Time Nick Message 00:35 mtj hi tcohen, can you set 23.05 branch in KTD to protected pls 00:35 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/branches 00:37 mtj ..or or Joubu too ^ 00:40 mtj aah, i have privs myself, please ignore :) 01:18 mtj hi tcohen, Joubu, lukeg, ashimema, PedroAmorim[m] 01:19 mtj just to confirm, all 3 packages include the 3x 33702 patches 01:19 mtj i sent youse an email too :) 05:16 Joubu mtj: looks like it's protected now 05:17 Joubu mtj: how could we have knew that the 3 packages has 33702? 05:42 mtj hi Joubu, regarding 33702, i think its just a general miscommunication within the release team 05:43 mtj each rmaint has said that they have included it in their release 05:43 mtj ..and we can confirm this by looking in each branch, in the git repo 05:45 mtj its a little more complicated, because we need to look in the koha-sec repo 05:55 Joubu mtj: still missing in 21.05, right? 06:41 reiveune hello 06:45 magnuse__ \o/ 06:56 marcelr o/ 06:56 dcook \o 06:56 dcook or lightsaber battle... o/ \o 07:04 cait good morning #koha 07:20 marcelr hi cait dcook 07:23 magnuse the "stage/import marc records" process does not put things into the background_jobs table, right? 07:24 Joubu things? 07:24 Joubu yes it uses the job queue 07:24 magnuse things = jobs :-) 07:24 magnuse does it? i can't seem to find a relevant "type" there 07:25 Joubu stage_marc_for_import 07:25 Joubu marc_import_commit_batch 07:25 Joubu marc_import_revert_batch 07:26 Joubu since 22.11, bug 27421 07:26 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27421 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Porting tools/stage-marc-import.pl to BackgroundJob 07:27 magnuse Joubu: ah, this is on 22.05.09 07:29 Joubu then no, it doesnt :) 07:47 magnuse thanks Joubu 08:17 mtj hey team, we are thinking about doing a 21.05 release, with bug 33702 added 08:17 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33702 critical, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to oldstable , Patrons should only see their own ILLs in the OPAC 08:18 mtj ..would someone be able to handle the tarball upload, to download.kc.org? 08:31 cait sorry, not me 08:32 cait not sure if one of the other maintainers can upload to the right spot? 08:45 mtj no probs 09:02 cait 22.11.x - are all the -3 changes in git? 09:02 cait we are building our own packages and I wonder if I can do a rebase for us now or should wait a little longer 09:10 cait it looks like there is only a 22.11.06 tag, so I might wait a bit longer 09:10 cait maybe .07 09:12 cait PedroAmorim[m]: do you know maybe? 09:21 Joubu cait: the sec fix is in the latest 22.11, if that's the question 09:22 cait Joubu: as I said, we built our own packages, I need to pull it from git 09:27 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] cait: what do you mean by the -3 changes? 09:27 mtj hi cait, answer is yes 09:28 cait MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: there was a ..-3 package 09:28 cait because some patches were pushed/changes made after initiial release 09:28 mtj 22.11.06-3 09:28 cait to fix some bugs 09:28 cait mtj: would it make sense to push that as a tag? 09:28 cait but it might be too late now already? 09:28 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Ah got you, that was the two reverts for 33167 09:29 cait i usually use the tag for my rebase to make sure I get the right version 09:29 mtj hmm, 22.11.x branch is missing a followup commit for 33489 09:32 mtj bug https://git.kohaaloha.com/?p=pb-master/.git;a=blobdiff;f=installer/data/mysql/db_revs/221105010.pl;h=142b644e9c328e72762f6287deedc22599ffc481;hp=3026eb54589f07a426c9db769724aca788279a07;hb=da36ed1dc2000a1ab10bb341fe6d090b1532b8ac;hpb=f3abfca3c4299c04d4c0ccb29f1197b0ba6e79bb 09:32 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] All 22.11.06-3 changes should be in git, we have a backlog to start working through again from string freeze - I can see that follow-up for 33489 in there 09:32 mtj oops 09:33 mtj https://git.kohaaloha.com/?p=pb-master/.git;a=blobdiff;f=installer/data/mysql/db_revs/221105010.pl;h=142b644e9c328e72762f6287deedc22599ffc481;hp=3026eb54589f07a426c9db769724aca788279a07;hb=da36ed1dc2000a1ab10bb341fe6d090b1532b8ac;hpb=f3abfca3c4299c04d4c0ccb29f1197b0ba6e79bb 09:33 mtj Bug 33489: (QA follow-up) Add missing index prefix in DBRev 09:33 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33489 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to stable , The borrowers table should have indexes on default patron search fields 09:33 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I have the commit ref for that, can push that now if its urgent? 09:34 cait I think synching with what was released would be good before we push more on top 09:34 cait also I think some others are also building their own packages 09:37 mtj hmm, i cant remember where that 33489 follow-up patch came from - its not in the BZ 09:38 cait maybe master? 09:38 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I was going to work through our backlog this afternoon to catch up with 23.05 09:39 mtj cait: ah yes, of course 09:40 mtj perhaps tcohen pushed an urgent followup to master, but forgot to add to BZ 09:41 cait they do that - Rmaints usually pick from the branch befor them, not bugzilla, so most of the time it#s no issue 09:41 mtj cait: re push as a tag, i like the idea - but some dont 09:41 cait I think it would have been good to have tags that reflected the -* package releases 09:42 cait so we can see what points in history the pacakges were built from 09:42 mtj yeah... but it might be possible for the -x numbers to get out-of-sync 09:43 cait hm? 09:44 Joubu My eyes need a Friday afternoon break! Have a great weekend #koha, see you next week! 09:44 cait have a nice weekend Joubu :) 09:45 mtj cait: it would require rmaint to push a new tag, before package-mgr could build a newer package, etc 09:45 cait ah ok 09:45 cait you can't tag "backwards" then? 09:46 mtj (which would be a biggg pain for the package-mgr person) 09:46 cait we don't want that :) 09:46 cait you quick help fixing bugs is much appreciated 09:47 cait just wondering how we can improve workflow for those not using packages, making sure they end up with the "same" Koha 09:47 mtj re tags - i think the general rule is.. dont rewrite the commit history on a public git repo 09:47 marcelr right 09:47 cait makes sense 09:47 mtj .. and that sort of includes tags too 09:48 cait yes, that makes sense 09:48 mtj but, some rmaints have deleted bad tags, and added them back to a more-correct commit :) 09:49 cait I guess it works if you are fast and nobody else has pulled yet 09:49 cait can you sort things with MatthewBlenkinsop[m]? I am a bit worried about the missing database update fix 09:49 cait will hold off rebasing our branch 09:50 mtj me, i think its probably OK.. i dont think you get terrible merge conflicts with just remove/adding a tag 09:51 mtj cait: sure np ^ 09:51 marcelr htg #koha, afk next week, see you later 09:53 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] cait: Pedro and I will work through the backlog today so we should then be up to date - the database update is in there so will be pushed 09:54 mtj https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33489#c9 09:54 huginn 04Bug 33489: normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , The borrowers table should have indexes on default patron search fields 09:54 mtj MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: thats the follow-up patch to add to 22.11.x 09:55 cait MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: to explain, the patches I meant are already in the released packages for .06 - the idea was to atch up on that first 09:57 cait but I'll leave it to you guys :) probably need to postpone my rbase to .07 I guess 09:57 cait I was keen on testing the ILL changes 10:42 reiveune bye 10:50 mtj hi tcohen, do you want me to build a 23.05.00 pkg from commit 0b55e3ceef ? 10:50 mtj https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/commits/branch/23.05.x 11:35 mtj 23.05 packages are up 🎁 11:35 cait mtj++ 11:35 mtj wahoo, thanks cait :) 11:36 cait mtj++ mtj++ mtj++ 11:36 cait you deserve it 11:50 oleonard o/ 11:56 cait lukeg: was it you who fixed the label/text misaligned issue? I was lookign for th bug to se eif it's in 22.11 11:58 cait hi oleonard 11:58 magnuse mtj++ 11:59 magnuse @karma 11:59 huginn magnuse: Highest karma: "Joubu" (1198), "cait" (1004), and "ashimema" (827). Lowest karma: "-" (-80), "failed" (-53), and "ie" (-41). You (magnuse) are ranked 19 out of 1246. 12:00 oleonard --- 12:00 oleonard @karma 12:00 huginn oleonard: Highest karma: "Joubu" (1198), "cait" (1004), and "ashimema" (827). Lowest karma: "-" (-81), "failed" (-53), and "ie" (-41). You (oleonard) are ranked 4 out of 1246. 12:37 nikkom Hi koha :) 12:40 nikkom I want to change the logo under intranet page (8080). I had did this from IntranetUserCSS System preferences window in version 21.11.04. But now, in 22.11.04 version it is not working. Could anyone help me please 12:49 oleonard nikkom: Could you paste the CSS you're using at https://paste.koha-community.org 12:59 magnuse ------------------ 12:59 magnuse @karma 12:59 huginn magnuse: Highest karma: "Joubu" (1198), "cait" (1004), and "ashimema" (827). Lowest karma: "-" (-81), "failed" (-53), and "ie" (-41). You (magnuse) are ranked 19 out of 1247. 12:59 oleonard --- --- --- 12:59 oleonard @karma 12:59 huginn oleonard: Highest karma: "Joubu" (1198), "cait" (1004), and "ashimema" (827). Lowest karma: "-" (-84), "failed" (-53), and "ie" (-41). You (oleonard) are ranked 4 out of 1247. 13:58 magnuse have fun #koha! 14:42 oleonard Does anyone know of a public OPAC with Babelthèque enabled? 14:42 caroline I have one client using it 14:43 caroline in 22.05 14:43 caroline https://alma.inlibro.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=105408&query_desc=chat 14:44 cait caroline++ 14:45 oleonard Thanks caroline... Unfortunately that link doesn't load for me :( 14:46 caroline hm, it's very possible, I think we block what's outside of canada 14:48 cait :( 14:49 caroline Do you need to interact with it or only see it? 14:49 caroline I can take screencaps 14:52 oleonard Either there's really a problem with the link or my VPN wasn't good enough to fool you :) 14:53 caroline sorry! 14:54 caroline but it works still in 22.05 if that was what you were looking for 14:58 oleonard caroline: If you could take a screenshot that might be helpful, thank you 15:00 caroline oleonard: https://snipboard.io/KGEao9.jpg 15:02 oleonard caroline++ 15:11 cait ther eis so much to see there - what is the babeltheque? 15:11 oleonard The two sections under the tab section 15:11 cait ah! thx! 15:12 caroline The blue buttons, the second stars set, the sections under the holdings and the two links under the right side menu 15:13 oleonard I'm so used to the English usage of "etiquette" that I was confused by its use in the template to refer to tags :D 15:13 caroline we're very polite :) 15:13 cait that's quite a lot! 15:14 cait have a nice weekend all! 15:14 oleonard Bye cait!