Time Nick Message 01:48 thomas63[m] hi there again 01:48 thomas63[m] does anyone have an idea, why I land on a webpage “Welcome to the Koha 23.05 web installer” after I did an Ubuntu and Koha upgrade? It looks like Koha runs, but I am locked inside this web installer page and cannot see any of my data? Any hint is appreciated, thanks 07:00 reiveune hello 07:00 wahanui bidet, reiveune 07:09 cait hello #koha 07:35 aw-bib[m] hello :) 07:36 aw-bib[m] may I ask: how picky is koha about the Marc leader and the 008? (our current system is completely ignorant of those fields and does not set them, so for migration I'd have to invent them somehow or, well, continue to ignore them.) 07:51 cait setting the publication date in 008 is good 07:52 cait because koha will use that normalized date for the date range search 07:52 cait you also need to have a LDR for tihngs right with the position for encoding set correctly 07:52 cait otherwise you will see problems with diacritics 07:53 cait LDR pos. 9 = a 07:53 cait I'd also try to set LDR pos. 7 if you can 07:54 cait it's one of hte fields used to show material type icons 07:54 cait and LDR pos. 6 07:54 cait also both can be useful for search 07:54 cait but the encoding one is pretty mandatory and easy (always a) 07:55 cait and 008 pos. 7-10 for the publication date I mentioned 07:55 cait aw-bib[m]: ^ 07:56 aw-bib[m] ok, thanks for all these pointers :) then I'll dive into that. I think we have all data that is required in our records, I'll "just" have to collect them and translate. (e.g. type of record is a `336 7_` in our case.) 07:56 aw-bib[m] ldr 7 will open a bit of a box where I think I'll have to resort of further help as I am not yet clear how multivolume works are handled in koha compared to what we have. we had to be a bit creative there using a model similar to gvk. 08:08 aw-bib[m] and as I stumble upon it: 001 (record id) is not some sort of primary key in koha? (IOW should I drop it or keep it?) 08:11 paxed it's used (for example) when searching for component parts of a record, but it doesn't have to be the same as biblionumber (koha database biblio key) 08:12 cait you can put your current ID in 001 if you like 08:12 cait you can set up Koha to put the biblionumber there later if you like 08:12 paxed and 001 alone isn't necessarily unique anyway; only 001+003 must be unique 08:12 cait hm, maybe if you migrate there use a prefix, just to make sure 08:12 paxed (at least according to marc format) 08:13 cait later = for new records, is what I meant 08:13 cait and what paxed said, it's used for component records or any type of linking between bibliographic records, like the multi volumes you mentioned 08:14 aw-bib[m] ok. so from @paxed I understand that linking will be done by 001 (noted for my translation) and I should ensure 001+003 to be unique, which is how I understood it. and from @cait I understand that I can keep it with 003 set properly. (in invenio 001 is the primary key, autogenerated etc., that's why we never used it for linking.) 08:14 cait Koha doesn't do 001 + 003 perfectly everywhere yet, that's why I said maybe use a prefix for your old ones to make sure they don't interfere if you want to use the biblionumber there later for your new records 08:15 cait so your 001 are also unique without the 003 within your koha installation 08:15 cait that will put you on the save side 08:16 aw-bib[m] it would be but I's easy enough to derive a proper 003 (we did not have this field in the past) 08:16 Joubu kidclamp: can you have a look at 33950 please? I have no idea how to test it! 08:16 aw-bib[m] (to spice up my job a bit I have 4 libraries to migrate ;) 08:16 paxed either your library/consortium has a proper code to put in 003, or you can just make it up - assuming you're not exporting records to other systems 08:17 cait bug 33950 08:17 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33950 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Unnecessary processing in opac-readingrec if BakerTaylor or Syndetics off 08:18 cait aw-bib[m]: the code you use there can match with the MARCOrgCode set in administration > libraries - Koha will use that later for 003 08:18 cait there is also a global preference setting, if you want all libraries to use the same 003 08:19 aw-bib[m] usually we use the sigel (DE-H253 etc.) 08:19 cait yes, that's correct 08:19 cait ISIL :) 08:19 cait German ISIL are derived from the Sigels - starting with DE- - that's your correct MARCOrgCode 08:20 cait MARC standard wise that's perfect 08:20 aw-bib[m] I just used the wrong word, indeed. ISIL was what I referred to. 08:22 cait yes, got it 08:23 aw-bib[m] we did try not to break it and stick to it as much as we can. so without too much effort I already see records in koha. now I try to make the behave nicely. the old system used a very liberal view of marc. (basically they considered it to be a funny thing that names fields by 3 digits then two mainly useless things nobody understands followed by some funny letters for a thing called subfield. iow in our project it learned quite a bit of 08:23 aw-bib[m] marc proper ;) 08:24 cait Koha tries to stick to MARC proper 08:25 cait not perfectly either probably, but sounds like it's more standard'ish than your previous system :) 08:27 aw-bib[m] as I say we added quite a bit of restrictions to stick as close as we can to marc. so even the quick and dirty import moving 852/867 -> 952 gave me a pretty nice record with holdings. but of course I'd not see the nitty gritty details you mentioned in just one record. 08:27 cait if you can get the items out nicely that's already great 08:29 aw-bib[m] yes, it looks pretty promising, indeed. also the bibliographic part was done pretty well. 08:48 eythian https://aeon.co/essays/the-1970s-librarians-who-revolutionised-the-challenge-of-search 09:53 Joubu kidclamp: another one for you maybe? bug 33951 09:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33951 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , normalized_oclc not defined in opac-readingrecord.tt 09:53 Joubu or oleonard? 09:53 wahanui it has been said that oleonard is seeing some buggy stuff though 10:15 cait Joubu: https://snipboard.io/MRlWT6.jpg 10:15 cait I have added the patron categories to your patch and some red text 10:15 cait like/dislike? :) 10:17 * cait waves at khall 10:17 Joubu cait: I like it 10:17 Joubu sorry, I've edited the bug title 10:17 * khall waves at cait 10:17 Joubu hi khall! 10:17 wahanui it has been said that hi khall is my consciousness present in this realm? 10:17 cait Joubu: I'll have a look - follow-up incoming :) 10:17 khall hi Joubu ! 10:18 Joubu khall: I am about to fix bug 8483 with bug 33948! 10:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8483 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Borrower reading history should include deleted items 10:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33948 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Replace GetAllIssues with Koha::Checkouts - staff 10:18 cait wahanui: that#s kinda deep 10:18 wahanui cait: i'm not following you... 10:18 khall excellent! 10:34 cait I was hoping to get help from the wiki for a mailing list mail... what I got: 10:34 cait Is your zebra running? 10:34 cait You better go catch it then. 10:34 cait Funny, but not helpful! 10:34 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_Zebra#Is_your_zebra_running.3F 10:39 cait Can someone help with this one? https://lists.katipo.co.nz/pipermail/koha/2023-June/059568.html 10:40 Joubu cait: re bug 33581 I think we have a "hint" class for that 10:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33581 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Error in Webinstaller concerning sample holidays and patrons requiring sample libraries 10:41 cait Joubu: I think hint is grey 10:41 cait but we might have a more a required too 10:44 Joubu red is agressive, and we already have the "disabled" prop 10:44 Joubu but it's fine if you are happy with it! :) 10:44 Joubu I don't mind 10:47 cait I pondered a tooltip on the checkboxes - but that felt hidden (and I didn't figure out how) 10:47 cait I'll try to switch to hint in a few minutes 10:56 cait hm checkouts table is not showing for me on master 10:56 cait GET 10:56 cait http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkouts?borrowernumber=51 10:56 cait [HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 67ms] 10:56 cait why does the API hate me? 10:57 cait Joubu: do you have an idea? 10:59 cait hm, it started working again now. *puzzled* 11:03 Joubu morning work: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/showdependencygraph.cgi?id=33947 11:03 Joubu bug 33947 11:03 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33947 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Move GetAllIssues to Koha 11:20 kidclamp joubu: done, see 33957 - you can test without a syndetics account 11:21 kidclamp we should probably also standardize getting the xml to get a record, or just geting biblio->metadata->record 11:30 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:39 cait anyone an idea about Re: [Koha] Background job / Staging MARC import stuck at 0% ? We ave also seen this. kidclamp suggested bug 32990, but that is in the latest 22.11.06 which they claim to have tested with. We saw it in 22.11.05 11:39 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32990 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to stable , Possible deadlock in C4::ImportBatch::_update_batch_record_counts 11:47 tcohen any vscode user, please review my instructions for perltidy here 11:47 tcohen https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Perltidy 11:47 tcohen as greed yesterday 11:48 ashimema * Dashboard updated for 23.05 builds 🙂 11:48 tcohen ashimema++ 11:48 tcohen do we have 23.05 builds already? 11:48 ashimema yup 11:48 ashimema mtj set them up 🙂 11:48 tcohen yay! 11:48 tcohen mtj++ 11:49 ashimema I believe 11:49 ashimema I checked before doing the corresponding dashboard change 🙂 11:49 ashimema I'm a bit confused.. our maintanence branch policies these days are a mess.. 11:49 tcohen they are there 11:49 ashimema I don't really understand why we're supporting 21.11 still 11:50 ashimema it's not an LTS is it... 11:50 ashimema https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Versioning#LTS_Releases 11:50 ashimema we're just spreading FUD and confusion by going to add-hoc 11:54 cait we support 4 versions is what we decided on 11:55 cait we are in the second line of this table now 11:55 ashimema 21.11 is a 'normal release' though right 11:55 cait we also had a model up for voting that had 3 versions - but people wanted this one 11:56 ashimema yet it's getting 24 months support instead of 18 11:56 cait hm, maybe a mistake in my documentation? 11:56 ashimema 21.05 also had 24 months 11:56 tcohen you're asking why 21.11 is marked as supported 11:56 ashimema yeah 11:56 ashimema well.. 11:56 tcohen because Catalyst volunteered 11:56 tcohen heh 11:56 ashimema it IS supported as Cataylst decided to support it 11:56 cait but it is also in the table that we voted 11:56 wahanui okay, cait. 11:57 ashimema but I think it's really confusing for people to try and understand our process if we just adhoc support whatever the heck we want to 11:58 tcohen we shuold use some coloring 11:58 cait ah i guess because we are just building up with the old versions 11:58 tcohen so we could have a different color to mark exceptional cases like this 11:58 cait if you look at 23.05 that will have 18 months 11:58 Joubu tcohen: bug 33951 applies correctly after bug 33950 you haved just pushed 11:58 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33951 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , normalized_oclc not defined in opac-readingrecord.tt 11:58 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33950 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Unnecessary processing in opac-readingrec if BakerTaylor and Syndetics off 11:59 cait tcohen: i tihnk the cases will run out 11:59 cait with the next cycle 11:59 * ashimema thinks by the time we actually hit the LTS part of 22.11 no-one will want to be running it 12:00 cait I don't see that, I thikn we will 12:00 cait the idea was to give people time to switch, we discussed it all at length 12:00 ashimema OK.. perhaps I should re-phrase that 12:00 ashimema I don't think anyone will be here to rmaint it 😜 12:00 cait trying out that model takes time and patience, we'll see how it works out in the end 12:01 ashimema yup.. fair enough 12:01 tcohen Joubu: how so? 12:01 Joubu kidclamp: thanks! 12:01 tcohen Joubu: retrying :-P 12:01 tcohen ah 12:01 tcohen it didn't have the dependency 12:01 tcohen cheater 12:06 cait khall_: still around? 12:06 khall_ yep! 12:06 cait i have trouble with the patches for the dealy 12:06 cait i had it the first time too but then it ifnally started to work and now i have it again 12:06 cait patches applied, restart all, fresh private window in firefox 12:07 cait checkouts table doesn't want to load 12:07 cait Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got ';' circulation.pl:2021:40 12:07 cait Uncaught ReferenceError: script is not defined 12:07 cait <anonymous> http://localhost:8081/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts_23.0600003.js:257 12:07 cait jQuery 13 12:07 cait e 12:07 cait t 12:07 cait setTimeout handler*Deferred/then/l/< 12:07 cait c 12:07 cait fireWith 12:07 cait fire 12:07 cait c 12:07 cait fireWith 12:07 cait ready 12:07 cait B 12:07 cait EventListener.handleEvent* 12:07 cait <anonymous> 12:07 cait <anonymous> 12:07 cait checkouts_23.0600003.js:257:10 12:07 cait ups 12:10 cait oh i know 12:10 cait i had the old preference in my database. 12:14 cait khall_: it's ok, I figured it out. 12:14 khall_ that's great! was it browser caching or something? 12:14 khall_ ah, prefs, gotcha 12:14 cait no... missed running the database update 12:14 cait yeah 12:14 tcohen wait 12:15 cait hm? 12:15 tcohen if you didn't run the DB update 12:15 tcohen it means it explodes if the syspref is null? 12:15 cait it explodes if the pref doesn't exist 12:15 cait but you are right, I will check with empty too 12:15 tcohen set it to NULL 12:16 cait yeah, you are right 12:16 cait i thought I had tested this already the first time around, but it breaks 12:16 cait and we start it off with empty 12:17 cait const LoadCheckoutsTableDelay = [% Koha.Preference('LoadCheckoutsTableDelay') | html %]; < this breaks with "" or NULL 12:17 cait 12:18 Joubu use Koha missing? 12:18 Joubu [% USE Koha %] 12:18 cait no it just invalid JS 12:18 cait = ; is not valid 12:19 cait so if you empty out the pref the checkout stable doens't load, it's added with 9 12:19 cait with 0 12:19 Joubu use [% Koha.Preference("pref") || 0 | html %] 12:20 cait khall_: I can try that 12:21 cait works 12:21 khall_ I just caught another issue, the spinner shows on moremember.pl, I'll add a followup for that too 12:22 cait just uploadig mine 12:22 cait can you grab that? 12:26 khall_ can do! 12:28 Joubu kidclamp: about oclc and xml - I am actually removing all that in the follow-up bugs ;) 12:29 Joubu ashimema: bug 33946 - I think you are correct, we should sync the JS part as well 12:29 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33946 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , biblio-title.inc should not add a link if biblio does not exist 12:29 ashimema in the end I wasn't 100% sure 12:29 ashimema it confused me 12:29 ashimema if biblio doesn't exist we just return an empty string early 12:30 ashimema in the tt version I'm not sure how we get further if biblio is also empty 12:30 * ashimema needs lunch.. re-reading above didn't make much sense to me so good luck interpreting it ;P 12:33 cait khall_: ready? 12:34 Joubu ashimema: the context is bug 33948, where we display old checkouts that have the biblio deleted 12:34 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33948 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Replace GetAllIssues with Koha::Checkouts - staff 12:34 Joubu ashimema: enjoy your lunch! 12:41 cait Joubu: we are missing hte css file with the hint class definition in the installer 12:42 Joubu yes... we should remove this specific css file for installer IMO 12:43 cait it does have some specific styles... different project 12:43 cait should I add the hint? 12:44 Joubu yes 12:44 Joubu I think so 12:48 cait i https://snipboard.io/atCuR7.jpg 12:50 cait y 12:52 cait kidclamp: bug 33959 relating to your other syndetics discussion today? 12:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33959 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Problem displaying Syndetics cover images in staff searching 13:08 kidclamp will look 13:15 Joubu ashimema, tcohen: can you approve https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/merge_requests/53 ? 13:22 Joubu how do we deal with yesterday's dev meeting? 13:22 Joubu missing topics, new meeting page, etc 13:27 cait i think maybe missing because it might have been added manually? 13:27 cait or is it a problem with the script? 13:28 Joubu tcohen: did you run the script? 13:29 cait I believe davidnind scheduled it 13:29 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/w/index.php?title=Development_IRC_meeting_7_June_2023&action=history 13:30 Joubu cait: Geany part for Perltidy on the wiki is wrong, you shouldn't pass --noprofile 13:31 Joubu sorry, just had a look at the history and you have not edited this page recently! 13:32 cait Joubu: nope :) was waiting for the other updates to see how it needs to be run :) 13:33 cait the page is wrong overall still 13:33 cait The offical perltidy style for perl code in Koha is the perltidy 'default' or 'larry-wall' style. There was a customised perltidy style in Koha for a while, but it was never official or enforced and later removed. 13:33 cait we need to fix the intro 13:34 cait should I just delete it for now? 13:37 Joubu yes 13:42 caroline I have an authority question. Is it normal that Koha only replaces the subfields from the authority in the biblio record and leaves the rest as is? 13:42 caroline I think it's normal, but I have a client complaining about this behaviour so I'm not sure 13:46 khall_ Joubu I dm'ed tcohen about the db update fix 13:47 Joubu thx! 13:48 cait Joubu: updated the page: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Perltidy 13:48 cait caroline: i think yo might be able to define that 13:48 cait but if you think of $e relator stuff, you don't want that to be overwritten probably 13:49 caroline That's the example i'm thinking of. But the example the client gave me was for the date in $d 13:49 cait caroline: AuthorityMergeMode maybe? 13:49 caroline I found AuthorityMergeMode, but even in strict mode, the $d stays in the biblio even if the authority does not have it 13:50 cait hm maybe that's only for auto-merge 13:51 caroline marie-luce found bug 20711, seems it isn't the first time we get this question (it's probably from the same client) 13:51 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20711 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Previous fields are not cleared when selecting an authority in cataloguing 13:52 cait and AuthorityControlledIndicators is only for indicators 13:52 caroline marcel concludes "we cannot...", does that mean it's impossible? 13:52 cait dunno 13:55 Joubu easy PQA on bug 33888 13:55 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33888 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Overdue fines not displayed branchoverdues.pl error 500 13:55 cait I'll take it 14:23 Joubu oleonard: what's the status of the offline circ? 14:23 Joubu should we deprecate it? or rewrite it? 14:23 Joubu (I guess rewrite is better but...:D) 14:33 cait not sure if it's worth the trouble - if we could get wider browser support that would be nice, but we always used the plugin 15:01 reiveune bye 15:02 Joubu bug 2608 # can we consider 15 years later that the networks are fast enough to submit a koc file without reaching a timeout? 15:02 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2608 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, gmcharlt, CLOSED FIXED, offline circ processing of large KOC files can time out 15:02 Joubu ie. remove the background process from there 15:32 cait I have no idea :) I guess they are not super big usually? 15:40 Joubu bug 33962 and bug 33963 15:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33962 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Remove C4::BackgroundJob from process_koc 15:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33963 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Remove C4::BackgroundJob 15:40 Joubu \o/ 15:41 cait :) 15:50 Joubu bug 33961 15:50 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33961 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Offline circulation tool no longer working and should be removed 15:50 * Joubu in destructive mode 15:56 cait lol 16:35 ashimema Haha