Time Nick Message 15:06 cait bye all 14:58 reiveune bye 13:09 cait (talking about local use system preferences) 13:09 cait hm this shoudln#t be in local use, shouldn't it? OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetEmbedItemData 12:30 cait othersmight be able to tell you more, tcohen especially 12:15 aw-bib[m] even better to know ;) we currently use docker in some other project as it saves us to fiddle with n+1 different distributions with m+1 versions. for koha I am a bit smaller for the time being, though. 12:13 cait I don't believe it's suitable for a production env as is 12:13 aw-bib[m] ok. good to know. 12:13 cait ktd is an environment for developers, bringing all the necessary tools and such 12:12 cait I think there might be people running in docker, but there is no 'official' documentation I am aware of 12:12 cait I think you might have an easier time using the 'standard' installation with packages 12:04 aw-bib[m] hello! is actually anybody using koha production in docker containers? I saw the ktd but am unsure if I should think in this direction as I understand it's mainly meant as a testing environment. to dockerize the stuff otoh might have some advantages in our setup. 11:39 cait welcome back PedroAmorim[m] 11:14 cait hm why did we group ChargeFinesOnClosedDays with finesmode instead of finescalendar? 09:52 marcelr \o 09:43 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 08:38 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34022 blocker, P1 - high, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Adding items on receive is broken 08:38 cait bug 34022 08:32 * magnuse is confusing 08:30 * cait is confused 08:16 fridolin super green ;) 08:13 magnuse fridolin: green 08:00 fridolin yelllow 07:11 dcook ciao ciao 07:11 dcook Feel free to test my inventory bugs :p 07:11 magnuse have fun dcook 07:11 dcook But I have to be running! Hope you all have a good Monday! 07:11 magnuse ah 07:11 dcook I know of it but never really watched it 07:11 dcook Tiny little TV with bad color.. 07:11 magnuse how about fawlty towers? 07:10 dcook We lived in a fairly remote village so the picture was very staticy 07:10 magnuse hehe 07:10 dcook allo allo is what I think about when I think about analog broadcast television 07:10 magnuse good mouning 07:10 dcook hehe 07:10 magnuse i shall say this only once 07:10 dcook And I have to run! 07:10 dcook Kept bugzilla busy for you all today... 07:09 magnuse :-) 07:09 dcook magnuse: double entendre which includes that hehe 07:09 marcelr o/ 07:07 magnuse *somewhat humourous television series 07:07 magnuse dcook: the television series about the french resistance during ww2? 07:02 cait hello 06:59 dcook allo allo 06:59 * cait waves 06:43 alex_ Bonjour 06:23 magnuse \o/ 06:16 reiveune hello 01:32 dcook Amazing how many issues a person can find in inventory.pl when one finally gets around to looking at it... O_O