Time Nick Message 04:18 DrNaseeraliMK[m] hii 04:19 DrNaseeraliMK[m] i m trying to install koha on web server 04:19 DrNaseeraliMK[m] after extracting koha-23.05.00.tar.gz on server wt shuld i do 05:58 marcelr o/ 06:28 reiveune hello 06:29 wahanui privet, reiveune 06:35 magnuse_ \o/ 06:49 Joubu @later tell fridolin seen that on cypress test in Agreements.ts is failing on 23.05? 06:49 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:21 Joubu marcelr: if you want fun, there is bug 32496, we should push it ASAP 08:21 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32496 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, glasklas, Signed Off , Reduce unnecessary unblessings of objects in Circulation.pm 08:22 ashimema nice 08:22 ashimema I'm back today.. might try and take a look at that one 08:22 marcelr hi Joubu ashimema 08:22 ashimema though I'm also continuing to enrol our new staff 08:23 marcelr having fun now with 33105 :) 08:23 marcelr ashimema: hope you also have fun with that :) 08:24 Joubu ashimema: you need to fix the failing test first ;) 08:24 Joubu the patrons_search selenium one 08:24 ashimema ho.. I hadn't spotted a failing test 08:24 ashimema d11 08:25 ashimema OK.. on it 08:25 ashimema thanks for looking at things for me yesterday btw Joubu. 08:26 marcelr just a stupid question: but shouldnt we just sort the buttons on intranet main one day ? 08:26 marcelr acq is just in the middle 08:26 cait1 how would you sort them? :) 08:26 cait1 alphabetic poses problems with translations as always 08:26 ashimema I really want a guideline for that 08:26 ashimema I've mentioned it just a few times π 08:27 ashimema not alphabetic 08:27 ashimema but a consistent pattern to apply 08:28 cait1 I think for the menu items it's a little hard 08:28 marcelr sort them depending on language somehow 08:28 cait1 we coudl discuss ordering it workflow wise 08:28 ashimema yeah.. that's what I mean 08:28 marcelr workflow will be different everywhere? 08:28 cait1 yeah true 08:29 marcelr so yes, it is a stupid question but constant confusion 08:29 cait1 actualyl I don't mind the current sequence... maybe ERM and Acq could be closer together, but they are not yet in terms of functionality either 08:29 ashimema at least some workflow will be consistent 08:29 ashimema like you can't edit before you create π 08:29 marcelr sort alphabetically is very consistent 08:29 Joubu make them sortable by the user and cache the order in a cookie 08:29 ashimema lol 08:29 marcelr :) 08:30 Joubu localstore even... 08:30 marcelr we could have a pref for it and some permissions.. 08:30 cait1 I alrady kinda hate we can sort item fields now - never finding what I am looking for :) but that's the problem if you are looking after a lot of different instances 08:30 cait1 only one pref? :) 08:34 magnus @quote get 123 08:34 huginn magnus: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) 08:34 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 08:34 marcelr Joubu ping pong 33105 08:35 marcelr @quote get 345 08:35 huginn marcelr: Quote #345: "Your library is different, but not THAT different" (added by wizzyrea at 01:56 AM, October 20, 2020) 08:35 marcelr @quote get 456 08:35 huginn marcelr: Error: There is no Quote with id #456 in my database for #koha. 08:35 magnus lulz 08:35 marcelr is that norwegian? 08:35 marcelr can we add quote 456? 08:36 cait1 i think we might need a lot more quotes to get that far 08:36 marcelr @quote get max 08:36 huginn marcelr: Error: 'max' is not a valid id. 08:36 marcelr @quote max 08:36 huginn marcelr: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 08:36 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 08:36 cait1 @quote -1 08:36 huginn cait1: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 08:36 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 08:36 marcelr hmm how limited is that 08:36 cait1 @quote get -1 08:36 huginn cait1: Error: There is no Quote with id #-1 in my database for #koha. 08:39 magnus has anyone thought about ways to protect items from ill? some way to flag that "this item should not be ill'ed"? cait? 08:39 magnus it's quite a common thing in norway 08:42 Joubu marcelr: I don't get what's happening with the 404 08:42 marcelr do you need to pass the id ? 08:44 marcelr or just check confirm( ) and do nothing ? 08:44 marcelr in js 08:45 Joubu ok fixed, patch amended 08:47 marcelr old enhancements, rebase party ! 08:48 marcelr five on a row 08:48 marcelr Joubu i need to fail it one more time to get even with Katrin on the dashboard 08:49 marcelr lol 08:53 Joubu marcelr, or PQA it, or you are gonna go down soon 08:53 Joubu Marcel de Rooy - 133 08:53 Joubu Jonathan Druart - 132 08:53 marcelr i can catch up with you ;) 09:06 marcelr Joubu you left it at FQA and I found a new problem 09:06 marcelr so bad ;) 09:07 magnus marcelr++ Joubu++ 09:07 marcelr Joubu check all paths in the api specs ? 09:09 Joubu all paths? 09:09 marcelr related to your changes 09:09 Joubu all routes for all endpoints? 09:09 marcelr lol 09:09 Joubu there is only GET /issues 09:10 marcelr ah i was just thinking that we had all crud routes 09:10 marcelr ok thats fine 09:10 marcelr you should have :) 09:11 Joubu no, we implement only what we need 09:11 marcelr than we are close to pqa 09:11 marcelr it would have been more js, less perl 09:11 marcelr this is a bit hybrid 09:11 marcelr old school and one api route 09:12 Joubu it's like cities 09:12 Joubu rest api is only used for listing 09:12 Joubu if you want full JS then look at bug 30708 ;) 09:12 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30708 new feature, P3, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Creation of a new 'Preservation' module 09:12 marcelr i am working on 33537 with all crud routes too 09:13 Joubu the hardest part of 33105 was to be consistent with the other existing vendor stuffs (contracts, etc.) 09:14 Joubu marcelr: as far as I know we don't have full CRUD somewhere outside of ERM 09:15 marcelr you will have next week :) 09:15 Joubu marcelr: if you want to implement that, reach me ;) 09:15 Joubu I've done that 4 times already... 09:15 Joubu for cities, there are different implement on bugzilla 09:16 Joubu don't write a 5th one 09:16 marcelr it is working already 09:16 Joubu ok :D 09:16 marcelr but i just need to fine tune a bit 09:16 marcelr validation stuff 09:16 Joubu you should have written it in Vue then 09:17 marcelr i should have probably 09:17 marcelr no it is just js 09:18 marcelr but size explodes easily 09:18 marcelr with koha objects, rest api specs, rest module, etc. 09:18 Joubu bug 14974 09:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14974 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Use the REST API for cities 09:18 Joubu bug 25279 09:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25279 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, CLOSED FIXED, Make the cities list use the API 09:18 Joubu not the second one as it's pushed, it was for the list view 09:19 marcelr i added one line for kohastructure on my first 33105 follow-up for the single quotes too 09:20 marcelr so tcohen push 33105 09:20 Joubu marcelr: also have a look at koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/fetch, may be useful 09:33 cait1 did I hear party? 09:34 marcelr yeah rebase party 09:34 marcelr old enhancements need attention from authors 09:34 cait1 hope to join soon... trying to run ktd with selenium, what is my mistake this time? 09:35 cait1 https://paste.koha-community.org/23097 09:35 marcelr selenium is a mistake :) 09:35 * marcelr hides now 09:35 marcelr magnus: that would be a nice quote btw 09:36 marcelr @quote get 400 09:36 huginn marcelr: Error: There is no Quote with id #400 in my database for #koha. 09:36 marcelr we need some 09:41 Joubu cait1: down, remove orphan, pull, up 09:42 cait1 i did down - what's the command for orphans? 09:42 Joubu it's in the warning you get 09:43 Joubu it's the network that is not found 09:43 Joubu df -h? 09:43 Joubu still free disk space? 09:51 cait1 sorry was afk, checking now 09:53 Joubu Could someone reply to David on the list about the MySQL AI problems? I am tired to explain it 09:53 cait1 freed 9gb 09:53 cait1 still see the error 09:54 Joubu the warning? 09:54 wahanui well, the warning is not blocker, you can safely ignore it. 09:54 cait1 same 09:55 cait1 Error response from daemon: network 7cb1441db230f459f28311b07f36fb3021bd5d6ef8345736c765fe3c3a713cd2 not found 09:55 Joubu docker-compose -p koha down 09:56 Joubu docker-compose pull 09:56 cait1 it starts nicely without selenium 09:56 marcelr ^^ 09:56 Joubu docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --force-recreate 09:56 cait1 Joubu: it looks like that did that trick 09:57 cait1 ... I dare to ask: is that documented somewehre? 09:57 Joubu don't use the aliases :D 09:57 cait1 I don't know docker stuff 09:57 Joubu and you will know what to do 09:57 cait1 I need the aliases 09:57 Joubu I am running those 3 commands (without the remove-orphans) whenever I need to run ktd 09:57 Joubu docker-compose -p koha down; export LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u); export KOHA_IMAGE=master; docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.es7.yml -p koha up --force-recreate 09:57 Joubu and it's always working 09:59 cait1 but not easy to remember :) 09:59 cait1 it#s up now, thx for the help! 09:59 cait1 now I can start QA friday 10:00 Joubu ctrl+r koha up 10:03 marcelr htg 10:03 cait1 oh, and there he goes 10:03 cait1 ... just when I join the party! 10:06 reiveune bye 10:11 cait1 Joubu: coudl you rebase bug 28844 - I navigated the conflict in kohastructure but now stuck on the DBIC follow-ups with a sha1... 10:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28844 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Suggestion from existing title can alert patron in error 10:20 cait1 bbiab - lunch break 11:00 ashimema oleonard around? 11:00 ashimema or anyone else that uses wsl for koha dev? 11:00 oleonard I am 11:01 oleonard wsl? 11:01 ashimema since when did git-bz need a full browser inside wsl to work? 11:01 ashimema the linux stuff inside windows 11:01 ashimema or don't you use that? 11:01 ashimema I thought you did 11:01 ashimema how do you run ktd and things? 11:01 oleonard Oh yeah, I actually don't use Windows much these days since I've been working from home 11:02 ashimema ah, cool 11:02 oleonard The last time I tried it it was working, though. Not that that is any help. 11:02 ashimema well.. that's gets my vote of confidence.. but doesn't help me getting my new dev up and running haha 11:03 ashimema it's odd.. we're having to try and install a browser inside the wsl container.. which is fun as everything snaps these days.. it's just all rather heavy weight for a tiny cli script such as bz 11:03 ashimema grr 11:07 magnus ouch 11:07 ashimema anyone else using wsl 11:07 * ashimema isn't a windows man at all.. 11:09 Joubu winwat? 11:11 cait1 Paul might now, but he doesn't seem to be around 11:11 krimsonkharne[m] I'm using ktd on debian on wsl, afaik I don't have a browser installed in wsl 11:11 krimsonkharne[m] I'm not a dev though 11:12 krimsonkharne[m] but the git commands like git bz attach ... etc. work for me 11:13 ashimema interesting 11:14 krimsonkharne[m] maybe https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/User:Paulderscheid could help 11:14 paulderscheid[m] Yeah cait, maybe try the guide. Worked last time for krimsonkharne 11:15 paulderscheid[m] Ah sorry, only read the last message. 11:15 ashimema aha.. thanks 11:15 ashimema ktd works fine 11:16 ashimema it's when we attempt git bz apply xxxxx 11:16 paulderscheid[m] Are you getting an error? 11:16 ashimema yup 11:16 ashimema git bz complains about not having bz.browser set 11:17 ashimema but then setting that (which I've never had to do) doesn't change anything anyway 11:17 ashimema the guys have just gone for lunch.. we'll be bashing at this again in an hour 11:17 ashimema it's really odd... 11:17 cait1 paulderscheid[m]: thx, was trying to summon you for ashimema :) 11:19 paulderscheid[m] That's strange. krimsonkharne you were able to git bz apply just fine, right? 11:20 krimsonkharne[m] yep, works fine 11:21 paulderscheid[m] That's odd. 11:28 tcohen hola #koha 11:29 cait hi tcohen 11:30 tcohen ashimema: please review Joubu's follow-ups on 23336 ASAP 11:30 tcohen (so I don't forget heh) 11:30 tcohen hola cait ! 11:34 ashimema I have, I just haven't dropped them from that bug yet 11:34 ashimema I migrated them to the new bug I opened and pqa'd it 11:36 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34212 11:36 huginn 04Bug 34212: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Passed QA , Bug 23336 follow-up 11:36 ashimema tcohen ^ 11:56 krimsonkharne[m] krimsonkharnesiF43BIIowoisxNriL4p 11:56 krimsonkharne[m] whoops lol 11:56 krimsonkharne[m] ashimema: maybe a dumb question but are the user and pw set in git/koha-testing-docker/.env? 11:57 ashimema yes 11:57 ashimema it's not inside the container though.. we're talking on the host, 11:57 ashimema though actually.. that's not a bad idea.. we could just try doing the bz stuff from inside ktd 11:58 * ashimema is in the habbit of always doing his git stuff outside the container 11:58 oleonard Oh, yeah I always do the git-bz stuff inside ktd 11:59 ashimema interesting 11:59 ashimema we shall try that when they get back from lunch 12:02 Joubu If it works you can write a function on the host that will exec the git bz inside ktd 12:02 Joubu like git_bz which will run a docker exec with git bz and the ARGV 12:04 tcohen you can of course run git bz inside KTD already 12:06 ashimema yeah.. I just always did git outside ktd 12:06 ashimema habbit 12:06 tcohen the .env entriees are used to correctly set git and git bz inside KTD 12:06 ashimema it's interesting trying to get this guy up and running on windows 12:07 tcohen I do all the things outside too 12:07 ashimema we'll have 3 'nix, 1 windows and 1 mac in the end 12:07 tcohen AgustinMoyano[m] is on Windows 12:10 tcohen ask him if you have problems 12:17 tcohen can someone look at the selenium failures? 12:17 tcohen my linux box dies and the mac gets borked when I run many docker things 12:17 tcohen *died 12:18 tcohen @kater tell fridolin ping 12:19 huginn tcohen: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 12:19 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 12:19 tcohen @later tell fridolin ping 12:19 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 12:23 tcohen @later tell fridolin some things need to be backported to older branches, let us know if you will be around to push to 23.05 before the freeze 12:23 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 13:06 ashimema Joubu 13:07 ashimema I've sent alexander off to work through your community onboarding process now.. he's going to make notes of anything that might be helpful to feedback into it too π 13:07 ashimema can I quiz you about structure of QA tools ? 13:08 ashimema I'm contemplating that I aught to add a unit test for the additional validation pattern I add in that merge request.. but I'm a bit confused as to how the t dir fits together right now 13:08 Joubu tcohen, PedroAmorim[m]: bug 34226 - patch coming 13:08 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34226 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Format dates from DT filters before querying the REST API 13:09 tcohen Joubu++ 13:09 * cait loves QA Fridays 13:09 Joubu ashimema: each dir (1-5) will be a commit 13:09 Joubu I would not add a test for forbidden pattern 13:09 ashimema okies 13:33 cait hm general question, I have this code here: 13:33 cait my $s = $schema->resultset('Suggestion')->search( 13:33 cait { 13:33 cait biblionumber => $order->biblionumber->biblionumber, 13:33 cait } 13:33 cait )->single; 13:33 cait I guess the single picks just one result... which one would it be? 13:37 ashimema fun cait 13:37 ashimema is that in EDI? 13:38 ashimema it'll pick the 'first' one π 13:38 ashimema but.. as there's no order by in there.. it's not at all explicit 13:38 ashimema also.. without 'rows -> 1' it should be throwing a warning 13:39 ashimema by default, most of the time, the order by when left out is ordered by primary key.. ie. id.. i.e. insert order 13:39 cait1 I am trying to figure out how we can fix the link sugestions to orders 13:39 cait1 and reading the code is not exactly encouraging : 13:39 cait1 so it acts like a limit 1 13:39 ashimema can you have more than one suggestion linked to an order then? 13:39 ashimema yeah 13:39 cait1 probably selecting the first record (lowest ID)? 13:39 cait1 no you can't but orders aren't linked to suggestions at all right now 13:39 cait1 we are guessing 13:39 ashimema yup 13:40 cait1 and we are guessing wrong 13:40 ashimema where's this cod? 13:40 cait1 EDI.pm 13:40 cait1 but I was looking at various ModSuggestion calls 13:40 ashimema I was right.. it is EDI 13:40 cait1 it's all for a patch Joubu has worked on - bug 28844 13:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28844 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Suggestion from existing title can alert patron in error 13:40 cait1 trying to figure out the migration path 13:40 ashimema I think that's one of the last places we use DBIx::Class directly 13:41 cait1 ModSuggestions sends the email to the users 13:41 cait1 so we call it whenever we update status and it sends to the user... but if we pick the wrong suggestion in the first place, the wrong user gets informed 13:41 cait1 and the actual suggestor won't get informed a all I guess 13:43 cait1 I am doubled up again :( 13:44 magnus holiday! have fun #koha! 13:44 cait ... why do they always run out so fast! 13:44 ashimema the code you highlight in EDI pretty much exactly matches what GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber was doing 13:44 cait @later tell magnus hope ou had a nice holiday! 13:44 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 13:45 cait ashimema: the question we are trying to solve is how to fill a new aqorders.suggestion_id field 13:45 cait if there are multiple suggestions for the same biblionumber and/or more than one order for the biblionumber 13:45 cait if 1:1 it's easy 13:45 cait but if you have the 1:n n:1 o n:n ... 13:46 cait I was thinkig best we might be able to do is keep the current behavior 13:46 cait for the old suggestions 13:47 ashimema I see 13:48 ashimema I don't think there's a clean way to backdate the link 13:49 cait nope, but if we don't - we will not send any emails for suggestions now pending 13:49 cait I think we at least ought to try 13:49 ashimema how can we tell they're pending right now? 13:49 cait yeah, they are ORDERED 13:50 cait I just arrived there... 13:50 cait the suggestion status is ORDERED - and the orderstatus shoudl be ordered too 13:50 cait maybe that limits it down enough? 13:50 ashimema it should do 13:50 cait and then we use the 'last person to suggest it'? or we mimick the current behavior and use the first to suggest it 13:51 cait but when we only come up with 1 for each... it's eaasy 13:51 ashimema see.. this confuses me a bit 13:51 ashimema shouldn't one order be able to satisfy multiple suggestions? 13:52 ashimema i.e. isn't the link the wrong way around? 13:53 ashimema at the moment the key Joubu introduces is in the orders table.. that means an order can only have max of one suggestion it satisfied 13:53 ashimema shouldn't it work the other way around.. 13:54 ashimema you might have 5 suggestions for a book so you decide to order one more copy.. that order 'satisfies' all 5 suggestions.. right? 13:54 caroline I don't think that's possible in Koha right now, is it? 13:55 caroline When you order from a suggestion, you order from one suggestion 13:55 * ashimema hasn't really looked at the UI 13:55 cait ashimema: funny you ask that, I asked Joubu the same lol 13:55 ashimema but cait seemed to be suggesting as such 13:55 Joubu I implemented what Koha does currently 13:55 cait we agreed on not rewriting all the things, because you can't do it now in the GUI 13:55 cait ashimema: you can merge the records 13:55 cait that will create multiplesuggestions with same biblionumber... 13:55 ashimema so you merge the suggestions instead 13:55 ashimema right? 13:55 cait there is an open bug for thta 13:55 cait but it's not possible right now 13:56 caroline bug 1971 maybe 13:56 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1971 enhancement, P3, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Suggestion : Should have only one entry by title + a counter of waiting persons 13:56 ashimema does that merge keep the list of suggesters though.. lol 13:56 * Joubu does not touch 4 digits bugs 13:56 cait you can't merge suggestions 13:56 caroline bug 22848 then? :) 13:56 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22848 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Ability to merge suggestions 13:57 cait yes 13:57 caroline it's 5 digits 13:57 cait but honestly... I am mad at us for not doing this right from the beginning 13:57 cait the clean-up is melting my breain 13:58 ashimema lol 13:58 ashimema koha is like that 13:58 emlam o/ 13:58 aude_c[m] Hello! Is there a kind soul here who has the power to give me access to the Koha Google calendar, please? (So I can add Documentation meetings in the future) 13:58 ashimema yes 13:59 ashimema done aude 13:59 aude_c[m] Oh! I should have asked earlier :D 13:59 aude_c[m] Thanks :) 13:59 ashimema π 14:02 Joubu aude_c[m], caroline: will you have some time for the automated screenshots next week? 14:04 caroline Joubu, next week I'm free monday am, wednesday am and friday am 14:04 caroline am = pm for you I think 14:04 Joubu I am not available on Monday, should be available the other days 14:05 caroline +1 14:06 caroline choosing a date will help kick my butt to try the test plan :) 14:06 Joubu you should start with installing ktd 14:06 Joubu ;) 14:06 aude_c[m] Wednesday is best for me 14:06 caroline yes, well I don't think I'll manage to install and learn ktd by next week however 14:06 Joubu no need to learn 14:07 aude_c[m] And same as Caroline! Plus: sorry Joubu for having not yet replied to your email (meant to do that today!) 14:07 caroline it seems very complicated from what I read on here 14:07 Joubu https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/#setup 14:07 Joubu it's not :) 14:07 caroline for you! 14:07 cait Joubu: caroline is not a koha-testing-docker user yet 14:07 Joubu really, just copy paste the commands! 14:07 cait so it won't work for her unless you migrate her :) 14:08 cait git installation to koha-testing-docker 14:08 caroline I'll try but I'm not guaranteeing anything 14:08 Joubu what I am trying to do 14:08 aude_c[m] Talked about ktd with ashimema 's team again this week... And then conveniently for him, Matthew Blenkinsop (my designated helper) went on holiday! lol 14:08 caroline lol! 14:08 aude_c[m] He knows what's waiting for him when he gets back ;) 14:08 Joubu give it a try, and we are here to help if you get something wrong 14:09 cait caroline: are you on windows or linux? 14:09 caroline linux 14:09 Joubu no excuse then :D 14:09 caroline ubuntu 22.04 I think? 14:10 Joubu should be perfect 14:12 AnkeB Hi everybody! Is it normal that if OpacPasswordChange and OpacResetPassword are set to don't allow, still in the OPAC the menu for pw reset is visible and resets the pw without complaint, which it shouldn't. 14:12 caroline so are we meeting wednesday? 14:12 Joubu best would be to have ktd + read and tried the test plan 14:12 Joubu so that I can answer the questions 14:13 aude_c[m] Just realised Wednesday is the Docs meeting anyway! https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_12_July_2023#Reminders 14:13 caroline ok I'll do that first and then let you know 14:13 aude_c[m] s/Documentation_meeting_12_July_2023#Reminders/Documentation\_meeting\_12\_July\_2023/ 14:13 aude_c[m] Do you want to chat as part of that or separate? 14:13 cait AnkeB: check the patron category settings 14:13 caroline it's on thursday in my calendar... 14:14 aude_c[m] Argh! I thought we'd said 12th? 14:14 AnkeB cait: Thanks, I will. 14:14 cait patron category settings can overwrite the prefs 14:14 caroline aude_c[m], can you just change the calendar? 14:14 aude_c[m] But I also just changed a few things because I assumed David got confused with timezones (it's 12th for us but 13th for him) 14:14 caroline that might be it 14:15 aude_c[m] caroline Yes, I have changed the Koha calendar 14:15 aude_c[m] Does it not show properly for you? 14:15 ashimema I can do a ktd walkthrough on jitsi if it helps 14:15 caroline my thunderbird might be out of sync 14:15 AnkeB Thanks cait, that's just it. I of course tried as a super user who is allowed anything :-) 14:16 caroline I'll just try to remember it's on wednesday, but ping me if im not there 14:16 ashimema it's on my teams list to make the koha dev onboarding process much clearer from the website.. right now it's all rather hidden in the wiki and gitlabs 14:16 cait most quick replies stem from me having the problem first... 14:16 aude_c[m] caroline Will do. Thanks 14:16 cait aude_c[m]: did you get any email from the kc website? 14:16 cait I tried to make you a user 14:16 aude_c[m] Ah yes! In spam 14:17 cait oh good 14:17 Joubu ashimema: well, it's the first thing on the getting involved page :) 14:17 cait (it told me it was taken but I can't see it now) 14:17 Joubu yes it's on the wiki, but it's the page we agreed on to redirect people 14:17 cait we can link to the wiki from the website :) 14:17 AnkeB cait :-D 14:20 ashimema where? 14:20 ashimema https://koha-community.org/get-involved/for-developers/ 14:20 ashimema https://koha-community.org/get-involved/ 14:20 ashimema neither of those point to your koha howto stuff 14:21 ashimema or am I being thick and totally overlooking something Joubu 14:22 Joubu https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Getting_involved 14:22 Joubu Fixing bugs: submitting patches 14:22 Joubu We have an ever evolving Developer handbook that might be your first point of call, or reference guide. Outside of this, you can follow our crash course in Koha hacking or learn how to set up a dedicated testing and hacking environment. 14:22 ashimema that's the wiki 14:22 ashimema there's no link from the website to the wiki 14:22 ashimema that's my point 14:22 Joubu yes, I am just saying that's it is on the main entry point 14:23 ashimema if you google for koha to find koha-community.org.. we don't then help at all to get people over to the actually relevant pages on teh wiki 14:23 ashimema ah, yes 14:23 Joubu we agreed (at least at the time) that this page was where people should go (or be redirected) first 14:23 ashimema OK.. so that's what you're suggesting is the thing we should put front and center 14:23 ashimema tanks 14:25 Joubu https://koha-community.org/get-involved/ is embeding an iframe 14:25 Joubu that is not displayed 14:25 Joubu ""This is a current snapshot of patches in varying states that you could help test, document, or improve. 14:25 ashimema where? 14:25 ashimema I don't see that anywhere 14:25 Joubu https://bugs.koha-community.org/cgi-bin/bug_counts.pl 14:25 Joubu in the DOM 14:26 ashimema lol 14:26 Joubu https://snipboard.io/qU6ulD.jpg 14:26 Joubu saw it because of the dark theme or I would missed it 14:27 ashimema I see 14:27 ashimema we really need someone to pay some attention to the website.. it's been a bone of contention for a little while 14:27 ashimema I just removed the link to owens bug workflow blog post.. it's been mentioned a few times that that site no longer exists 14:28 ashimema I've also stuck a link at the top of the 'For developers' page to go to that wiki site 14:28 caroline while you're there, I think we needed to add the GPL license or something 14:28 ashimema I kinda feel like we should actually just outright link to the wiki and clean out all the other links on that page... 14:28 ashimema it's misleading to have things duplicated 14:28 cait links are good 14:29 cait I was hoping to try and improve the layout/designa little bit, but never got ot it 14:29 ashimema ok.. leave some links.. but having a giant 'START HERE' call to action needs to be there 14:29 ashimema right now it's "and there this thing, and there's this thing.. and another thing.. and yeah.. this thing too" 14:29 ashimema it's confusing to new starts 14:30 ashimema it's high up our list here cait 14:30 ashimema but so is like 50+ other projects too βΉοΈ 14:30 cait I know the feeling 14:30 * cait juggles like 5 prio 1 projects 14:31 ashimema indeed 14:31 ashimema as for the Koha website.. I'd be tempted to do a proper project with a totally fresh site.. rethinking all of it instead of trying to adapt what we've got 14:32 ashimema we can of course copy some content accross.. but so much of our content is outdated and not well formed.. 14:32 ashimema we immediately look outdated 14:32 ashimema projects like https://forgejo.org outright look nicer from the very front page 14:33 cait i think we don't have that much content actually 14:33 cait and some things like code of conduct are easy copy and paste 14:33 cait so a move should not be super hard 14:34 cait the design is the harder part to agree too - might just need someone ot make a suggestion 14:34 ashimema eactly 14:34 ashimema how about we look at getting a 'beta.koha-community.org' site up and running as a starting point 14:35 cait I have no issue with that - do we keep wordpress as base? 14:35 ashimema up for question.. depends really on whose going to maintain going forward.. wordpress is still incredibly popular 14:35 cait and mostly easy to use 14:36 cait oh one harder part to migrate might be the uspport company list, easier if we keep wordpress 14:36 cait i think it uses a plugin 14:37 cait i think it's the only kind of db driven thing we have 14:39 ashimema should be rather trivial to replicate that anyways 14:39 ashimema anywho 14:40 cait I commentd on bug 28844 with the best suggestion I could come up with 14:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28844 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Failed QA , Suggestion from existing title can alert patron in error 14:41 Joubu thx cait 14:42 Joubu I would have preferred a PQA for a Friday afternoon however :D 14:42 Joubu you can still PQA bug 33947 if you want, it's an easy one 14:42 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33947 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Move GetAllIssues to Koha 14:59 paulderscheid[m] How about using https://astro.build for the website instead of wordpress? We could then just use markdown for the cms stuff. Articles or whatever would be easy to add just by committing new md. 15:00 paulderscheid[m] Mix a little tailwindcss in there and you'll have a fancy new beta.koha-community.org in no time. 15:02 paulderscheid[m] Btw cait2 LMSEventManagement beta is out. We fixed another couple things. 15:02 paulderscheid[m] https://github.com/LMSCloud/LMSEventManagement 15:15 Joubu #action paulderscheid[m] rework the community website 15:16 paulderscheid[m] Alright. Is there an existing repo for it> 15:32 Tundun Hi all! :) 15:32 Tundun Does anyone the limit for importing records into Koha at once? 15:39 tundunf Hi all! :) 15:39 ashimema it's wordpress right now paulderscheid.. but I love the idea of a static pages generator stile site 15:39 tundunf Can anyone confirm how many records can be imported into Koha at once? 15:40 ashimema hi tundunf.. a fair few things come into that question.. server resources, browser timeouts etc etc.. there's not a hard limit coded into Koha anywhere that I'm aware of 15:40 ashimema do we have a support ticket open around this? 15:41 ashimema might be something we could do if it's a one off.. or if it's a regular thing it might be better to talk about the use case and perhaps use some serverside tooling and ftp 15:41 paulderscheid[m] Ah, well that makes sense. Didn't touch wordpress in a long time. 15:41 ashimema is astro the in vogue thing right now? 15:41 ashimema there's loads of options in that sort of space π 15:42 paulderscheid[m] I think Astro is THE option for this use-case. 15:42 cait2 paulderscheid[m]: sorry almost missed your message - is there a changelog? :) 15:42 tundunf Thanks @ashimena :) itβs kind of related to a support ticket (about importing records from another catalogue into Koha) Iβll confirm the details and come back 15:42 paulderscheid[m] It's generally very well received and people are already starting to build their own frontend-frameworks on top of it. 15:43 cait disconnects also trigger my renumbering... 15:43 paulderscheid[m] cait2: I wrote a few things in the release notes. 15:44 cait not to be a spoilsport... but wordpress is well known and everyone kinda knows how to use it, sometimes simple is good :) 15:45 cait paulderscheid[m]: hm actually we are more interested in the room reservations (not so many events in our libraries) - any news on the apache thing? 15:46 paulderscheid[m] Ah, sorry i got that confused. 15:46 cait all good, thx for keeping me in mind at all : 15:46 cait :) 15:46 * ashimema did mention.. 'whose going to maintain the site' as a pre-requisit of picking a tool.. I'm not for or against wordpress.. and I tend to like static site generators and the push to git workflow myself.. 15:46 paulderscheid[m] We're currently merging 22.11. The game plan is to check compatibility after that so ~2 months from now. 15:47 paulderscheid[m] For an update that uses the cool pages feature thanks to ashimema. 15:47 ashimema in reality.. how much the website needs to change is minimal.. so I kinda feel like a static generator lends itself to our use case 15:47 ashimema but hey 15:47 cait aleisha I think : 15:47 cait : 15:47 cait :) 15:47 cait the keyboard of the new laptop is odd - sorry for the typos 15:48 paulderscheid[m] ashimema That's what i think. 15:48 paulderscheid[m] Honestly I don't have that much experience w/ wordpress but I heard that maintaining a secure site w/ plugins and so on is more work than it's worth. 15:48 cait wordpress gives us some featuers, we have a lot of changing authors for the release notes and the like and it's easy to get people without technical knowledge involved 15:49 cait people already compplain about hurdles with manual management in git, maybe we should not do the same for the website where it's not necessary 15:49 cait also RSS, user and permission management etc. 15:49 ashimema for the release notes.. the static pages path would suit all of us π 15:50 ashimema target audience is definitely different there cait 15:50 ashimema manual writers don't tend to be technical.. rmaints, rm's do 15:50 cait I am just saying if you want people without technical background managing contents, using a well known tool is good 15:50 cait yes, but website shoudl not only be worked on by devs 15:50 cait actually it should be worked on by everyone but devs 15:50 paulderscheid[m] I think there'll be some work involved, no doubt. 15:51 cait website should be a task anyone can easily jump into 15:51 paulderscheid[m] We could solve that "easily" by adding a WYSIWYG editor that saves the stuff as markdown. 15:51 cait and then build our own thing... again? 15:51 cait we already maintain way too many things 15:51 paulderscheid[m] This is not that much work. 15:52 cait it's just one more thing on top of all the things that can break if the person goes outt he door 15:52 paulderscheid[m] There are several good libraries in JS for that. 15:52 cait wordpress... is easily handed over 15:52 cait I am not saying it's not technical possible, I am saying we should not put that on top of our pile of things we need to look after 15:52 ashimema my question is.. what needs maintaining π 15:53 ashimema nothing has changed in our website for years 15:53 cait maybe it should 15:53 ashimema and the things that have changed are actually easier done with a simpler tool than wordpress.. in my opinion 15:53 cait currently probably the calendar, the support provider list and the posts are the most dynamic things 15:53 ashimema anyways.. the tool isn't hugely important to me 15:53 ashimema yup.. and those can all just work pretty much as is I reckon 15:53 cait i can just log i from anywhere and quickly fix things 15:54 cait don't need to fire up soemthing that can run git and stuff, i like that 15:54 ashimema I'd be really surprised if there wasnt an ical embed plugin 15:54 ashimema for example 15:55 paulderscheid[m] That's the thing. Actually you don't need to, you can just commit from your phone. 15:55 paulderscheid[m] The workflow might change a bit, but I don't think ease of use would. 15:56 cait well at least we agree that it could look a little nicer ;) 15:56 cait soeonewith good advice here? 15:56 * ashimema finds wordpress increasingly cumbersome and difficult to use 15:57 cait I am pondering how to add part_name and part_number to the serials serach results 15:57 cait it uses SearchSubscriptions which determines which columns you can show 15:57 cait I can easily add part_name and part_number to the SELECT 15:58 cait but then I would probably have to write unit tests... right? 15:58 cait or I could rewrite the whole thing to use subscription objects...b ut that's probably not going to happen 15:58 cait because that looks all very scary 15:58 cait I wonder if there is a third option 15:59 paulderscheid[m] Hmm, dunno :/ 16:01 cait the tests look kind of sparse too 16:02 cait for expanding at least, they don't really test the results 16:02 cait jsut that an ARRAY is returend... 16:03 paulderscheid[m] Sounds like a problem for next week? :D 16:05 cait sounds like this code is all soo old 16:18 cait I posted the patch at least 16:23 cait bye all, have a nice weekend :) 16:24 cait @later tell magnuse ask me about ILL item protection again when you are back (I have a flowchart) 16:24 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 17:16 emlam Is anyone else getting an empty pickup locations drop-down when trying to place a hold in request.pl in master? 17:17 emlam I'm seeing it on my KTD and a sandbox, but I'd be surprised no one's reported it yet if it's not just me somehow 19:37 lukeg emlam: Yes, I have that too 19:47 emlam lukeg: Thanks! Good to know it's not just me. I'll file a bug report then 19:48 lukeg emlam: will you point me to the bug once you've filed it? 19:48 emlam sure! 20:04 emlam lukeg - bug 34233 20:04 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34233 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Pickup location pulldowns in request.pl are blank