Time Nick Message 18:46 caroline Is there a reason why we limit form labels to 100px? https://snipboard.io/MrXwOJ.jpg 15:09 TriveniChandriki[m] Hi all 15:06 reiveune bye 14:16 cait1 caroline++ 14:05 caroline unblessings sound like a curse in an RPG or card came 14:05 Joubu it's awesome 14:04 cait1 it sounds really scary *hides* 14:04 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32496 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, glasklas, Signed Off , Reduce unnecessary unblessings of objects in Circulation.pm 14:04 Joubu bug 32496 ready for QA! 13:26 cait It's kind of a fun activity when I can't focus on actual testing 13:22 caroline cait++ #sweeping cobwebs from bugzilla ;) 12:31 marcelr great 12:31 Joubu yes, that was my intention! Done. 12:30 marcelr Joubu: thx for signoff; can we switch to PQA on 33404 ? 11:45 cait magnuse: :P 11:38 marcelr wb Joubu 11:37 marcelr o/ 11:26 magnuse_ cait: nintendo wii? ;-) 11:15 cait replaced kohadevbox with koha-testing-docker 11:13 cait I'll update the wii page 11:13 cait if you aim to write patches yourself, getting a koha-testing-docker env is good 11:13 cait they are the easiest 11:13 cait I think you'd want to start with sandboxes if you don't have a dev env 11:12 cait Joubu: yes 10:50 tro Thanks! Is any method easier than an other!? 10:47 Joubu yes! https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sign_off_on_patches 10:44 tro Can anyone point in the direction of some information on how to sign off patches? Is there a perferred route? 10:22 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34155 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, ASSIGNED , OPAC item level holds "force" option broken 10:22 Joubu Shouldn't bug 34155 be at least major? 09:44 Joubu kidclamp: https://bywatersolutions.com/news/bywater-partners-sponsor-developments-23-05 has "You can read more about the 23.05 release at ", it's missing a link 08:18 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/ 07:38 cait hi PedroAmorim[m], hi Joubu 07:27 PedroAmorim[m] wb Joubu 07:27 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 07:13 ashimema coventry 07:09 cait where are you headed this time? 07:09 cait we'll miss you 07:08 ashimema I won't be around much more this week either now.. just packing for our company meeting then I'm basically out for 3 days 07:08 cait hi #koha 07:08 * cait waves back 07:07 * dcook waves hi to cait and bye to everyone 07:06 dcook School holidays this week and next so I won't be around too much.. 07:05 ashimema Yikes Joubu.. for me it was ceiling rather than floor that took the worst of it.. gotta replace a few areas but thankfully the smell has gone already 07:05 dcook hehe 07:05 Joubu back at work, proper holidays are actually starting now :D 07:05 dcook I just need to summon the energy to get through the rain so that I can get back to the gym for the first time in a few weeks.. O_O 07:05 dcook And heya ashimema :) 07:04 ashimema Mmm, I'm about to do the school run and it's just started lashing it down here 07:04 dcook :( 07:04 Joubu parquet floor is roting with water stuck below, with a musty smell... 07:04 dcook Bloody water... 07:04 * dcook looks outside at the rain 07:04 ashimema Evening dcook :-) 07:03 ashimema Still struggling to get it fixed 😔 07:03 ashimema I can empathize with the flooding.. was met with a water leak upon my return last holiday 07:03 dcook Hope things are better but yay for the good part of the break 07:02 ashimema Ouch 07:02 dcook :O 06:57 Joubu [off] family and friends was the good part. Then I "lost" my new phone, tear of my left calf, deal with flooding at home... 06:56 Joubu yes, and no! :D 06:54 ashimema Nice break Joubu? 06:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 06:53 Joubu caroline: re bug 34076 - let me know when you are around! :) 06:50 magnuse *r 06:50 magnuse bonjou reiveune 06:35 reiveune hello 06:34 magnuse \o/ 06:28 dcook_ morning ashimema 06:23 ashimema morning Joubu 06:23 ashimema Morning #koha 06:22 Joubu hi #koha 04:49 tuxayo <ashimema> "I must admit.. it all feels..." <- Sometimes (I don't know how often) it's about the LaTeX template used that comes from the publisher. Though it's still a bit of work to use another template and publish it in some open place. Thus it's not a common practice to know and care enough about. And it falls on individual responsibility for a systemic issue. 04:41 tuxayo <MichalKohaCZ[m]> "Can I ask what I doing wrong, if..." <- In .env: GIT_USER_EMAIL and GIT_USER_NAME