Time Nick Message 02:05 DanyonSewell Hi all, Danyon here, the new release maintainer for the 21.11.x branch. I'm just trying to get in touch with other release maintainers etc. I am a bit late taking the branch over and need a bit of help figuring out where things are up to. 03:07 tuxayo DanyonSewell: hi :) 03:08 tuxayo I did RMaint for a few cycles and tried to complete the rmaint wiki page. So hopefully I can help :) 03:36 tuxayo feel free to leave a message and I will check tomorrow. 06:25 reiveune hello 07:14 cait2 good morning #koha 07:19 magnuse kia ora #koha 08:19 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 08:22 marcelr o/ 08:23 marcelr PedroAmorim[m]: did you need help for 33404 ? 08:24 PedroAmorim[m] hey, yes marcelr, I can't find info about a z39.50 marc8 auth server 08:24 PedroAmorim[m] k-t-d does not provide one out of the box and looking at the z39.50 servers list I can't find one 08:24 PedroAmorim[m] so I can go through the test plan 08:24 marcelr yeah right 08:25 marcelr kidclamp had one but it wasnt public 08:25 marcelr i tested a bit further by hacking the code but you should not need too 08:31 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/ 08:33 ashimema morning 08:33 wahanui i think morning is always someone's afternoon 08:37 marcelr hi ashimema 08:37 marcelr did you see my adjustment of your test 08:38 ashimema yeah, thanks for that 08:38 marcelr i passed qa on both bugs, but it seems that nothing more happened on csrf day ?? 08:38 ashimema my brain was not working well on friday, so it was great to have that backup. I really appreciate it. 08:38 marcelr could you have a look at bug 33778 08:38 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33778 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Move t/Auth_with_shibboleth.t to db_dependent 08:38 ashimema Tomas has promised he's going to have a look and arrange a follow-up day to get more hands to look at the NEW bugs in that tree 08:39 marcelr should be simple 08:39 ashimema ah yes.. that's been on my list for ages 08:39 ashimema sorry 08:39 ashimema will look in a few minutes after my usual morning call 08:39 * ashimema opens tab for it now 10:08 cait bye all 10:23 marcelr bug 23059 10:23 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23059 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , reserves_stats.pl: Simplify reserve status handling 10:24 marcelr anyone willing to test it? 10:24 oleonard Sounds scary :D 10:33 marcelr it isnt 10:46 ashimema hmm 10:46 ashimema the test fails for me on bug 33778 I'm afraid marcelr 10:46 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33778 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Move t/Auth_with_shibboleth.t to db_dependent 10:47 ashimema I'm digging into it a bit now 10:47 marcelr whats the error 10:47 wahanui i think the error is a silent one which is not visible unless i enable verbose logging for zebra 10:48 ashimema it's test 33 10:48 ashimema # Failed test 'Duplicated matchpoint warned to info' 10:49 marcelr does it only fail with the patches applied ? 10:49 marcelr ah wait i am seeing it too now 10:50 ashimema Just testing that now 10:50 ashimema And still wrapping my head around your work here.. looks good generally. Thanks for the cleanup 10:50 ashimema That test didn't age well 10:50 marcelr wait the message has been altered 10:50 marcelr a recent patch of your colleague 10:50 ashimema Ho! 10:50 marcelr it was a copy-paste msg 10:50 ashimema Of course 10:50 ashimema Correct 10:51 ashimema I didn't realise that bug had made it through now 10:51 marcelr i pqaed it 10:51 marcelr do you correct or should I ? 10:51 ashimema I had come back and said I'd write a test for it after I realised there was actually prior art 10:51 ashimema Lol 10:52 ashimema I don't mind.. I'm happy to correct it as a QA follow-up here as I have the branch open 10:52 marcelr ok 11:03 marcelr ashimema++ 11:05 ashimema marcelr++ 11:40 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:42 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I have a question. Is it possible to retrieve information from tag 111 via a query that is in a column metadata in biblio_metadata 11:44 oleonard NikolayGospodinov[m]: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Query_MARC 11:48 oleonard marcelr: Testing Bug 23059, before the patch I see "Placed: 34" and "Processed: 10" 11:48 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23059 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , reserves_stats.pl: Simplify reserve status handling 11:48 oleonard after, I see "Placed:33" and "Cancelled: 11" 11:48 oleonard Is that to be expected? 11:49 marcelr that could be 11:49 marcelr there were some issues with former status code 11:49 marcelr hola tcohen 11:55 oleonard marcelr: On these lines, "[% CASE 'C'%]Cancelled" the string should be wrapped in a <span> 11:55 oleonard ... or [% t("") %] 11:56 marcelr do you add it or should I ? 11:57 oleonard Please do, I have to switch tasks 11:58 marcelr ok 12:01 marcelr oleonard: added a follow-up 12:18 tcohen today my hard drive died and I resurrected an Ubuntu 23.04 install I had on another drive 12:18 ashimema yikes 12:18 tcohen not sure why, but on this OS the usual `ktd down` wasn't enough to have a clean startup 12:19 tcohen I had to `docker ps --filter status=exited` 12:19 tcohen and manually `docker rm` some dangling containers (ES and Selenium) 12:19 tcohen I mention it just in case it is useful 12:19 tcohen after that the `ktd down`+ `ktd up -d`combo works like a charm 13:41 ashimema bug 34092 is cool 13:41 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34092 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , patron-autocomplete.js and patron-search.inc search logic should match 14:00 tcohen ashimema: can you look at bug 33996 14:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33996 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Authority objects missing mapping 14:01 tcohen Joubu abandoned it when he realised we haven't been consistent on date attributes 14:01 tcohen there's also bug 33971 and bug 33556 14:01 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33971 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Remove support for x-koha-query header 14:01 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33556 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, ASSIGNED , $c->validation should be avoided 14:01 tcohen the latter is ASSIGNED, but could be NSO/SO 14:02 ashimema oh.. I thought I'd already QA'd 33971.. my bad 14:02 ashimema looking now 14:02 tcohen it is just that I didn't know how to tweak the weird ERM controllers 14:02 tcohen weird == different than the rest 14:07 ashimema doh.. I see what Joubu means about dates! 14:07 ashimema it's annoying 14:07 tcohen but we need to move forward anyway 14:08 ashimema agreed 14:08 ashimema I thought we had agreed on a standard though.. 14:08 ashimema https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines_-_API#SWAGGER1.3.4.1_date.2Fdatetime.2Ftimestamp_fields 14:09 tcohen yeap 14:09 ashimema but he didn't like that.. righT? 14:09 ashimema something like that? 14:09 tcohen oh 14:10 tcohen he just moved into something else 14:10 tcohen :-D 14:10 tcohen but yeah, I see modification_time is being converted into updated_on 14:10 tcohen and that's not ok 14:10 tcohen I picked it from biblios I think 14:10 tcohen I can tweak that on this bug 14:11 ashimema sorry for the push back dude đ 14:11 tcohen I don't care, as long as the QA concern is clear and there's a path forward 14:12 ashimema hmm.. 14:12 ashimema am I safe to do it in a QA follow-up inline?> 14:12 ashimema are we using these fields anywahere? 14:13 tcohen truth is, the JSON representaiton of authority records is irrelevant 14:13 ashimema fair 14:13 ashimema we're so inconsistent here still âšī¸ 14:13 ashimema modified_date vs modification_date 14:14 ashimema I'm not sure the guidelines were ever fully ratified.. they're certainly not strongly adheared to 14:14 ashimema another something to add to the QA script perhaps. 14:39 tcohen ashimema++ 14:45 reiveune bye 15:44 Amit_Gupta Hi All 15:44 Amit_Gupta Any one did Intergeration for Single Sign between Koha and Microsoft OAuth? 16:14 ashimema we do, though I'm not the expert there any more 16:15 ashimema I leave it to our infra team.. who I'm afraid have all just clocked off for the day 16:37 tcohen @later tell AmitGupta[m] Catalyst provided a patch to make it work with Azure AD 16:37 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 17:39 tcohen back 19:55 oleonard I'm surprised the staff interface doesn't have a version of "full subscription history" like OPAC... a detail page that doesn't require serial permissions