Time Nick Message 16:43 cait cya tomorrow! 16:39 cait that woudl be great, thx oleonard 16:32 oleonard I will take a look cait, thanks 16:26 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34169 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Add validation for monetary input fields in acquisition module 16:26 cait oleonard-away: caroline: I wrote a patch for validating a lot of input fields - I'd be great to have some feedback, it should cover acq completely: bug 34169 16:22 cait almost forgot to runt he qa script :) 16:00 * ashimema contempltes if it's really required or not 16:00 ashimema hmm 16:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33606 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Access to ERM requires parameters => 'manage_sysprefs' 16:00 ashimema balls.. bug 33606 doesn't apply easily 15:59 cait and it prevents a fair amount of "internal server errors" 15:59 ashimema hehe 15:59 ashimema I'm loving the consistency improvement efforts going on these days 15:59 cait wait till you see it, but it's a start, right? 15:59 ashimema cait++ 15:59 ashimema awesome 15:59 cait ook, I added validation to ALL price/amounts in acq... and now how to write up a nice test plan 15:55 cait and not all easy stuff, thank you 15:54 ashimema I've pushed 65 commits to 23.05.x today.. that's gotta be some sort of record on rmaint I reckon 15:50 cait ashimema++ 15:40 cait 33028 15:39 cait basically... when you edit, it changes things andmight break your fines 15:39 cait we have 3 majors that concern circulation rules 15:38 tcohen which one is waiting for me, cait? 15:38 tcohen I will try to push things later today 15:38 ashimema lol 15:38 cait i'll find those until the end of my life I guess... 15:37 ashimema 13 days.. 15:36 cait lol, found another missing page-section 15:35 ashimema only 17 days of commits to go 15:32 ashimema I likely just couldn't face removing it outright after I spent a fair chunk of time writing it for you. 15:32 ashimema it's not used in the patchset anymore there 15:32 ashimema it should probably be split out into it's own bug 15:32 ashimema oh, cool 15:31 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34297 trivial, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , When merging invoices, amounts are not correctly formatted 15:31 cait bug 34297 15:31 cait I've filed it for now as it's strictly speaking not a problem with my patch for now 15:30 cait but it#s not pusehd yet, waiting for tcohen 15:30 cait s 15:30 cait or at leat it works now for unformatting, i had tested that for the different currency format 15:30 cait i think we kept the unformat 15:30 ashimema it was a useful piece of code 15:30 ashimema but I have a feeling that got dropped from the patchset âšī¸ 15:29 ashimema I added the oposite in there in that circ bug 15:29 ashimema but it seems this one missed the js- naming convention 15:29 ashimema I thought it was js-format-price.inc 15:29 ashimema it's just format_price.inc 15:29 ashimema ok 15:28 cait hard to grep when you have no idea :) 15:28 cait aah 15:27 ashimema it's in an include 15:27 ashimema js-format- 15:19 cait ... i know we have a JS way of formatting prices... but I am lacking an idea how to search for it - any hints someone maybe? 15:17 cait I wonder if that story translates --- rabbit and hedgehog 15:15 cait lol 15:15 aw-bib[m] good to hear that I am not alone with some rabbit-issues. but at some point I'll also understand those. and if I have to hire some hedgehogs ;) 15:14 cait getting to teh bottom of this would be very good 15:14 cait s/grasph/grasp 15:14 reiveune bye 15:14 cait the problem is I only half-grasph the rabbit still 15:14 cait sorry, I should have mentioned that long taks worker earlier 15:14 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34181 major, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Signed Off , Batch patron modification tool missing checkboxes to clear field values 15:14 cait easy peasy QA (and will make lots of libraries happier!) bug 34181 15:13 aw-bib[m] hm, I'll have a look on how koha-common behaves here, but at least I have an idea now what to look for :) 15:12 cait yes, we need to figure out what happened with the worker 15:11 cait khall++ # tcohen is probably right about the macial stuff 15:11 cait lol "now I only have to fiddle out why this worker went on strike or was never hired." 15:11 cait I thought that the koha-common restart that we did in the very beginning should have taken care of that 15:10 cait aw-bib[m]: that's still odd :( 15:06 aw-bib[m] --start --queue long_tasks l00koha`) and ... tadaaaaa. now I only have to fiddle out why this worker went on strike or was never hired. 15:06 aw-bib[m] afais once I stage a file for upload it crates a job and assigns it to the `long_tasks` queue. diving deeper into what shoud happen now I found that these queues are processed by `koha-workers`, and it seems that I should have a worker set up for each queue. however, on my box I only got a worker for the `default` queue, so there was just no worker for `long_tasks`. now I encouraged some worker to look at the `long_tasks` (`sudo koha-worker 15:06 aw-bib[m] cait: I think I found the issue with gui uploads. :) 14:53 khall đ 14:53 tcohen weird magical stuff you don't find the root causes? khall to the rescue 14:50 tcohen khall++ 14:50 tcohen khall++ 14:25 oleonard ashimema++ 14:12 oleonard Dang it, I thought I had a good set of data for testing late orders and now it's not working again. Closed basket, creation and estimated delivery date in the past... 13:27 cait it validates! 13:23 oleonard I assume so, not knowing the specifics 13:22 cait orderreceive 13:22 cait oleonard: what about input fields that are nto a part of a form... can i just add the form? 13:18 wahanui okay, cait. 13:18 cait i think there is also some special code to exclude stnading orders 13:18 cait ah yes, because status ordered 13:18 oleonard Oh, and the basket must be closed 13:17 cait everything not yet received (since we fixed it whowing received ones too) 13:17 cait i think it might show it all and you need to filters yes 13:17 caroline "Ordered 0 days ago" or something like that 13:17 caroline but the late orders page show everything by default I think 13:16 cait that's for when you know it will be published 2 years later or so, so they don't keep showing up in late orders 13:16 cait OR the new manually entered estimated delivery date from aqorders if set 13:16 cait oleonard: entrydate + delivery date from the vendor 13:14 caroline estimated delivery date? 13:14 oleonard What makes a late order late? 13:02 cait oh, it's me... 13:00 cait but it won't validate... 13:00 cait it has class="validated" ont he form element 13:00 cait the carcels invoice form gives me trouble 13:00 cait oleonard++ 13:00 cait it#s hard to refrain :) 12:59 oleonard Absolutely 12:59 cait oleonard: do you get this itch to replace all those stray tabs when you work on templates too? 12:57 cait in acq especially 12:57 cait and German number blocks only have commas, so it's really easy to get wrong 12:57 cait adding validation at all is now to avoid the library to enter invalid values... because that causes issues 12:56 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34231 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Allow different input formats for monetary values 12:56 cait I've started a new bug for that after discussing with tcohen and Joubu - it's bug 34231 12:56 ashimema bbiab 12:56 * ashimema heads off for late lunch 12:56 ashimema ok 12:56 cait the idea is to mark all inputs with a class that this applies to - and then we can later use that for phase 2 12:56 cait and then the fix for multiple will be next 12:55 cait I am adding validation for invalid inputs for now 12:55 cait but I am not allowing commas as of yet 12:55 cait yes I am 12:55 cait but I am using the number (decimal) check from the jQuery Validate plugin 12:55 ashimema I thought you might veing somewhere that uses comma 12:55 * ashimema doesn't have any devices that output comma so hasn't been able the check 12:55 cait add abc to shipping cost btw and we explode in errors 12:54 cait in accounting, it works there 12:54 ashimema I was more thinking about where we'd added that match before 12:54 cait pattern works, nubmer doesn't 12:54 ashimema I thought some devices/browsers set comma for decimal and thus the pattern would break 12:54 cait look at the bug to check for the change of plans 12:53 cait I am using the validate plugin 12:53 cait i am not adding a pattern check 12:53 ashimema I meant to ask.. have you checked that pattern match always works with inputmode decimal cait 12:52 ashimema Nice 12:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34169 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, NEW , Add pattern check for monetary fields to acquisition module 12:52 cait I am working on a POC for bug 34169 12:52 oleonard That's the easiest way if your form just needs basic validation of required fields 12:51 cait thx :) 12:51 cait or... RTFM 12:51 oleonard https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#JS10:_Form_Validation 12:51 cait oh, maybe i just need class="validatd" on the form element... doh. 12:50 cait oleonard: how do I make sure a form is validated using the jQuery Validate? 12:43 cait that's good 12:41 NikolayGospodinov[m] Our version is 22.11.06 12:38 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33262 blocker, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to oldstable , When an ordered record is deleted, we lose all information on what was ordered 12:38 cait make sure you have at least 22.11.06 because of bug 33262 12:37 cait hm 12:37 NikolayGospodinov[m] 22.11 12:37 cait do you have 23.05/22.11? 12:36 NikolayGospodinov[m] I used that connection so I can get a inventory book from Koha 12:36 NikolayGospodinov[m] I thought so too 12:36 cait there is a table that links the orders to the items and aqorders, aqinvoices 12:35 cait i think than best yo write your own 12:35 NikolayGospodinov[m] yes 12:35 cait do you speak "SQL"? 12:34 NikolayGospodinov[m] It is part of the Library Fund Movement Book 12:33 NikolayGospodinov[m] <cait> "what are you trying to do?" <- I'm trying to get statistics on the number of bibliographic records and bibliographies items for each Invoice number 12:27 cait what are you trying to do? 12:26 NikolayGospodinov[m] aha ok 12:17 cait but it's not necessarily obvious 12:16 cait not necessarily in SQL, it could still be, but it might be already modenrized code using the objects etc. you still can translate that to SQL 12:16 NikolayGospodinov[m] cait: I thought that in order to output them to Koha, there must be a query written in the Koha code 12:15 Annelisterman[m] thanks :) 12:15 cait (that's good karma :) ) 12:14 cait Annelisterman[m]++ 12:14 cait the invoice_id of the invoice is in aqorders 12:14 Annelisterman[m] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library 12:14 cait aqinvoices 12:14 cait but you probably want to do a report on aqorders and aqinvoice 12:14 cait you can check the SQL reports library on the wiki 12:03 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hi. Can i ask from where i can get the sql statements that gives (Received bibliographic records and Received items ) in Invoices table 11:59 cait or maybe can use it for a workshop or so 11:59 cait I have a list actually... for whenever there is more time 11:59 cait same :) 11:58 oleonard I'm always interested to discover old bugs that have fairly simple fixes 11:57 cait it's interesting to dive into history... 12xxx is about 2014 11:56 cait oleonard: thanks for adopting some of the 12xxx bugs :) 11:54 cait and hard to deprecate them when we have no proper alternative yet 11:53 cait the thing is... the whole way the PDF are done feels like that to me 11:53 marcelr it just feels bad to do things like that 11:52 marcelr cait: go ahead and FQA again :) 11:52 cait in latest 23.05 11:51 cait tcohen: gui import gets stuck because the task is not starting 11:51 cait heh 11:51 cait maybe tcohen has an idea 11:51 cait we need to kill the PDF template stuff 11:51 cait marcelr: sorry for the PDF one.. not too happy about it either... but I really not sure how else to do what they awant to do 11:51 aw-bib[m] hm. I even lack an idea how to search it. I could in principle starting to install older verisions of koha, if the idea is that it crept in with some recent edition. 11:49 cait aw-bib[m]: I don't like it (sounds like some bug) but I have no idea what we could do next 11:43 ashimema it's been a while since I've done this job in earnest 11:43 oleonard XD 11:43 marcelr happy backporting, ashimema ? 11:42 * ashimema curses fridolin under his breath 11:42 marcelr o/ 11:42 ashimema it's heavy going when you let it get this far behind âšī¸ 11:42 tcohen thank you 11:41 * ashimema is about to start working through 15 June pushes to master for 23.05.x 11:40 wahanui morning is always someone's afternoon 11:40 tcohen morning 11:27 * ashimema wonders if we need to loadbalance somehow 11:25 oleonard I found it really slow too 11:25 ashimema pushed and pulls are supoer slow.. and the UI doesn't come up at all.. weird 11:25 ashimema git.koha-community.org is really struggling today for me.. 11:10 ashimema but the templates now match at least 11:10 ashimema they're still not the same.. simply because the controller doesn't pass the variable on the circulation page! 11:10 ashimema ho.. interesting 11:02 ashimema I've been wanting to do that for ages and never got around to it đ 11:02 ashimema I do absolutely love the side effect of making circulation and moremember consistent though.. that's great 10:58 oleonard Right 10:57 ashimema but given how many templates it affects.. and future fixes to those will be very non-trivial backports down the line.. hence I thought I'd give it a go 10:57 ashimema it's not the most trivial of backports 10:57 ashimema yeah.. I understand 10:56 oleonard I never intended for those patches to get backported... I didn't take into account the issue of how it would affect other backports 10:56 ashimema no worries 10:56 oleonard Hmm... Honestly I don't remember 10:55 ashimema or.. if I've just missed something 10:55 ashimema or whether it was just you making it all more consistent accidentally đ 10:55 ashimema I'm trying to work out if there was a bug prior to this that made that change that I'm missing 10:54 ashimema but when I look at that I see 'fines' and 'guarantees_fines' in the include, but not in the original circulation.tt 10:54 ashimema which I love btw 10:54 ashimema I noticed in the code that we switch to a new include.. patron-detail-tabs 10:53 ashimema thinking that it'll help with future backports 10:53 ashimema I'm trying to backport it to 23.05 10:53 ashimema not exactly 10:52 oleonard Are you seeing something off? 10:52 oleonard There shouldn't have been any change to functionality 10:52 ashimema or was it just the move to WRAPPERs 10:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33528 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to master , Use template wrapper for tabs: Patron details and circulation 10:52 ashimema oleonard.. did you clean up what tabs are actually displayed in circulation.tt in bug 33528 10:18 aw-bib[m] (btw: kohas logs are clean...) 10:18 oleonard Hi #koha 10:17 aw-bib[m] hello! I'm still fiddling with uploading MARC-records form the web-ui. it works from the cli both with `bulkmarcimport` as well as with staging and committing, hence I conclude the marc is ok.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/sxoRAhDRwExRIxrblIPhGGgK>) 10:15 ashimema just me of is git.koha-community.org very slow again today? 10:06 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33528 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to master , Use template wrapper for tabs: Patron details and circulation 10:06 * ashimema is currently contemplating bug 33528 10:05 ashimema like all these WRAPPER bugs.. they make sense as enhancements, but also make a lot of sense to backport to aid future maintainability and lower the chance of conflicts 10:05 ashimema oh well 10:05 ashimema With an LTS now in circulation it's changed how I think about some bugs... trying to keep maintenance "simple" for the longer period is a hard call 10:03 ashimema apologies that it's affecting my QA throughput, thanks for taking in the slack there marcelr 10:02 marcelr thx ashimema 10:00 ashimema Frido is back on 19th I believe.. I want to leave him with a clear queue ready for Tomas's next push fest 10:00 cait I am going to lunch -had a MARC heavy meeting, maybe it will help 10:00 ashimema I'm getting there.. working through more now 09:59 ashimema indeed 09:59 cait yes 09:59 cait we are shor tof hands as always 09:59 ashimema there's a lot of important fixes still in master that haven't hit us yet.. we had like 6 weeks of delay 09:59 cait I'd really like to see the majors make it in ... but we need you to catch up and tcohen 09:59 ashimema I think I'd like to see 23.05.x and then 22.11.x up to date before we freeze.. between me and the ptfs-e team I think we can manage that today 09:59 cait no strings on pootle yet 09:58 cait no, I can check on the strings right now 09:58 ashimema I forgot to round up the troops 09:58 ashimema getting there slowly.. we've not announced string freeze yet have we? 09:58 * ashimema is working through more 23.05.x rmaint in Frido's absence 09:57 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34155 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , OPAC item level holds "force" option broken 09:57 cait please add bug 34155 to the major bugs for releases 09:56 ashimema that was complicated.. no way would I have spotted that prior to people hitting it as a problem. 09:31 marcelr thx 09:30 ashimema on it 09:30 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33671 major, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Database update breaks update process 09:30 marcelr anyone in qa_team ready to check the last patch on bug 33671 ? 08:44 marcelr PedroAmorim[m]: responded to your questions on 33871, thanks 08:19 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/ 08:15 marcelr hi ashimema 08:13 ashimema morning 08:07 PedroAmorim[m] \o 08:04 paulderscheid[m] That's awesome. 08:04 NikolayGospodinov[m] Yes 08:01 paulderscheid[m] Everything working as expected now? 08:01 paulderscheid[m] ! 08:01 paulderscheid[m] Great~ 08:00 NikolayGospodinov[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "Same, cu later Nikolay Gospodino..." <- I fixed the error. I change these use CGI qw ( -utf8 );... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/omVUxxezEbNtKqxlcTefzQyj>) 07:59 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 07:59 marcelr @later tell tcohen please check 33745 again 07:58 marcelr hi #koha 07:53 paulderscheid[m] Same, cu later Nikolay Gospodinov 07:53 cait meeting, bbl 07:53 cait what Paul said :) 07:51 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, try to explicitly import `get_template_and_user`... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CQLJFqrvDJHBujAdAcMREdcI>) 07:50 cait I had to make this change on ours 07:50 cait you need to list the used methods 07:50 cait we got stricter with exports 07:49 NikolayGospodinov[m] Yes I have an import of C4::Auth 07:48 paulderscheid[m] You have an import of C4::Auth in your script, right? 07:47 NikolayGospodinov[m] Strange. In the previous version we used it worked fine 07:46 paulderscheid[m] Ah, there it is. 07:46 paulderscheid[m] I guess you have some kind of syntax or logical error in your plugin script. 07:45 NikolayGospodinov[m] [Mon Jul 17 03:44:09.263013 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 728790] [client] AH01215: Undefined subroutine &Koha::FrameworkPlugin::get_template_and_user called at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/cataloguing/value_builder/marc21_field_080.pl line 60.: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/cataloguing/plugin_launcher.pl, referer: 07:45 NikolayGospodinov[m] When running the script and open the plugin file from new bibliographic record: [Mon Jul 17 03:44:09.326783 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 728790] [client] End of script output before headers: plugin_launcher.pl, referer: 07:34 paulderscheid[m] Then you can watch all files in that dir. 07:34 paulderscheid[m] Hmm, what you could do is `tail -f /var/log/koha/<INSTANCE>/*` and reload the page. 07:34 cait hm what was the following error? (maybe I missed something) 07:33 NikolayGospodinov[m] The file is empty 07:32 paulderscheid[m] It's under /var/log/koha/<YOUR INSTANCE>/plack-intranet-error.log 07:32 NikolayGospodinov[m] paulderscheid[m]: Can you tell me where to see this: plack-intranet-error.log 07:28 paulderscheid[m] What errors are you getting in plack-intranet-error.log? 07:08 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello Koha. If i may ask a question? I created a new plugin in value_builder folder (koha/intranet/cgi-bin/cataloguing/value_builder/). Then I restarted apache. Then I added the plugin to a box in the bibliography entry frame. When creating a new bibliographic entry and selecting the field that contains this plugin, I get the following error: 07:08 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (38KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BRypxLIiOkGgznfENyQnxRGr/image.png > 06:58 alex__ Bonjour 05:13 reiveune hello