Time Nick Message 03:45 aleisha getting this error when we build koha packages: `Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_resident_set_memory` anyone seen it before? 05:58 marcelr o/ 06:54 LibraryHU[m] how to enable place hold on issued books in koha 06:56 alex__ Bonjour 06:56 wahanui hello, alex__ 07:40 jpahd[m] <aleisha> "getting this error when we build..." <- Looks like a node error, may be related to view stuff 07:41 jpahd[m] Sorry, Vue stuff 07:45 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 07:45 paulderscheid[m] cait around? 07:45 wahanui hmmm... cait around is cait cait1 cait2 cait3 cait4 cait5 07:46 cait here! 07:47 cait paulderscheid[m]: 07:49 paulderscheid[m] If you got some time later, could we go over the workflows for the website? I have a meeting coming up, so maybe after lunch? 07:49 paulderscheid[m] Just want to check how much work it would be. 07:49 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha 07:49 cait paulderscheid[m]: what do you mean with website? 07:49 paulderscheid[m] The community website. 07:49 krimsonkharne[m] Joubu: I'll look at bug 34076 later today, got some tickets to answer first 07:49 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 07:49 cait yes 07:49 cait but what is the question? :) 07:51 paulderscheid[m] The thing I want to know is how certain parts are added. For example the news. Also, in what intervals does the content from history.txt get updated. 07:53 Joubu krimsonkharne[m]: ha! didn't know you were you :) 07:55 krimsonkharne[m] I guess I forgot to mention my irc nickname in the meeting :D 07:55 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: history.txt from the Koha code is updated when a major version is out 07:55 Joubu krimsonkharne[m]: or I was not listening closely enough!.. 07:56 jpahd[m] Ok 07:57 paulderscheid[m] @cait Does everyone appearing in news have their own account for the wp instance? 07:57 huginn paulderscheid[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 07:57 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 07:58 paulderscheid[m] Sorry btw, jpahd is also me. 08:00 marcelr double personality :) 08:00 paulderscheid[m] Kinda 08:02 Joubu one of them is a bot 08:04 jpahd[m] :D 08:04 cait paulderscheid[m]: yes, everyone creating pots (blog entries) has their own account 08:05 cait for history.txt I don't know how it's done exactly, I can't really see that bits 08:05 cait I update other content (pages) manually, like the demo page 08:05 cait a bigger part of the website is the database/contact plugin used for the different views on the support provider list 08:07 paulderscheid[m] Could we later get into the details of that if you're free? I have to prepare some stuff for the meeting... 08:07 paulderscheid[m] I started to work on a revamp yesterday but I wanted to find out what needs to be done for a kanban. 08:07 cait I am only helping mainain it, but I can try. I am not the one hosting/running it 08:08 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: are you asking what need to be kept/cleaned if we migrate the website? 08:08 paulderscheid[m] Yeah 08:08 paulderscheid[m] Who runs it anyway? 08:09 cait wizzyrea 08:09 wahanui wizzyrea is very glad the git repo is reliably working todya 08:09 Joubu https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Website_Administration 08:09 paulderscheid[m] Ok 08:10 paulderscheid[m] Ah thanks 08:10 Joubu * documentation links (update every 6 months when a major version is out) 08:11 Joubu * add the news every months 08:11 Joubu * update the support provider list (every... no idea but not often) 08:11 Joubu * kohacon, once a year 08:11 Joubu * update of the home page every 6 months 08:12 Joubu * and the calendar, that can be embeded 08:12 Joubu everything should be static IMO 08:12 cait the support providers list offers different filters and view 08:12 cait to have a mostly fair display 08:12 cait I'd like to keep that actually and it can't be static 08:13 Joubu news could be grabbed from a git repo, would it be possible? 08:13 Joubu cait: everything in a DataTables? 08:13 paulderscheid[m] If we use Astro (a.static site generator) we might not need a db anymore. 08:13 cait Joubu: can datatable randomize and such? 08:13 cait and it would be huge with the contact info 08:13 cait i'd just iterate again to please keep in mind who we want to maitnain the website 08:14 cait docs team already struggles to onboard people with git and all 08:14 Joubu drop the random feature then? 08:14 cait it#s easy for people who know git, it's not easy for anyone else. 08:14 cait it was added to create fairness, just because your company starts with a doesn't mean you always show first 08:14 Joubu ok I am out from this discussion then :D 08:14 cait youcan also limit to your country etc 08:14 paulderscheid[m] I understand that cait. But this could be simplified by providing a web interface for git commits that abstracts away the technical parts. 08:15 cait I don't want to stop you - a new site woud be nice 08:15 Joubu drop, simplify, clean, remove useless things, that would be my suggestions 08:15 cait i am just weary of us building custom things for stuff that is pretty standard 08:15 cait because we already have to maintain so many tools 08:15 cait and have trouble like witht he translations if someone goes missing 08:16 NikolayGospodinov[m] hello. Can i ask a question. When I create a bibliographic record, how to make the name of the employee and his number appear automatically in tag 944$k (name) ,944$l (number) 08:16 cait 944k and l are custom fields, not MARC standard 08:16 cait if you want them to appear on detail pages and result lists, you need to create custom XSLT files or change the standard ones (but beware updates then) 08:17 ashimema I'd love to see a nice simple site paulderscheid.. 08:17 ashimema I played with astro a little.. not sure how we'd do deployment.. but as a concept I loved it 08:17 paulderscheid[m] I honestly think that this will be more maintainable and accessible as there'd be a repository where everyone can create pull request for content. 08:17 paulderscheid[m] Also, Astro's docs are phenomenal. 08:17 ashimema there's lots of simple templates we could use to get us started.. and maintenance is a dream compared to wordpress in my opinion 08:17 cait I think this is a devs like shiny tools vs. me liking standard software thing lol 08:18 ashimema history is never updated.. I've been pushing for an update to it for years but whatever used to update it is broken 08:18 cait but maybe Astro is standard enough... just keep the non-devs in mind please 08:18 NikolayGospodinov[m] I do not want to see them in detail pages and result lists, only in mark view 08:18 ashimema The most active content maintained on there is the release notes cait.. and they're a right pain to put into posts as it currently stands 08:18 ashimema anyway 08:19 paulderscheid[m] I'm really hyped to do this as I can spend some time every night and we'll have a working prototype in a couple of days. 08:19 ashimema frankly, the community website has been an embarassment for a while and we actively discourage our customers/partners from looking at it π 08:20 cait i have done it, it's jsut a copy and paste and some checkboxes - pain is different 08:21 * ashimema liked the look of AstroWind or Astroship as a starting template 08:21 cait paulderscheid[m]: I'm courious to see waht you can come up with :) 08:21 ashimema but then.. I didn't look too deep.. I'm sure there are even nicer ones 08:21 cait I think the only really interactive thing we have is the provider's list 08:22 ashimema I'm pretty confident that could be done with a few lines of JS cait π 08:22 cait but I also update the demos list every momth 08:22 cait and I woud like to continue this easily without a dev env please 08:22 cait for my wish list ;) 08:23 cait I think maybe it's easier than I think and I am just being a grumpy cait 08:23 paulderscheid[m] Everyone's invited to critique away and pr on the repository. 08:23 paulderscheid[m] I will setup a demo for the dev process and ping the channel on new commits. 08:24 Joubu who non-dev edit the website anyway? 08:24 ashimema ever played with storyblok paulderscheid ? 08:24 paulderscheid[m] Yeah 08:25 ashimema I'm wondering if that might give us the magic UI for cait? 08:25 ashimema any good.. 08:25 * ashimema is just googling at this point 08:25 ashimema anywho.. I'm super excited by this 08:26 paulderscheid[m] I have a thing in mind for regular maintainers. As I said, I'll keep you posted. 08:26 paulderscheid[m] I will setup taiga or sth up all your wishes and ideas. 08:27 paulderscheid[m] s/up/for/ 08:27 ashimema nice one 08:31 cait Joubu: me. 08:31 cait and we might want to get librarians involved... just a weird thought :) 08:32 Joubu but you know how to git add && git push :) 08:32 cait paulderscheid[m]: please don't le me discourage you - I am really glad someone is willing to move this forward at the same time :) 08:33 Joubu https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/us/180 08:33 cait Joubu: it's jut a rumour ;) 08:36 cait if you want to ungrump me... please QA the bugs in queue 08:53 marcelr anyone for testing bug 33671 ? 08:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33671 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Database update breaks update process 08:53 marcelr an unfortunate iteration 08:54 marcelr (for some sql versions) 08:54 marcelr moving to major 08:57 Joubu marcelr: I think tcohen hit that yesterday with 211200048.pl 08:57 Joubu he fixed it turning off the FK check 08:58 Joubu @later tell tcohen 33671 similar to your update issue from yesterday? 08:58 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:33 krimsonkharne[m] <NikolayGospodinov[m]> "I do not want to see them in..." <- if you mean something like: when a librarian creates a record, their borrowernumber and name should be placed automatically in a certain MARC field ? 09:33 krimsonkharne[m] In that case I don't think Koha has any functionality for that currently... there is a log entry in action_logs though containing the borrowernumber of the librarian who created the biblio record 09:35 * krimsonkharne[m] uploaded an image: (8KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/jByCavFpVaftqUnesgkYPbha/image.png > 09:35 krimsonkharne[m] btw each biblio record has a modification log on the left side where you can find that info too 09:35 cait krimsonkharne[m]: actually koha has the functionality 09:35 cait you can add <<USER>> to the standard 09:35 cait and it will be auto-filled 09:35 cait date too 09:35 krimsonkharne[m] oh, neat! 09:35 cait there are some variables, I know it#s in the manual too 09:35 krimsonkharne[m] thanks cait good to know! :) 09:35 cait year, month, day 09:36 cait and the user I believe 09:36 cait it's not super obvious 09:37 cait ah, I realize I had misread NikolayGospodinov[m] question then 09:37 krimsonkharne[m] @cait yeah, the manual actually lists them here 09:37 krimsonkharne[m] https://koha-community.org/manual//23.05/en/html/administration.html#editing-a-marc-subfield 09:37 huginn krimsonkharne[m]: downloading the Perl source 09:38 krimsonkharne[m] neat! 09:39 cait I think one is missing - 2 digit year or so 09:39 cait might be marked in bugzilla 09:41 cait hm not finding it, but I know we did a variation of one of those variables 09:43 cait it's <<YY>> 09:44 cait bug 34267 filed 09:44 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34267 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs documenting , Add <<YY>> to list of cataloguing framework placeholders 10:00 NikolayGospodinov[m] <<USER>> Returns only the last name. Is there a way to return the personal name as well 10:01 Zahid[m] hi 10:03 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: no 10:03 Zahid[m] can anyone tell me how can i install koha 21.11.01 version automatically by internet 10:04 Zahid[m] download and install auto 10:04 Joubu why 21.11.01? 10:04 NikolayGospodinov[m] cait: And is the reader number possible? 10:05 cait no, only the variables documented int he manual as linked above + YY 10:07 Zahid[m] Joubu: i have transfer my all data to koha 21.11.01, installing that version by iso file given on internet, but there are some issues os ubuntu20. now i want to install fresh koha 21.11.01 version on system and restore my sqldump. 10:11 Joubu that's not a good iso, you should install Koha with the debian packages following this guide: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 10:11 Joubu a good idea* 10:11 NikolayGospodinov[m] <cait> "no, only the variables documente..." <- Where is the definition of <<USER>> and <<YY>> 10:18 Zahid[m] can i get the version koha 21.11.01 by 10:18 Zahid[m] $ echo 'deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha 21.11.01 main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list 10:21 Zahid[m] my whole data is on koha21.11.01 version which i installed by iso (os ubuntu+koha 21.11.01) file, now i want to move to fresh installed os 10:47 oleonard Zahid[m]: You should be able to install the latest stable version of Koha from Debian packages, connect to your existing db, and have Koha upgrade it (with proper backups of course) 10:52 mtj hi Zahid[m]: we currently dont keep/archive the older versions of our debian packages :/ 10:53 mtj but, you should (at least) upgrade to the latest version of koha 22.11.x (currently 22.11.17) 10:54 mtj oops, i mean 21.11.x, and 21.11.17 10:54 mtj http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/k/koha/ 10:55 mtj http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/k/koha/koha-common_21.11.22-1_all.deb 10:55 mtj oops, latest 21.11.x is .... 21.11.22 :) 10:58 Zahid[m] mtj: can i install koha 22.11.01 manually by commands on terminal? 10:59 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: just search for it on the page in the manual linked above 11:00 mtj hi aleisha, congrats on the presentation, it was really special πΉβ€οΈπ¦ 11:01 mtj hi Zahid[m], you might be lucky and find a copy of the koha-common pkg file, on you old system 11:01 mtj ..but if not? answer is no 11:02 mtj ls -lR /var/cache/apt/archives | grep koha-common 11:05 mtj Zahid[m]: i would just take the opporunity to upgrade to a newer version of 21.11 :) 11:16 Zahid[m] if i download the koha version 22.11 on my computer how can i run koha-common package command on terminal after the installation of ubuntu packages 11:16 Zahid[m] sorry if i find koha 22.11 old version file and save in my computer then ... 11:21 mtj $ sudo echo 'deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha 21.11 main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list 11:22 mtj $ sudo apt update && apt install koha-common 11:23 mtj Zahid[m]: ^ that will install the latest 21.11 koha 11:23 NikolayGospodinov[m] <cait> "Nikolay Gospodinov: just..." <- I want to define new cataloguing framework placeholders. Where in koha code to search for them 11:23 cait NikolayGospodinov[m]: git grep for YYY>> 11:23 cait for example 11:24 cait but as I just looked it up, it's in Koha/UI/Form/Builder/Biblio.pm 11:26 Null404 hello, how in Koha exclude default searching by some data in MARC ? 11:26 cait you can't 11:26 cait although I ma not sure if it's possible weith elasticsaerch maybe 11:28 cait I think in Elasticsearch everything that is indexed can be searched, so not indexing it should do the trick - maybe someone coudl confirm? in zebra the whole record is searched so you can't exclude 11:28 Null404 I one library there are barcode "2018050" and Koha first search in MARC 005 - date of last modify, not by barcode 11:29 cait removing the date from search migh thave other side effects 11:29 cait if they sarch for bc:2018050 it limits to barcode 11:29 Null404 there are same problem in other date like barcodes like 201901... , 202006... etc 11:30 Null404 thank you @cait, "bc:" solves a problem a little bit 11:39 aw-bib[m] out of sheer curiosity: can I search something like 245__a:bla (iow an arbitrary marc-field, even if there is no "name" defined for it)? 11:40 cait Elasticsearch? 11:40 wahanui hmmm... Elasticsearch is the easy part. 11:41 cait I thik it#s possible with ElasticsearchMARCFormat - but kidclamp would know 11:41 aw-bib[m] right now it is set to zebra, as it is the default. I did not venture into the differences (yet). I just know that we had a couple of use cases for marc-field searches in the past so I'd probably go where this is possible (all else equal) 11:41 cait depends on indexing 11:42 cait I just checked my notes 11:42 cait he said that https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-opac-marc-search had examples for the syntax 11:42 kidclamp If you indeed the record as marcxml 11:42 marcelr o/ 11:42 kidclamp Indexed 11:43 cait :) 11:43 aw-bib[m] thanks :) I'll have a note to this pointer in my docs. :) 11:44 cait kidclamp: I asked you so many things, at elast you see i made notes now :) 11:44 kidclamp Heh 11:47 aw-bib[m] the second (nasty) thing we were looking for in the old system was some sort of `SAME` parameter. search for x in some (repeatable) field and only match if some subfield of _the same tag_ is y. (e.g. find 1234 in 0247__a if the same 0247_2 says pmid.) 11:47 aw-bib[m] btw: vi is open in koha-setup.md ;) 11:48 cait ? 11:48 aw-bib[m] taking notes here all the time :) 11:49 cait btw... if you coming to Helsinki: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Kohacon23/Social :) 12:14 ashimema damn 12:14 ashimema I found regressions with bug 30517 12:14 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30517 normal, P5 - low, ---, shi-yao.wang, RESOLVED FIXED, Translation breaks editing parent type circulation rule 12:14 ashimema seems we somehow missed some cases cait 12:14 * ashimema grabs coffee 12:23 * oleonard grabs coffee out of sympathy 12:29 cait ? 12:29 cait ashimema: sorry, I don#t follow right now 12:30 cait we only dealt with the monetary values and that is not pushed yet? 12:32 ashimema no.. I'm talking an old bug 12:32 ashimema we're doing upgrades here 12:32 ashimema and this just hit us 12:33 ashimema there's a regression caused by bug 30517 12:33 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30517 normal, P5 - low, ---, shi-yao.wang, RESOLVED FIXED, Translation breaks editing parent type circulation rule 12:33 ashimema you tested π 12:33 ashimema hence the royal 'we' π 12:34 ashimema our customer has Staff, Staff (ISA), Staff (temporary) and Staff (zero entitlements) as unique categories.. with the regex introduced above suddently the first three all get converted to staff 12:34 ashimema so you can't edit any of those rules anymore 12:36 ashimema it's a terrible idea to use regex here 12:38 Joubu outch 12:38 ashimema it's a pretty special case.. but I bet we're not the only ones to hit it at some point 12:39 ashimema do you understand the note there Joubu? 12:39 ashimema >If option is a parent, compare without (All) 12:39 ashimema I have no idea what that refers to.. I don't work in this location all that often 12:40 ashimema to me.. the best case would be to add in the codes as a data- in the relevant td's.. then refer to those for comparison rather than the translated description strings 12:40 Joubu not really, but that just smells 12:40 ashimema but without understanding that comment I'm a bit at a lose as to what we're even trying to achieve there 12:40 Joubu when you are doing a regex on a string that can be translated you are doing something wrong 12:41 ashimema totally 12:44 Joubu why is this code using the text instead of the value of the options?! 12:44 ashimema that's exactly the question I'm asking myself 12:45 ashimema right now for my customer i've just reverted the offending patch 12:45 ashimema but obviously we need a proper fix for community 12:45 ashimema I'm looking to convert to using code 12:45 ashimema instead of description 12:45 Joubu 1488 $(current_column).find("input[type='text']").val(itm); 12:45 Joubu and this line.... does nothing.. 12:45 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (31KiB) < 12:45 * NikolayGospodinov[m] https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/VwXmgbkCTPYFxoxzDjzUasZU/2023-07-13%2015_42_36-%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%20%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%20(%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%20%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%20491834)%20%E2%80%BA%20%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0 12:45 * NikolayGospodinov[m] %B8%20%E2%80%BA%20%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%B0%20%E2%80%94%20Mozil.png > 12:46 NikolayGospodinov[m] I have a question. When duplicating a 944 tag, is it possible to automatically transfer the information from the following fields to the bottom (as shown in the picture). Data from these fields is automatically taken with placeholders 12:46 tcohen hola 12:46 wahanui what's up, tcohen 12:46 ashimema does it not? 12:46 ashimema doesn't it set the value of text inputs 12:46 Joubu ashimema: yes it does... 12:46 ashimema hehe 12:46 ashimema the code here is 'complicated' to understand 12:52 ashimema this wouldn't be too hard to convert.. I'm going to have a go 12:52 ashimema but first.. to report the bug 13:05 cait ashimema: we at least have no () in our descriptions - so save for now 13:05 cait safe 13:05 cait ashimema: but if you have a patch I'll try to test 13:06 ashimema I'm working on one.. 13:06 ashimema well.. will be once I'm done in my meeting 13:25 cait I'll try to test tomorrow 15:05 caroline Joubu++ 15:06 cait Joubu++ caroline++ 15:06 cait caroline: you are flying through Germany! :) 15:06 caroline yes! 15:06 cait it's a good test for when we might have KohaCon here one day 15:07 caroline I will have a terribly long layover in Munich on the way back... like 9 hours 15:08 cait oh ouch :( 15:08 cait I would keep you company, but we ar flying back to ZΓΌrich and it's a bit far 15:08 cait maybe you can leave the airport and dos omething fun? 15:08 Joubu caroline has a working ktd and she said "it was very easy to setup" :D 15:08 caroline I did not!! 15:09 cait caroline: can you confirm you really said that? :) 15:09 cait HAH! 15:09 caroline I even had nightmares about it! 15:09 cait but is the working part true? 15:09 caroline yes! 15:09 cait oh no :( 15:09 cait it gets easier a second time 15:09 caroline Joubu has been extremely patient with me 15:09 caroline (he was not in the nightmare) 15:09 Joubu She got all the problems possible... 15:10 cait he should have been there rescuing you 15:10 cait Joubu: good practice to see how are are stuggling with the silly stuff :) 15:10 caroline re:Munich I will be there from 21:55 to 6:50... not sure visiting is an option ;) 15:11 cait airport hotel? 15:11 wahanui cait: That doesn't look right. Try 'airport code for CITY' or 'airport name for CODE' instead. 15:11 cait forget airport hotel 15:11 wahanui cait: That doesn't look right. Try 'airport code for CITY' or 'airport name for CODE' instead. 15:11 cait forget hotel 15:11 cait hm. 15:11 caroline It's on my to-do list to book one... I'm too old to sleep on airport benches 15:12 cait fun thing, you might end up at my brothers 'village' heh 15:12 cait it's very close to the airport 15:39 oleonard caroline: I ran into the same situation, except in Amsterdam 15:40 caroline long layover? 15:40 oleonard yeah 15:40 caroline :( 15:40 oleonard Some of them were 12 or 13 hours 15:40 caroline yuk... 15:40 oleonard I think I got something more reasonable 15:41 oleonard Does wahanui know airport codes? 15:41 oleonard wahanui: airport code for paris 15:41 wahanui oleonard: I can't seem to access my airport data -- perhaps try again later. 15:43 cait i think i used to resolve them, but I don't remember the command 15:43 cait FRK 15:44 cait oleonard: you could ask eythian 15:44 cait or marcelr :) 15:44 cait I am off for today - cya tomorrow! 15:44 oleonard Bye cait 15:49 Joubu wahanui: metar LFPG 15:49 wahanui Joubu: Either LFPG doesn't exist (try a 4-letter station code like KAGC), or the site NOAA site is unavailable right now. 15:49 Joubu or you are outdated 16:47 SuelenAlvesdosSantos[m] Hi! I am having trouble with allowing OPAC and Staff interface to be accessed by other machines... Could someone help me out with configuring DNS? Thanks 16:58 caroline SuelenAlvesdosSantos[m], I can't really help since I don't know anything about that, but maybe check the wiki? https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/How_to_set_up_a_domain_name_for_Koha 17:05 SuelenAlvesdosSantos[m] Thanks, Caroline! Are these commands still working on the latest version of Koha? 17:07 caroline no idea sorry :( 17:25 tcohen @later tell Joubu should we have a class for retrieving specific things from MARC::Record objects? 17:25 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 17:52 oleonard Finally got back to Bug 30623 17:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30623 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Copy permissions from one user to another 17:54 * oleonard has been trying to get back to half-finished things