Time Nick Message 19:56 davidnind aude_c++ 19:22 wahanui bitte tcohen 19:22 tcohen thanks, wahanui 19:21 wahanui it has been said that next meeting is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Next_IRC_meetings 19:21 tcohen next meeting 18:59 tcohen to generate 1000 random requests 18:59 tcohen I used this https://github.com/ammopt/koha-ill-dev.git 18:58 tcohen I couldn't reproduce 18:57 tcohen or similar 18:57 tcohen maybe there's unlinked borrowernumbers 18:57 tcohen hm 18:43 oleonard No error when I reset_all, only with my own test db 18:36 tcohen oleonard: about to try to reproduce now my branch is pushable 18:21 oleonard The console shows an error for this file but it loads correctly in its own tab: 18:20 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21983 blocker, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Passed QA , Better handling of deleted biblios on ILL requests 18:20 tcohen I was about to push bug 21983, which might solve some issues 18:20 tcohen checking, oleonard 18:16 oleonard it is master, I updated within the last hour 18:14 tcohen today 18:14 tcohen I mean, I pushed some stuff earlier 18:14 tcohen is it master? 18:14 oleonard The consistent error is "DBIC result _type isn't of the _type Borrower at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Objects.pm line 445." 18:12 oleonard Okay sorry tcohen that was from a previous attempt and the ReprintDesk lines can be ignored 18:11 * tcohen is pretty worried and anxious 18:11 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 18:11 tcohen @later tell mtj please roll an urgent 21.11.21-2 package based on the v21.11.21-1 tag. thanks! 18:10 tcohen i.e. a bug 18:10 tcohen because it means a broken backend renders the module unusable 18:09 tcohen it would be great to see that DB 18:09 tcohen or there's a bug on hte backend, maing it explode 18:09 tcohen it seems that either the backend is not installed (i.e. not pointed by koha-conf.xml) 18:07 tcohen is the backend installed?? 18:06 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "tcohen: Some ILL-related errors in the log" (11 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/16338 18:03 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 18:03 tcohen @later tell liliputech I fixed an issue with 21.11 18:03 tcohen I pushed a new commit and a new tag 18:03 oleonard Unfortunately I don't see any helpful information in the inspector 18:03 tcohen people are getting stuck... 18:03 tcohen mtj: can you roll a 21.11.21-1 +1 version? 18:02 tcohen there might be a bug 18:02 tcohen as we changed the API that is used for retrieving the requests 18:01 tcohen please, share what you see in the inspector 18:00 oleonard An alert: "Something went wrong when loading the table. 500: Internal Server Error." 17:59 oleonard Is there an issue with the ILL page in master? Usually it works fine for me in my testing environment 17:47 tcohen is that a known issue in 21.11? 17:47 tcohen mtj: hey, I installed koha-common 21.11.21-1 but didn't see the message on the DBRev 17:01 marie-luce aude_c++ 16:45 aude_c[m] I'll send the date of the next Docs meeting to the Koha mailing list nearer the time, as a reminder :) 16:31 ashimema aude_c++ 16:30 aude_c[m] Notes from today's Documentation meeting are now available on the meeting page https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_6_June_2023 14:44 reiveune bye 14:06 tcohen I'm triggering it now 14:05 tcohen have you triggered it already? 14:03 Joubu a green one if possible ;) 14:03 Joubu tcohen: we should run Koha_Master with COVERAGE and keep the run forever 14:01 marie-luce Hi Koha 14:00 aude_c[m] If anyone fancies joining us for the Documentation meeting, it's right now at https://meet.jit.si/KohaImagesCheckinAliasDoc :) 13:58 tcohen nah 13:54 * cait requests early string freeze for 23.11 13:53 oleonard It touches basically every template XD 13:53 tcohen I'd go for that 13:53 cait I could see us doing that 13:53 cait if you aim for an early push without backports... 13:52 oleonard I have a branch with ALL the title tag i18n work in it and I'm tempted to submit one gigantic patch... 13:38 cait oooh found it, sorry for that 13:38 cait i jus did a big rebase .. so finding it otherwise is a bit hard 13:37 cait trying to find the error in mine, but not getting anything 13:37 cait hm is it possible we lost the XSLT errors again from the logs? 13:07 ashimema accessibility is high on the agenda in Koha right now. 12:57 philmakesstuff[m] Thanks for letting me know. 12:55 ashimema will get back to you.. but I don't think we have such a document as yet.. but we are looking to sponsor something as such (ptfs-e sponsoring) 12:55 * ashimema is in a meeting right now 12:55 philmakesstuff[m] https://www.section508.gov/sell/vpat/ 12:54 cait ashimema: accessibility question for you maybe? 12:54 cait hi philmakesstuff[m]I am not aware of one, but I hear the term the first time 12:19 tcohen hola #koha o/ 12:18 tcohen hola 12:17 philmakesstuff[m] Quick question: I was wondering if Koha has a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)? We need this in order to use Koha for our organization 11:47 oleonard $("#logo img").attr("src","https://path/to/your/image/file"); 11:47 nikkom Is there any syvtax error in my code? 11:46 nikkom $(document).ready(function(){ $("#logo img").attr("http://***/images/f***.png","https://placehold.co/50x20"); }); 11:45 nikkom Thanks oleonard : I still have problem :( I removed all the things from IntranetUserCSS, and add following lines in IntranetUserJS 10:44 oleonard nikkom: But like PedroAmorim[m] said, you've got a lot less room to work with 10:43 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Add this to the IntranetUserJS system preference" (3 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/16305 10:42 oleonard nikkom: I think you'll have better luck setting the logo img src with JS in 22.11 10:41 oleonard o/ 09:42 huginn cait: kidclamp was last seen in #koha 4 days, 16 hours, 1 minute, and 0 seconds ago: <kidclamp> What prompted the question oleonard? 09:42 cait @seen kidclamp 09:42 cait what happened to kidclamp? 09:34 PedroAmorim[m] however, the logo is much smaller in 22.11 than it was in 21.11 so you'll likely need to do additional work to get it to present more nicely 09:33 PedroAmorim[m] https://pastebin.com/embed_js/cZzYjHhn 09:33 PedroAmorim[m] nikkom: putting this in your IntranetUserCSS sys pref will certainly change the logo 09:26 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 09:17 huginn nikkom: The operation succeeded. 09:17 nikkom @later tell oleonard: Hi oleonard. Do you have any idea? How can I change logo appearing in intranet(8080). Thanks. 09:14 nikkom Thanks Joubu 09:08 Joubu should be easy using JS however 09:07 Joubu maybe oleonard will have an idea when he will be around 09:07 Joubu No need to restart anything. Sorry I have no idea how to replace the logo! 09:03 pastebot "nikkom" at pasted "IntranetUserCSS code for loge" (4 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/16293 08:59 nikkom As far as I know there is no need to restart or other thing. Am I right? 08:52 nikkom I have already tried it Joubou. But unfortunatelly doent work 08:48 Joubu remove .gradient from the selector 08:42 huginn nikkom: The operation succeeded. 08:42 nikkom @later tell PedroAmorim[m] : Thanks for your answer. You said that .gradient is no longer exists. How can I change logo in intranet (8080) in this version ( 22.11)? 06:34 reiveune hello 05:04 thomas63[m] Hi there... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/UgTUnoWRPniEfZVtXpzrWGGu>) 00:29 dcook samlau++ 00:29 huginn dcook: samlau has neutral karma. 00:29 dcook @karma samlau