Time Nick Message 07:03 * ashimema roles up sleeves and hits 23.05.x hard 07:06 dcook ashimema: I'd say it can't hit back but I think we know better... 07:06 ashimema haha 07:27 aw-bib[m] hello! yesterday I fiddled with adding new sru servers to koha during baseinstall. for this I added the services to the z3950.yml file. doing this I noticed that sru_options seems to be ignored, similarly checked and rank values. I'll most likely solve this via sql, but I wonder if this points to a deeper issue. (maybe it went unnoticed till now as the only sru-server in the defaults is LoC which doesn't need any parameters.) 07:27 ashimema Now we're only a month behind master.. will continue later 07:28 ashimema Pass 07:39 Joubu aw-bib[m]: how ignored? I am seeing that z3950.bnf.fr has rank=2 in DB 07:40 Joubu which is the value set in installer/data/mysql/en/optional/sample_z3950_servers.yml 07:41 aw-bib[m] I tried to add two new servers on the line of the LoC sru service to the yml. this is processed fine but the parameters don't end up in the database. I don't really get it I admit. 07:43 aw-bib[m] I added the two new servers just below the lx2.loc.gov sru server and besides those parameters they end up in the ui and work as expected. I am just not able to autocheck those. but you are right, it works for z3950.bnf.fr 07:44 aw-bib[m] the block in question I use is... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WwplZbqQyLcRQKRQDjannJxB>) 07:44 aw-bib[m] if I set checked to 1 I get the same reuslt. and sru_options doesn't end up in the db at all. 07:45 Joubu IIRC you need the same rows per "block" 07:46 Joubu you can see 3 "z3950servers", each has different columns 07:46 aw-bib[m] ah! so if I have more parameters this should go to it's own block. 07:46 Joubu here you are adding sru_options that is not in lx2.loc.gov 07:46 Joubu it's just a guess, worth a try! 07:47 aw-bib[m] this also explains why I have 3 z3950servers in the first place. 07:47 aw-bib[m] I'll give it a try. InstallKoha takes just a few seconds :) 07:47 Joubu if you are using ktd you can edit the yml and call `reset_all` that is an alias to drop/create and populate the db with the sample data 07:49 aw-bib[m] I am not (yet) into docker as cait mentioned that for the prods it is preferable to run on bare metal. so right now bare metal it is. but actually we'd prefer to dockerize at some point. I might come back to you on that. ;) 07:55 aw-bib[m] Joubu: your guess was perfectly right. tanks! mystery solved. :) 07:59 cait ashimema++ 08:00 cait I had said package installation is still the recommended method :) 08:03 aw-bib[m] right. so I stick with the recommended stuff for the time being. a few boxes will be pretty far away and I fear I have a pretty challenging time frame as well. so avoid all even potential issues is a thing of it's own. (and right now I can assume at least a debian server everywhere...) 08:03 ashimema Development and production at certainly different use cases.. ktd is certainly a development tool 08:06 * ashimema needs coffee 08:22 cait ashimema: can you bring me some too? 08:37 krimsonkharne[m] next meeting? 08:37 wahanui next meeting is, like, https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Next_IRC_meetings 08:38 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 09:09 * cait never got that coffee... 09:14 * Joubu sends cait some mate 09:14 cait heh thanks! 09:39 aude_c[m] Hello! Does anyone know if there are still problems with accounts on the Koha wiki? A librarian is telling me they're trying to reset their password but they're not receiving anything. 09:39 cait it shoudl be ok, was the last status I had 09:40 cait I haven't heard from other proboems, spam folder and all were checked? 09:43 aude_c[m] Thanks! 09:43 aude_c[m] I assume so. As it is a long while since they last logged in, they also wondered whether their account had been deleted in a tidy-up. 09:49 LibraryHU[m] how to place hold on books in koha? 09:50 Annelisterman[m] Library HU: https://koha-community.org/manual/23.05/en/html/circulation.html#holds 09:51 cait i can check for the account if you want to send me a PM 09:51 ashimema grr.. I'm going to remove that '(development)' there.. 09:51 ashimema always bugs me 09:52 cait which development? 09:52 aude_c[m] Sorry, it's on my to-do list too 09:52 ashimema in the manual link above 09:52 ashimema it's part of the title 09:52 aude_c[m] (Noticed it earlier this week) 09:52 ashimema 23.05 isn't in development any more 😜 09:52 cait ah ok, I don't see that 09:52 cait I am more worried still about having an LTS version with no German manual :( 09:53 cait we would translate, but no po files to have... 09:53 aude_c[m] :( 09:53 ashimema hugs aude_x 09:53 ashimema * hugs aude_c 09:53 aude_c[m] I know. Talked about this with the French translators too. 09:54 cait I have sent a lot of emails to bgkriegel, I don't know how to proceed 09:54 aude_c[m] We need to chat with the Translation manager apparently... or just decide a completely different way of dealing with the Manual translations. 09:54 cait and I don't know if we have any documantation on how to make the po fils for manuals? 09:54 cait I don't think a different way is feasable really, different translation platform for all our thigns, yes 09:55 aude_c[m] For the Manual side, I have this https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_management#Translating_the_manual 09:55 * ashimema pushed removal of 'development' for you aude_c 09:55 aude_c[m] Thank you ashimema ! 09:56 aude_c[m] cait: would it help if... we only had one version of the Manual in the future? 09:56 aude_c[m] The one manual idea is on the agenda for this afternoon's Docs meeting 09:56 cait what do you mean by one manual? 09:56 aude_c[m] (and will need to be discussed further, but we need to start somewhere) 09:56 aude_c[m] stop having one manual version per Koha version 09:56 ashimema instead of a manual per koha version supported 09:57 cait I don't think ti would help really, people will get confused 09:57 aude_c[m] just have one same manual for all 09:57 ashimema one manual with tags inside it to highlight changes in versions 09:57 cait the screenshots won't match 09:57 cait in my opinion people don't abstract really well 09:57 aude_c[m] so only one manual to maintain, which would always be the most up-to-date 09:57 ashimema I'm not against either approach 09:57 cait when you are not used to it 09:57 ashimema but.. we don't maintain older manuals well at all 09:57 aude_c[m] and one manual to translate (and we need your input to understand the impact) 09:57 cait and we'd never catch up on with translations either 09:57 cait I think we don't need to maintain that well now that we maintain the newer ones more 09:58 cait the most important stuff will be in when the manual is branched 09:58 cait but littering thigns with version numbers - I don't see that helping much 09:58 aude_c[m] we're always behind on documenting 09:58 cait i just see people asking about "why do I not have this checkbox?" 09:59 cait but it won't fix the translation problem so or so 09:59 aude_c[m] and cherry-picking isn't straightforward (so, quite frankly, things don't get backported to older versions of the manual). So something introduced in one Koha version may only make it into the manual version for 2 Koha versions later. That's not good. 09:59 ashimema except we cause ourselves issues by not branching 09:59 ashimema we should really branch at release 10:00 cait that's true 10:00 cait I think if manual updates done in smaller portions, maybe backproting would be easier, but it's probably a lot easier on command line than with the gui tools 10:00 ashimema if we branch earlier though.. that will just make the above issue about backports even more pronounced 10:00 ashimema it's not easy 10:00 cait true, something to talk about 10:00 cait but I think the translation issue is really a separate one 10:01 aude_c[m] ok 10:01 cait we don't have translations for 23.05 and master either 10:01 cait so at the moment... it's really bad 10:01 ashimema mmm 10:01 * ashimema logs into translate to dig around and see if he can work out how to add it for you 10:02 ashimema hmm 10:02 ashimema interesting 10:02 ashimema I don't appear to be able to ssh to translate any more 10:04 cait hm it's online at least 10:04 ashimema i got in now 10:04 ashimema just very very slow to respond 10:06 aude_c[m] By the way, cait , you'd put bug 33790 on a previous Docs meeting agenda 10:06 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33790 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to master , Fix and add various links to the manual 10:06 aude_c[m] Is there still something you need the Docs team to do? 10:07 cait yes, get the po files to update the manuals - but that's for later 10:08 aude_c[m] Noted!! 10:08 cait we need to move them from the tarnslation server into the docs repository... somewhat regularly 10:08 cait but without newer files that doesn#t make sense right now 10:09 aude_c[m] Next on my list to ask you (sorry :D ) Did you see comments on bug 29063? 10:09 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29063 major, P5 - low, ---, david, In Discussion , [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences 10:10 ashimema ideally we don't keep the translations in the gitlab repo at all 10:11 ashimema we instead trigger the pull from pootle any time we build the manual 10:11 ashimema that was the plan.. 10:11 ashimema and I even had it working 10:11 ashimema but it got disabled again by someone.. I think perhaps the pootle server had some rebuild or something 10:17 ashimema man.. there's not been a pull on here for AGES 10:18 ashimema hopefully I've found the right command history for how to do this cait.. wish me luck.. I'm following it a bit blind 10:21 Joubu ashimema: for ver in 23.05 22.11 22.05 21.11; do /srv/scripts/update-koha.sh $ver; done | tee update-koha.log 10:21 Joubu this is the command 10:22 Joubu I have an email I sent on Oct 2021 "Should we add it to the crontab?", never got a reply 10:22 Joubu it's very slow IIRC 10:23 ashimema my git fetch just took 20 mins 😜 10:23 ashimema I think the above is for koha.. the manual is similar though 10:24 oleonard o/ 10:24 ashimema what I'm trying to work out though, is how to add manual22.11 to pootle as a project.. it doesn't exist at all yet.. so I don't think the above command is it.. though I could well be wrong 10:25 Joubu well, I jumped into the discussion but had not really followed it, sorry.. 10:26 ashimema no worries 10:26 Joubu it's only to update strings for Koha, totally out of context :D 10:26 ashimema I'm all ears if you have knowledge.. I'm properly flying blind 10:26 ashimema basically trying to pick out the right lines from the command history 😜 10:26 Joubu there is a card on the kanban I think 10:27 Joubu nope, it's only to branch the git repo 10:28 Joubu https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/issues/13 10:31 Joubu ashimema: Shouldn't we simply create a new project on pootle (using the UI)? 10:39 ashimema damn 10:39 ashimema I'm stuck 10:39 ashimema yeah.. that might be where I'm stuck 🙂 10:45 Joubu I hate that wiki 10:46 ashimema ? 10:46 Joubu nothing is correct 10:46 ashimema agreed 10:46 Joubu everything is outdated 10:46 Joubu https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git#Share_with_the_rest_of_the_world 10:46 Joubu that sucks 10:46 ashimema [off] and thd seems totally against cleanup 10:46 Joubu "on debian 6"... 10:47 ashimema lol 10:47 Joubu git reset --hard v3.00.00-stableRC1 10:48 Joubu that must be fun 10:54 cait ashimema: fingers are crossed... just lunch drew me away 10:56 cait we did delete some stuff, I was going to ask about the many how to add index to zebra pages... 10:56 cait I reid to clean up one ealier that was missing some steps 10:56 ashimema I'm stuck again 10:56 ashimema the project is there 10:57 ashimema but I can't seem to get the translations to turn up ☹️ 10:58 ashimema ooh, ooh 10:58 ashimema I think I found the magic command.. lets see 10:58 ashimema doesn't help that there's a lot of 'screen' in this command history.. which hides stuff 11:10 cait ashimema++ ashimema++ (23.05, translations) MatthewBlenkinsop++ 11:12 ashimema unexpected community days... always fun 11:13 ashimema it's still going in the background cait.. but it's starting to look better in the UI now.. 11:13 ashimema could you give it a sanity check for me later today pretty please? 11:14 ashimema I added my notes on the process to here: https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/task/33 11:15 ashimema hopefully they make some sense.. 11:15 ashimema we should write them up more formerly somewhere.. 11:15 ashimema but I've burnt through time today and now have lots of meetings to go into 11:26 cait can't tell about hte process, but ones the files are up I can try 11:26 cait possibly a good test would be to translate the manual with them 11:26 cait will try an dcheck for some recent changes 11:26 ashimema ta 11:26 cait ashimema: you did 22.11 right? so we need to do 23.05 later when it's ok? 11:27 ashimema correct 11:27 cait ok, I have a meeting in a bit, but will have a look after! 11:27 ashimema once we confirm we're happy I can take a stab at 23.05 11:31 cait one interesting bit 11:31 cait it's almost the same strings missing as Koha manual 22.05 11:31 marcelr o/ 11:31 cait as if nothing had changed 11:31 cait or if it was based on 22.05 actually without the new stuff 11:31 cait https://translate.koha-community.org/de/ 11:32 cait can you see? the blu numbers of untranslated match up exactly 11:32 ashimema mm 11:32 ashimema it's still syncing in the background 11:32 ashimema not sure if that's the issue 11:34 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:34 tcohen anyone from biblibre around? I have an emergency 11:35 cait ok, maybe i just need to wait, so after the meeting then 11:35 cait tcohen: i think maybe better email 11:36 cait ashimema: can you let me know when it's done? 11:36 tcohen aren't we still a few days before freeze? 11:36 cait I tried searching |AllowCheckoutNotes| but it doesn't show up - it was a change from the hackfest, a screenshot name 11:36 cait tcohen: we are trying to fix the manual pos 11:36 tcohen ah 11:37 ashimema ooh.. it just finished 11:37 cait checking 11:38 cait numbers are still the same 11:38 cait I am not sure if it really used 22.11 11:38 ashimema the templates dir used 22.11 11:38 cait numbers are just too close 11:38 ashimema the others are pulled from the old translations 11:38 ashimema I don't really know enough about how it all fits together to fix this though ☹️ 11:38 cait yeah - that's the trick I was not sure about 11:38 cait but there were definitely 22.11 only changes 11:38 cait that shoudl result in changed strings 11:39 cait no errors or anything? 11:39 ashimema nope 11:39 ashimema but it's all incredibly manual 11:39 cait tcohen: any chance you could visit our TM ? :) 11:39 ashimema I documented what I did here tcohen: https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/task/33 11:40 ashimema and I did that based on command history I dug through from the last time someone did it for 22.05 11:40 cait SearchWithISSNVariations is a new pref that was added to 22.11 branch - I can't find it in pootle 11:40 cait can you find it in the files? 11:40 ashimema meetings 11:40 wahanui meetings are https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Next_IRC_meetings 11:40 ashimema bbiab 11:40 cait yeah, i just wonder maybe we missed to update an option ro so? 11:40 cait it looks so promising 11:41 cait ashimema: that was my testing example from 22.11 branch: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/commit/83d34736b5f8a3ab39e80036ae8f12a4ebb06e86 11:43 ashimema and where is that in the source 11:43 ashimema brr.. I don't know 11:43 ashimema we need Bernardo 11:44 cait i should bein the manual file corresponding with the chapter 11:45 cait searchingpreferences.po 11:45 cait https://translate.koha-community.org/de/manual22.11/searchingpreferences.po 11:49 cait ashimema: if you want and if it helps... let's take a look togehter later via screenshare? Maybe i can spot something missing 11:51 ashimema I think it's all serverside.. and there's really not much to go on 11:51 ashimema but we can try 11:51 ashimema I really do need to go into a meeting now though. 11:55 oleonard caroline around? 11:56 oleonard cait can I ask your opinion on something? 12:01 cait sorry in meeting now - try again later? :) 12:03 oleonard Yep! 12:54 marcelr bug 33537 is ready for testing 12:54 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33537 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Move domain limits from koha-conf to staff SMTP configuration 13:04 Joubu marcelr: Modifying limit for 'fooo' failed. (Status 409 - Conflict: duplicate domain name.) 13:04 Joubu when clicking "New member" 13:04 Joubu Domain name = foo then save 13:04 marcelr you cant add two fooo's ? 13:05 Joubu I don't have one yet 13:05 marcelr restart all etc ? 13:05 Joubu reloaded plack, should be enough 13:05 marcelr i added 100s of recs while testing in the meantime 13:06 Joubu restart_all fixed it! 13:06 marcelr ouch 13:07 Joubu you should perltidy perl code ;) 13:08 Joubu some preventDefault() calls also missing 13:08 Joubu you should have written that in Vue 13:09 marcelr it should be nice to do it again and compare ;) 13:09 marcelr i did perl tidy once and again on parts.. 13:09 marcelr my own tidy is better lol 13:10 marcelr where do you miss preventDefault ? 13:11 Joubu preventDefault will prevent the scrollbar to jump at the top when you click on a button or link with a onclick event 13:12 Joubu you need to get the event and call preventDefault() on it 13:12 Joubu + $('#toolbar').on( "click", 'a.add', function () { 13:12 Joubu will become + $('#toolbar').on( "click", 'a.add', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); 13:12 marcelr ok 13:14 Joubu perltidy output on MailDomainLimits.t make it definitely better 13:15 marcelr will run it 13:16 Joubu swagger specs accept null/empty for limit, unit and type but the UI does not 13:17 caroline oleonard, I just got in, did you get an answer? 13:20 oleonard Hi caroline, I was looking at Bug 31736 13:20 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31736 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, caroline.cyr-la-rose, NEW , Context for translation: "All" 13:22 oleonard caroline: I'm thinking that in a lot of those cases we could just change the actual label to "All libraries" 13:22 oleonard Maybe not on the Circ & Fine rules page since screen space is at a premium 13:23 oleonard I was going to see what cait thought of that too since she speaks a language with notoriously long words :) 13:24 caroline Yes, I had thought of that alternative too 13:24 caroline I was planning on submitting alternate patches maybe and QA/RM would decide what they like best 13:25 caroline I know Bernardo did it for the item search form 13:25 caroline If you look at it, it now says All libraries, All item types, etc. rather than just All 13:26 caroline I'll check what it looks like in german... 13:27 oleonard My other comment is that I wouldn't say 'All libraries/branches' because we already standardize on 'libraries'. I would omit the '/branches' 13:27 marcelr Joubu i need the NULL for limit, unit and type for the domain member records 13:27 marcelr there are two types of records in this table 13:28 Joubu ok got it! 13:45 cait oleonard-away: reading back now? 13:45 cait i might have just missed him 13:46 caroline cait, if I change "All" to "All libraries", "All item types", "All patron categories", etc. Is it too long in German? 13:47 caroline It's just that the word for "All" changes in French depending on what it refers to, so I was adding context, but oleonard suggested changing the label in English 13:49 cait about the same , a little longer maybe 13:50 cait Alle Bibliotheken Alle Medientypen Alle Benutzertypen 13:50 cait thx for asking :) 13:50 caroline So not too long? 13:54 cait should be about the same 13:54 cait I'd say at first glance, patron categories even a little shorter 13:54 cait but I like including the patron because it helps with context there too 13:55 caroline I'll CC you on the bug and you can see if it looks ok 13:59 aude_c[m] Hello, just a little warning that we're having a Documentation meeting starting in a few minutes. We'll be using Jitsi Meet for discussions but also this channel to record minutes. 13:59 aude_c[m] You're welcome to join! :) Details of the meeting are at: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_12_July_2023 14:01 cait I'll miss docs meeting probably again, having another meeting, if it doesn't take long I'll try to join later 14:02 aude_c[m] Ok! 14:04 aude_c[m] #startmeeting Documentation meeting 12 July 2023 14:04 huginn Meeting started Wed Jul 12 14:04:38 2023 UTC. The chair is aude_c[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04 huginn Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04 huginn The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_meeting_12_july_2023' 14:04 aude_c[m] #chair marie-luce 14:04 huginn Current chairs: aude_c[m] marie-luce 14:04 aude_c[m] #chair caroline 14:04 huginn Current chairs: aude_c[m] caroline marie-luce 14:05 aude_c[m] #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_12_July_2023 Today's agenda 14:05 aude_c[m] #topic Introductions 14:05 aude_c[m] #info Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK 14:05 Joubu #info Jonathan Druart 14:05 marie-luce #topic Introduction 14:05 caroline #info Caroline Cyr La Rose, inlibro, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 14:05 krimsonkharne[m] #info Philip Orr, LMSCloud GmbH, Germany 14:05 marie-luce #info Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Montreal 14:06 lucyvh[m] #info Lucy Vaux-Harvey, PTFS Europe 14:08 aude_c[m] #info Alexander, PTFS Europe 14:09 aude_c[m] #topic Review of action points 14:18 aude_c[m] #info Discussed bug 29063. More questions for translation. 14:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29063 major, P5 - low, ---, david, In Discussion , [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences 14:20 aude_c[m] #topic What the team has been working on 14:22 caroline I added a comment to the bug with what we discussed 14:25 marie-luce #topic Automated screenshots using cypress studio 14:26 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 Automated screenshots 14:26 huginn 04Bug 34076: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 14:31 marie-luce #action joubu is asking the documentation team to try the test plan bug34076 and give some feedback 14:34 marie-luce #action all try the test plan in bug 34076 and give feedback 14:34 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 14:39 marie-luce #topic How to use only one Manual version 14:48 marie-luce # action aude_c will write a newsletter to explain benefits of keeping only one manual version 14:50 aude_c[m] #topic Planning meetings for the rest of the cycle 14:50 aude_c[m] #info The meeting after this is scheduled for Wednesday 27 September 2023, 14:00 UTC 14:50 aude_c[m] #info The meeting after this is scheduled for Wednesday 25 October 2023, 11:00 UTC 14:50 aude_c[m] #info The meeting after this is scheduled for Wednesday 29 November 2023, 14:00 UTC 14:54 aude_c[m] #topic Documentation how-to sessions 14:54 marie-luce #endmeeting - End the meeting 14:54 huginn Meeting ended Wed Jul 12 14:54:51 2023 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 14:54 huginn Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_meeting_12_july_2023.2023-07-12-14.04.html 14:54 huginn Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_meeting_12_july_2023.2023-07-12-14.04.txt 14:54 huginn Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/documentation_meeting_12_july_2023.2023-07-12-14.04.log.html 14:54 aude_c[m] #action aude_c to plan. krimsonkharne interested too 14:55 aude_c[m] oops, took too long to write this :D 14:55 aude_c[m] Thank you so much marie-luce for managing the meeting here! 14:59 marie-luce I've improvised ;) 15:01 aude_c[m] hehe! So did I :D 15:08 cait .. it did take long 15:09 cait aude_c[m]: if you decide on one manual... we need to change things in Koha as well, please keep in mind 15:09 cait and we really raelly need a working translation workflow 15:09 cait with regular updates 15:10 cait translation wise... I am a bit worried about one manual and also from user perspective, but I'll wait and see 15:10 aude_c[m] Yes. On the one manual we decided to get more comments by sending a message to the Koha mailing list. We haven't made a decision yet. 15:11 ashimema putting it out there.. could we just freeze mid cycle and wait for docs to get in line before actually releases so docs release and koha release coincide 😜 15:11 ashimema lets make everyone wait for docs before they get Koha 😜 15:12 aude_c[m] Translations: we all have issues and questions about how translations work and none of us are really sure what's happening. When / who is it best to ask / discuss ? 15:13 aude_c[m] ashimema lol. We'd better recruit more Documenters sharp-ish! 15:13 ashimema I volunteer to fly to Argentina to meet with Bernardo.. anyone able to sponsor me? 15:14 ashimema s/able/want/ 15:14 cait I am almos there ashimema, almost there... 15:14 ashimema 😂 15:14 cait it's really bad because we put a lot of work into an almost complete translation for 18.11 15:15 ashimema I put loads of work into getting translations working.. then loads of it got undone ☹️ 15:15 cait and it's not as good in 20.11... although we did translate, butnoone updates manuals 15:15 cait and then with the planned update to 22.11 we couldn't even translate :( 15:15 ashimema and I just don't have time to take on yet another thing I'm afraid ☹️ 15:15 cait I just CANT do it myself, happy to test and all but yeah, I am stuck 15:16 cait and we do have people asking for the updated manual files or wanting to help translate 15:16 aude_c[m] And I don't understand enough to help 15:16 ashimema Bernardo really is the sticking point.. none of us CAN do it. 15:20 cait yeah :( thx for triyng 15:22 oleonard caroline++ 15:24 Joubu time to switch to weblate and start from scratch... 15:33 cait ... same question: who doe sit? 15:34 Joubu it's done, it needs to be tested.. 15:34 Joubu well, there is a test install somewhere 15:51 aude_c[m] Is there? I know some French people who may be interested... 15:52 cait ther eis no data in it yet 15:52 aude_c[m] Ah 15:52 cait ... would have loved to feed it new manual files heh 15:53 aude_c[m] :/ 16:00 cait got to go... thunder is rolling in and rain will follow 16:00 cait cya later/tomorrow! 16:01 aude_c[m] * waves 16:05 ashimema @later tell cait sorry I had to dive into a meeting 16:05 huginn ashimema: The operation succeeded. 16:06 * ashimema contemplates coffee, tea or beer before starting the next tasks... 16:06 ashimema it's been a loooong day 18:18 caroline Joubu++ #being very patient with me and my ktd problemssss :) 20:56 aleisha hello 20:59 * cait waves 21:28 aleisha i presented at a conference in wellington last week, about open source software culture - thought it may be of interest to people here :) https://youtu.be/wSa_nABUypw 21:32 cait :)