rc 09:41 Joubu are you using perltidy in ktd and on your host? 09:40 marcelr at some point it is going to revert spaces added before to make space :) 09:40 marcelr tidy thing is related to adding comments to longer lines 09:39 huginn 04Bug 33608: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, BLOCKED , Allow to get statistics about found/recovered books 09:39 marcelr https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33608#c65 09:39 marcelr but looks good again apart from a weird move from perltidy 09:38 marcelr too late 09:35 Joubu do what I said :D 09:35 marcelr kind of getting annoyed again with this tidy stuff 09:35 marcelr hope i am not messing up stuff just for spaces ;) 09:32 marcelr wrongly rebased tidies 09:32 marcelr yeah this is a potential new source of problems 09:31 Joubu don't resolve the conflict manually 09:31 Joubu marcelr: use git checkout --theirs, then tidy 09:25 marcelr changing patches before tidy follow-ups is a nice time spender :) 09:04 aw-bib[m] 29930 seems indeed related. - I am not yet aware of the workflow. (I'll have a meeting now but afterwards I'd like to come back to you.) 09:02 cait not sure if you are aware of our bug workflow yet - le tme know if you want me to explain 09:01 cait maybe could be your first sign-off if it works? 09:00 cait and it's been waiting for someone teo test it forever 09:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29930 normal, P5 - low, ---, janik.hilser, Needs Signoff , Auth with LDAP: Update tag leads to unwanted updates 09:00 cait hm might have found something: bug 29930 08:59 aw-bib[m] right now I set up ldap as for shibboleth I need a bunch of valid certificates and hence a final host name. (shibboleth is still the main goal.) 08:59 cait yes, but it could just complain on first edit.. 08:59 cait we are talking LDAP or Shibboleth? 08:59 aw-bib[m] I was as well. but its a mandatory field if I go to the edit mask. 08:59 cait and then also resets it 08:58 cait I am no expert, but I am surprised it sets it to something 08:58 aw-bib[m] * at the moment the replicate sets the card number to the userid. or to empty if i tell it in config to leave it empty. but the update would then reset it to empty. (or I did understand something wrong.) 08:57 aw-bib[m] at the moment the replicate sets the card number to the userid. even if i tell it in config to leave it empty. but the update would then reset it to empty. (or I did understand something wrong.) 08:57 cait so just never touch the cardnumber with Shibboleth/LDAP 08:56 cait I wonder if you coudl add the user with empty cardnumber, not including cardnumber in the list of mapped fields 08:56 aw-bib[m] it has the drawback that people move quite a bit on campus, that's where the update would have come in handy. (noticed that in our old system where I updated these data during the night.) 08:55 aw-bib[m] afterwards, yes. we have preprinted barcodes for our users. what I envision now is enabeling the replicate so I get a new patron into Koha but disable the update. then I can change their categroy (e.g. set it up for our cataloguers vs. patrons) and change the card-number to the one handed out. 08:53 cait are yous etting the cardnumber when the account is added? 08:43 aw-bib[m] cait: I found the mapping part, but what I'd need is some way to say _update everything but please leave the card number and category alone_. maybe I have to switch off the updating and do this in some sort of offline job during the night. 08:40 cait I think you can cofigure which fields are to be set through LDAP/Shibboleth, but maybe not different for add/update 08:35 aw-bib[m] Joubu: thanks, I'll dive into this. I just unearthed a related issue that is update resetting the card number which must not be the same as the user id in our case. maybe an `update=1` is difficult. (though it would be helpful to update phone and address fields in our case as people move a round quite a bit.) 08:34 Joubu "With this configuration, LDAP users with the usertype value "EMP" on the LDAP server should have the "EMPLOYEE" categorycode in Koha" 08:33 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11807 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fcapovilla, CLOSED FIXED, Add categorycode conversions to LDAP authentication. 08:33 Joubu bug 11807 08:33 Joubu aw-bib[m]: there is 'categorycode_mapping', but I have no idea if it's what you need 08:17 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 08:17 marcelr @later tell tcohen please push 34316 08:09 aw-bib[m] a simple(?) question about login: if I use an external system (say ldap) I have to set the `categorycode`. unfortunately, our leading system does not have an attribute to set the `S`taff, iow I have to set it manually and come in with a default `PT` for everyone. now, if I set `<update>` this results in resetting all staff members to patrons at each login. how would I handle that properly? is there a setting to exclude xyz from updating? 07:56 aw-bib[m] hi :) 07:42 marcelr hi cait 07:35 * cait waves hello 07:31 NikolayGospodinov[m] Thank you very much 07:31 NikolayGospodinov[m] It works 07:28 Joubu NikolayGospodinov[m]: Try adding [% INCLUDE 'select2.inc' %] right after [% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] 07:27 Joubu NikolayGospodinov[m]: Remove lines 43-45 07:24 marcelr writeoff is not an accepted type 07:24 marcelr t/db_dependent/Koha/Items.t .. 1/16 L269: writeoff at /usr/share/koha/Koha/Account.pm line 269. 07:19 NikolayGospodinov[m] Joubu: I do as you suggest, but nothing changes: [% SET footerjs = 1 %]... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EkGPzzJlalDHfFJIynTANhiG>) 07:15 NikolayGospodinov[m] ok. 07:15 Joubu that's all 07:15 Joubu 2. Add the 'select2' class to your select element 07:14 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 07:14 marcelr @later tell ashimema Found a bug in add_credit, not processing the exception that UpdateStats now throws 07:14 Joubu 1. Add [% INCLUDE 'select2.inc' %] in the template, at the top of the file, after "[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]" 07:14 NikolayGospodinov[m] I am trying to make <select name="f5" id="f5" size="1"> a dropdown with surch field, using select2 07:13 Joubu If you just want to apply "select2" (the jquery library for nice dropdown lists) to an existing select element, you should: 07:13 Joubu Can you explain what you are trying to do please? 07:11 NikolayGospodinov[m] i add it in the .tt file? 07:11 Joubu it exists already in Koha 07:09 NikolayGospodinov[m] Sorrry for the stupid question. But where to create select2.inc? 07:06 NikolayGospodinov[m] Ok i will do it 07:06 NikolayGospodinov[m] Aha. 07:06 Joubu that is doing the correct things for you 07:06 Joubu no, you should [% INCLUDE 'select2.inc' %] 07:05 NikolayGospodinov[m] I will try to add them there 07:04 Joubu Why "lib/jquery/plugins/rowGroup"? 07:04 Joubu Why "lib/jquery/plugins/rowGroup" 07:03 Joubu why don't you just follow what is done in other places? 07:02 NikolayGospodinov[m] The question is that. it should add search field in the select: This is the update code: [% SET footerjs = 1 %]... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/rILAYewivdxCDwnaeilILLsw>) 07:01 Joubu you have cloudflare links, line 42, 43 07:01 Joubu NikolayGospodinov[m]: What's the question exactly? 06:59 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 06:59 marcelr @later tell ashimema Still looking at 33608 but stumbling over FK constraint when running $credit->apply( { debits => [ $debts->as_list ] } ); 06:57 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I have a question. In the this folder: htdocs/intranet-tmpl/lib/jquery/plugins/, I created a folder named select2. It contains select2.min.js and folder stylesheets. In this folder I hava select2.min.css. I want to use them in a newly created .tt file. This is the code. [% SET footerjs = 1 %]... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/lbqLdPLwElMXrPbEaiXaSeTp>) 06:46 marcelr hi alex__ 06:42 alex__ Bonjour 06:36 marcelr o/ 06:35 wahanui salut, reiveune 06:35 reiveune hello 05:34 MintesinotBirru[m] I have problem of MARC21 with Koha biblio, in search catalogue, the books call number are not appearing. What can you suggest to solve this problem? 02:45 aleisha hey DarusSalamSeminaryLibrary[m] is email enabled for your koha instance? on the server you can run `sudo koha-list --email` to see which sites have email enabled